Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou

Volume 12 5 — ZeusLightning Thunder and OdinSeverance…(6-7)

Volume 12 Chapter 5 - ZeusLightning Thunder and OdinSeverance Spear, Twisted Dragon of Destiny (Part 6-7)

Part 6

The cavalry of China was dashing down the foot of the mountain without even a speck of disorder in their formation.

Japan took a stance of defense.

A charge of one hundred cavalry――even imagining that made one’s hair stand on end.

From the other direction fifty people of the nimble Italia’s left army shifted to give way.

……Was how it seemed, but Italia’s left army was rapidly distancing themselves from Japan and retreated from the battle area.

It was so they could take a long detour.

While taking distance from Japan, they were moving with the other side of the battlefield as their destination.

“……Are they planning to link up with their right army?”

The right army was the unit that was supposedly fighting Germany together with Loki’s Einherjar.

“It must be because Britain is rushing to the other side……”

That was what Kazuki thought.

Vera and her group had some kind of method to communicate with their King. While Italia’s right army and Loki’s Einherjar were trying to crush Germany, Britain arrived to reinforce them and so Vera must have judged that their other half needed help.

There was no doubt that Britain was moving following Kazuki’s instruction. Then what Japan needed to do was simple. With a hundred people of Japan’s knight order, they would endure the attack of two hundred people of China and Russia. Believing in Arthur, Hrotsvit, and Beatrix, he would endure through this determinedly!

It was exactly right now when China’s knight order’s cavalry squad was descending down the foot of the mountain in a stroke!

On the other direction Russia’s knight order was following behind them, their movement was excessively dull.

It was because they weren’t cavalry but infantry, such reason also applied he guessed. However, perhaps they also had a cheap ulterior motive of trying to preserve their own battle force by making China do everything.

In that case, Japan had to make use of that. First they were able to concentrate only at China.

……The cavalry of China who approached before their eyes.

Their atmosphere was strange.

When Japan fought them before, they were more unruly, they had the wildness that was really like a [mounted bandit].

But the cavalry rushing down the mountain foot right now was orderly and tranquil like a machine.

And then when they finally could see their appearance, Kazuki and his group shuddered.

The ones standing at the forefront of the cavalry squad were Son Goku and Guan Yu’s contractor, they were opponents he had exchanged blows with once before. However they――with the exception of Fu Xi, everyone had become Nopperabou.

All of them, had no face.

<Red Nopperabou>――they had already become that.

Unable to endure the sight, screams could be heard sparsely from Japan’s knight order. Their defensive formation was shaken.

China’s cavalry squad was charging while launching attack magics here.

Their timing perfectly overlapped like a machine, it was [group magic].

Even while being shaken, Japan’s knight order repelled the attacks firmly with the defensive magic they prepared. The inside of the formation was rattling due to the impact of the magic power rivalry.

After their shudder calmed down――Kazuki suddenly felt doubt.

That was a doubt to which he still kept his cool so much that it was out of place even if he said so himself.

Just how much reasoning was still left in these Nopperabou bunches.

Shouko once explained to him before that <Red Nopperabou> was like a [colony]. Every single Nopperabou was nothing more than a single cell who supported the giant existence that was Fu Xi.

They lost their faces, and their humanity was denied.

Then those Nopperabou, were they controlled by the King of Domination Fu Xi in everything?

That was absurd. It was impossible to control all those people in real time using the processing power of a single human.

So that was to say those Nopperabou had their freedom stolen and their personality was endlessly leveled down, while they were moved not by Fu Xi’s control, but by the program that had been determined beforehand……was his assumption.

While Kazuki’s mind was in full operation, China’s cavalry squad finally clashed with the vanguard swordsmen of Japan’s knight order that were lying in wait defensively. The swordsmen were all blown away altogether, without delay the swordsmen at the back replaced them and clashed with the cavalry. Even so the impact wasn’t stopped and several of the Magika Stigmas were also blown away.

The Heaven and Earth Formation of the Japan knight order was pierced by the cavalry charge until half way.

Fierce impact echoed until the rear guard where Kazuki was. The Magika Stigmas were pressed to invoke defensive magic in great panic. The swordsmen were also standing up immediately and rearranged their stances.

“Hey Shouko, that Red Nopperabou thing, are they moving with some kind of regularity that was decided beforehand?”

Kazuki called at Shouko who was beside him. She returned an exasperated face to him.

“You, what are you sayin’ while being strangely calm like that in this kind of situation!? ……I too hadn’t ever fought Red Nopperabou itself before but……most of their self should be gone.”

“Then those guys are like machines that cannot attack except with the decided pattern.”

Shouko understood Kazuki’s intention, but she soon felt exasperated at him in another aspect.

“O, oi! You, we just only got to exchange blows for ten seconds here you know!? And now you plan to finish this already!? That’s not a fast decision anymore but just blind selection!”

“If those guys are like a colony, then if we just defeat the brain part Fu Xi the other guys would lose their function.”

Kazuki ignored that and continued his conjecture.

China’s knight order was obviously not normal. He had to grasp that peculiarity and then stabbed at the weak point. It needed to be done as fast as possible.

“I’m going to devote myself to analyze the attack pattern of those guys! If I grasp something then I’ll share it to everyone with telepathy! Like that we will establish a defense pattern that is effective towards their predictable attacks! After that we will move out to counterattack for the first time, hitting Fu Xi with concentrated fire! How about that. The tactic of totally ignoring Nopperabou!”

“Yo, you are an exasperating asshole huh……it’s only about twenty seconds since we clashed. What you are thinkin’ is just wishful thinking y’know. Ain’t you getting desperate here?”

There are ideas that could only come to you because you were desperate. Kazuki had gone full circle from that desperation and became calm. He was aware that right now his head was a little in the clouds. However――,

“There is no other way. Right now we are trying to find a single ray of hope in the middle of a fatal situation.”

What kind of situation Japan was in right now……Shouko’s face warped unpleasantly.

“If you are going to leisurely do analysis or anything then Russia too is gonna arrive as their reinforcement yeah.”

“Rather it is exactly because we are fighting China and Russia simultaneously that we don’t have any other way. At the very least I’ll finish the analysis before Russia arrives. The deciding match will be from there. If we cannot do that, then with this difference in battle strength it won’t even be a match.”

“……I had never fought Red Nopperabou before, so even if you ask me I cannot guarantee that what I’m sayin’ is correct though……”

Shouko was actually not good at gambling he guessed. Her personality looked hearty like this, but in Las Vegas she made full use of statistic calculation and she only kept making little bets.

However, her face finally became clearly decisive.

“……Certainly there ain’t any other way. If this is a good hand you got the idea for after thinking your hardest, then you better do it fast.”

Listening to this conversation from the side, Akane-senpai bared open the white of her eyes and she froze.

Only a few tens of seconds after the clash, Kazuki decided on his tactic.

Japan and China clashed.

Kazuki concentrated in sensing the magic power of the whole battlefield.

The nature of China’s knight order’s magic power was just like a television screen. From afar it looked like a single movie, but when he concentrated at looking further, the picture was made from an aggregation of small pixels. But, there was no disorder at all at every single one of those pixels――it was truly an assembled life form, a colony.

Group that fired flame element magic. Group that fired lightning element magic with delayed timing.

All their members weren’t taking a single action. However they separated into several groups and the several units in those groups were made to act synchronously. The group wasn’t constantly the same, they were substituting and taking turns. As expected it wasn’t simple.

But certainly it had regularity……Kazuki was convinced of that after several moves. It would be the end if he was mistaken.

Kazuki communicated the next moves of the opponent that he read towards his comrades, he made them chant defensive magic to deal with that. He made the offense and defense with effective rivalry to negate each other. He included the swordsmen, all members became as one and proceeded to defend.

Even so, damage was still slowly accumulating.

Especially Fu Xi’s attack magic, their formation would crumble if it wasn’t blocked by devoting the defensive magic of several dozen people.

Flame was coming, lightning was coming, non-element was coming, the ground would split……

Foresight――command――defensive magic, Japan’s knight order was enduring with Kazuki’s order.

In order to build the ultimate efficiency in their direct movement, there was the necessity to discover the attack pattern of the enemy. If they could do that then a leeway to counterattack would be created. Possibly they could endure till the end even when Russia participated.

――The flow of magic power had no flavor of humanity the more he looked.

There was no off point that originated from personal thinking. It was just like programming.

He took an overhead view of the whole magic power nature……

Including Fu Xi too, there was a lot of flame magic……

A lot of time lightning magic was coming after flame magic. That was because there was the common point that heat was generated from the two elements. Using water or cold magic after heat was generated had bad efficiency.

That was why after heat generating magic they would surely alternate it with physical magic. After that water or cold would come.

The pattern after water and cold was the wind coming, possibly they would alternate it with physical attack again before coming back to fire.

Flame-lightning-physical-cold-wind-flame…… Possibly flame-lightning-physical-cold-physical-flame……

These two patterns happened a lot……that was his hunch. He had no positive proof.

Certainly those patterns were efficient. Those Nopperabou almost never did something inefficient.

Efficient elements were managed efficiently and continued to be invoked without interval……these were patterns that Fu Xi properly thought up and formed. She was really a girl with a smart head.

But something like this……couldn’t be called a warrior. It couldn’t be called a commander.

She only had a smart head but couldn’t build tactics, her simple personality was transparently visible.

Furthermore she was looking down at her enemies in the fundamental matter……

{Flame, lightning, earth, water……that order is coming.}

As a test he tried to convey that to all his comrades. That was supposed to be the next pattern,

{Is, is it really okay if we prepare for four moves ahead like that all at once!?}

Mio immediately replied back to him anxiously.

{Of course, if it’s wrong I’ll tell you to revise it so it’s fine.}

{Hm……ah, it really happens like that!? Kazu-nii amazing!}

However he got strangely relieved like this hearing Mio’s voice in the middle of battle, why he wondered.

……What was Russia doing?

“Kazuki, Britain and Germany are coming from our left rear!”

Yuika-senpai suddenly said.

“Russia is heading over there!!”

Kazuki was shocked.

What was the meaning of this? Did Britain not go help Germany?

Or else did they end the battle in the blink of an eye and then came here……?

No, even Italia’s left army was moving from the battle area here and heading over there. There was no way they could be this quick in deciding the battle.

What this meant……Britain and Germany left behind only the minimum combat force over there and sent the majority of their main force over here. Thinking normally that minimum combat force was only a sacrificial pawn, however that sacrificial pawn displayed an unexpectedly hard fight and it made Vera who saw that to head there for reinforcements in panic.

Was the chronological order something like that?

{ “Kazuki!!” }

A loud voice he was familiar with――Beatrix’s voice resounded to here.

The one leading the German knight order here was her.

For some reason at the same time when her voice directly reached his ear, her voice also echoed inside his head.

It was as though her physical voice was mixed with telepathy, a strange chorus.

If it wasn’t like that then even if it was Beatrix’s loud voice it surely wouldn’t be able to reach until Kazuki’s ear in the middle of this chaotic battlefield. Telepathy with Beatrix was half passing through to him.

Her voice continued without giving him time to think of how this happened.

{ “I’m telling you the message from my King!! ‘I don’t need any soldiers!!’ ” }

‘………………The one holding back Loki’s Einherjar and Italia’s knight order, is Hrotsvit!?

No, don’t tell me, just by herself alone!? With only Hrotsvit alone as the opponent, that Vera got pale and headed there for reinforcements!’

{ “If you still have gutless leeway to protect others, you better use it to pulverize the enemy before your eyes!! The words of my King, the great warrior Hrotsvit, I imparted it to you right here!!” }

Just what kind of fighting Hrotsvit was doing, he couldn’t imagine it at all.

{ “Pulverize them!” }Beatrix repeated her words once again.

……But, there was no need to hesitate if that was the case.

He had already seen through all of China’s attacks.

Germany and Britain were hitting Russia for him.

It was exactly at that time Kazuki yelled at his comrades.

“Everyone, we are counterattacking to beat Fu Xi!! We are going to pulverize China until not even their dust remains behind!!”

When he thought back, Japan was always one-sidedly defending against Chukadou.

That too would be only until now.

Part 7

The battlefield was often called as a [living thing that is constantly changing continuously].

If one had to say why it felt like a battlefield was continuously changing, that was because the opponent’s hand was unknown and something unexpected would occur without fail. Kazuki too always had such sensation when he confronted Loki.

The battle on this Atlantis was also like that the whole time.

They were continuously instigated by winding upheaval and fought until now while dealing with that desperately.

But Red Nopperabou and Fu Xi were weak to the wave of that upheaval.

Even Fu Xi was showing action that was trying to deal with the change of the Japanese knight order.

Japan’s knight order somehow suppressed the damage of Fu Xi’s powerful attack magic by devoting a large number of people for defensive magic. However, they would run out of strength bit by bit sooner or later in this one-sided defensive battle. Fu Xi understood that and so she didn’t change her way of doing things and kept repeating what she did until now.

But when Kazuki began to vaguely feel the attack pattern of China and increased his defense efficiency, Japan was gradually beginning to counterattack. In the interval of defense magic and defense magic, attack magic began to be mixed in.

Those attack magics were all flying pin pointed towards Fu Xi.

Although Japan didn’t attack at all until now, China’s knight order still put up defensive magic. However the attack magic that was focused in one point broke through the defensive magic that was spread widely and carved some damage on Fu Xi’s magic power.

It wasn’t particularly big damage. But for the first time Fu Xi showed a change in action with that.

First she understood that it was only her who was targeted and so she concentrated the defensive magic on herself. And then she stopped firing attack magic continuously at wide range aimlessly and created [Kyuuryuu Shinkatou] before beginning to move towards the front line.

Attack magic from afar would scatter its power to a wide range no matter what. The damage could be focused by attacking at close range. She judged that by doing that the enemy wouldn’t be able to reduce the damage and defeated people would appear.

If she reduced the number of enemies with close range attacks with certainty, the flow of the battle would tilt to one side in one go.

That was only a natural decision. In fact it was an efficient decision.

The change that Fu Xi showed was a really easy to understand change for Kazuki.

It was just as he expected. That was why together with his comrades that were the most optimum to fight Fu Xi, Kazuki was waiting for Fu Xi at the front line while chanting reinforcement magic. He was planning to make that spot the place for the decisive battle.

“So it is you all again!”

Fu Xi who was coming out to the front lines where attack magic was flying overhead, looked at the awaiting opponent and raised a voice of hatred. Kazuki was taking along Kanae, Kohaku, Kazuha-senpai, and then……Karin, Shouko, and Silirat whose eyes were strongly carrying enmity.

“It’s well for the King to come out greeting us. Those three swordsmen are also well. But you three directing persistent emotion to us! You three are unpleasant……! You don’t have the privilege to harbor dissatisfaction or grudge to us!!”

Fu Xi wasn’t allowing other people to have dissatisfaction towards her.

As the King of China’s ideal, she was raised to think that it was only natural.

That was why she was able to remorselessly destroy other people’s hearts and spread unhappiness to the surroundings.

The little supreme ruler. Surely she didn’t feel any need to be prudent to her surroundings until now. One who was born with the destiny to be the King was that kind of existence.

“Everyone, we are going to educate this selfish kid.”

Kazuki said. For an instant Fu Xi was making a face that was unable to understand what was said to her.

“You said something nice Nii-sama!! You had said out exactly what everyone had been thinking all this time!! Kanae is numbed from that, I’m in admiration!!”

Kanae was in great joy and she hopped up and down as though to provoke Fu Xi in front of her eyes.

“……You bastard, what did you say just now……”

Fu Xi became dazed for a moment before her whole face was dyed bright red in seething fury.

“Educate……you say? Educating is……something done by a superior existence to lower a existence you know……? You……you are saying something that is looking down on this we!! Very well, we will kill you just as you wished for!!”

“I’m not wishing to get killed or anything though.”

“What you bastard said just now is the highest grade of honorific language that means [I want to be killed in an incredibly brutal way]!!”

Fu Xi was howling a strangely elaborate expression.

She looked to be around fourteen, fifteen years old, but as expected she was a clever child.

Only, this child had something that was strangely warped burdened on her little shoulders.

He wanted to give her defeat. The reason of why he mustn’t lose increased by one more.

“I, Kanae, Kohaku, Karin, the four of us will disturb her and occupy her attention at a close range battle. Kazuha-senpai and Silirat, focus at attacking. Shouko, do as you please.”

“Oi, aren’t you acting apathetic at just me there?”

“It will help if you are moving in the way that is suitable for the moment. I’ll Foresight the magic that is not close range attack and suppress it with defensive magic. Though it’s impossible to completely suppress everything.”

Even if he Foresighted and used the advantageous element but he wouldn’t be unable to block it due to the difference in output. Fu Xi’s [King’s Authority] was undoubtedly something that fully increased the simple force of Summoning Magic.

……But was that all?

Perhaps there was something more to it. He needed to put more attention to that hypothesis.

“Here we go!”

Hearing Kazuki’s command, his comrades went towards the small but powerful enemy all at once.

First they had to stop [Kyuuryuu Shinkatou] from spewing out flames. Kazuki put reinforcement magic on his whole body while plunging in towards Fu Xi’s bosom.

Fu Xi simply and plainly lifted up her treasured sword and she was going to swing it down. Kazuki jumped in at that timing and blocked it with Ame no Murakumo and Joyeux crossed.

Miyamoto Musashi’s defensive technique of Two Sky One StreamNiten Ichiryuu. It wasn’t suited for precise movement but it was a rigidly strong stance.


Kazuki felt like an old man whose waist felt like it was ruined by trying to lift up a heavy barbell, his feeling became despairing like that. It was absolutely impossible what he was doing, he immediately understood that.

“Fuhahahahahah! You bastard, just now you were making an amusing expression!!”

Fu Xi seemed to regain her good mood and laughed while pressing down hard on Kazuki’s two swords.

Beatrix was enduring this……!

Kazuki couldn’t endure and shifted to the side and warded off Kyuuryuu Shinkatou with blade control. *BUUN* With such terrific air cutting sound hellfire was blowing out. Even though it didn’t hit him yet only the waves of heat was enough to smash his defensive magic power. This too was unbearable. Kazuki poured Vepar’s strength to Zekorbeni.

“Freeze Barrier!“ “Freeze Barrier!“ “Freeze Barrier!“ “Freeze Barrier!“

Four continuous instant chanting.

He was putting armor of cold to himself, Kanae, Kohaku, and Karin.

If it was this range then they surely could evade or redirect the attack without any harm done somehow.

They absolutely mustn’t get hit directly.

There――Karin and Kohaku began attacking.

“Haa!” “Sei!”

Fu Xi swung around her treasured sword towards Karin who was rushing at her. Karin halted as though she was pulling emergency break and her body dodged from the flame that was spewed out by the treasured sword. At that opening Kohaku attacked with her Sacred Treasure.

Kohaku also attacked not with her all so that she could escape anytime, the strength of her attack wasn’t really much. But their role was for disturbance so that was fine.

Of course Fu Xi was attempting to chant a spell.

“Shin’iki!” Kanae slashed so as to not allow her that. Fu Xi showed a sensitive reaction.

“Black cat! Your sword is loathsome for some reason!!”

Fu Xi jumped back with exaggerated vigor. She had zero martial knowledge of how to move the body but she was purely fast. It was surely difficult to inflict Shin’iki against an opponent who was moving like that. Kanae clicked her tongue.

As expected her learning ability was high. No matter what……he wanted to defeat Fu Xi right here.

“O honored lightning that rain down due to god’s fury! The spilled blood of Kagutsuchi drips and gather at the hilt, become a blade of flash! Sky drum thunder sound of lightning speed, Mikafutsu Mitama!!”

“O power circulating the world! Converge in my hand under the guidance of the god of destruction, become the attack of rage that pierce the three worlds! Trisula!!”

At the opening when Fu Xi jumped behind largely, Kazuha-senpai and Silirat shoved in their powerful attack.

Powerful attack, it was supposed to be so. But Fu Xi didn’t stop chanting.


Shouko emitted the wave of chanting obstruction in panic.

“We are unstoppable! We are the emperor because nobody can stop us!!”

Fu Xi didn’t stop chanting and activated her magic.

“Spring up from the ground, o China’s royal ancestor! Five Emperor DescentGotei Kourin!!”

When Fu Xi directed her left hand to the ground, five shadows were emerging from below.

“Go down from the heaven, O China’s divine ancestor! Three Sovereign VisitSankou Kourin!!”

When Fu Xi lifted her right hand to the sky, three shadows were floating overhead.

Each of the shadows became the figures of the five emperors, and then three gods. Fu Xi commanded to each of them.

“Go, Fukugi! Shinnou! Joka! Kokuou! Gyouou! Shun’ou! Uou! Touou!”

The three gods who were considered as the creators of the world in Taoism, and then the five emperors who created the country of China in that world――those were figures that were worshipped as the Sankou Gotei in Taoism.

“Summoning Diva!? No are they something like illusions……!?”

So to speak they could be called imitation Divas.

At the very least the three stars should be existing separately as the Divas of Taoism. He had met that Joka before this with her contractor.

Fu Xi’s contracted Diva was <Dragon of Heaven’s Decree> which was the very incarnation of China’s ideal, the original Daoism and its high ranking Divas that were the Sankou Gotei that were swallowed and made into that dragon.

Consequently he guessed that it was able to create fake Sankou Gotei from inside itself. The Dragon of Heaven’s Decree swallowed Taoism, and so there was no doubt that this was the magic that symbolized that.

The materialized eight imitation Divas were causing magic power vortex while beginning to chant their respective magic. This was exactly a Summoning Magic in the literal sense.

Fu Xi chanted a magic that was extremely troublesome to the limit from the very start. They were trying to defeat Fu Xi alone with seven people yet the opponent easily exceeded them in number, this wasn’t a laughing matter!

“What to do Nii-sama!”

“Everyone doesn’t need to change what they are doing! I’ll increase the number of my moves!!”

Kazuki commanded while hammering in his magic power into Zekorbeni.

Zekorbeni could rapidly invoke magic without chanting.

If he just wasn’t frugal with magic power then there would be no problem no matter how many enemies there were.

“Kazuki, although you have mapped the pattern to some degree but even now you are sensing the magic power nature of the whole of the Chinese knight order, Foresighting them, and then giving directions to everyone else with telepathy while fighting aren’t you!? You okay!?”

Kazuha-senpai was concerned for him with a voice that was nearly a scream. If he was asked if he was ok or not, even now it felt like his head would pop like a balloon. However, “No choice but to do it!!”

The Sankou Gotei blew fire, spouted cold, split the earth, and so on, they invoked magic as they pleased. In response to that, Kazuki was invoking defensive magic in full operation.

Furthermore Fu Xi was swinging around Kyuuryuu Shinkatou while beginning to chant a spell he remembered.

This presence of magic power chanting was the [Chuuka Goken] that she used when they encountered her for the first time.

Most likely it was the magic with lowest level among the Summoning Magic of the Dragon of Heaven’s Decree.

Fu Xi was planning to increase her number of moves. While she was swinging around Kyuuryuu Shinkatou, she employed Sankou Gotei, then she would use the five treasured swords in turn, that was her intention. It was as though she was testing Kazuki on how far he could hold on.

If what he need to do increased even more than this then his head would go pop auspiciously.

“Absolutely don’t let her invoke that! Sheet-, Shin’iki!”

Kanae desperately attempted to activate Shin’iki. However Fu Xi was running away from Kanae while saying “The other bunch is fine but only you are no good!!” Conversely her attention was taken by his other comrades.

“Uwaa―! Come on, stop your chanting―!”

Kazuha-senpai raised a low level voice while slashing buzzingly with [Mikafutsu Mitama].

Her attacks were hitting straightforwardly. ……No matter how it was put, but Fu Xi was getting hit too much.

When Fu Xi escaped away from Kanae in great panic, her feet were staggering. Her movement was lacking in stability, Kazuha-senpai and Silirat were aiming for that.

She still had lost her sense of touch――for the emperor who had little experience in moving her body, to fight personally with her body, that loss of sense gave her such a fatal impact.


Shouko struck the back of the head of Sankou Gotei’s Fukugi *pokan!* with Dashinben.

“Now foxie! Match your timing.” And then she instructed Karin.

Shouko walloping the honored god of China Fukugi looked terribly blasphemous, but at that time the figure of the materialized Fukugi distorted with noise mixed in.

The Sankou Gotei were being materialized by a complicated flow of magic power. Shouko was making that flow get wrecked using [the whip that threw out of order the flow of magic power]

That disorder was nothing more than an instant. But Karin immediately guessed her intent.

“……It’s like this huh! Shintoukei!!”

Fukugi who was covered all over with noise was hit by Karin’s palm heel.

Shintoukei――a superhuman feat that worked by sensing the flow of the opponent’s magic power and then smashing in magic power with an opposite vector to neutralize the enemy’s magic power, with that the user could deal impact to the flesh itself.

Originally sensing the flow of complicated magic power construction like imitation Diva must be difficult for Karin. But Shouko was making that complicatedly advanced magic power flow wrecked with her Dashinben.

Fukugi that was materialized exploded as though his inside was blown away.

“Wha, what!? Our divine ancestor is!?”

It was very unexpected for Fu Xi that it made her get shocked and stiffen. There “Shin’iki-!” this time Kanae severed her chanting for sure. “You bastard-!” Fu Xi raised an uncontrolled voice.

While that was happening Shouko and Karin were rapidly destroying the imitation Divas.

“Just what is that accursed technique!!” Fu Xi was trembling in fury.

“This is……Nee-san’s Shintoukei!! I’ll make you taste it too!!”

Karin’s eyes were burning in hatred once again.

She recklessly rushed forward and tried to strike the palm heel on Fu Xi too.

“Stop it, don’t get sloppy!”

Kazuki raised his voice to stop her but Karin charged driven by her emotion.

“Eei, don’t direct hatred to us! I won’t allow that kind of unpleasant emotion!!”

Fu Xi was yelling in disgust while swinging Kyuuryuu Shinkatou like a spoiled brat. Tremendous belts of flame hit Karin directly from the front.

Finally someone was hit! If someone got hit by that then perhaps they would be unable to fight just by a single attack!

Kazuki tried to share magic power to Karin with the Power of Harmony.

But――*bachin!* something bounced the magic power……something was protecting Karin’s body from the flame.

“……Something is repelling our flame!?” Fu Xi yelled.

“Nee-san!!” For some reason Karin yelled that with conviction.

Karin’s small body was blown away like dust from the recoil.

But Karin twirled in somersault and landed on the ground before glaring at Fu Xi.

Shouko too, Silirat too, they were glaring with eyes burning with hatred.

“Just what…… are you all taking about……”

Fu Xi was……making timid eyes like a child that was isolated in class.

“Damn, we won’t recognize this! Even though we said we are not recognizing it, even though we are fighting seriously, why don’t you all die!”

Fu Xi was clamoring like a kid that for the first time since she was born confronted something that wouldn’t go the way she wanted it.

“You ask why we don’t die?”

Kazuki answered provocatively.

“……You discharge magic power all over miserably, you cannot even dodge our attacks satisfactorily and keep getting hit. Too bad for you but at this rate rather than us who are supporting each other, it will be your magic power that will get emptied first yeah.”


Kazuki and the others had the Power of Harmony.

Right now these seven people who were fighting Fu Xi were greatly burdened. But there wasn’t anyone among these seven who became unable to fight. That was because they were lending each other magic power with the Power of Harmony.

The magicians of Japan could mutually lend each other magic power. In all cases any attack towards Kazuki and the others was as though it was reduced into an attack that spread towards the whole Japan knight order.

Fu Xi planned to decrease their side’s numbers using powerful direct attacks and came to the front line. But what Fu Xi was doing essentially was no different at all than when she was firing wide range attack magic in rapid succession from afar.

It merely got easier for her to be attacked by coming to the front like this.

In contrast with Kazuki and the others who were like that, Fu Xi was――already bearing quite some damage since before this battle.

Right after the landing on Atlantis until now……all forces were taking action in order to shave off strength from Fu Xi. To that Fu Xi lacked skills in planning. Just what in the world had been done to her by Italia’s knight order at the top of the mountain――now that they were confronting Fu Xi once again like this, her magic power amount had been decreased beyond recognition.

“Plijie Zvezda.”

Meteorites were raining down from the sky.

Kazuki felt their presence, but it was fine even if he ignored it. It wasn’t flying at him.

The meteorites were all aiming to attack Fu Xi.

“What!? This magic!!”

Fu Xi was hit hard by meteorites all over her body and she looked up to the sky.

At the sky that was dyed by the setting sun, there was a silver shadow floating.

“Ilyailiya! Why are you! We and you……are in an alliance right!?”

Supposedly Russia too was in the middle of fighting Britain, it was as if she was looking down here as though to say [it will be the time soon so how about I go helping].

“Plijie Zvezda.”

Here Ilyailiya fired magic rapidly as if to display her characteristic chanting speed. Meteorites were pouring down one after another as though it was her reply’s substitute.

It was a magic that was extremely difficult to dodge for Fu Xi who had lost her sense of touch.

“Stop it! Stop it Ilyailiya, just why!?”

Fu Xi was running about to get away from the meteorites with a seemingly sad voice. Fu Xi who staggered because she lost her sense of balance was chased around mercilessly by the meteorites. The damage might not be that considerable. But Fu Xi was receiving damage from the fact that her companion who had been acting together with her all this time since landing was attacking her, that was what she was trying to escape from.

Fu Xi’s gaze was wandering at her surroundings as though she was looking for help.

There was no one except Kazuki and the others of the Japan knight order and the Red Nopperabou.

The Nopperabou was already not an existence that could give her advice from experience. Fu Xi didn’t have or give assistance with ideas for victory nor was she quick-witted. Those things weren’t Fu Xi.

They were only obeying the constructed program, and were firing magic at Japan’s knight order.

They weren’t existences that could present the thing that Fu Xi was currently looking for.

They were allies, but they weren’t comrades.

“Even though everyone is fighting supporting each other with their hundred comrades, it is only you who are in solitude.”

Kazuki even felt emotion of pity while saying that.

“Solitude you say……absurd……we don’t……fear such thing. Until now we had never experienced such thing. Until now everyone feared and respected us, they came and became our ally……that’s right, Loki too was like that. Where is Loki!? Just where in the world is Kaya!?”

“Italia’s knight order firing arrows from above the mountain was at Loki’s order you know.”

Fu Xi’s expression froze.

If Loki and Italia were colluding then it was only natural that it became like that.

“Right now, on this Atlantis, there is not even a single person who thinks that they want you to continue to exist.”

The one who handed down the decision to change her comrades into a part of her colony cells, was her herself.

The meteorites were continuously pouring down like rain.


From Fu Xi’s mouth, a distorted voice spilled out.


From the contractor of the Dragon of Heaven’s Decree that boasted an enormous presence, there was a sensation of something smashing up.

Kazuki was convinced of the timing to decide the battle. With one large move Fu Xi would be broken soon.

“Kanae!” Kazuki called out like that and embraced Kanae.

“Ni, Nii-sama……finally!”

Even though it was this kind of situation, but Kanae’s eyes were shining in great joy.

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