Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 125: Little fat orange cat deep courtyard

Nothingness, therefore no birth, no death.

- "The Boneless Sutra"


Jiang Wang moved his steps, trying to suppress his restless mind. He had to believe in Dong A, and he could only believe in her.

In the turmoil of the Tongtian Palace, he struggled to remain calm.

He went to the inner door dormitory and greeted Ling He, who lived alone. He repeatedly reminded him to be cautious, but he didn't know exactly what to be careful of.

Ling He noticed that something was wrong with him, but he didn't think much of it. He thought it was because of the consecutive incidents of disciples being killed in the academy, which made him uneasy.

He advised Jiang Wang not to overthink and suggested that he take a few days off and rest well. Prepare for the New Year.

Finally, he patted Jiang Wang's shoulder and smiled, saying, "The tiger will be back soon, let's drink together! Celebrate the New Year!"

This indeed made Jiang Wang smile.

There is nothing better than being together.

"Yeah! Let's drink together."

Jiang Wang left the dormitory and planned to go home.

Instead of leaving through the back door today, he walked through the front door. He wanted to take a detour and pass by Zhao Rucheng's house to have a chat with him before going back.

He just felt uneasy in his heart and wanted to talk to them.

But there was nothing specific to say. It was just about being safe and avoiding danger. But he didn't even know where the danger would come from, let alone how to avoid it.

It was almost New Year's, and most of the disciples in the academy were still cultivating or taking on missions to hone themselves. There were not many pedestrians on the road in the academy.

Occasionally, there were a few, all with a vigorous and energetic temperament.

Just like the flourishing Fenglin City Academy now, there is unlimited brightness and possibilities in the future.

If Dong A laid a solid foundation for the Fenglin City Academy, then Zhu Weiwo became the flag flying high in the Fenglin City Academy.

Many talented cultivators have expressed their willingness to come here for cultivation.

In time, the achievements of the Fenglin City Academy would be immeasurable.

Looking at their smiling faces and feeling their vitality, Jiang Wang suddenly felt absurd.

What am I afraid of?

He asked himself.

But there was no answer, only the flickering of the black candle, becoming more and more frantic.

The coiled star spirit snake had already shrunk into a flat shape.

Jiang Wang sat down on the stone steps in front of the statue of the Dao Ancestor, enduring the trembling and silently sorting out his Dao Heart.



The secluded small courtyard in the Wang Clan's territory. The ivy had long retreated.

The sunlight poured in, the courtyard gate was gently closed, and everything was as peaceful as ever.

Wang Changxiang ran over excitedly, only slowing down when he reached the entrance of the courtyard, calming himself down.

When he and Li Jianqiu entered the academy, they were not particularly outstanding among the new students of the county academy. But as their cultivation began, they gradually improved.

Now they were both in the top ten among the new students of the county academy.

Of course, he would not stop here. He even had confidence in passing the next Three County Competition.

The future was bright, full of hope.

What made him even happier was the reason for his return to the clan now.

Yesterday, he completed a difficult task in the county academy and was rewarded with a bottle of secret medicine. This medicine was said to be able to widen the Tongtian Palace and also had the effect of unblocking the meridians.

The secret medicine that could widen the Tongtian Palace was undoubtedly useful to everyone. But for Wang Changxiang, the ability to "unblock the meridians" was the reason he risked his life for.

He couldn't even be sure if this medicine would be effective for Wang Changji. He asked the instructors in the county academy, but they only said it was possible.

But "possible" was enough.

It was great!

Because in the past, no matter who it was, after checking, the conclusion for Wang Changji was always "impossible".

No hope, no possibility.

It was precisely because of this that his father completely gave up on his older brother, and Wang Changji himself became disheartened.

In his memory, there were scenes of the two brothers playing together under their father's knees, although those fragments were rare, they were precious and worth fighting for.

From the city academy to the county academy, he had grown in cultivation, broadened his horizons, and seen more opportunities and possibilities.

From "impossible" to "possible", wasn't this progress?

He had always felt that his older brother was the knowledgeable, tall, and warm figure in his memory.

Compared to the brief time spent with his father, he had spent more time growing up with his older brother.

His father was more of a "clan leader", while his older brother took on more of a "father" role.

Even if the whole world gave up on his older brother, even if his older brother gave up on himself, he would never give up.

This was the reason why he had come this far.

Wang Changxiang couldn't wait any longer. His usual calm temperament was not enough to help him now.

As soon as he received the secret medicine, he rushed back home like a child eager to show off his treasure.

He traveled overnight, his heart racing.

Within half a day, he rushed from Qinghe City to Fenglin City, as fast as a galloping horse.

Without time to greet his parents, let alone other clan members, Wang Changxiang went straight to his brother's small courtyard.

He stopped at the entrance of the courtyard.

"Stay calm. Don't put too much pressure on him, and don't show too much hope."

Wang Changxiang told himself in his heart.

Because the greater the hope, the greater the despair.

The scene of Wang Changji swallowing the Open Meridian Pill without any reaction had already deeply engraved in his heart. He often recalled his brother's desperate eyes when he dreamed at midnight.If the County Dao Institute can't help, there's still the National Dao Institute. If the National Dao Institute can't help, there are other countries. Even... there's still Jade Capital Mountain.

There's always a future, always hope.

Wang Changxiang finally adjusted his breathing, gently pushed open the courtyard door, and stepped into the small courtyard.

The small courtyard was empty, and there was no familiar figure on the reclining chair.

And right in front of him, in the courtyard, on the green bricks.

A tabby cat was "lying on its back".

Saying it was lying on its back wasn't quite accurate.

Because this fat tabby cat was completely dismembered on the ground.

The cat's head, limbs, including the tail, were all neatly arranged. It seemed like they could still be put back together.

It was Little Orange.

Little Orange, who was temperamental and proud. The fat tabby cat that Wang Changji treasured and cared for.

Wang Changxiang panicked immediately.

His Dao heart couldn't be steady.

He even forgot his Dao techniques for a moment and stumbled towards the inner room, shouting, "Brother! Brother!"

"Wang Changji!" He yelled.

He faintly heard a weak response, the voice seemed to come from Wang Changji's bedroom.

Wang Changxiang ran desperately towards the bedroom, his Dao energy surged, giving him endless strength.

At this moment, he finally heard the voice clearly.

It was indeed Wang Changji's voice.

The voice was filled with anxiety, irritability, ferocity...

It was an emotion that Wang Changxiang had never seen in his elder brother.

Even when he was a child, when he tore his beloved book, he just gently warned him not to do so.

Even when he grew up and faced all kinds of coldness and resentment, he just turned around indifferently and told himself to let them be.

But at this moment, that voice was so harsh, violent, and even desperate.

The voice was shouting—

"Wang Changxiang!"

"Wang Changxiang!"

"Get out!"

"Get out of here!"

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