Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 297: Riding On Top

Chapter 297: Riding On Top

At this time, Ryan had sneaked into the living room. Ivanka and Irina couldn't hear his footsteps.

Ivanka then lowered her head. "But when you have children later, can I still come to this house to play?"

"Of course you can," Irina then hugged Ivanka. "No matter what, you will always be my sweet little sister and you are always welcome in my house. I also hope that you will never get bored playing with me,"

"Hmmm... Then what can I do, I will be the best sister and aunt in the world!" Ivanka said as she hugged Irina tightly back.

The two sisters laughed, but at this time, a head suddenly popped out from behind them.

"Don't forget me, I also want to play with you."

Irina and Ivanka were both shocked. When they turned around, they found that it was Ryan's head.

"Bro, can you stop surprising me like that? I'll die young from a heart attack, you know!" Ivanka got angry.

Ryan then walked over to them and sat between Ivanka and Irina.

"Hey, what are you doing sitting in the middle?" Ivanka got even angrier. "I want to talk about important things with my sister, so you just wait in the room."

"Never mind, I am your brother-in-law. What kind of problem do you want to talk about that you don't want me to join you guys like this?" Ryan laughed. On his right was a mature and sexy woman named Irina while on his left was Ivanka, a young and vibrant girl.

"This is a women's problem, how can we talk about it if you're still here?" Ivanka said.

"Hahaha, why are you so angry? Are you in your period now?" Ryan then turned to Irina and stroked her hair. "If you feel sick, just tell your husband. I will make you not feel it anymore,"

Ivanka looked surprised, she then said to Ryan, "Bro, how could you speak vulgarly like that!"

"Ah, I don't mean something perverted!" Ryan realized that his words were ambiguous. "I mean I can relieve the symptoms with my acupuncture,"

Ivanka laughed with satisfaction seeing Ryan confused while Irina was attracted by her husband's words just now. "How to?"

"Here, let me help," Ryan then took off Irina's shirt and checked her waist. In an instant, Irina's veins were clearly visible.

Seeing Ryan's serious face, Ivanka couldn't help asking. "Bro, can you really cure period cramps?"

"Ivy, it's natural for some women to have cramps so I can't make it disappear. All I can do is relieve the pain."

"Besides, have you forgotten who cured your acne?" Ryan added, he then smiled wickedly. Even though he didn't study medicine from his third grandfather for too long, a trivial problem like this was certainly an easy thing for him.

Ivanka quickly turned into a goody two-shoes. "Then, after you help sister Irina, can you help me too? I'm really in pain because of my period,"

"Didn't you just want to kick me out? Why should I help you?"

"Bro...." Ivanka immediately hugged Ryan from behind, she tried to beg him. "Come on bro, don't you want your younger sister to always be healthy?"

"Alright now, that's enough," Irina said as she kept holding her shirt. She was actually a little jealous seeing the two of them so close.

"Fine, fine. Now take off your clothes too," Ryan's right hand was on Irina's waist while the left was on Ivanka's.

After a while, Ryan said to Irina, "Honey, there should be nothing wrong with your body."

Then Ryan turned to look at Ivanka with a serious face and shook his head. "Ivy, your body is in serious trouble."

"HAH??!" Ivanka was really surprised when she heard it. Irina was also nervous when she heard it.

"But take it easy, you will be fine if..."

"If what?" Ivanka immediately tugged at Ryan. "Bro, am I going to die???"

"You will be fine if you often give your brother a shoulder massage," Ryan said with a smile.

Irina immediately laughed at that then Ryan also laughed with her. Ivanka was really angry and took the pillow on the sofa and slammed it on her brother-in-law's face.

"Damn it, I was already worried just now!"

"Yeah, sorry, I was wrong. I just want to tease you, I'll make a medicinal potion later and you have to drink it."

After this little quarrel was over, Ivanka spoke again, "Sister Irina, if you have a day off tomorrow, how about we go mountain climbing?"

Mountain climbing?

Irina thought about it for a moment and smiled at her. "Sounds fun. We haven't climbed the mountain for a long time,"

Ivanka was immediately excited. "Lately, a lot of people have climbed Mount Barlegrad. How about we go there?"

Irina nodded, but Ryan glared at Ivanka. "You really want to go mountain climbing?"

"Ah, I didn't invite you, you know," Ivanka looked away. "I only invited my sister Irina,"

"How come?" Ryan immediately panicked. "I just want to protect you and your sister, what if you meet bad guys who want to hurt you?"

"We'll be screaming for help. Besides, our destination is also full of visitors, so it doesn't matter," Ivanka smiled at Ryan, it seemed that she still had a grudge against the man for not visiting her in the hospital.

"There's no need to make a fuss like that, you can come too," Irina said.

The three then chatted for an hour, their topics varied greatly. After dinner, they went to sleep. Initially, Ivanka planned to sleep with her sister but after seeing Ryan's serious face, she didn't dare to do it.

Finally, Ivanka stood up with a sullen face and said to her older siblings, "Okay, I'll sleep alone tonight, make sure you won't be too tired for tomorrow,"

"What do you mean?" Irina was confused at what she said.

"Of course I was talking about what you and Brother Ryan are going to do after this. Your screams were so loud last time that I couldn't sleep at all. This time, make sure you don't scream too loudly!" Ivanka's face was completely irritated.

Hearing her explanation, Irina's face turned red. Ryan almost vomited his drink when he heard that. Since when did Ivanka turn into such a straightforward person?

Irina's face was really red, she could only nod slowly.

Seeing her sister's embarrassed face, Ivanka smiled. "Sis, don't be shy. Moaning pleasantly when you do it is natural, but try not to make too much noise, I'm afraid I can't sleep well,"

When Ivanka came into her room, Irina whispered in Ryan's ear. "Am I really too loud?"

When whispered, Irina thought about when she was in her favorite position riding her husband from the top. She thought maybe she was doing it too hard that she didn't realize her moan was so loud.

"Hahaha, don't worry, she's just bluffing. How could your moan be that loud?" Ryan then kissed Irina and whispered in her ear, "She's just jealous of you."

"Besides, I want to try a new style today. I hope you are ready not to sleep," Ryan said.

Irina blushed, then they both entered their love nest. This night was destined to be a sleepless night.


The next day, suddenly the curtains in his room opened and the bright sunlight pierced his eyes. Ryan opened his eyes and saw Ivanka in his room.

"Bro, wake up! Let's get up quickly, we want to go mountain climbing today!"

Though she said that in a thunderous voice, Ryan sank his head back into the pillow.

Ivanka was really angry, she immediately shook Ryan's body violently. However, all her efforts were in vain since her brother continued to sleep. Left with no other choice, Ivanka then took a deep breath and shouted in Ryan's ear. "WAKE UP!"


This wasn't the level of waking people up anymore, it's already like an assassination attempt!

Ryan jumped down from the bed while covering his ears. Ivanka then said to him, "It's your own fault that you don't want to get up and come down. Come on get ready quickly, otherwise I'll stay."

Feeling helpless, Ryan could only stand while continuing to cover his buzzing ears. "What time is it?"

"It's 6 o'clock in the morning, Sister Irina has been getting ready since earlier. You're the only one who's not ready yet."

Hearing it was still 6 am, Ryan was speechless. "It's only 6 am, let me sleep again."

"Don't sleep anymore, brother!" Ivanka's face was filled with anger, she really looked like the devil. Ryan didn't dare to fight her again. "Yeah yeah, I was just kidding. I'm getting ready soon,"

Scratching his head, the man immediately got ready and washed his face. After breakfast, the three of them went to Mount Barlegrad

At Mount Barlegrad

Near the city of Avalerion, several mountains stood tall. Even though they were not high, each mountain had its own power. 

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