Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou

Chapter 5.5.1 — Outbreak of War

Volume 5 Chapter 5 - Outbreak of War Part 1

{Currently it is something only in name but not in reality, but based on the most humane world order that existed in the former era, <International Law>, we proclaim the independence of Western Japan right here!}

The morning of the next day, the one who proclaimed such a thing on TV was―the man once called Board Chairman in this academy, Takasugi Takayoshi. The footage looked like a bad joke.

At his side an image of Kaya making a peace sign toward the camera was projected on the screen.

That Board Chairman Takasugi was right there…and there was no doubt that Hayashi Shizuka was included in their forces.

Loki, Nyarlatoteph, Hayashi Shizuka…it was the worst trio!

{We are forming a new government in Western Japan now under our control, levying taxes on the people of the occupied areas to cover the expenses, and in compensation for that we promise the same social welfare the people enjoyed until now. Also, as long as there is no intervention or act of hostility for war, we promise there will be no harm done to the general public.}

He clearly said the word war.

{We proclaim right here. A true country that deified not Solomon's 72 Pillars, but the legitimate gods of Japan…this is the founding of <Yamato>! The divine protection of the gods of Japan lie with us!!}

The early morning before they went to school, everyone was gathering in the living room of the Witch’s Manor. They were watching the news report while having breakfast. Everyone’s face looked like they hadn’t slept very well.

“…When Board Chairman Takasugi's trail was followed, we knew that he went in the direction of western Japan. Not only Board Chairman Takasugi, the influential politicians of Kensheetou were also together with him. Their goal, was this.”

Headmaster Amasaki said with a loathsome face. The politicians' simultaneous migration. Most likely they were politicians under the patronage of China. Furthermore, for some reason, it seemed that illegal Magica Stigma whose bodies sheltered the Divas of Japanese Mythology were also added in their forces.

{Aside from Nyarlako, I'm also quickly gathering other strong allies after all.}

Kaya said as much. So the ones that she called 'strong allies' were the Japanese Mythology's Divas.

“What in the world is going on here?”

With a glare, Headmaster Amasaki’s gaze moved on Kazuha-senpai.

“Eerrr, I am, anything…” Kazuha-senpai looked down coweringly.

{Kazuha didn’t know anything you know? I didn’t tell her after all.}

At her side, the avatar of Futsunushi no Kami who was a Diva of Japanese Mythology floated.

{It’s just that a few days before this, my communication with the other Divas of the Japanese Mythology was cut off.}

“Break in communication…your link with the Territory is cut off?”

Kaguya-senpai asked.

{Right, the story will go faster if you already understand the concept of Territory. Those guys are most likely, in the process of becoming Wild Gods .}

“Wild Gods?” All present there returned a question after hearing a word that they weren’t familiar with.

{The Divas of Japanese Mythology don’t really ask for people to be faithful to them. It’s because we are not a monotheistic Mythology. However when they are not being cared for they grow restless. That is Wild God Transformation.}

…Kazuha-senpai built an altar at the abandoned clubroom where she properly conversed and played with Futsunushi no Kami. Mikohime ―that was Kazuha-senpai’s other name but, that title was not just for show.

{To fulfill her own dream of entering the Sword Division and fulfilling her duty as a shrine maiden at the same time, Kazuha installed an altar at the abandoned clubroom as you know. What a good natured girl. Hayashizaki Kazuki, taking this girl as a wife will surely be excellent.}

“What are you saying, Bakanushi no Kami!”

Kazuha-senpai’s face became bright red with indignation. Her positivity level had gone up to 70 with Kazuki following her around. Futsunushi no Kami was “GUWAHHAHHA!” laughing heartily.

“What are you guwahhahha-ing for! Why didn’t you tell us before that they were transforming into Wild Gods!!”

Headmaster Amasaki's temper blew up with force that almost burst the blood vessels of his head.

“But even if before you heard about how they were going through Wild God Transformation, this kind of situation is really unexpected right?”

In order to cover for Futsunushi no Kami, Leme materialized at Kazuki’s side.

“…So you also knew about this beforehand.”

When Kazuki asked her bitterly, Leme nodded “yeah” without showing any guilt. Kazuki spontaneously stretched those dark-skinned soft cheeks of hers *biroon* with both his hands. “Stooopp~!”

{Besides the gods of Japanese Mythology don’t directly interfere with each other. Even with the other guys transforming into Wild Gods, I have no right to sooth them or become their intermediary.}

That was what Futsunushi no Kami said. If it was a Mythology with such a disposition, then it couldn’t be helped.

“So the Divas of Japanese Mythology who are going wild for some reason, are going along with Kensheetou, that’s it huh.”

Their attempt to control the Knight Academy, the assassination attempt on Kazuki, their aim was not just limited to those things.

Surely because they failed on those matters, they joined hands with Kaya and moved onto this fearsome second phase. An armed revolt by touting the Japanese Mythology as their banner―it surely had the persuasive power to pull the people into their cause.

It shook the Japanese islands to the core. The residents of the occupied western Japan too, there was no doubt that they didn’t necessarily react negatively regarding the founding of nation of Yamato. There was persuasiveness in the existence called Japanese Mythology.

{…Regarding Yamato being founded in western Japan, when the government suspended the supply of electricity to the region they demonstrated a countermeasure. This decision garnered large backlash from the residents of western Japan.}

Hearing the words from the news reporter, all who are present fell quiet.

The electricity supply of Japan in this current era was provided by the large scale sunlight heat power reactorAlchimedes System constructed in the human-made islandmegafloat that was located on the southern tip of Japan’s territorial waters. Its production capacity was extremely large, furthermore the recharging of the etherlite rechargeable batteries that would never deteriorate no matter how many times it was recharged was performed in that place. The batteries from the whole country were transported there and redistributed after the recharging to each household, realizing safe, and moreover, clean power at a cheap price.

The government proclaimed that they wouldn’t circulate the rechargeable batteries to western Japan. So that Japan would still be okay even if the megafloat met with enemy attack, the thermal energy reactors and nuclear energy reactors from the previous era were left in reserve throughout the whole country as spare recharging facilities, but with that, western Japan would be able to use those facilities too.

With this, the breakdown between east and west Japan had become unavoidable.

“…Yamato had already began creating a military boundary line that separated the islands into parts from western Japan that they occupied. The circulation of trade between east Japan and west Japan has also been suspended, the people coming and going between the two regions was also becoming impossible

The freeway and railroad system that were the cornerstones of distribution were blockaded, the local streets were also being destroyed one by one. It was completely like the Berlin wall that divided East and West Germany or, the north 38th parallel between South Korea and North Korea.

“Toyama?Gifu?Aichi, those three prefectures had fallen. And then Niigata - Nagano - Shizuoka that are bordering those areas had become Japan’s current western border. In order for these prefectures to avoid further entanglement with Yamato’s invasion, the ordinary citizens’ evacuation is being hastened. The current situation is generally like that.”

Headmaster Amasaki who had connections with the government informed the situation to Kazuki and party.

“What is the Knight Academy going to do from now on? …No, rather than saying the Knight Academy’s response, what is the Knight Order planning to do?”

The one who had the say in this situation was not Kazuki or even Headmaster Amasaki, but the Knight Order.

“Regarding that matter…the classes for this morning are cancelled. There is someone that wants to meet you guys. After that we are going to open an extraordinary general student meeting.”

“Someone who wants to meet us…?”

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

“It's been a long time huhh―, this manor too?”

“It’s really a relief that nothing changed here . …It looks like even without me here the cleaning is done thoroughly.”

The two people who appeared shortly at the entrance of the Witch’s Manor murmured with deep feelings.

“Kanon-senpai, Akane-senpai…”

Kaguya-senpai, who came to greet them had an expression dyed with surprise. Both their bodies were wrapped with the crisp white uniform of the Knight Order and they were donning a mantle that showed their status as officer cadets. For Kaguya-senpai to look up to them as senpai, in another words these people are…

“Yahoo―i, Kaguyan, long time no see! The idol of the Witch's Manor Koudzuki Kanon has returned home―?”

The small statured woman of this group of two hugged Kaguya-senpai who greeted them at the entrance with lively vigor.

“You look healthy don’t you, Kaguya. Aren’t you becoming too lively when we were not here?”

At the side, the other woman who looked adult-like said so.

“Tha, that kind of thing is not true you know… Stop it―, senpai.”

Kaguya-senpai showed a stiff smiling face. When the two separated themselves from Kaguya-senpai, they looked around the living room of the Witch’s Manor in nostalgia and then their eyes stopped at Kazuki who was looking at the situation from a distance.

“And, this boy is the rumored Chief Student Council President right? A male that entered the Magic Division, and then in one month is already reigning as the Chief Student Council President that is connecting the Magic Division and the Sword Division. When I heard about it I thought whether if it was a joke or not.”

“But however something like a Chief Student Council President is still too na?ve! …This top of the highest grade third year Kanon is so to speak…a super student council president here―?”

“A former student council president though.” The adult-like woman entered her tsukkomi there sharply.

“Nay, this Kanon-sama is a retired number super idol student council president for sure―?”

“…It’s fine already, so stop blocking the entrance, sit quickly! This trash!”

Liz Liza-sensei made her appearance from behind and then she kicked the butt of the small statured woman swiftly.

It looks like Liz Liza-sensei was the one who lead these two here.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

“Well then, I’ll introduce myself once more. I was the vice student council president until last year, Yagumo Akane. Currently as a third year, I was training until yesterday at the Knight Order in Aichi regiment of Chubu jurisdiction division. …Our pitiful battle was completely relayed from the helicopter, now we are the most disgraced regiment in Japan as you can see.”

The part of the great senior talked while releasing a powerless deep sigh in the living room.

“Don’t beat yourself with that Yagumo, Chubu jurisdiction was not the only one who retreated.”

Liz Liza-sensei encouraged her from the side.

“It’s lucky that the helicopter fell in the middle there! Because after that, the battle became a truly one sided disaster… But the media crews that were on board the heli were able to escape?”

The other great senpai talked with a lively smiling face.

Both of them were in the actual location of that battle…so they took flight and escaped here.

“And then I’m the one who was the student council president until last year, Koudzuki Kanon! I’m the same like Akane and was interning in Aichi regiment, the Ultra Super Deluxe former student council president! So you are the Chief Student Council President, Hayashizaki Kazuki?”

This senpai also looked very bright in her behavior, though fatigue was coloring her expression.

“Yes, I’m Hayashizaki Kazuki who was appointed as the Chief Student Council President. But I’m still a first year so…both of you are the senpai of my senpai aren’t you, Koudzuki-sempai and Yagumo-senpai.”

“You can call me Akane-senpai. It’s puzzling if you are the only one who called me Yagumo when all the other children call me Akane. I want us unified. In exchange I will also call you Kazuki.”

Yagumo-senpai revised as Akane-senpai talked with a cool tone. He couldn’t feel any shyness or the like from her about men and women calling each other by their given names. It was a tone that only cared about the inefficiency of the information that entered her ear.

“It’s also okay to call me Kanon-senpai! You and I are a comrades of the Witch’s Manor after all! …But Chief Student Council President…a special post that didn’t exist in our time…gununu…”

Even though at first Kanon-senpai directed a smiling face at Kazuki, immediately her eyes sharpened into a glare.

“…I am invincible from east to west to south to north and to the center - the super former student council president, don’t you forget it!!”

“Kanon, stop making up an incomprehensible title in antagonism. You are being a child like this.”

“I, I’m not a child! The one who said someone else a child is the child herself!”

“Senpai, have some tea.”

Hikaru-senpai shared cups of tea on top of the tray she brought in turn starting from Kanon-senpai.

“How nostalgic. Hikaru can't do any other chores but, only in brewing black tea are you strictly disciplined like this.”

“Right now Kazuki and the others are also skilled in making black tea though. But it has been a long time so I want to brew some.”

“Fufufu, so that’s it. You said a cute thing didn’t you, prince. …Yes, it’s really delicious.”

For the first time Akane-senpai made a broad smile and showed a relaxed face.

Kazuki spontaneously stared at her face from the side while drinking his tea. Long slit eyes and slender bridge of the nose. The black tea suited the intellectual and cool atmosphere of her profile.

She had a similar atmosphere to Hikaru-senpai, but rather than calling her a prince she felt more like a [beautiful onee-sama ].

“Pikarun doesn't get it!? My taste is for a lot of jam and honey to be mixed you know!”

Kanon-senpai was demanding while banging her palm *bam bam* on top of the table.

“Yes of course. Here is a specially made Russian tea .”

“Yahoo yahoo! This is the symbol of Pikaru in the tea time of the Witch’s Manor? When I was in the Knight Order I didn’t want to be made a fool of by the other senior knights so I drank black coffee. But I really don’t understand the thinking of those guys that keep on drinking such a bitter and smelly liquid.”

“Everyone noticed that you forced yourself drinking it you know? It comes out in Kanon’s expression after all.”

“Eh!? You lie, every time I drank it everyone were praising me ‘Kanon is so mature―’ right!?”

“They were making fun of you with that you know.”

Akane-senpai said it bluntly and coldly while drinking her tea.


While screaming, Kanon-senpai ‘BATA―N!’ collapsed on the table face down.

“…To, to be thought of like that by them. I don’t want to face those guys anymore…”

Kanon-senpai’s big and round eyes became teary-eyed, with a glance she looked at Koyuki.

“…Koyukin is really small just like usual huh―. You are more childish than even me. Fufun .”

Now that she mentioned it Koyuki had been coming and going to the manor since before she enrolled. She should be acquainted with these senpai.

“Kanon-senpai also hasn’t really changed that much have you? Just because you received a shock, please don’t vent your anger on me who is two years your junior.”

Koyuki counterattacked with cold scornful eyes. Kanon-senpai was “Mukii―! This impyertinent Koyukin kid―!!” and kicked around her feet under the table.

“…First year and apprentice of the Witch's Manor, I’m Amasaki Mio.”

With uncharacteristic meekness, Mio introduced herself while shrinking into herself.

“Sword Division second year, Hayashizaki Kanae. I am the president of the Sword Division.”

“Sword Division first year, Hikita Kohaku, vice president.”

“Errr…for some reason I’m here in this place, Tsukahara Kazuha of the Sword Division second year, just a commoner.”

Kanae and Kazuha-senpai were second years, but it seemed they were not really acquainted with these two great senpai.

“Fufufu.” When all the members had finished their self-introductions, Akane-senpai suddenly leaked out a chuckle.

“According to the rumors floating around, I heard that the Chief Student Council President is popular with everyone. I wonder if everyone in this place is madly in love already? But if you’re not careful, the contraception nowadays is not as perfect as in the past after all.”

“Wha!? Co, contraception or any…” Kazuki spontaneously hitched his breath.

In the present era Japanese people, most of the young population awakened as magicians. Thereupon their magic power would be unconsciously invoked when they were doing an action that was filled with strong emotions, and accidents where it became a total hindrance to contraception had occurred repeatedly. The fact was that the power of love completely destroyed the undesired wall of contraception.

From such reasons the current era females put even more importance to their chastity compared to the previous era. Kazuki too had to have the awareness of self-control all the more because of this.

“…If I am to have a child with Kazuki, then it doesn’t really…”

Mio murmured vacantly with a boiling red face. In an instant, the Witch’s Manor became as silent as a graveyard.

“…Fufun, no matter how much popular you said this guy is, surely Kaguyan and Pikarun still liked this charismatic retired number, Kanon-chan far more, right?”

With a broad grin Kanon-senpai directed a smile to Kaguya-senpai and Hikaru-senpai.

“”I like Kazuki better?”” Kaguya-senpai and Hikaru-senpai matched their voices and gave instant answers.

“You heartless bunch―!!” With ‘BATA―N’ Kanon-senpai collapsed.

Ehem, Akane-senpai cleared her throat.

“Well then, let’s moderate the digression of the talk and move on soon to the main problem.”

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

“To start, I want to inform you all of the current situation. First with the fall of the Knight Order in Chubu jurisdiction, Toyama?Gifu?Aichi, the three prefectures are occupied and Eastern Japan and Western Japan are now divided into two parts. The line that is drawn in the area that bordered these three prefectures is the military boundary line―in other words the substantial national border.”

Akane-senpai spread out a map on top of the table, and then she traced the line she mentioned with her long finger smoothly.

“It looks like Yamato is going to invade even further from now on toward Niigata - Nagano - Shizuoka. To prepare for that Eastern Japan’s battle strength have to be concentrated to the front lines. However that action has become a difficult thing to do. Even now, illegal magicians are rampaging in many aresa of Eastern Japan. Even though we managed to suppress them, our hands became completely full because of that.

“Loki’s troops are concealing themselves in Eastern Japan and in order to obstruct us from concentrating our battle strength they are sporadically taking guerilla action, is that the gist of it?” Kazuki inquired.

“Right, like that. They are working together systematically. Yamato declared that they won’t lay their hands on the general public, but we think these guerilla fighters are planning to feign ignorance as if it’s unrelated to them.”

“That’s why we can’t ignore them. Concentrating our whole battle strength of Eastern Japan to the front lines…is something we cannot do. The guerilla fighters understand that and they are running around doing hit-and-run attacks.”

Taking the general public as hostages, the Knight Orders became unable to mobilize the entirety of their fighting strength.

“On the other hand if you ask our current status, then we are a remnant of a defeated army. In the fight last night, the jurisdiction division commander was also captured as a prisoner of war. Kanon then led everyone to escape to here as the temporary leader.”

Akane-senpai explained the situation briskly, but doubt was surfacing on Kazuki and Kaguya-senpai’s face clearly.

The student council’s staff of the Knight Academy was treated as officer cadets in the Knight Order.

Be that as it may, strictly speaking they were still nothing more than students, even with the jurisdiction division's commander captured, normally it would be impossible for someone in that position to take the leader position.

“…It’s a story that sounds like a joke, however putting aside the top brass, Kanon is excessively well liked by the average senior knights. Maybe because they were saved from a pinch by Kanon’s cheerfulness, everyone is saying to make Kanon the leader. In the first place we are just a division of the army’s remnant with no order at all.”

“I’m beat―, it’s really troublesome to be this popular―?”

“…She was also elected as the student council president at that time with that rhythm.”

Kaguya-senpai murmured. Kanon-senpai pulled her surroundings with a mascot-like unifying power and then Akane-senpai solidified their position on the practical business side. He could picture it instantly and Kazuki nodded in understanding.

“We are added in the defense of Nigata - Nagano - Shizuoka and we have to counterattack and recapture Chubu jurisdiction when we see a chance. However the battle strength of the defense army on the front lines is insufficient with only us as support. It would still take time for the other areas to suppress the guerrillas before they could send reinforcements… With that we took along one part of our comrades and came to this academy without sleep.”

“Without sleep…that’s why Kanon-senpai is more anno…high-tensioned than usual.”

Kaguya-senpai fixed what she almost said in a deliberate manner. “Kaguyan youu―” Kanon-senpai made a fuss.

“It’s just a joke, thank you for your hard work.”

“Hmph, I’m not happy at all even if you suddenly change your attitude like that okayy?”

When Kaguya-senpai easily changed her attitude suddenly, Kanon-senpai grinned brightly in a happy way.

“Akane-senpai, thank you for your hard work.” Hikaru-senpai thanked Akane-senpai with a sincere expression.

“Fufufu, thank you. …So because of that reason, here is the main topic. We want to make a request for a Quest to the Knight Academy to help us. We want to receive the favor of the elite Magica Stigma and swordsmen of the Knight Academy led by the Chief Student Council President Hayashizaki Kazuki to be added to our forces.”

In short what Headmaster Amasaki said before about opening an extraordinary general student meeting was for the purpose of preparing applications of the participants for this quest on a large-scale.

The students of the Knight Academy had also been experiencing real battle in the form of Quests until now, but the request this time was obviously in a different dimension than the usual Knight Order [assistance] until now.

They are asking for the students to participate in a [war] where even the real knights themselves had no experience.

Currently the Knight Order was in a pressing crisis to the degree that they had to issue this request.

“It might be difficult for students who are still halfway through the curriculum to take disciplined tactical action. However it’s fortunate that a Chief Student Council President that united the Magic Division and the Sword Division was born with this kind of timing. If it’s you then you should be able to collect this academy into one unified group right?”

Akane-senpai directed a challenging smile Kazuki’s way. It looked like Headmaster Amasaki had already acknowledged this request.

There was no need for any worry, right now Kaya and former Board Chairman Takasugi were enemies that need to be defeated. The ideal that they crowed around was just something fake. That ghastly fake was going to swallow the people and [encroach] this country……

“Of course we will cooperate. I too think that we can’t stay like this.”

“That’s good, it looks like a gallant person has been selected as the Chief Student Council President.”

Akane-senpai whose expression was colored with exhaustion smiled cheerfully to Kazuki.

“However don’t make a misunderstanding, Chief Student Council President! Until the end the leader is this Charismatic Super Former Student Council President, the Koudzuki Kanon?”

Kanon-senpai faced Kazuki and winked while making a side peace sign.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Kazuki stood in front of the mic and looked down from the stage on the students of the whole school who lined up in a row inside the auditorium.

The sight was just like the sight of a few days ago. However right now, the meaning of this meeting had changed drastically since before.

“I think, everyone has already heard what happened in western Japan yesterday. It is thought that the invasion of Yamato is still continuing, but because of the guerilla war that the illegal magicians conducted repeatedly in many areas, the Knight Order is unable to concentrate their battle strength for the sake of a counterattack. Accordingly, the Knight Order issued a request directed for the high ranked students of our Knight Academy in the form of a Quest for participation in this war.”

Even though he was in the middle of speaking, the students were making a stir.

“This is similar to a normal quest where it depends on the sole discretion of the students, by no means is this is a forced conscription to be a soldier. And it has become something that is followed with scale, difficulty and danger of a different degree compared to the usual quest. Nevertheless we are pressed by circumstance for applicants to form an independent corps on a scale that is only possible for this Knight Academy. Perhaps you are still in a panic from this sudden development and your heart is still not prepared, but the training that we piled up day after day until now is supposed to be for the purpose of standing against this kind of difficulty. Those people who are not merely panicking, but also finding a spark of heated desire inside themselves wishing to challenge this difficulty, please volunteer for this quest without fail.”

Heated applause was occurring provoked by those words. Then he passed the stage to Headmaster Amasaki.

Headmaster Amasaki explained the conditions and rewards for volunteering.

Conditions ― to prevent students who didn’t have sufficient strength and experience to become volunteer soldiers, application was limited only for students within of a certain rank and quest accomplishments.

Let alone the first year students of the Magic Division who had experience participating in Quests, even the number of students who had finally succeeded in contracting with their Diva and could not even chant level 1 magic was not few.

Rewards ― the usual Quest was purely for the sake of rank up evaluations, but if the quest this time achieved success then the Knight Order itself would record their notable effort.

In another words this was not for the sake of rank up evaluations but for the sake of their future career evaluations.

After Kazuki awakened their passion, Headmaster Amasaki’s explanation awakened the calm prudence in the auditorium.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

“The list of the volunteers is complete.”

Saying so, Yumeno-san handed over the print-out. The data consolidation was performed by the newspaper committee members. Seeing their dedication even in something that was not included in their original work, Kazuki returned a word of thanks.

“Thank you, was it difficult?”

The cramped student council room had been transformed into operation headquarters. Everyone was gathering here.

“Not at all…approximately 150 people were signing up, so if everyone cooperated than it’s only to that extent.”

Kazuki looked at the data briefly. The proportion between the Magica Stigma and swordsmen were around 1:2. In the first place the number of students in the Sword Division was a lot higher, that ratio was more or less the ratio of students between the divisions.

150 people―it was a fair number to form an independent corps that could move freely.

The battle force of the Knight Order, that is the <Knight> was roughly numbered around 2400 people in total. With the number of students that graduated from the Knight Academy totalling 300 people in one year, because the active duty period of the Knight was from 18-25 years old where they would enter the peak of their magic power after 8 years, the number became like this every year.

Those 2400 people were assigned at eight jurisdiction zones that were Hokkaido - Tohoku - Kantoukoushin’etsu - Chubu - Kinki - Chugoku - Shikoku - Kyuushuu. There was difference in numbers according to the jurisdiction zone, but there were around 300 personnel in one jurisdiction zone. This was the <Division>.

Below that jurisdiction zone division, a <regiment> was placed in each prefecture. This regiment was mostly in the scale of below 100 people. And below that regiment existed the smallest unit of <platoon> where it consisted of several people each.

…A military force of 2400 people strong on the whole, if it was compared with the military in the era where there was no magic it was a really small scale force. To start with the reason of this was first because humans who could use Summoning Magic were limited, and also because only a select few of elite swordsmen were chosen. The quality was far more important than a mere number.

And then the second reason that was raised was because there was no other branch of the army except the two categories of Magica Stigma and swordsman. The modern weapons that need colossal resources to be transported and consumed while fighting didn’t exist anymore. The supplies needed at most were only food and water to suffice. Even those supplies, if the grass was changed to become edible or dirty water was changed into drinkable water using alchemy to procure supplies locally, there were many ways to compensate.

Everything was fine as long as the combat force itself arrived, personnel needed for weapons repair and supply was obsolete.

…Such things, even Kazuki had learned that much in class.

Manufacturing weapons for the people’s general mobilization and conscripting a great number of civilians as soldiers, and yet most of those personnel were driven into maintenance control of weapons rather actual fighting, brandishing those fossilized weapons and conducting <all-out war> like the time of World Wars. If the current era was compared to the past, this compactness felt like they returned to the ancient times of their ancestors. No, in fact, they really had returned to the time of their ancestors.

Deciding the outcome of battle not by weapon but by heroes―like the wars in the era of mythology.

“Is Yumeno-san volunteering too?” Inside the list, Kazuki found the girl’s name too.

“Yes…it’s a little scary but, I’m worried.”

“What you mean by worried is, by any chance…”

“My parents' home is in Kyoto."

From Kazuki’s side, Kohaku too leaked out an empathic voice to Yumeno-san.

“…This one too is from Kyuushuu. It’s too far and the situation there is the hardest to grasp. As expected it makes one feel a little worried.”

Regardless of how dangerous this quest was, a lot of the students’ reason to gather and volunteer was also because of this. The Knight Academy gathered students from the whole country after all―what would happen to western Japan, many of the students’ hearts were crushed with feelings of anxiety.

“Yosh, the volunteers have been gathered with this.”

Kanon-senpai and Akane-senpai came along to the student council room.

Behind them several females wearing the Knight Order uniform were also following along in succession.

One person among them was, “Never thought I’d be coming back to the Knight Academy in this shape” and laughed ironically.

“From among the people that escaped together with us, the third years that were in the middle of training also want to come together. Because everyone said that they want to come back to the Knight Academy after so long. Though let’s omit the introductions.”

“Ee―, that’s really mean Akanee―! Even though I also want to become acquainted with Chief President-san!”

After one person raised their voice, the other third years started to make a ruckus ‘kya kya’.

“Awe―some! There really is a male wearing the uniform of the Magic Division!”

“He really looks better than those swordsmen of the Knight Order!”

“So unfair Otonashi Kaguya! It should be more effective if you are the one that is in the field so switch with me!”

Kazuki faltered from the impolite gazes of the girls. Seeing that they immediately “He's shyy―!” and such voices were raised. They were two years older than him so they felt like an older lady to him for the most part and it made him feel timid.

“Fufufu, a timid Kazuki is so cute. It makes me want to hug him and break his neck…”

Mixed with the high pitched voices of the third year girls…he could hear a voice that said strange words in a deep voice.

“Eh?” Thinking it was strange he directed his gaze at the direction of the voice. There at the end of the line of the third years who were wearing white knight order uniforms, three women wearing black Einherjar uniforms were secretly coming along. The third years just now noticing them were “Eh, no way, what is this person saying…” and got startled.

“Who, who are you…” Kanon-senpai asked timidly with eyes as if she was seeing a degenerate.

“Fufufu, I am…Beatrix-chan!”

“…Hey, why is the captain recently so crazy about adding ‘chan’ to her own name?”

“She learned that in Japan a cute girl had ‘chan’ added after their name…it seems she is planning to appeal as a cute girl like this.”

Behind Beatrix, Damian and Eleonora were exchanging conversation in secret.

“Cute girl? Couldn’t the captain be mistaken for a wild gorilla…”

“FUNN!” Beatrix visited a lariat on Damian, that small statured body was blown away to the end of the hall. …Kazuki was not looking at that pleasant exchange.

“Beatrix, why are you here…”

“I heard that you are forming a unit to attack the revolting western Japan see. Because of that, we who have no ties of obligation the most and can move freely are the one that get dispatched the most. And also…Loki is in western Japan right? He is also most likely there.

“We are not hearing about any of this though?” Akane-senpai questioned Beatrix in detail with a sullen expression.

“We're going on ahead and coming here where the movement speed will be faster, rather than waiting for those slow procedures of the Knight Order to get finished. Fufufu, though there is also my wanting to see Kazuki’s shocked face that made me hurry here.”

“Don’t take every single one of your actions with the purpose of making me shocked. It really did surprise me you know.”

In front of Kazuki’s eye, a magic vision that could only be seen by Kazuki floated.

Beatrix―72 Damian―27 Eleonora―22

…Positivity level. It was temporary, but it was a display of proof that they were becoming comrades that were going to fight together with the King of Solomon. There was also a case like this where Kaya’s positivity level appeared temporarily in his vision.

…However 72. This was already a positivity level where he could use her magic up to level 2.

“I think they can be trusted, Akane-senpai. Loki, who is included in Yamato’s forces is also a sworn enemy for them after all. I have no doubt that they will become an important war potential.”

“Is that so? Well, if you say so.”

“Fuu―nn…well, isn’t it fine if they are strong? So then what are we going to do after this? Akane?”

Kanon-senpai looked back at Yagumo-senpai and tilted her head.

“We will organize these 150 volunteers as a <Knight Academy regiment>. First we are going to form platoons with the high ranked students as the platoon captain.”

Pushing out her face from Yumeno-san’s side, Akane-senpai peered into Yumeno-san’s PC screen.

“Let’s make 15 platoons of ten people. Otonashi Kaguya, Hoshikaze Hikaru, Hayashizaki Kanae, and Hikita Kohaku, these four people will establish four or five platoons each as company commanders. Above these four people, Hayashizaki Kazuki will stand as the regimental commander.”

“I see, and then even higher than him is me right?”

An orderly organization chart rose to the fore in Kazuki’s head. With organization then the order of communication would also become smoother.

“The Einherjar too, they will follow Hayashizaki Kazuki as one platoon.”

“Kazuki’s subordinate? Just as I wished!” Beatrix gave a broad smile happily.

“Kaguya, Kanae-san, choose highly ranked and powerful students that have leadership quality from inside this list as platoon captains and form the platoons. As soon as the formation is complete, we are going to head to Shizuoka garrison. Because we left behind the 200 strong soldiers that escaped together with us there.”

What she meant by garrison was the location where the soldiers were stationed. The word ‘base’ fitted Kazuki’s image more, but the word ‘base’ indicated a place that was equipped with particular modern facilities of the navy, the air force and the like. In regards to that, the force that the army was using didn’t need any special facility and had a mobile position, that was why it was called a garrison. In the era where the magicians became the main force of war, a fixed base was mostly unneeded and garrisons basically became the main position of the army.

“200 people…is it?”

From the military force of 1200 people in western Japan, only a sixth of that force was able to escape to eastern Japan.

Looking at Kazuki whose thoughts came out in his expression, Akane-senpai looked down as if feeling responsibility in this.

“With Chubu jurisdiction captured at the foremost, the archipelago was divided into parts completely. Because of that, the knights that were fighting even further west than Chubu jurisdiction were unable to escape to eastern Japan. If only we could hold out more, we would be able to make a path of retreat, however…”

“However it’s not like the remaining 1000 people were all captured as prisoners of war. Even if they couldn’t escape to eastern Japan, they went into hiding in towns and became resistance groups that still continue to fight even now. There should be many knights that are like that there! The ones who are commencing guerilla war is not only the enemy!!”

Kanon-senpai talked with a bright voice to raise hope. Hearing that Akane-senpai raised her face.

“Most likely there are still some sporadic fighting continuing even now in western Japan, the enemy too cannot concentrate their battle strength. If not for that then Shizuoka would likely have fallen already.”

The illegal magicians that were being guerilla fighters in eastern Japan, the resistance activities of the scattered knights in western Japan. The shape of the war had becomee whesuch that the two sides mutually obstructed the opponent from concentrating their battle strength with some difficulty.

“The remnant soldiers and the Knight Academy regiment…so to speak, the <Kanon independent brigade> 350 strong in total, this is how much battle strength we can gather from eastern Japan…that total amount will become the battle strength for our counterattack, we…”

After talking until that far with commanding voice, Akane-senpai’s head nodded off. The senpai who was peering at the PC screen from the side just like that collapsed down on top of Yumeno-san powerlessly.

“Akane! Are you okay!?” Kanon-senpai supported that body in panic.

“…Sorry, I’m okay. I only feel a little lightheaded…”

“Everyone is working nonstop without eating and drinking, but because you burdened yourself as if it’s only your fault… Sorry, Knight Academy’s people, in any event we are going to depart after taking just a little rest in the academy. Really just for a little.”

Kazuki suddenly looked at the clock. Just at the right moment, it was already time for a lunch break.

“Then…Kanon-senpai! I’m going to make some meals that will make you energetic!”

Kanon-senpai stared in wonder. “That…isn't the job of the Chief Student Council President right?”

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