Married to his secret crush

Chapter 299 - Like Repels

During the dinner.

''Why are you wearing that?" Mia pointed her spoon at Yu Mei's high-neck sweater.

''It's trendy,'' Yu Mei smiled awkwardly.

''Very trendy, indeed,'' Jun Zixuan said meaningfully as he started eating.

Mia rolled her eyes, ''I am feeling suffocated just by looking at you,'' Even though it was cold outside, her body was very warm and she sought more cold climatic conditions, ''I will be moving out tomorrow.''

''Where will you be going?''

''Didn't I tell you about the new house that I have bought?''

Yu Mei nodded, ''I remember.''

''Yes, I bought that house because of the cool climatic conditions there. It's perfect for my body,'' Mia said.

Jun Zixuan glanced at Yu Mei before looking at Mia, ''Can you turn into a human...?" He paused for a moment before adding, ''...Entirely transform, I mean.''

Yu Mei turned to look at him, ''You completely losing her powers and becoming a human?"

He nodded. Even though his acceptance level was high, his mind was still reeling over these things. It did not take him long to accept that Yu Mei and Han Mei are the same person and that was because all this time, he has also felt it although he subconsciously denied it. But the rest... he wanted to know more about it.

''I can become a human entirely but the chance is 1% and I don't know how it is possible to shed off these powers,'' Now in this world, she felt like she was out of place but she did not care. Her life is more fun with these powers probably.

''If you see facts, my father was a human and I was also born a human but as I grew up, I realized that I have inherited some of my mother's powers,'' Mia was not even 20% as powerful as her mother because she was more of a human like her father but her powers were more than enough to destroy this current world where not even a single person possessed magic.

Yu Mei sighed, ''I think you are you. That's all that matters. Don't think much about it. Moreover, I love your fox form. You are adorable like that.''

Mia rolled her eyes, ''Do not call me adorable....'' She glanced at Jun Zixuan, ''I told her to give me a powerful and domineering name but she gave me this name and because at that time, I was not proficient in this language, I was in dark for a long time.''

Jun Zixuan glanced at Yu Mei who guiltily lowered her gaze, ''That's because we were not on good terms at that time,'' She mumbled.

''Jokes apart, I think this name is fine. Suits you. Your fox form is indeed adorable,'' Jun Zixuan said with a straight face.

Yu Mei's face lit up, ''See? I told you I am good at giving names,'' Her nose was in the air almost instantly.

Mia almost puked a mouthful of blood. Adorable my ass!

She sighed before looking at Jun Zixuan's slightly swollen jaws, ''I can't you both did this to each other,'' Even though she had not seen Han Jian Yu's face, but Yu Mei told her that he was in fact more beaten.

Yu Mei glared at Jun Zixuan, ''I wonder why they could not be civil.''

''He wanted to see my strength initially but it escalated later,'' Jun Zixuan was unfazed though. Just a few paper cuts.

Mia moved her fingers a bit and a slight glow appeared on Jun Zixuan's face, healing his wound.

Jun Zixuan tilted his face to the side, running the tip of his finger on his jawline as he felt a cooling sensation.

''It has healed,'' Yu Mei said. Powers can be cool at times.

''Thank you but it was not needed,'' Jun Zixuan glanced at Mia.

''Since you helped me conceal my identity, I had to do this...'' Mia smiled.

''Mia, tell me, why were you acting weird around brother?'' Yu Mei was suddenly reminded about the scene from earlier where they were throwing daggers at each other, ''You were acting like he is your...ex-''


''I think I really need some rest...'' Mia stood up from the chair before quickly walking away from the dining table, ''I haven't been taking my afternoon beauty sleep lately. No wonder I feel so exhausted. My poor life~'' She dashed upstairs without looking back.

Yu Mei's mouth parted in disbelief, ''She does not needs sleep or food. Who the heck is she kidding?"

''Tell me what are you worried about,'' Jun Zixuan grabbed her hand.

Yu Mei turned to look at him helplessly, ''Mia has been crushing over my brother for a long time.''

''What's the problem with that? Her identity?" He asked seriously.

''Of course not. Her identity might be complicated but she is her own person and she is Mia to me, no matter what.''

''Then, what's the issue?"

Yu Mei leaned back on the chair as she crossed her legs before pressing her elbow on her knee as she propped her chin on her fist. She contemplated over it for a moment before looking at him, ''My brother is the best brother in this world but he is not a man a woman can settle with. And Mia...'' She paused as she looked in the direction where the woman had disappeared, ''She can be one of the most loyal friends. A perfect woman but then who can settle with a man. They are so alike and even science says that, Like repels.''

Jun Zixuan raised an eyebrow.

''They are adults and they should know what they are doing but at the end of the day, I don't want to stand in a situation where I have to choose between one of them.''

He stroked her hand, ''You have a point but I think you should stop thinking about it. The more you want something to not happen, the more are the chances that it will be happening. When the time comes, we will see.''

She thought about it for a moment before nodding, ''I agree.''

Jun Zixuan nodded seriously, ''On that note, how about you take off your sweater? I love seeing those marks on you,'' he said unabashedly,

Yu Mei almost choked on air. Did he not feel any shame while saying such things with a poker face?"

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