Married to the Devil's Son

Chapter 169 - 46

Chapter 169 - 46

Heaven's eyes widened in surprise. She was quiet for a long moment, then her eyes darted nervously around. Zamiel knew she had a lot to consider before getting married, and that is why he proposed. It was the perfect way to solve the problem.

He didn't want to mark her only. What would that mean without getting married? What role would he have in her life? She lived in the human world, and the mark would only tell demons she was his.

If she was going to be his, he wanted the whole world to know. Demons, humans and witches. He didn't want confusion from his or her side. He wanted her to be his in everyway. Every part of her, human, demon or witch, he wanted to have it all. If a part of her wasn't ready or didn't want him, then it would be better to not mark her again.

Heaven seemed confused. He knew she would be. She had her dreams to become a ruler, and she was still young with a long life ahead of her. He didn't expect an immediate answer.

"Heaven, I am not asking you to marry me now."

"Zamiel I-I…" He could see the guilt in her eyes.

"You don't have to answer now." He cut her off.

She looked at him firmly this time. "My marriage affects not only me, so I have to think about it."

Now she was speaking like the confident woman he saw the first time he met her. He knew she had it in her.

"But I want you to know that I can't see a future without you." She took his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. "Marked, married or not. I consider myself yours already."

Zamiel looked at their intertwined fingers and then into her green eyes. What was he supposed to do with this woman who surrendered to him completely without knowing what it meant?

The beast in him was drawn to this beauty and wanted to take advantage of her willingness, but he would not let that happen. She was the only light in his life; he had to only make her shine brighter.

She lifted her hand and touched his face. Her touch was comforting and warm. How long had it been since he felt warmth in his life? He had almost forgotten the feeling.

"Heaven. Hold me."

Both were surprised by what he said, but she quickly wrapped her arms around him. Her warmth and her scent enveloped him, made him find the peace he had been searching for. If he died in her arms at this moment, he wouldn't regret it.

"Zamiel, are you alright?"

If he said no, would she hold him tighter? Would she never let go?

She pulled back to look at him. "I am sorry." The guild in her eyes returned.

Zamiel was confused.?"For what?" He asked.

"I hurt you when I promised to prote…" She halted.

Zamiel leaned in curiously. "You promised what?"

"Nothing." She said, a blush creeping to her face.

The fact that she wanted to protect him, an ancient demon, was both amusing and exhilarating.

He grabbed her chin and lifted her face. Could he really stop himself from kissing her this time?

"You did not hurt me." He assured her.

She looked up to meet his gaze. They looked at each other for a moment before she leaned in. She was going to kiss him.

He didn't move, allowing her to take her time. Her hands grabbed his face and then every so gently she pressed her lips to his. It was a light touch, yet he lost his breath. But before he could lose his mind too, she pushed herself away from him with a gasp. Eyes wide, she put her hand on her chest while breathing heavily.

It was her demon. Human bodies were not made to control demon characteristics.

Half-demons could have difficulty controlling their demon side. The emotions could be too intense and Heaven wasn't even half-demon.

She turned to him. "I am sorry."

He smiled at her. Even in this state, she worried about him first.

"I just… something is wrong with me."

Zamiel stood up and pulled her out of her seat and into his arms. "Nothing is wrong with you. You only need to get used to it. Slowly."

Once she was his, he was going to show her, teach her and allow her to do things at her own pace.

She became thoughtful. "While fighting, I got a strange urge to kill. Is that also my demon?" She asked.

He nodded. "Your demon felt threatened. It's normal for the demon to react that way. But you need to learn those reactions and not let them control you."

"How can I learn?"

"Only time can teach you."

"I don't have time." She told him concerned.

So young, yet she believed she had no time. It saddened him that she had to live that life. "As long as I am by your side, you need not rush anything. I'll make sure you have all the time you need." He promised.

"Then you need to stay by my side for a very long time because I need you." She smiled at him.

I need you more; he thought.

Gradually her smile faded away, and a frown settled on her face.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Zarin." The way her eyes showed concern for him made his heart tighten.?"I need to make sure he is alright." She pulled away from his hold.

"I am sure he is." As a man, Zamiel knew what Zarin was feeling right now. He had also failed to protect his family once. "I think he wants some time alone."

"How do you know?" She asked.

"He would never leave you with me otherwise."

Zamiel showed her around his new home. It wasn't as large as the mansion he owned before, but it was good enough. Heaven took her time to look around. He could see that she had many questions, but she wasn't asking them.

He would have to show her to explain himself. "Have you ever seen a water demon?"


Zamiel took Heaven back to the ocean where they shared their first kiss.?She was going to see a water demon for the first time.

Standing close to the water, Zamiel closed his eyes, and Heaven knew it wasn't because he enjoyed the weather. He was doing something.

Slowly the wind picked up, causing wild waves on the water, and then it stopped. Zamiel opened his eyes.

"She is coming." He said.


Zamiel nodded toward the water, and Heaven turned her head. From a distance a head appeared, getting closer while the body slowly emerged from the water. A body like she had never seen before.

Perfectly rounded b.r.e.a.s.ts and curved h.i.p.s that swayed seductively as she walked closer. A skin that glistened in the dark shades of green, blue and purple. It had a shimmer that shifted and changed color depending on where the moonlight hit her body. Long purple wet hair reached her waist, but the closer she got, Heaven could see there were shades of silver in the purple. She had never seen such hair or skin before.

Was she n.a.k.e.d?

Her skin seemed thicker and something unknown covered her b.r.e.a.s.ts and the lower part of her body. Something with the same color as her skin.

Once she stepped on the sand, a smile curved her lips. "Zamiel."

Heaven was stunned. Her mouth dropped open. She had seen nothing so mesmerizing before, yet strange.

Zamiel smiled at her. "Axia." She might have gotten jealous if she wasn't so occupied by staring at the woman.

Axia crossed the distance between them, took Zamiel's hand, and to Heaven surprise kissed his knuckles before placing her forehead on the back of his hand. Heaven had never seen the act before, but it seemed like it was a way to show respect.

When Axia looked up again Heaven noticed her strange eyes. At first it looked like blue, then quickly shifted to green, and then it turned to purple and then silver.

??I am glad to have you back." She said.

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