Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 304: Seeking For A Revenge

Chapter 304: Seeking For A Revenge

After Ryan jumped down, the mountain peak was already filled with scattered corpses. The heavy and gripping atmosphere returned to calm. Stygian Blade and Boreas carried Hera who was still unconscious and left from there. If Nicholas hadn't intervened, the three of them might have died.

The remaining guards then approached their master. The result of this fight was completely beyond Nicholas' expectations. Ryan, Irina and Ivanka died from falling from the top of the mountain.

Nicholas' face looked dissatisfied, he looked down from above but couldn't find anything. The height of this mountain reached 1500 meters above sea level. Even if he used all his family's power, the chances of him finding the three corpses would still be slim.

What's more, if people dared to jump from the top of this mountain, it was almost 99.99999% that they would die. 

"Sir, what's the next step?" His subordinates were waiting for his orders. But Nicholas himself didn't know what to do. To be honest, an outcome like this was not the result he wanted. He only wanted to kill Ryan, while he could use Irina and Ivanka he could to exploit the wealth of the Lacroix family. 

But to his surprise, Irina jumped off the cliff thinking that she was only a burden for Ryan!

This incident must have reached the ears of the Lacroix family and of course Nicholas would be the main culprit. If that happened, these two aristocratic families would be in an open war until one of them was destroyed!

"Send some people to find their bodies," Nicholas said.

After his subordinates left to carry out his order, Nicholas did not expect much. This vast mountain and leafy forest was too much for a search.

In less than 15 minutes, someone ran towards Nicholas in a hurry. "Sir, we found Miss Irina! She's still alive!"

Hearing this, Nicholas quickly ran towards the location. What she saw was really a miracle, Irina was stuck unconscious in a tree without getting hurt at all. 

"Put her down!"

At the top of the mountain, the climbers could finally breathe a sigh of relief after seeing Nicholas and his subordinates leave this place. What had happened at the top of this mountain was truly unforgettable. They did not think that there would be such a powerful person in Crimea.

After getting Irina off the tree, Nicholas' subordinates returned to look for Ryan and Ivanka for a few moments. But they found no traces.

It could be said that Ryan and Ivanka fell to the foot of the mountain while Irina was really lucky to get caught in a tree not far from where she jumped earlier.

"Sir, we've checked the surroundings three times and found nothing."

"I'm sure that person will definitely die at the foot of the mountain."

Nicholas didn't answer. Even though he wanted to make sure Ryan was dead, searching for his body on this mountain was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

In the end, Nicholas could only believe that Ryan was dead. No human could survive falling from this height. 

"Get ready to return," Nicholas said.

People might not have thought that Nergal the God of War didn't die in the hand of one of the 12 Aesir Gods, but a father seeking revenge for his dead son.

"Irina, Ivanka...!"

Ryan shouted loudly in mid-air, his face really looked worried when he saw the two people he loved falling fast. 

The mysterious power suddenly fused with him and spread throughout his body. 

With the help of this mysterious power, Ryan's fall was even faster and managed to cut the distance from Irina and Ivanka quickly.

Below them, there were large trees with many branches. However, they couldn't see what kind of shock they had after they broke through the trees.

"Brother Ryan!"

Ivanka was surprised to see Ryan holding her hand, Irina also didn't think that her husband was also jumping.

The couple's eyes met. Ryan stared into Irina's teary eyes, the man then knew in an instant what Irina's reckless action meant.

"Didn't we promise to live together until we grow old?"

Ryan then hugged Irina with one hand.

"Ryan, I..." Irina wanted to apologize for her stupidity, but the three of them had almost hit the trees!

"Promise you will stay alive for me!" Ryan said, smiling at Irina, his tone was really soothing.

But, suddenly, with the help of his mysterious power, Ryan threw Irina to the branches!

In an instant, Irina's body darted towards the large tree and finally landed on one of its branches. 

The power and accuracy of Ryan's energy shots were just right, he managed to minimize the danger that could befall Irina and land her perfectly. However, Irina still fainted because her head hit a branch.

Ryan himself unconsciously stared hard at a large tree branch.


He received the thump right behind his head, it almost made him lose consciousness. Even the big tree branch broke and fell with him!

At the same time, Ivanka was still in the air while screaming for help. 

"Brother Ryan, help me...!"

Ivanka was scared to death and Ryan was still trying to stay awake before dashing back towards her.

When the two of them made it through the shady trees, their views became clear. But this was not a good news because what awaited them down there were sharp rocks!

Ivanka's face was already wet with tears, she waved her hand trying to grab something. However, her attempts failed and she fell down fast.

"Ivy, don't panic!"

Ryan shouted with all his might to Ivanka. At the same time, he was trying to find something that would reduce their falling speed.

These two were like black dots that drifted from the cliff to the foot of the mountain. The people below could not see them because they were so fast and small from a distance. What's more, the gravity kept pulling them down.

Ivanka continued to scream hysterically while in the air. 

'Am I going to die...?' A feeling of despair and helplessness filled the girl's heart.

"Ivy, hold my hand!" Ryan shouted with all his might. 

When she looked up, Ivanka found Ryan getting closer to her. The man's face was getting closer as he tried to catch her.

"Brother Ryan!"

Ivanka was already crying happily, but at this point, Ryan's eyes got smaller. Not far from Ivanka, a sharp rock was ready to greet the two of them. If they fell at this speed, it was certain that the rock would pierce them both.

At the most crucial moment, Ryan caught Ivanka's hand and pushed her aside.

However, Ryan failed to save him and the stone heavily scratched his side abs.


Blood flowed through the torn pieces of his clothes, but fortunately, Ryan's intestines did not come out of his body. However, he was still not free from danger. The mysterious power within his body was stirring up again and trying to take over its weakened host.


Ryan spat out a mouthful of fresh blood. Meanwhile, the wound on his stomach was throbbing more and more and it turned out that he had scrapped his flesh quite deep.

In the midst of this pain, Ryan grasped Ivanka's hand tightly.

"Brother, hold on!" Ivanka was completely terrified and was already in tears. 

Ryan felt such an excruciating pain from his stomach and blood couldn't stop coming out. What's more, his inner power was battling with the mysterious power within his body.

Enduring the pain, Ryan said to Ivanka, "Hold on tight to me."

Ivanka quickly embraced Ryan tightly. In midair, Ryan adjusted his position so that Ivanka could embrace him on his back.

As they were still falling, Ryan tried to find the right place to land.

However, only sharp rocks would welcome them.

Ryan tried to stretch out his hand and hang off the cliff, hoping to slow down his fall. But all that was useless. When his hand grabbed a stone, it couldn't withstand the force because Ryan's momentum was too fast.

At this time, Ryan realized a tree that's quite large nearby and this made him happy.

"Ivy, hold on tight."

In an instant, Ivanka hugged Ryan's neck tightly. Both of her big breasts immediately pressed on Ryan's back, but Ryan didn't have time to enjoy the soft sensation. His life was still in danger, if he let his lust take over then they both would die today.

Falling from this cliff was the most dangerous incident Ryan had ever experienced.

Seeing he was getting closer to the tree, Ryan's eyes stared at it sharply. In an instant, he was trying to catch the branch!

Their speed suddenly became zero, if this wasn't Ryan then that person's hand would have been broken and torn from his shoulder joint.

At the same time, the tree received the wave of energy Ryan channelled and continuously vibrated. However, the branch he was holding began to break.

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