Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 60: Can you hear the crane's cry?

The Fang family is located in the west of the city.

Or, to put it another way, the high-ranking families of the entire Maple Forest City are gathered in the West District. Among them, the Zhang family is located to the east, near the city lord's mansion. The Wang family is located to the north, closer to the arsenal. The Fang family is the southernmost of the three major clans and is closest to places like Sanfen Fragrant Tower and Datong Gambling House, which are places of great wealth.

Other families are scattered between the three major clans, serving as buffers.

To get to the Fang family's territory from where Jiang Wang is now, the most direct route would be to pass through the front of the city lord's mansion. However, the bald man obviously wouldn't agree to this route, and Jiang Wang wouldn't even suggest it.

He suggested that they walk through the southern gate, through the area where commoners live, to Datong Gambling House, and then pass through the vicinity of Sanfen Fragrant Tower directly to the Fang family's territory.

This route was a big detour, but it was undoubtedly very safe for the bald man.

The journey went smoothly, and they even encountered patrolling city guards on the way. Jiang Wang even took the initiative to cover for the bald man.

Now, they have finally arrived at the Fang family's territory.

By now, it was gradually getting dark.


Jiang Family in Feima Lane.

Ling He suddenly stood up. "We can't wait any longer!"

They all knew very well that Jiang Wang would not miss such an important occasion as Jiang Anan's birthday.

At first, they thought that Jiang Wang might have gone to prepare some other surprise, but it was already almost night. No matter how much he prepared, he couldn't miss the time. Jiang Wang must have had an accident.

Zhao Rucheng held Ling He back. "Boss, you stay here with Anan. My family has more people, so I'll go and check."

The Zhao family was wealthy and naturally had more manpower. If they really had to go out and look for someone, they would be more useful than Ling He. And Anan must have someone with her, otherwise, even if Jiang Wang came back, he wouldn't forgive them if something happened to her.

Ling He naturally understood this truth and could only agree.

The aroma of the food had been lingering for a long time, and Anan was very hungry, but she had no appetite.

"Where did my brother go?" she asked.

Zhao Rucheng signaled to Ling He with his eyes before saying, "He probably went to Fengxi Town to buy sugar figurines for you. Don't you always say that you want to eat the sugar figurines from that family in Fengxi Town?"

"Grandpa Zhang's house!" Jiang Anan added crisply.

"Yes!" Zhao Rucheng said. "But it's getting dark, and I'm afraid your brother won't be able to see the way. I'll take a lantern to meet him."


The so-called "Fang family's territory" does not have a clear boundary, nor are there any walls or fences separating the inside from the outside. It is just a large area that has become a convention for the Fang family to settle in generation after generation.

"We'd better sneak in and not disturb anyone else," Jiang Wang suggested. "Otherwise, if they ask about you, I won't be able to explain."

There is no reason to bring outsiders when visiting a friend's house. Jiang Wang's suggestion was reasonable.

"Which direction is the small courtyard you mentioned in?"

Jiang Wang pointed in a very familiar direction.

But he was constantly thinking.

His biggest disadvantage was that he had not yet laid a foundation, while the bald man was a strong person in the sixth rank of the Soaring Dragon Realm. The gap in realm was like a chasm.

But his biggest advantage was also that he had not yet laid a foundation. He relied on the Transcendent Sword Art and the Military Body Refining Technique, which gave him the strength to surpass ordinary Meridian Realm cultivators. This was something the bald man could not predict in advance, and it was definitely beyond his expectations.Jiang Wang had a pleasant surprise when he was given an unexpected opportunity.

Only once.

Throughout the journey, the bald man kept his arm around Jiang Wang's shoulder, and with a gentle pull, the two turned into shadows and disappeared into the shadow of a passerby.

After following the person for a while, the bald man pulled Jiang Wang out and asked, "Where do we go now?"

Jiang Wang couldn't hide his surprise at this secret technique and looked at the road before pointing in a direction.

The bald man chuckled softly, "This Concealing Shadow Technique is not difficult to learn. Just follow my instructions, and I can teach you."

Then he pulled Jiang Wang into the shadow again.

After several times, the night completely covered the sky, and the two floated into the small courtyard that Fang Pengju had brought Jiang Wang to before.

This almost silent body technique raised Jiang Wang's alertness.

Fortunately, this place was indeed not arranged for anyone to live in, but was abandoned.

This small courtyard was left by Fang Pengju's deceased father to him. Because of its special location, there would be almost no one coming here.

Of course, even if this courtyard was assigned to someone else by the Fang family, Jiang Wang had something to say. His friends almost never came back to live here, so it was normal to let the clan members live here. He hadn't been here for a long time, so he didn't know if it made sense.

Smelling the dust in the courtyard that had been uninhabited for a long time, the bald man nodded in satisfaction.

According to his habit, he would naturally kill and extract the heart immediately.

But Jiang Wang introduced him naturally, "Three rooms forward from this courtyard is a large dining hall where you can steal food."

Jiang Wang turned his back to the bald man and pointed in the direction of the dining hall.

"My friend doesn't like the clan's restrictions and basically won't come back to live here."

Then he turned in another direction and said, "The patrol time of the Fang family guards is..."

The sword light flashed!

Without hesitation or delay, Jiang Wang suddenly drew his sword!

The first move of the Purple Air Comes from the East Sword Art, the fastest of the five moves.

But this sword was not to attack the bald man, but to take Jiang Wang with him and leap over the high wall into the adjacent courtyard!

The bald man was not a procrastinator, but Jiang Wang's talk about the patrol time of the Fang family guards was very important to him hiding here. However, he did not expect that Jiang Wang would suddenly attack.

What the bald man did not expect was that this unestablished kid had such a fast and decisive sword move. It far exceeded his judgment of this level of strength, causing him to miss his grasp!

"Who dares to trespass into the Fang family ancestral hall?"

Just as Jiang Wang jumped into the adjacent courtyard, he heard a loud shout, and an old man with white hair jumped out of the room.

Yes, the small courtyard where Fang Pengju had lived was next to the Fang family ancestral hall. This was Jiang Wang's reliance!

After Fang Pengju's father had no hope in cultivation, he was arranged here as the guardian of the ancestral hall for the Fang family. Of course, he was not the real guardian, but was responsible for cleaning the courtyard and washing the plaques, which was actually a kind of humiliation. He silently endured it, but placed all his hopes on his son.

Fang Pengju grew up in this courtyard, and after his talent gradually showed, he refused to move to other courtyards.

Jiang Wang had already made up his mind and fled after meeting the white-haired old man, while shouting with his Dao Yuan, "Devouring Heart Demon! I will make you pay today!"Immediately after chasing into the Fang Clan Ancestral Hall, Xiong Wen and the white-haired old man were both shocked.

The former was shocked that his identity had been detected, while the latter was shocked by the infamous name of the Heart-Eating Demon.

But the thought only flashed through their minds, and the two faced each other at this moment, there was no reason not to try out their skills.

Especially with the white-haired old man sitting in the Fang Clan Ancestral Hall, how could he abandon his duty and leave just because of a name?

When he jumped out of the room, he began to prepare his Dao technique, originally intending to target the sword-wielding thief, but at this moment, he rubbed his hands together and a series of feather-tailed arrows flew out.

The Fang Clan's Dao technique, Thousand Feather Arrows.

To be honest, this Dao technique was not much better than the ones taught in the Daoist Academy, and was even more crude. The seal was cumbersome and the feathers were fluttering but not practical. The reason why the family-style cultivation gradually declined was also due to the ever-changing Dao techniques in the Daoist Academy.

However, the old man had been immersed in this technique for many years, and was very familiar with it, and combined with his cultivation in the Circulating Realm, its power could not be underestimated.

But with just a roar from Xiong Wen, his powerful Dao Yuan shook the feather arrows apart.

He smashed several arrows aimed at his vital points, and then rushed towards the white-haired old man, reaching for his heart!

With Jiang Wang's loud shout, his whereabouts had been exposed, and he had to escape as soon as possible, and a quick and decisive battle was necessary. So he used thunderous means, willing to suffer some minor injuries in order to kill his opponent in an instant.

Xiong Wen looked at the withered heart in his hand and threw it to the ground with a flick: "Disgusting."

The white-haired old man did not expect that he could not even withstand a single move, but he also decided to give his opponent a surprise.

He looked at the old heart that was getting farther and farther away, and with his last bit of strength, he activated all the Dao Yuan in the Circulating Realm and rushed into the command token in his hand.

A bright light shone.

The entire Fang Clan Ancestral Hall was covered in a layer of clear light, and at the top of the clear light, there was a virtual image of a fairy crane.

It stood tall and cold-eyed.

The white-haired old man, with his last breath, activated the Ancestral Hall's protective formation.

He faintly heard the cry of the crane.

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