Life, Once Again!

Chapter 979. Crank Up 8

Chapter 979. Crank Up 8

Lawyer Park Sunggoo - Janghae picked up the call after seeing the name on the phone. His ominous feeling never missed.

“This is Hong Janghae speaking.”

-This is Park Sunggoo. I’m not sure whether I should call this early or late, but well, sorry about calling you at this hour.

“Not at all. I was also waiting. I would’ve been worried instead if there wasn’t one.”

-That’s good. Thinking back, it’s been a long time. From what I remember, the last time I saw you was at an investment briefing.

“It was just one year ago. I wonder if you’re still doing okay. I should’ve called you first and asked you how you were doing.”

-Perhaps thanks to you, I’ve been doing well. How about you? You are still healthy, right?

“Yes. Thanks to you, I’ve been doing quite well.”

Janghae licked his lips. Exchanging formalities like this made him fume inside. He prayed that the call would end just like this, but lawyer Park’s indifferent words continued,

-I think keeping you on the phone will be rude of me, so I’ll get straight to the point. I believe you know the general outline already.

“I found out somehow. I did not want to see you face to face, lawyer, but it came down to this.”

-I know how that feels. There are times when you just have no choice in what you do in business.

Janghae turned around in the chair. He saw large buildings under the purple night sky. The lights that could be seen on intermittent floors started turning off one by one.

“Are you looking after journalist Kim?”

-That’s how it is.

“I see.”

-As you probably know already, the crime of instigation is very heavily punished. Mediating prostitution is also very heavily punished according to recent trends. You’ll be hard-pressed to escape. We have our hands on both the evidence and the testimony.

“I see. You really aren’t giving me any room, huh.”

-According to our original plan, we were going to talk to the chairman directly, but I felt like things could become a lot simpler after what happened just now. You seem to know everything already, and you sound ready to accept it.

“Is there no room for negotiation?”

-I’m not sure. I usually follow my client’s requests.

“Please hand the phone to journalist Kim. I’m sure he’s next to you.”

-I see you’ve looked into it yourself. Understood, please wait a little.

Lawyer Park’s small voice could be heard over the phone. He seemed to be instructing journalist Kim. Meanwhile, all the lights in the building opposite him were turned off. Janghae stroked his chin and waited for the call to switch.

-This is Kim Dongwook speaking.

“Well, hello there.”

-I don’t have any time for pleasantries.

“I understand you. The matter concerning journalist Choi was truly regrettable. Society is something that should support people like her.”

-If you plan to drag this out by irritating me, then I’d like to tell you that you were successful and can quit the call right now. But if it’s negotiation you want, I suggest you stay quiet. I’m not as cultured as lawyer Park next to me. The only thing I have is my teeth.

Janghae jerked his head back. He did not live like this until now to hear those kinds of words from a guy like him. It was lamentable that he had to bow his head to an ephemeral bug-like thing that he could squish with a finger.

“That wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to tell you that there are things that you simply can’t help but do. Journalist Choi tried to defame our company using unclear evidence. Of course, I’m not saying that her intentions were impure. I know better than anyone that she’s a splendid journalist who jumped in for the pure sake of bringing justice. However, we can’t just sit idly by as a company when we get sued for unjust reasons.”

-Is that all there is to your excuse?

“I am appealing to your common sense, journalist Kim. I’m sure you know this already, but those kinds of matters do not happen because of personal vendetta. It’s just a part of the whole system. I understand that you cherish journalist Choi and how that makes me look spiteful since I seem to be the cause of everything. However, you must know that ousting me won’t be the solution. Even if I fall out of this, someone else will just replace me. I’m saying that there will simply be another journalist Choi.”

-And, what is it that you want?

“I’m asking you to give me some room for improvement. I’m not saying that I’m innocent. I was in the wrong, to the point that I can’t even sleep due to regret. I’m repenting for my actions to the point that I’m even receiving consultations ever since that day.”

He wasn’t saying this purely to appeal to the other party’s goodwill. The opponent wasn’t someone who would be moved by such cheap appeals either. What he wanted was for journalist Kim’s sense of pride and desire for reputation to kick in, or perhaps, material desires.

Even leaders of labor unions turned their backs after standing at the forefront of ‘human rights’ when they were given hundreds of millions of won. The reason historical figures managed to leave their names in history was that they were heroes. They stuck to their decisions and determinations without flinching, and that was why they were admired and praised. Journalist Kim should be an ordinary person as well. While he came all the way here due to his desire for revenge for his junior who had a terrible thing done to her, now that the results were right in front of his eyes, he should have gotten the leisure to take a breather.

People were bound to think about the future when they were given room to breathe. What would remain after taking revenge for the junior? — Janghae wanted this thought to flash across the journalist’s mind. If there was a gap to exploit, he believed that he would survive no matter what. After all, everything in this world came down to wealth. The moment revenge and plausible compensation were weighed on the scale, Janghae could guarantee his safety.

“With lawyer Park on your side, cutting me out shouldn’t be that difficult. However, if you do that, you won’t change anything. I’ll stand in court, sure, and I’ll receive judgment, sure. But what’s most important comes after that. Journalist Kim. Why don’t you think a little more realistically?”

Janghae tapped on his desk with his index finger. The lights on the second highest floor of the building on the other side were turned on. It felt like the pitch-black city had become a little brighter.

The silence lasted for a long time. If there was a conflict, it meant that there was a chance of success. Humiliation was something he could endure. Compared to fighting in court, something going wrong there, and wasting time in prison, it was much better to lower his head.

-That’s enough for me.

“Enough, you say?”

-Your mouth sure is something, alright. Well, I guess that’s how you got into your position. I also like thinking realistically. Like you said, I might be able to get my hands on some sweet cash if I just overlook this matter.

“I’m not talking about just money. I’m saying that there will not be another person like journalist Choi ever ag….”

–Mr. Hong Janghae. Just wait obediently. I am convinced that seeing you acting frustrated is worth more than any amount of money. Try your best to defend yourself with that great business card and wealth of yours.

Fucking son of a…. Journalist Kim said that he wasn’t going to switch. This man was like a fruit fly only seeking out sweet things. He was a stupid type who would not think about the aftermath as long as he could fulfill his goal.

-It seems like negotiations have fallen through.

“Please persuade him for me, lawyer Park. If he realizes that the world isn’t as easy as he thinks it is, he might change his mind.”

-Sorry, but I don’t think that’s happening. He’s very firm in his decision.

“My head shouldn’t be that valuable to you.”

-To me, maybe, but to journalist Kim, it might be more valuable than anything. In the first place, he started this off with the intention of dragging you down.

“That’s why I’m asking you. You know about it, don’t you? You know how easily those noble-looking people change their minds. I, Hong Janghae, am someone who remembers grace and definitely repays. If you can help me out a little here, I will help out whenever you need me.”

-As tempting as that offer is to me, I really don’t have a choice since my client is firm in his decision.

“You should know already that putting me in court will not change anything, don’t you?”

-I do, I know very well. But it can fulfill the desire of an individual.

“Lawyer Park.”

-I’m sorry to tell you this, but there is no room for negotiation. There is only one thing I can suggest to you. Admit it and receive your punishment.

“What are you going to do if I struggle?”

-Then we’ll go back to our original plan and tell the chairman. I’m sure you know what will happen after that more than I do. Either you admit your crimes in court and try to reduce your sentence, or you get ousted while trying to stay inside the circle and receive your sentence that way. I believe you’ll make a wise decision. As far as I know, the chairman isn’t someone who will dip his hands into the dirt in order to save a person under him. Especially if doing such a thing stakes the name of the company.

“I know, I know that very well. I’ve been serving him for decades. I know that frustratingly well.”

-If you need a lawyer, I can introduce you to a competent one.

Janghae lowered his head. The piercing headache disappeared. He no longer had any need to use his head. The results were right in front of his eyes. The only thing left was to rely on the chairman’s mercy and get arrested.

“How long of a sentence do you think I’ll get? I wish to know the opinion of a former prosecutor.”

-We’ll have to see to be sure. As former acquaintances, if there’s one piece of advice I’d give you, it’s that you should get a decent medical diagnosis. It’ll help during your sentence.

“I will.”

Janghae took a deep breath before speaking,

“But why are you helping journalist Kim? President Lee must have been involved since you two met, right?”

-To tell you one thing as compensation for making this a smooth work, what that fellow Junmin wants isn’t just revenge for journalist Kim. It seems like he got into a quarrel with the chairman. Well, that’s how it is. Just like how it’s the shrimp that receive the most damage in a battle between whales, you might have been caught up in a war of nerves between the two of them.

“Is that how it is? A quarrel between the chairman and president Lee, you say. That makes me speechless.”

-Isn’t that how social life is? Well then, hope you have a good rest.

The phone call ended. Janghae looked at his desktop monitor for a long while before typing something into the search bar — divorce documents.

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