Married to the Devil's Son

Chapter 167 - 44

Chapter 167 - 44

Heaven tried to remain calm and not show that she was afraid now that this demon dancing with her knew who she was.

"I am Louis." He introduced himself. Then his gaze fell on her neck.

A shiver went through her, as if she knew what he was thinking.

"I don't see a mark on you." He said. "I don't have a mate and I know you are looking for a husband."

This was getting worse than she thought. Why did this man know so much about her? He was probably an older demon, which did not benefit her in this situation.

"I don't know if you have heard about me, but I am one of the oldest demon lords. Won't it be beneficial to have a powerful male by your side?"

"My father had already chosen someone for me." She lied.

Suddenly he drew her closer to his body, causing her to gasp. "Don't lie to me, young lady. I hate lies."

Heaven tried to push him away, but he refused and held her tightly. He leaned closer.

"I can see why your grandfather fell for a witch." He smirked.

"My grandfather won't like the way you treat me." Heaven threatened.

She wanted to leave this place without a fight.

She didn't want to worry her parents, and especially not Zamiel. Her plan was to return home before midnight and spend the rest of the night with him. If she didn't return, he would suspect that something was wrong. He was already worried about not being able to protect her. She didn't want to make it worse.

"I don't think your grandfather cares about you."

"How would you know?" She asked.

"Your father is still ruling over humans instead of ruling one of the five kingdoms."

Heaven frowned. "What five kingdoms?"

Louis chuckled darkly. "You know nothing. This only shows that your grandfather doesn't need you or care about you."

"You don't know my grandfather." Heaven said. "Now release me."

"Or what?" He challenged, tightening his grip even more.

"Let her go!" Suddenly Zarin gripped his arm.

Louis turned his gaze to Zarin. He didn't seem the least afraid. Instead, he looked around the room as if showing them how many demons would attack him if he made the wrong move.

His threats didn't work on Zarin, who didn't release his arm. "I don't want any problem either, but if you don't release her, I am afraid there will be a problem."

Louis seemed amused. "What will you do, young demon?"

"Zarin, I am fine. We were only dancing." Heaven lied. She didn't want to make things worse.

Zarin knew she was lying, so he didn't listen. Suddenly two demons came to stand behind him. One of them held a dagger in his hand.

Before she could think, a fight break out. Zarin drew his dagger fast when he realized the threat and began to fight the two demons on his own. Heaven knew he would lose. They were older than him.

Quickly she tried to think of a solution when Louis grabbed her chin and turned her face to his.

"Don't worry. They won't kill him. They will just keep him busy until we finish our conversation. So what do you say about having a powerful demon lord by your side instead of weak human?"

While he spoke Heaven remembered the spell she had learned from her grandmother's spell book. How to draw power from nature. Now that Louis was holding her tightly, she decided to try it.

She didn't have high hopes for it to work, but was surprised when she felt a strange energy seep into her body.?It had to be it.


She pushed him, and he flew across the room before hitting the wall, causing it to break. Heaven was stunned that it worked, but before she could rejoice about her success, other demons came to fight her.

Her first instinct was to teleport back home, but she couldn't leave Zarin behind. Now only the choice of fighting was left.

Heart pounding, she dodged each blow that came her way from the two male demons that were attacking her. Her training became handy and she could detect their movement and easily avoid their attacks. But they were fast and didn't give her a chance to hit back.

Heaven wasn't very good at fighting without weapons, and her dress was restricting her. While distracted with how to fight with the dress one of the demons managed to kick her in the stomach causing her to fall back on a table. She groaned in pain when broken glasses cut her skin.

Before she could recover, the other one grabbed her by the hair, but before he could do anything else Heaven grabbed a plate and broke it on his head. Then she stabbed him with a piece of glass in the neck. The other one hurried to help his friend, but Heaven quickly jumped on the table, turning around she kicked him in the face.

From a distance she could see that Louis was amused by all of it. He was sitting and watching while his men attacked her. From the corner of her eye, she could see Zarin fighting a few other demons. They surrounded him, tackled him and brought him down on the floor while holding him in place.

Heaven knew she had no chance of winning but suddenly she got angry and strange sensation that made her want to fight to death went through her. With an urge to kill her claws and fangs came out.

She jumped from one table to another, trying to get to Zarin while the demon guests at the party watched the fight completely unbothered.

The ones fighting her caught up to her and knocked her down from the table before she could reach Zarin. Heaven was quick to get back up on her feet. Without hesitation, she sprinted towards her attacker. She knew his movements now and easily dodged the punch that came her way, getting under his arm and ending up behind his back she stabbed him in the spine with her claws.

Louis stood up from his seat. He didn't seem angry, only surprised as attcker fell on the ground, dead.

Heaven grabbed a vase and smashed it against the table. She kept the pointed piece to fight the other demon. She didn't know where she got the sudden strenght and speed from. She was getting badly beaten by this demon, but she was also able to hit him back. Again she analyzed his movement and when she recognized his weak points, she killed him as well.

Heaven knew she would never have been able to kill him if Louis had given orders to kill her. She was only alive because Louis wanted her alive. These demons were still much stronger than her. Now that she killed two of his men, he had enough and sent more of his men to bring her to him.

She could not fight all of them. They grabbed each of her arm and dragged her to where Louis sat. One of them kicked the back of her knees to bring her down on floor and the other one pulled her hair causing her to look up at Louis.

His lips curved into a wicked smile as he watched her from where she was kneeling in front of him.

"I like you even more now." He drawled.

"Let my friend go. You might like me even more then." She said.

Zarin was being held down by four demons.

"I would. But I don't think he is willing to go without you."

"What do you want?" She asked.

He stood up from his seat and came to her. He crouched to her level. "Before this fight, I only wanted to offer myself. Unfortunately for you, I don't let people deny me twice. So what am I to do with you?"

Heaven could see in his eyes that he already knew what to do with her. He only wanted to play around for a while.

"What about a bite? Just to provoke your witch father. I think that would anger him the most, and you of course."

A bite? No! He couldn't bite her. She would never allow it.

The one pulling her hair,?pulled even harder, exposing her neck.

"You can't!" Heaven said. "I am already taken."

"I don't see a mark and I don't care about humans."

"He is not human. He is demon, and he is ancient." Heaven really didn't want to get Zamiel involved, but she didn't want to be marked.

She hoped this would scare him enough, but she knew it wouldn't.

Louis laughed. "You say you belong to an ancient demon and he hasn't marked you yet??Why would I believe that?"

"It's better you believe my words alone. Because if you were to believe in any other way, it would be too late. You will be dead."

"Well, if what you say is true, I am sure he will come before I bite you." He smirked.

Heaven's heart accelerated as his gaze fell on her exposed neck. She struggled to free herself, but that made him chuckle.

"No need to fight back." He said tracing her neck with his fingers. Heaven recoiled inside. "I am sure your ancient demon will come to save you."

"Don't touch her!" Zarin yelled.

Heaven couldn't see him, but she knew he was still being held down.

Louis leaned closer, his fangs slowly elongating. Heaven panicked.


No! This couldn't happen. She tried to free herself again, but the demon pulled her hair harder.

Heaven closed her eyes, her heart pounding in her ears. She could hear Zarin in the distance calling threats, but it only amused Louis.

When she felt his hot breath on her neck her stomach turned. It was coming. She didn't want this.


Just when she thought he would bite her, a cold shiver went through her body causing her to open her eyes. From the corner of her eye, she saw something move fast across the room. It looked like smoke flying through the crowd, and suddenly a hand came around Louis' neck.

His eyes widened in fear and his face twisted in pain.

Heaven's gaze traveled up. She didn't have to see to know who came to her rescue.

"Let her go." It was a command.

His cold tone made everyone in the room shudder in fear.

But it wasn't his tone that frightened Heaven. It was the lethal look in his silver eyes.


???? Hello dear readers.

Thank you so sooo much for your well wishes and for keeping me in your prayers. I am very grateful for your patience and the positive vibes you sent. I am feeling better now. If this chapter feels like a mess, let me know. Then my head is probably not in the right place yet.

Also, tomorrows update will be on Sunday instead. I need time to write and then next week we can go back to normal schedule. ¨

Again, I want to thank you. I wish there was someway else to leave a message so everyone could see. But you are always welcome to join my discord or follow me on Instagram.

I love you all ?? and take care.

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