Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 502: Patching the Sky

Chapter 502: Patching the Sky

"The God of Fantasy Dreams" is an experiment of Truman. Creating uniqueness is a skill that Truman has mastered since he truly realized the so-called "pillars" and "symbols" at the end of the Fourth Epoch.

However, for many years afterwards, this skill was useless.

Until the appearance of Roselle and the creation of the Fantasy World.

The Fantasy World itself is a ritual for Truman to integrate the uniqueness of "Fantasy Dreams".

Now that the integration is successful, Truman has once again completed the perfect control of the "Book of Fantasy".

Among the four uniquenesses, "All Things" and "Fantasy Dreams" have been perfectly controlled, and "Reality" and "Cause and Effect" seem to be not far away.

The appearance of "The God of Fantasy Dreams" is essentially a risk transfer...

Truman will not lose control, and will not go crazy because of the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics, but in this universe, he cannot escape the influence of the "First Creator".

Fantasy symbolizes the "first dream" and the "first unattainable".

For example, the symbol of "the end" will appear when the universe is destroyed and returns to the beginning, and the symbol of "the first dream" will naturally be found in the "first creator".

That is the root of everything.

There is no madness, no indifference, no aggregation, no separation, and there is no need to worry about someone waking up from within oneself.

This is the "First Dream".

The "First Dream" can almost solve all the problems of the "First Creator" who created the universe!

It's just that Truman has never had the kind of stability and purity that the "First Creator" has never really obtained.

Because the "First Dream" did not have consciousness when it was just born.

It is closer to an illusion, a real dream that is longed for by all the old days.

At this time, Truman came, and it is impossible to trace whether Truman and the "Book of Dreams" merged, or the "Book of Dreams" gave birth to his consciousness.

In short, the consciousness named Truman did not exist. The original fate of the dream was that the consciousness was erased, or it was swallowed and digested by the personality of a "First Creator" or even by itself.

And the attempt of the "God of Fantasy Dreams" is actually the "risk transfer" of the erasure of consciousness. After Russell became the "God of Fantasy Dreams", He must also bear this silent assimilation.

To some extent, this can be regarded as a relief for Truman's burden.

To use tug-of-war as an analogy, Truman created a burly man for his side...

"I see." Sasriel saw all the information disturbances on Truman and understood Truman's current state.

"Rosel also knew the consequences, but becoming a god seemed to have become his obsession. He had to try it anyway, and then we hit it off!"

Truman reached out and took the uniqueness of the "Fantasy Dream" in his hand, letting it slowly approach the "Book of Dreams".

During this process, Truman was also paying close attention to his own state, and finally turned the uniqueness of the "Fantasy Dream" into a page, allowing it to completely return to the "Book of Dreams".

"Okay, another success." Because of the completion of the "Fantasy Dream" ritual, plus the "burly man" of Russell, Truman only felt that his current state was better than ever before!

Well, Sasriel smiled and nodded, and then put his attention back to the transformation of the star realm.

"God of Fantasy Dreams" Russell has completely completed the transformation of his status.

"Sure enough..." The group of fantasy dream bodies gradually collapsed, forming a human-shaped body composed of dream clouds.

"Is this the erosion of consciousness from dreams?" Russell only felt that he was connected to the "Book of Dreams" through the uniqueness of the "dream" that was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

An unconscious, meaningless, and complete nihilism was eroding his humanity and divinity, and everything about him seemed to be eroded.

Perhaps in a few years or a hundred years, he would be eroded of all passion, consciousness, and memory, and turned into nothingness and merged into the "Book of Dreams".

"It's hard to bear..." Russell thought, and the fairyland and dream in the fantasy world became his anchor, anchoring his humanity.

"It's really an endless tug of war!" Russell suddenly had some absurd thoughts such as suicide and giving up.

It's just that he has already integrated the uniqueness of the "dream" and has no way out.

He raised his head and looked at the weak point on the barrier, where there were already visible pollution from the outer gods infiltrating.

In the sky of the real world, the gorgeous and endless aurora was already flashing.

This is the collapse of the sky that Truman talked about at the beginning.

After the collapse of the "God of War Kingdom", the sky of the real world seemed to have a big hole, and countless auroras spread to the whole world with this as the center.

"Let me... mend the sky!" Roselle stretched out his hand to the fantasy world, and a large number of fairylands were extracted by him and formed into his own kingdom.

"The Sea of ??Dreams" appeared in the star world, and endless sea water poured into the "Fantasy Kingdom".

Probably due to Roselle's bad taste, this kingdom is colorful and its appearance is also an irregular boulder.

The fantasy giant Roselle transformed lifted his kingdom and walked step by step towards the weak point of the barrier.


At this moment, the power of the foreign gods from outside the barrier was even more terrifying, and the trembling of the barrier was even more violent.

Of course, at this time, the other true gods were also trying their best to prevent the spread of those pollutions. While stabilizing the barrier, they also added the power of their own authority to the "Sky Repairing Stone".

——Anyway, the authority of all true gods is "recorded" in the hands of Fantasy, and there is no point in hiding it...

"Stop!" Truman in the Kingdom of the "Real Creator" also coated the initial barrier with a layer of dreamy phosphorescence at the right time.

"Close!" At this moment, the scene of "repairing the sky" appeared in the minds of countless people.

——The "colorful boulder" finally blocked the hole and extinguished all the aurora.

Then this scene in everyone's mind became a reality.

Countless ordinary people knelt on the ground, praying to the true god they believed in, thanking the true god for his salvation.

Roselle turned his head and looked at the true gods who helped him, nodded slightly, and directly immersed in the "Fantasy Kingdom of God".

A kingdom of God alone cannot stop the erosion of those foreign gods. He needs to constantly draw the power of the "Book of Dreams" to stabilize this weak point.

After guarding the fantasy world for hundreds of years, He will once again turn into a "sky-repairing stone" until the initial barrier is completely destroyed.

All the true gods in the star realm watched Roselle walk into the "Fantasy Kingdom of God" in silence, intending to stop him, but not daring to stop him.

They looked at the two goddesses in the "Deep Dark Heaven" again, and retreated back to their own kingdom of God in fear.

The initial barrier gradually stabilized, and the attacks of the foreign gods stopped strangely.

One of the reasons may be that they knew that the barrier could not be truly broken, and the other reason, of course, was that they had achieved their goal.

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