Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 178: Everyone’s Fighting

Chapter 178: Everyone’s Fighting

"Then let’s begin." After saying this, Wanda and Loki exchanged a glance and nodded to each other.

With a flash of red and green light, their figures disappeared from the spot.


Thor let out a roar, lightning erupted, transforming into a meteor-like bolt crashing towards the ground, aimed directly at Kaecilius.

Pietro, Sif, and others followed closely behind, while Bella remained floating in the sky.

As an elemental mage, she disliked close combat and preferred long-range bombardment.

The ferocious attacks from Thor and Pietro made the Dark Hulk Kaecilius below grimace. It was already challenging to deal with Pietro alone, and now Thor and others joined the fray.

However, determined to execute his plan, Kaecilius steeled himself and met the challenge.

He suddenly raised his right hand, a dark purple magic circle appeared on the ground, and a torrent of black surged upward. Thor narrowly avoided being hit directly by this sudden onslaught, thanks to his quick reflexes.

Pietro was even less likely to be caught, and the swift reactions of Sif and the Warriors Three, riding their Pegasus, also allowed them to dodge completely.

Kaecilius's move turned out to be ineffective.

However, Kaecilius had never intended to hit anyone; his goal was never to strike Thor and the others.

Bella, floating in mid-air, noticed the rising black torrent resembling a mudslide, starting to cover the sky. She immediately sensed something was wrong.

Without hesitation, she pointed her spear.

A massive fireball, over a hundred meters in diameter, burst forth, charging directly at the black torrent.


The terrifying flames illuminated the sky, the intense heat burning the black mud-like torrent. To Bella's surprise, the black torrent was not afraid of the heat. Instead, it seemed to catalyze and thrive on the flames.

Soon, the fire extinguished, and the black torrent, now falling as black droplets, descended from the sky.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of these black droplets.

Bella sensed the evil and dark power within them. Without hesitation, she made a hand gesture, and a beautiful golden lotus-like shield enveloped her. The black droplets fell on the shield, creating ripples and then evaporating into black smoke.

Seeing this, Bella narrowed her eyes and warned, "Be careful, each drop contains a curse."

In reality, her warning was unnecessary; everyone had already sensed the strange nature of the falling black droplets.

After speaking, Bella extended her palm forward.


A golden magic circle expanded from her palm, layer by layer, forming a magnificent seven-layered lotus-like shield that stood in the sky. The black droplets that fell on it were neutralized by the holy power within, dissipating into black smoke.

Thor looked up at the sky with a slight smile and then down at Kaecilius.

Kaecilius's face was gloomy; he hadn’t expected a woman he had never met to so easily counter his dark magic.

Reflecting on the power displayed by the girl in the mirror dimension, Kaecilius realized that if it weren't for her forcing two members of the dark sorcerer cult to separate, the mirror dimension wouldn't have been taken over by Wanda so quickly.

With this in mind, Kaecilius added Bella to his kill list.


Thor, ignoring Kaecilius's thoughts, raised Mjolnir high and charged as lightning towards him. Kaecilius, after quickly formulating a plan, responded with a punch.

In an instant, a massive black fist collided with Mjolnir.


A thunderous explosion shook the area, with shockwaves sweeping in all directions. The ground rolled like waves, and even Sif and the Warriors Three, who were coming to join Thor in the battle, were thrown back.

Pegasus neighed, struggling to regain balance in the air.

After spinning several times, the white wings finally stabilized.

Kaecilius and Thor were still locked in a stalemate. Pietro, unaffected by the shockwaves due to his speed, charged through the chaos and appeared behind Kaecilius.

His right foot crackling with white electricity, he aimed a high kick at Kaecilius's head.

Time seemed to slow down.

Kaecilius saw the kick coming but was too late to react.


The kick landed on the side of his face, sending Kaecilius flying. He spun through the air, eventually crashing into a massive iceberg, shattering it into pieces and causing a large section to crack as if ready to collapse.

Meanwhile, Wanda and Loki flew above the Hell's Gate, overlooking the red glow and hellfire, from which countless demons emerged.

However, these demons were instantly erased by Wanda's Reality Manipulation powers.

Loki watched with apprehension. He seldom saw Wanda use this power, but whenever she did, it guaranteed victory, leaving him powerless to resist.

Thankfully, she was not an enemy.

Loki thought to himself, then raised his spear high, exuding a majestic aura like a god from ancient myths, holding not a spear but hope itself.

Of course, this was just Loki's imagination.

In reality, Loki's raised spear was merely to cast a spell to contain and stabilize the area above the Hell's Gate.

Wanda clasped her pale hands together, and mysterious red symbols began to appear around them.

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