
Chapter 305

Chapter 305

As the spring sunshine poured through his window, Rei woke up in his bed.

His eyes widened slightly at the scene, which was completely different from what he had experienced in the past month or so. However, he soon remembered where he was.

The Dusk Wheat. Rei was back at the inn in Gilm.

Although there had been a possibility of the war taking several months, Rei wasn’t worried about money, the food was good, the service attentive and he could relax comfortably with various magic items. ……Furthermore, he had no plans to cancel an accommodation that would accept a Griffon like Set. Because of that, he had paid the fee for the last month in advance while he had been taking part in the war.

「Oh right……I’m back.」

With a murmur, he recalled the events of the previous day and sighed as he looked out the window.

He knew it was a sunny day from the sunshine, but seeing the blue sky which had a lot less clouds compared to the day before calmed his mood.

After spending a minute looking out in silence, he eventually got dressed before heading down to the first floor.

It hadn’t been long since the 6am bell had rung, but were still a lot of people in the dining area.

……That said, more than half of them were dead drunk and sleeping.

「What a mess.」

The dining area was still filled with the smell of alcohol, even after Rei had slept. ……Rather, it was clear that they had all continued to drink and party until just a few hours earlier.

Still, some of them, like Rei, had left the celebrations early. Rei took a seat as he saw a few other people also eating breakfast.

「Good morning, it was hard on you yesterday.」

A woman’s voice called out to Rei.

Turning his eyes towards the voice, Rei saw a stout middle-aged woman. It was Lana, the proprietress of the Dusk Wheat Inn.

「Ah, I didn’t think it would get busy so quickly after I got back.」

The first thing that went through Rei’s mind was the large amount of supplies that he had to take back out of the Misty Ring.

The Knight’s storage warehouse, which had been almost empty, was packed to the brim with supplies he had taken out.

After that, a huge feast had been held causing a big fuss around the city and Rei had to take out a large amount of food and drink from the Misty Ring again. After serving everything, he was then surrounded by people who wanted to play with Set as well as children and adults who wanted to hear about stories from the war……in many ways, he felt exhausted.

He spent time talking with Lenora and Kenny, who were delighted, worried and busy as well as Brazos and Freon from the Rank C party Crushing Warriors, who had stayed back to defend Gilm rather than participate in the war.

After that, he had gone back to the Dusk Wheat to avoid getting into trouble with drunk people late at night. He had ignored the people who had been partying in the dining area and gone straight to his room. He fell straight onto his bed and slept to recover from his mental fatigue.

Recalling the events of the previous day for a few seconds, Rei eventually nodded at Lana.

「It was a celebratory party, so it can’t be helped. That aside, I would like to have some breakfast.」

「Yes, I understand. That said……my husband went a bit too hard last night, so I’ll only be able to serve some simple food.」

Rei nodded to indicate that was fine at the apologetic Lana.

In any case, there was only so much food that could be served and what could be provided in the inn was definitely not enough. Because of that, Rei decided to eat more than usual at the street stalls later.

A bit later, Lana brought over some simple food, such as sandwiches, vegetable soup and some boiled eggs. After finishing the food, Rei and Set left for the city.

「Set, you must be tired from yesterday. Here, eat this.」

「Set, here, this.」


As Rei walked down the main street towards the guild, many voiced called out them as dried meat, bread and skewers were given to Set.

The fact that there were more people feeding Set than before the war made it clear that Set had become a lot more well known after the parade that was held the day before.

「Oh, Rei. How are the skewers?」

「Rei-niichan, tell me stories about the war!」

「Ah, that’s not fair. I was going to ask first!」

Rei wasn’t as famous as Set, street stall vendors would still recommended food to him and he would be swarmed by children wanting to hear stories from the war.

「Ahh, I’m sorry. I have to go to the guild right now. I won’t have time for a while. Please ask somebody else.」

As expected, even if Rei wasn’t good at socialising, he wouldn’t do something like ignoring or threatening children. In the end, he managed to get them all to leave with a sigh as he continued his way to the guild with Set, who was eating the food he had recieved with a happy cry.

And……after arriving at the guild, he saw quite a sight.

「What’s with this number of people?」

Those were Rei’s first words after stepping into the guild. Set, as usual, had split with him at the entrance.

First of all, the bar. Like the Dusk Wheat’s dining area, adventurers, city residents and merchants who had come to do business had all collapsed without distinction. From the smell, it looked like they had been celebrating until just a few hours ago. In a sense, that was what Rei had expected. However, the reception counters were completely different from what he had expected.

「I would like to take this request please.」


Several adventurers left reception desk after handing over request forms to Lenora.

As they left, Lenora glanced at Rei for a moment before immediately going back to her work as if she hadn’t seen him.

「Hey, you two, could you also take this request? About 10 Goblins have been sighted on the road. I’d be happy if you could check if it is true, and if it is true, kill them.」

「Y-Yes! For Kenny-san, it doesn’t matter if it’s 10 or 20 Goblins! Right?!」

「R-Right. Well, rather……if we complete this request, could you go out for a meal with me!」

「Ridiculous, that’s unfair. Kenny-san. Instead of him, how about a meal with me!」

Two adventurers in their 20’s who were caught by Kenny tried to get a promise of a meal together from her.

「I’m sorry, but I can’t really do that for now, I have to clear out all the accumulated requests and paperwork.」

Kenny spoke with a smile on her face as the adventurers looked down regretfully,

However, as one would expect from a receptionist of the Adventurer’s Guild……or rather, because it was Kenny? She immediately called out to the two young men again.

「But, when this busy period is over……maybe I’ll have time to go out for dinner.」

At those words, the two adventurers raised their heads at the same time.

「I-Is that really true!?」

「I’m not entirely sure, but I will be able to take more time off than I can right now. ……However, I don’t know when this busy period will end.」

「In that case, I’ll do my best to clear out all the accumulated requests!」

「Hey, wait, there’s only just the two of us though.」

「Fufufu~. I wish you the best of luck.」


Nodding back at Kenny’s smile, the two of them left the guild with red faces.

Then, after the two adventurers had finally left, Lenora turned to speak to Kenny.

「I think it’s a bit much to trick them like that, isn’t it?」

「Oh, is that so? But, that’s why I was hired as a receptionist, right? Sometimes a little teasing is needed to get some requests done. ……Well, it might be a bit hard for some others.」

Kenny showed off her breasts as usual.

Normally, Lenora would get angry right away, but today was different. That was because she had caught sight of her anti-Kenny weapon.

「Eh, is that so. Kenny is good at using her figure to tempt people after all. I wonder what Rei-san would say if he saw that?」


At Lenora’s unusual response, Kenny stopped for a moment.

「Hey Lenora. You’re not trying to put some strange thoughts into Rei-kun’s mind are you?」

「What strange thought? I’m not telling him lies or nonsense am I?」

「……You were going to exaggerate some things that happened though.」

「That’s not true. ……What do you think?」

Lenora finally turned to look at Rei.

Kenny probably realised why Lenora had responded like that. Turning her eyes towards the same direction as Lenora with cold sweat, Kenny saw Rei dressed in his Dragon Robe as usual.

「Wai-, R-Rei-kun!? Were you watching earlier?」

「Ahh, well.」

Rei nodded ambiguously at Kenny’s words without saying that he had or hadn’t seen it.

Kenny wanted to reply, but her mouth froze and she was unable to say anything.

In the meantime, Lenora spoke up as if nothing had happened. However, there was a triumphant smile on her face after her victoy against Kenny who had always beaten her, on breast size that is.

「Rei-san, what your business today? If it’s the reward for the war, I believe you received it yesterday?」

「No, I’m not here for the rewards. I heard that there were many requests right now. I thought I would take a look for any subjugation requests.」

He had heard from Runo in the carriage that subjugation requests would have already been cleaned up as high priority requests. That said, he still wanted to wanted to check in the guild.

But, as expected, Lenora shook her head slightly.

「Unfortunately, we’ve already taken care of the highest priority, high risk subjugation requests. Besides, Rei-san just got back from the war, so I would thinking you could do with a bit more rest. There aren’t any urgent requests, and even if there are, they are still at the level where they can be handled by the adventurers who stayed back.」

「Is that so?」

「Th……That’s right! Rei-kun played a big part in the war, didn’t he? You had no experience in fighting war before, so you should take a break!」

Kenny, who had finally collected herself, told him that. However, Rei just shook his head.

「I slept well last night, so I have no issues with my physical body. If there aren’t any subjugation request, I’ll head off then since there’s still some stuff I have to do.」

「Ah, wait a minute. Rei-kun, if you don’t have anything to do, how about you go on a date with me! As a present to celebrate your victory in the war……should I just wrap a ribbon around my body and present myself as a gift?」

「Hey, Rei-san just said he has other things to do. What I mean is, don’t be stupid and get carried away with your love affairs. What’s with a naked ribbon anyway?」

Lenora smacked Kenny on the head with the documents in her hand.

「You can’t say that, it’s my freed to give Rei-kun whatever present I want, right? ……Well, if I only had breasts like Lenora, even if I tried to tie a ribbon, it would probably just fall down without stopping at them.」

「Hey! Even if they’re not that big, they’re not that small! They’re still larger than most people!」

At Kenny’s words, Lenora shouted at Kenny as she put down the documents in her hand. The adventurers who heard her shout all turned to look at Lenora’s chest.

Actually, Lenora’s breasts weren’t as small as what Kenny made them out to be. Of course, they weren’t as big as Kenny’s, but they were still above average. However, it looked really bad in comparison as Kenny’s guild uniform emphasised them more.



Noticing that the adventurers who had heard her shout were now all looking at her chest, Lenora immediately sat down at the reception desk and covered her chest with her arms as her face went red with embarrassment.

However, even though the adventurers’ eyes weren’t focused on her chest, Kenny’s eyes didn’t hide her pride. ……After propping up her chest using her uniform, Kenny sat down with a smile at her victory over Lenora.

Lenora glared at Kenny as many adventurers slowly walked away from her counter because they didn’t want to catch her in a bad mood.

In the midst of all this, Rei, who could be called the cause of their dispute, had already escaped from the guild in an attempt to avoid getting dragged into any further trouble.

「Eh? What? Rei-kun? What about our date?」

Noticing that Rei had disappeared, Kenny shouted out in a charming voice. However, she was immediately smacked over the head by an embarrassed Lenora using some rolled up documents.

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