Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 198 198 My Woman

Chapter 198 Chapter 198 My Woman

And even though the room was barely lit, the lady saw things in vivid bright colors.

After an intense couple of moments,

Nexus' voice came slicing through;

"I know you're awake Selina. . ." he chimed; "Nice of you to finally join us. . .welcome back from lala land. . ."

His soft humor was the perfect icebreaker.

Selina found herself letting loose. Her slender shoulders quaked softly in the dark as she chuckled.

"Thanks. . ." she said- surprising herself by just how formal she sounded; "I wasn't sure you'd still be around when I woke up, so I–"

"So you had to be sure," Nexus completed- turning over to meet her; "It's okay, I get it."

Selina's eyes moistened in the dark- although she wasn't exactly sure why.

But Nexus knew why.

The fact was, the white haired woman was glad he hadn't disappeared. It seemed that no matter the world, or continent, it was common practice for men to dine- and dash!

He could hear the budding excitement in her voice- to hopeful notes that echoed each rising and falling tone. Even her breathing was coming out in rushes- crashing out in mini explosions. Nexus smiled to himself.

If he had super hearing, he was confident he would be able to hear her heart thumping away frantically.

Meanwhile, the smile on Selina's face was twice the length of her lips. Across her eyes, a sea of stars twinkled gleefully. In her head, a plethora of racing thoughts raged in lightning quick formations- each glowing with a halo of light.

Selina didn't recognize this feeling.

But instincts interpreted it as- happiness.

The lady was so ecstatic, she was virtually at a loss for words.

Deep in her brain, (in the section where she stored her endless reserve automatic biting replies,) was now a hollow empty space. And it was filled with one name only;


In bold print, his name danced through her entire thoughts- echoing loudly in deafening roars. This was basically the second time she had seen him. But to Selina, it suddenly felt like she had known him much longer!

A strange heat crept up on her.

Budding from within, it began to split open her pores- curling out in invisible steams, and sending out wisps of her thoughts curling through the air. Lying there, naked as a newborn-? and with her massive breasts heaving across her chest, Selina consciously put the words together in her head;

'I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU NI YANG. . .' her blood pressure spiked! 'I will KILL for you. . .I will absolutely die for you!'

Her throat choked back a surge of words that threatened to foam out of her mouth.

Selina swallowed.

She was in love. But she wasn't stupid. If she said all that to him, he would probably scamper off in fright! And then she would hate herself! So, logic kicked in. If this was to happen, then she had to do it righ–

"Tell me Selina," his voice sliced through her thoughts; "Do you have a vision of your perfect lover would look like–?"

Before she could reply, he added;

"–because I can tell you now that I've found mine, and she's drop dead gorgeous."

Selina's heart skipped a beat- skipped several beats actually.

Her eyes went round- bulging in their sockets.

"Ni Yang," she called softly in the dark; "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Nudging his head against the pillow, Nexus slithered closer to her;

"Well, I don't know what you think I'm saying, but I know what I'm saying–"

His voice dropped a couple of octaves;

"–I want you to be my lady Selina. . ." he whispered; "Everything about you is phenomenal. . .on several levels, you stimulate me in ways I can't explain. . .do you understand? Tell me you do- so I know I'm not going crazy. . ."

Instead of Selina's normally confident sarcastic voice- a hushed excited nervous whisper came;

"I do," she echoed- trying to mask her obvious excitement; "I do Ni Yang!"

Intentionally- feigning nervousness, Nexus exhaled deeply;

"I'm glad. . .because. . .being here, in the same bed, so close to you. . ."

He craned his neck closer-

". . .it all feels so unreal. I'm actually expecting to wake up any moment. . .only to find out that this is all a dream. . ."

His hand reached out- snaking across the gap between them- searching for her face in the dark. Selina froze when his palm touched her cheek. The smell of lavender curled up from his fingertips- wafting into her nose in soft fumes.

Stroking her face softly, and on a low trembling note- Nexus' throat vibrated- slurring out his words;

"If this is a dream, then I want you to know that you're the woman of my dreams Selina. . ."

Across her pale cheeks, bright red- the rich color of ripe tomato- began to bloom;

". . .but if this is actually reality–" he paused dramatically; "–then I want to make you mine."

Selina's head exploded- leaving bright white sparks flashing through her eyes.

He continued;

"This is me officially asking you to be my woman- my lover, and my own. I will shower you with endless love, and adore every inch of you. . ."

His hands trailed down from her cheeks- down to her neck.

Sliding down her shoulders, he added quietly;


His roving palm landed on her waist- and he reached around, curling his fingers into the thickness of her buttocks;

"I want to make you mine Selina- mine to me, and me alone. So–" he eased his grip; "–what say you? Am I catching feelings, and this is all in my head- or is there something here. . .?"

For a few candid moments- Selina's breath ceased.

Frozen in place, her eyes gradually began to come to life. Flames danced in both her irises as Nexus' words bathed her with the depth of his feelings. They tugged at her heart's strings- lulling her into a state of emotional limbo.

When she finally exhaled- it came out in a deep sigh of relief. She couldn't believe this was happening. She was literally about to ask him to be hers. And in a twist of fate- Ni Yang had beat her to it!

'This has to be fate. . .' her inner voice preached to her; '. . .it definitely is fate. . .'

She was obviously older.

But with the way Ni Yang had fucked her- the white haired woman was feeling sixteen again. She wanted desperately to curl up at his sides, and just lay there- on his chest- listening to his heartbeat, feeling his hand all over her body as he gripped her possessively.

Drawing a deep breath, she answered- fighting to keep the excitement out of her voice;

"No Ni Yang. . ."

Surprise shot across his face immediately.

". . .no, you're wrong. . .it's not all in your head. . .cos' I feel the same way tooo. . ."

Smiling, Nexus dug his broad hand into her fleshy bum, and pulled her closer;

"Come here silly. . ." he teased.

She happily slid over- closing the gap between them, and giggling like a hormonal teenager. Tracing her outline in the dark, Nexus found her face, and craned his neck forward- leaning in for a kiss.

In the darkness, his lips met hers with a soft luscious thud.

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