Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

Chapter 147 - 145: Spring Ball III

Chapter 147 - 145: Spring Ball III

"Hey." Geoffrey greeted.

Charlton was surprised. What did Geoffrey need? "Hey." He greeted back.

"Have you filled in any lady's dance card yet?"

Charlton felt his heart lurch. Don't tell him that Geoffrey was about to say what he thought he was about to say.

"Not yet… Why?"

"would you mind dancing with Serena?"

Charlton was flabbergasted. Did he come to ask him of his own volition? Or did Serena managed to ask Geoffrey to ask him to dance with her?

Geoffrey laughed seeing Charlton's expression. Thankfully, he knew how Charlton saw Serena based on their conversation last time. If not, he would not feel settled.

"I know how you feel about her, but she's really a good person. Besides, it's just one song."

If Geoffrey really knew how he felt about Serena, he doubts that he would be asking him to dance with her. He does not know if the words he said during their carriage ride together was a blessing or a curse. He had different intentions that time, but he had no idea that it would have this effect instead.

Feeling that he had no choice but to oblige, he asked, "Which one?"

"The song you sang together."

If Charlton had any doubts, now he was positive that it was Serena who asked Geoffrey. He had to give it to her, she really knew how to find ways to get someone not to say no.

"Although it's the waltz and I prefer her not to dance it with anyone else, if it's you, then it's okay. Besides, I know its commercial value and that everyone would prefer the two of you dancing to that."

Charlton was no idiot not to read between the lines. Geoffrey was giving him a reminder. It's okay that it's him, because he trusts him. Then, he felt more guilty. How could he betray his cousin like this? Aside from that, what was Serena doing? She even used Geoffrey. Was this just a game for her?

In the end, it's not like he had a choice. It was Geoffrey asking and he had no valid reason to say no.



After the opening remark, Geoffrey went to join Serena and he handed her dance card back. Serena felt nervous as she opened it. When she saw Charlton's name, she wanted to grin. She stopped herself lest Geoffrey notice. Then she looked at the rest. She took note that she would only need to dance 8 times. Thrice with Geoffrey, twice with Leonard, once with Charlton, Artemis and Diether. Her dances were spread apart. 5 dances before the intermission, and 3 dances after.

"I hope that you find your schedule satisfactory." Geoffrey said. He was not sure if she's okay with the number of dances he procured. Though she did say that she doesn't want her card full, he still felt that he limited it too much, he felt guilty, but he did not like seeing her in the arms of other men.

"Yes, Thank you." Serena replied as she gave him a smile. Satisfactory indeed.

Geoffrey smiled back. Then, hearing the introductory music for the grand march, he asked for her hand.

Serena placed her hand in his and he led her to the very front to lead. When it ended, they took position for the first quadrille. Then, when that was done, Geoffrey led her to sit at one of the empty chairs. Then, he sat beside her.

"you're not dancing?" she asked. All she wanted was for him to leave her alone.

Geoffrey shook his head. "I wanted to accompany you."

Serena wanted to grimace. Did he have the same dance schedule as her? Also, what was wrong with him? She just rejected his advances. In the end, she could not stop her curiosity. What if all her efforts become futile because of him hovering around?

"Let me see your dance card." She finally requested.

Geoffrey chortled. He took out his card and handed it to her. So, she does care who he's dancing with.

Serena's eyes almost popped. All the lines were kept blank except the 3 spaces where her name was written. Seriously, was he going to watch her all that time? Was he even going to watch her dance with Charlton?

"don't you think that your card is too lonely? What would people think?" Serena tried.

"Let them think what they want."

Serena has no words. Just let him do whatever he wants.


After a while, Leonard approached to ask for her hand. Serena stood up from her sit to dance the lancers with him. Truly he knew what dance to pick. As if afraid of her saying anything to him, he just chose 2 group dances.

"I'm sorry." He said when they walked to the dancefloor.

Honestly, she understood where he was coming from, and besides, it's not like the outcome was that bad. However, that doesn't mean that she's not angry.

"Leonard, you're my brother, not some pimp who's trying to sell me. Do keep that in mind."

Leonard felt like he was slapped on the face.

"I will. Please forgive me Serena."

Serena did not want to answer but she knew that he meant well.

"Just don't do that again."

Leonard nodded his head as they positioned themselves. Then they went through the motions. After the song has ended, he led her to the side.

Geoffrey was not left unoccupied while Serena was dancing. Seeing him alone, some people approached to talk to him. Of course, the crown prince would not be left alone in some corner without anyone giving him attention. When he heard the next song playing, he scanned the area to find Serena. Seeing her with Leonard, he felt assured.

Serena did not ask him to leave so he stayed beside her. He did not dare lead her back to Geoffrey, lest she becomes angry again. When Artemis approached to ask for her hand, he was finally able to sigh in relief.

When her dance with Artemis finally ended, Serena's heart started pounding. The next dance would be with Charlton.



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