Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 228 228 Give A Hand

Chapter 228 228 Give A Hand

With Nexus in the lead, and Stacy three feet behind and close on his heels, they both placed one step in front of the other- necks craned forward, and arms spread out before them- slithering downwards- towards the hill before them

In the air, the mournful cries of the giant spider began to grow weaker and weaker. 

Ahead, the big burly bodies of the worms surrounded their prey- completely obscuring the Black Widow from their sights. Nexus' sharp eyes trained on the targets up ahead. Slowly, he held up his arm- and twirled his fingers in quick circles.

Behind him, Stacy' eyes glistened in understanding. The message was simple- flank them!

Quietly, she broke away from their formation- veering towards the left in a diagonal trajectory- working towards the bullies- but from an unexpected angle.

Nexus on the other hand, plunged straight ahead- scuttling on his feet as he took on the most direct route. Three minutes later, fifteen feet away from the biggest wireworm, he struck out his palms at the sides-

And tapped into the swooning currents of Qi.

Nexus' eyes immediately flashed like lightning.

The upsurge was immediate. Right on the spot, bright sparks cackled between his fingertips.

A raging heat tore up from his fingers to his wrist- up through his arms to his shoulders- all the way back to his arms. The heat birthed a few orange sparks.

And from those orange sparks, a burst of fire exploded.

In reddish orange flames, the tongues of fire came roaring out of Nexus' open palms- dancing around his fingers like gloves made of fire. In swooshing waves, the flames raged across his arms- racing all the way to his shoulders- encasing both arms in pillars of red-hot flames.

The Black Widow was the first to see him- and his terrifying flames.

In the beast's red gloss eyes, the reflection of the cackling flames roared defiantly. Instinctively, it jerked its head back as flame-inspired-terror curled up the length and breadth of its spine. 

But beside her- with their heads down, and fleshy torsos swaying, the massive worms were too busy munching on her legs to see the reddish orange glow around them. So, when the fiery burning flames landed on their backs, their busy jaws instantly let loose.

The monsters were biologically incapable of screaming.

But when the putrid smell of burnt flesh hit Nexus' nose, he heard their whimpering beneath the rage of his flames. 

With his legs apart, right behind them, and with their asses in full range of his attack, Nexus lit their butts up. Angry cackling flames raged out of his out stretched arms- blasting right into the exposed membrane.

The fire ate into the outermost part of their milky white membrane- slowly roasting and turning them crispy red. The charred flesh of the massive maggots curled into the air. Squirming, they instantly slid away from the Black Widow, hastening to get away from the line of fire- edging slowly towards the huge boulder just six feet away.

Nexus wasn't sure if they were capable of feeling surprised. 

Because when Stacy steeped right from out of the boulder- the poor creatures might have as well dropped dead in shock.

Eyes cackling in recklessness- the York prodigy rained down flames from above. Arms arched to the heavens, hood all the way up, and her lips parted slightly in excitement, she called down hails of fire. 

Like a sea of flames- they rained upon the bullies.

"Damn it Stacy," he cursed under his breath; "I said scare them off, not kill them!!"

Like a typhoon, the firestorm bore down on the heads and white torsos of the wireworms. The burning heat licked up their glossy moist membrane. All three of them whimpered- sizzling beneath the rage of fire. Unable to take the heat anymore, they lunged right at Stacy. The York girl soon understood what Ni Yang had meant when he said they were fast. 

It was unnatural. 

They had no legs. No arms. Not even a single claw.

And yet, they slithered towards her- sliding in pools of slime- bodies burned crisp by both thier flames. Beside the rocky boulder, both her eyes gleamed in pleasure. Eager for a fight, She welcomed their rage- and charged right ahead.

Nexus' jaw dropped in surprise.

Even the Black Widow's eyes went round in shock.

Slippery as an eel, Stacy's sliding motions shimmied through their beefy bodies. Side by side, all theee of them opened their jaws in anger- ready to break the puny human in half. But somehow, she slid through the tiny spaces between the slimy creatures.

Their jaws snapped shut- thundering violently- echoing behind her. 

She turned around- a full one eighty- spinning on her heels- and thrust her arms out. 

This time, the flames didn't come from above. This time, she curved them- whipping the long stretch of blazing fire like a curved whip- slicing through from left to right- causing them to back further and further.

Excitement cackled through her trembling body- flashing in her eyes, and shadowing her every move. Over the ground- a slender mist began to rise up. Nexus' eyebrows arched upwards! She was heating up the slime on the ground- slowly boiling the earth and cooking the massive worms in their own moisture!

It was too much for them.

Unable to rage towards her- they began to slowly back up- squirming from the slicing whips of fire- and from the boiling scourge on the ground.

Next to her, Nexus' technique looked basic. She was truly a fire mage. It reflected not just in the intensity of her flames- but in the innovation! Her skill was glaring. 

But Nexus wasn't the only one who was shocked. Behind Stacy- the Black Widow's eyes bulged wildly. Despite its encroaching weakness, it kept its gaze trained on the humans- watching in awe as the wireworms backed away in fear. The beast was smart. It sensed the humans were helping it. 

Stacy- glowing like a comet, kept her hands busy- lashing at the seven foot tall monsters, forcing them farther and farther away- leaving Nexus (and the Black Widow) eyes bulging out in shock.

With her slender arms- stretched out before her (one slightly above the other), she directed both her hands- sweeping them in low archs, forcing the strips of red hot flames in rebounding curves. 

The first wireworm was quick enough to get to the boulder- its humongous flesh cascaded ahead of the others- slithering in a trail of green slime as it worked tirelessly towards the rock, hoping to shield itself from the fiery scourge.

Eyes glistening, and cloak flapping, Stacy planted her feet firmly into the ground- threw her fist to the left, and watched with wicked glee as her flames recoiled around the mold of rock- slashing viciously against the sides- meeting a very surprised wireworm in the face.

A sizzling sound whizzed in the air as red hot fire blasted right into its face. Its large body slid back a few inches, tossing its head from left to right- feeling its white flesh burn up like skewered gizzard.


Nexus' voice- full of rage- thundered from behind her...

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