Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 316: Don't Make Me Repeat My Words

Chapter 316: Don't Make Me Repeat My Words

The cops who were about to attack him suddenly stopped and stayed in place. 

After one second, the three of them fell down and passed out!

In one second, these armed cops were easily defeated by Ryan.

The passengers were all shocked, that person was so strong! But another question immediately ran into their hearts what was that person going to do?

Was he going to hijack this plane?

In an instant, the question filled all the passengers who saw Ryan's previous action. 

"Stop!" A foreigner stood up and glared at Ryan.

Just like the police earlier, Ryan ignored him and continued walking towards the cockpit. In one pull, he managed to open the special door.

All the passengers who saw him had resigned themselves, it seemed that they had chosen the wrong plane.

The cockpit's door was specially designed by the airline so that the plane was not easily hijacked. When the door was locked from the inside, it was 100% impossible to open it from the outside. However, Ryan easily opened the door with only one hand.

Seeing this action, the foreigner immediately sat down while hiding. He felt so relieved not to run and prevent Ryan because if that really happened, he didn't know what would happen to him next.

"Oh my God, thank you for saving my life!"

Ryan didn't care about the passengers at all because his thoughts were now on the pilots!

The flight attendants were already scared, they couldn't possibly stop the terrorist. Their only savior was the three policemen who were still lying unconscious.

Ryan walked casually towards the cockpit where the two pilots were controlling the plane.

The captain of the plane and his deputy had stared at Ryan sharply ever since their door opened. They could only be stunned and suppress their fear. Ryan then said in a serious tone, "Take this plane to Batavia."

"Who are you? How did you get into this place? Do you." Before the vice-captain finished speaking, Ryan had already knocked him unconscious.

The captain's heart immediately clenched, he didn't know what to do. Ryan then broke the silence by saying, "Change the route to Batavia and don't make me repeat my words. If you continue to disobey my order, I will bring down this plane."

Under Ryan's threat, the captain had no choice but to change the route. He did look calm but he had already given a hidden danger signal to the center of the Tower.

At the same time, the center of the Avalerion airport tower received it.

After getting the danger signal, the air traffic information center immediately fell into chaos.

"What? Has our plane been hijacked again?"

A middle-aged man looked as if he was about to vomit blood. The flight to Japan not long ago was hijacked and now another case happened again? He might be fired for letting the terrorists into his airport.

He had never been so pressured in his entire career as he was at this moment.

"How are things now?" The middle aged man approached his subordinates. Things were in chaos now, everyone was panicking and nervous.

"We have locked the plane's location and are still monitoring it," one of his subordinates said.

"Is there a way to communicate with the pilot?" The middle-aged man asked.

"No, it looks like the pilot is being held hostage. Hmm? This route The plane is changing its course towards Batavia!"

After hearing these words, everyone was shocked. Batavia?

All important personnel were in this room. Hearing the word Batavia, their hearts were clenching hard. Would the World Trade Center incident happen again in Indonesia? Did the terrorist target the presidential palace?

"Contact the police force in Batavia at once!" The middle-aged man immediately threw away his bad thoughts and calmed himself down.

At the same time, he also ordered that the presidential palace be informed about the hijacking of this plane.

To deal with a problem like this, especially if it potentially threatened the safety of the president, this middle-aged man chose to play it safe.

On the plane, the passengers were still sitting tense. They only knew that the cockpit of their plane was not controlled by the pilot. 

Meanwhile, Ryan had no intention of endangering these passengers from the start, his focus was on the Kruger family in Batavia. 

Once he set his foot there, he would massacre all those rotten bastards!

At the Khrushchev International Airport 

The police received information about the arrival of this plane and immediately evacuated the entire airport. Hundreds of cops had packed the airport, complete with their assault rifles. 

They received confirmation that the hijacked plane would land at this airport. Hearing this, most people were relieved that the terrorist didn't target the presidential palace.

The airport was quickly surrounded by the police and one of the Crimean special forces the Scorpion.

Airport employees also felt the tension when they heard this shocking news. Wasn't this like an action movie? 

"Hey, what the heck is all this fuss about?" An employee who just came out of the toilet asked.

Next to him was his friend who had heard the news of the hijacking.

"Where have you been? It was announced that an airplane was hijacked and soon they will land at this airport!"

"Seriously?" He forgot to close his zipper as his jaw dropped to the floor, this was the first time he had experienced such a thing.

However, seeing the number of units guarding his workplace, it seemed that this was not a dream.

Outside, the passengers who were about to leave were completely helpless. Without any explanation, dozens of police cars suddenly arrived and they immediately evacuated them all. At the same time, all flight departures and arrivals were delayed.

"What is really happening?" A passenger looked confused. This kind of total evacuation was extremely rare.

Seeing the many cops on guard at this airport, everyone was curious. Moreover, the media had started to arrive one by one.

But when the reporters intended to find out what happened, they were immediately chased away by the police manning the entrance. At the same time, one of the forces' leaders prohibited a recording of this incident.

No matter what theories or guesses the media tried to use, the police didn't care. The situation inside the airport was still tense and they did not know what the terrorist wanted. But despite being in the midst of a dangerous situation, a person was seen yawning because he was bored.

"Tch, the headquarters sent me to this place and no media is allowed to record my action later?" The well-built and burly person was armed with combat gears and weapons. His face, which was covered by a black cloth, only showed his eyes. However, all of that could not shut down his intense killing aura.

The person beside him immediately rebuked him.

"Mr. Guido, don't be like that. The headquarters is also being pressured by many parties. Moreover, the most important thing is the lives of 100 people on board. We also don't know what their condition is up until now. We were sent today to eliminate all terrorists who dare to set foot in this capital city, but we hope we can catch him so we can interrogate him."

"Yeah, yeah, you don't have to grumble like that," Guido was one of the spearheads of the Alkonost Ordo. Since he joined, no terrorist had ever been able to escape his grasp.

Apart from the Scorpion, the president ordered the Alkonost Ordo to participate in this mission. 

Guido prided himself on his arrogance because he thought his ability earned him the right to do so. He had fought with many international terrorists and got countless experiences. After being abroad for a long time, he just returned to Crimea last week and was already assigned with a mission as important as this. 

Of course he didn't know who Ryan was. The only people who knew him were Christa, Elizabeth and their subordinates, especially since their influence did not reach Batavia.

However, Crimea was indeed too big for the Alkonost Ordo to only monitor Ryan's activities. Therefore, they were spread throughout the country. 

At the same time, the airport tower gave a signal and all the personnel looked up at the sky.

Beneath their gaze, an airplane could be seen and ready to land.

Everyone became tense, the personnel immediately took their positions and the snipers were already aiming for the plane.

The planes took out their wheels and began landing on the runway. Their landing was smooth and finally came to a perfect stop.

Seeing this incident, everyone held their breath. They looked forward to the terrorists' next action. The most difficult thing was when the terrorists mingled among the passengers, unwanted victims might've fallen because of it.

All the weapons were now pointing at the plane as the cops were staring at it warily.

"For everyone on the plane, we have surrounded you. As long as you don't hurt the passengers, we will listen to your requests." 

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