Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 297 - Impeccable Chefs Library of Feng International.

Chapter 297 - Impeccable Chef's Library of Feng International.

Ning Meiling's brows contracted with an expression of disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. She wanted to sneer at Li Xue for judging her so low to not know such a simple thing, but getting reminded of Feng Yi Lan's warning from a few days back, she just could not act rash with her now.

She could not endanger her name and position without keeping any good plan in her mind. The right time was all the thing she needed at this moment and she knew that she would need to wait for it to come.

"No, we can't do that. I have checked the records already. The chef under whose name this dessert dish is registered is none other than the legendary patissier from the old small village in the north. And as we all know her death or disappearance has been a mystery till date". Ning Meiling replied plainly, already knowing that there is no way out left for them to escape.

"Chef Li, my intention is not to demotivate you but you should not have taken the challenge just to bring up an interesting adventure to your life. How could you accept the challenge without knowing its content? Did you really think that you could be better than me in the field I mastered for years now?" the chef added with slight mockery in her tone.

"…", Li Xue did not bother to give any heed to the lady's words. She has long known that being on the same page with Chef Ning could never become her cup of tea. So it would be better if she shrugs off such plans off her thoughts.

Of course, she has too heard of the legendary chef of that small village from the north. Shaking her head on her own she said internally. Nope, this is a way too fast. Thinking of defeat, without putting any of her best efforts will be a great waste. And wastage of any opportunity is the last thing she would ever commit. If not this door, then she would have to find another window to make this challenge run for success.

Mia at the side felt guilty for dragging Li Xue into this. Maybe Li Xue was right before. There was no need for her to step in, at least that way she would not be this stressed. She put a note in her head that from next time she would not be forcing her into something like this and will obediently listen to everything she says.

Fidgeting her every brain cells to some good use, Li Xue forced herself to think another good way when suddenly something struck her. "Exactly! How could I forget this? There is still a way standing at the bay and we are ignoring it like it never existed there".

Ning Meiling was baffled at her words. What suddenly got in her head that was making her so confident? Did she miss anything behind?

Chef Ning thought internally as she once again looked at every possible escape she could think for this situation. No, she shouldn't have missed anything. She just couldn't. That will only give her enemy a chance to crush her high earned pride under the heels.

"Chef Li, what are you talking about? What way have you discovered which we have not known from before?" she asked, turning all her attention to the woman, whose eyes were beaming more with the confidence. Though Li Xue has not lost her eye's shine from the very first beginning, the gleam that her alive amber eyes were holding at this moment was something different.

Li Xue too turned to look back at her as she said while nodding, "The Chef's Library! We have almost forgotten about that. The recipe of 'Our Memories' Delight' must be registered there". She explained.

And Ning Meiling knew that she had already lost the game. How could she even let such an efficient way slip off her mind? She has really been imprudent to be so negligent about the sense of her surroundings.

Feng Internationals has an extensive and impeccable library, especially created for the chefs under its roof, renowned as The Chef's Library. The place where every creativeness of the dishes was registered along with its inspirations and recipes. So that when required, one can easily move there for reference.

"But the library is nowhere near us, Chef Li. We can't go out to hunt that recipe at this time, especially when it could come to the notice of the customer. I think that woman is some food critic, working against our brand rivals. It must be their play to put our goodwill at stake. We can't decide without seeing the possible consequences it could bring".

Ning Meiling said. Though her words were positive and Li Xue also knew that she could not act rash. But the intentions behind those words were definitely not something positive.

But did Li Xue have to care about that at this moment? Nope, there was already too much hassle for her to look around. she can't just go searching for Chef Ning's useless intentions at this moment. So taking her word only in the positive light, she said, "I agree with you Chef Ning. And definitely we would not risk things at this moment. But still that does not mean we lack way here".

Li Xue said, knowing the meaning of everything she was speaking. But Ning Meiling was confused. "What do you mean by that, Chef Li? Please care to explain. How are we going to get the recipe on time without any of us leaving the place? You know that the back door is not an option for us at this moment as some under construction work going there"

At her words, Mia too came forward and said, "Yes, Li Xue. There is platform creation going on behind the building that has kept that door restricted to under construction. We cannot go out from there."

Li Xue listened to their words and then said with a very calm tone, "We cannot go out but we can always get help from outside. Chen Yujian has gone to the pantry to submit our requirement list. He is still outside so we can ask him to help us from there".?She said and instantly a smile of approval got over Mia's lips but someone was not happy to look at the things going well.

'Chef Li, do you really think that it will be this easy. I will not let it be the path of roses for you. If not me then definitely it wouldn't be you too.' Ning Meiling took an oath with a vicious glint in her eyes.

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