Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 7: Old things are like memories

Zhao Rucheng came from a wealthy family and bought a house near the Taoist temple to live in. He had about ten servants to serve him and rarely stayed in the dormitory. On the other hand, Du Yehu was hard to handle once he started drinking.

After Jiang Wang returned to the dormitory, he realized that he was the only one left in the usually noisy room.

After closing the door, he subconsciously glanced at the bed on the far left of the dormitory.

The bed was neatly stacked with clean bedding, which was no different from the bedding of the others in the dormitory. At this moment, there was no one on the bed, and there would never be anyone again.

This was Fang Pengju's bed. He came from a wealthy family but was never picky about food and drink like everyone else.

The bed opposite Fang Pengju's was empty and piled with a lot of luggage.

The two beds on either side were separated by this, with three beds on one side.

The second bed on the left, next to Fang Pengju's bed, was the messiest bed in the dormitory. The bedding was piled up randomly, and scattered clothes were just a decoration. If you sniffed carefully, you could still smell the scent of alcohol. If you looked under the bed, you could see neat rows of wine jars. Compared to the living environment of the bed owner, these wine jars were obviously well taken care of.

The first bed on the left was by the door, so it was Ling He's bed - he was always responsible for opening and closing the door for everyone. There were a few inconspicuous patches on the bedding, but they were washed very clean.

The first bed on the right was Jiang Wang's, and his bedding was between Ling He's and Zhao Rucheng's. Although he hadn't been back for a long time, the bed was still very clean, obviously cleaned regularly. Perhaps it was Ling He, perhaps Zhao Rucheng... or maybe it was Fang Pengju.

Next to Jiang Wang's bed on the right was Zhao Rucheng's bed, which was unique in the entire dormitory. The bedding and sheets were all high-end products from Yunxiang Studio, and there was even a embroidered canopy on the small dormitory bed. It was a world of difference from Du Yehu across from him.

People who were not familiar with him might find Zhao Rucheng difficult to get along with, but in fact, it was just that his living standards were too high. Even if he only occasionally stayed in the dormitory, he wanted to be as luxurious and comfortable as possible. He even once spent a lot of money to transform the entire dormitory into a top-class guest room - if it weren't for Jiang Wang beating him up.

From the age of fourteen when he entered the outer gate of the Taoist temple until now, Jiang Wang has spent three years in this dormitory. Every detail of the room was very familiar to him.

Things change, people change, everything comes to an end.

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, then took off his shoes and socks, took off his outer shirt, and lay down on his bed.

He was very tired and exhausted, but at this moment, he could finally sleep peacefully.

Wake up to the floating world, dream until the sky is high.The entire Fenglin City was square-shaped with a well-planned layout. The Lord's Mansion was located in the center, radiating in all directions. The Eastern City was the territory of the Taoist Academy, while the wealthy and noble families resided in the West. The South City was mostly inhabited by commoners, while the merchants and wealthy businessmen were mainly gathered in the North.

After seeing Jiang Wang safely walking out of the Dean's quiet room, Ling He left the Taoist Academy alone with Fang Pengju's body.

When Fang Pengju was alive, he was popular and had many friends, but when he died, everyone despised him. He acted despicably and maliciously, and deserved to be disliked by others. Ling He didn't feel sorry for him, but he still felt a little heartbroken.

He wrapped Fang Pengju's body in his outer garment, which was very old but washed very clean. To his pace, it was not far from the East to the West of the city, and the road to the Fang family mansion was also very familiar. But Ling He walked slowly, with heavy steps. He couldn't bear it.

He was the oldest, and he should have taken care of his four younger brothers, but he didn't. He still remembered the scene where they made a vow by the Green Willow River, and remembered the brilliant smiles of the five brothers. The Green Willow River was a tributary of the Qing River, winding around the Niu Tou Mountain, and the water in the river was very clear. It could reflect the young faces and young hearts. That year, they rode horses and wielded swords, and talked together over countless nights. They agreed to rise to the inner courtyard together, to ride the blue sky together, and to transcend into the holy realm together. Those memories, those... promises.

Ling He never thought that the five people who were so compatible and deeply affectionate would have a day when they would turn against each other and fight to the death. How could this be possible?

He thought.

He couldn't figure it out, but he finally arrived at the Fang Mansion with Fang Pengju's cold body.

"What are you here for?" The gatekeeper stopped him and asked.

The Fang family's mansion was high, towering above everything.

"Oh." Ling He lowered his head slightly while holding Fang Pengju's body, and greeted him, "Fang Pengju has passed away, and I'm here to send his body back for burial in your mansion."

If no one took care of the corpse, it would be taken by the government to a mass grave for disposal. That was the favorite place for evil people to visit, and it was difficult to rest in peace even after death. But Ling He thought it unnecessary to say this. He was not someone who liked to show off, nor did he think it was a merit.

The gatekeeper's face changed, and he slammed the door shut. The voice came from behind the door: "Take him away! The master said he's not allowed in!"

"Young man," Ling He said sincerely, "please inform your master again. No matter what, Pengju is still a member of the Fang family. They might have just said it in anger and won't really ignore it."

The gatekeeper seemed to hesitate for a moment. "Let me ask again... Don't take this opportunity to break in!"

"Young man, please rest assured."

Ling He held Fang Pengju's body and stood firmly in front of the Fang Mansion's gate, listening to the sound of the footsteps getting further and further away.He bowed his head and said to the already cold face of Fang Pengju, "Pengju, look at what mess you've made? Even if you die, no one will remember you anymore. You're detested by gods and ghosts."

After a long time, the voice of the gatekeeper sounded behind the door again.

"The master said..." After a pause, he repeated the tone of the owner of the Fang family, "He's already dead, why bring him back?"

Linghe was stunned for a moment before he said hesitantly, "The Fang family is a respectable family, they should give Pengju a decent burial."

"The master said that he already knows the cause of Fang Pengju's death. Such an unrighteous person is not a member of the Fang family!"

"But he is a member of the Fang family," Linghe said.

"You can leave!" The gatekeeper threw a handful of coins out of the crack in the door and said, "If you keep bothering us, we'll report you to the authorities!"

The coins fell to the ground with a clatter, catching people's attention. If they were used to bury a body simply, there would still be more than enough. The extra money was just a tip.

This was the attitude of the Fang family.

Linghe fell silent.

He no longer tried to say anything.

He was poor, he had been poor since he was young. He needed money badly, his only intact outer garment was wrapped around Fang Pengju's body, and his undershirt had many patches. He stood in front of the magnificent gate of the Fang family like a poor relative who had been shut out.

He hugged Fang Pengju's body and left.

He didn't even look at the coins on the ground from beginning to end.

This was Linghe's attitude.

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