Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 176: Phoenix Force

Chapter 176: Phoenix Force

A single demon lord is already enough to cause despair, and now there is a group of demon lords.

Perhaps the best course of action is to go home, wash up, and sleep, waiting for the end to come.

It’s not just the X-Men and Tony Stark; in fact, the X-Men, equipped with communicators, are connected to S.H.I.E.L.D., and their conversations are being clearly heard by Nick Fury in the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters building.

The expression on his face changed.

Usually calm and composed, he was now sweating profusely.

What did he hear?

Nick Fury, who once thought he had control over the situation, now felt that the situation was complicated and difficult, but still believed that after resolving this incident, S.H.I.E.L.D. could barely maintain the balance of this world.

But now, he has completely abandoned that idea.

Maintain what? With what means? The appearance of the mythical Asgard, Thor, Loki the God of Mischief, and Odin indicated that many things had become completely chaotic.

How could Earth contend with the demon lords?

Although he had never witnessed the power of the demon lords, from Thor’s literal description, he highly doubted that even one of humanity’s most advanced technologies, the nuclear bomb, could pose a threat to them.

Nick Fury wiped his hand on the specially made communicator hanging at his waist.

This was his biggest trump card, his single eye flashing; his finger was already on the communicator's button, ready to summon the trump card he hadn't seen in many years.

But Thor's next words dispelled his thoughts.

"However, I believe there's no need to worry. The demon lords are indeed powerful, but you also have a powerful Guardian here. If those demon lords appear, the Guardians of Midgard will drive them away."


Everyone's expressions changed.

Obviously, Midgard referred to Earth, which was the Asgardian term for it. But who were these guardians? Who could possibly contend with the powerful demon lords?

Unconsciously, a name flashed in everyone’s minds.

Thor did not continue on this subject.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the sky, where the demon army was once again densely covering it. Frowning, Thor said, “We must find a way to close the portal, or else those things will be endless. There are too many of those cannon fodder in Hell.”

“Will finding that ancient artifact close the portal?” Tony asked.

“I’m not sure.” Thor shook his head and looked at Loki, knowing his brother understood this area better than he did. As expected, Loki provided an answer that was beyond everyone's expectations.

Loki seriously said, “Finding it within a certain time might close the portal, but once it expands to a certain extent, the entire power of Hell will support the portal’s opening.”

“Hell will then invade Midgard, turning it into a part of Hell.”

“How much time do we have left, Loki?”

“How would I know? But I estimate that there isn’t much time left.” Loki rolled his eyes. How could he calculate the exact time?

Did they really think he was an all-knowing magic mirror?

Thor felt a bit of a headache as he looked at the X-Men in front of him. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly noticed that the powerful warriors before him did not look well.

Puzzled, he asked, "Your bodies can't withstand the environment here?"

"We can't hold on here for much longer," Scott said helplessly, glancing at the countdown numbers on his wrist.

"That's surprising," Thor muttered. 

After all, the abilities displayed by Scott, Storm, and Jean were among the stronger ones even in Asgard. According to his understanding, those with such powerful abilities generally had strong physiques.

Ordinary harsh environments shouldn't affect them.

Even for a sorcerer like Loki, it was the same.

Unexpectedly, these few warriors, despite their impressive abilities, had such fragile bodies that even a bit of the hellish environment could affect them.

However, as comrades in arms, even though they had just met, Thor was willing to show goodwill.

Perhaps it was also because Wanda, Pietro, and Bella were Earthlings.

Thor signaled to Loki.

Loki was helpless; he didn't know when his brother would change. However, recent events had made him much more stable, and the abilities of these people had indeed impressed even the proud Loki, especially Jean, in whom he saw something remarkable.

Since that was the case, he was willing to show some goodwill.

He extended his hand.


Green light appeared, instantly merging into the bodies of all the X-Men, including Tony Stark.

"This spell will provide a basic protection for your bodies, allowing you to endure this environment for a few days. Ordinary means won't break this protection."

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Thor, Mr. Loki," Scott said gratefully.


Suddenly, the roars of demons came from the distance, their inhuman growls sweeping across the land like sound waves, creating a sense of oppression and heaviness.

"We can't afford to get entangled with them any longer. While dealing with these troubles, we also need to find the location of that artifact," Thor, as the leader, naturally began issuing orders. He looked at Loki, "Loki, you need to provide long-range support and find a way to locate that artifact."

"Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg you will charge with me to intercept them. When Loki finds the artifact, support him."

After speaking, he looked at Scott and the others, especially focusing on Jean. Scott immediately responded, "I can support you."


He looked at Jean. She did not speak but nodded.

"Okay, let's begin."


Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, and Thor, wielding Mjolnir, transformed into a bolt of lightning and charged towards the demon army. Sif and the others followed closely behind.

Loki stood in place, a green flash passing through his eyes, as he began searching for the artifact.

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