Kaleidoscope of Death

Chapter 115: The Door That Cant Be Opened

Chapter 115: The Door That Cant Be Opened

Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu

As for how exactly they were going to repurpose this traitor, Ruan Nanzhu didnt say. The scariest things were all unsaid, however; Tian Guxues entire soul was now overran by terror. She trembled so hard she couldnt even speak.

What do we do for now? Sun Yuanzhou asked. Just leave her here? Isnt that risky?

She can still do something else for us, Ruan Nanzhu hummed.

Sun Yuanzhou was thoughtful.

Open chests?

Yes, Ruan Nanzhu said. He looked at Tian Guxue, and spoke lightly. You havent opened any chests today right? Even so, you probably know where the Hako Onna and Hakobito areright?

Tian Guxue looked up at Ruan Nanzhu, panicked. I dont know!!

You dont know? Liang Miye scoffed. If you dont know where the Hakobito and Hako Onna are, how do you open any of the chests? Youre not scared to find one of them?

Its like this. Before I open a chest, if theres a Hakobito or the Hako Onna inside, the chest makes a sound Tian Guxue stammered. And then Ill switch to a different chest to open. The Hako Onna warned me though that there cant be anybody beside me when I open the chests, so

Ruan Nanzhu lifted an eyebrow.

Youve already opened boxes today?

Mh, Tian Guxue nodded carefully.

Fine, then well confirm what you said tomorrow, Ruan Nanzhu said.

If Tian Guxue was telling the truth, then she would be very useful to them. This way, she was a functionally a probe that could identify where the Hako Onna and Hakobito were.

Ruan Nanzhu asked Tian Guxue about a few more details, such as how she made contact with the Hako Onna. When asked about the rulebook, Tian Guxue told them that on the first day they arrived, shed found the rulebook in the first-floor dining room. It had been in a corner, and the Hako Onna told her to look there.

But how come I didnt see the rulebook? a young woman from the crowd asked. She was the person who first heard the Hako Onna cry when they came into the mansion, and the cry had come from the kitchen, so shed gone to look around inside.

Maybe I got here before you, Tian Guxue answered carefully. By the time you wentId already taken it.

That was certainly a possibility. While Tian Guxues explanation made some sense, it still made Lin Qiushis forehead puckerHed detected a strange discrepancy in Tian Guxues words.

Ruan Nanzhu didnt say anything either, deep in thought. He didnt say what he was thinking in the end though, just began discussing what to do about Tian Guxue with the group.

Tian Guxue was most scared of being killed. When she saw that they didnt want her life, she released a huge breath of relief.

In the end everybody decided to shut Tian Guxue in her room and assign someone to guard her. There was no harm in not opening any chests, after all, and the number of Hako Onnas powers had not yet reached six.

While everybody was discussing these things, Ruan Nanzhu stood aside in silence. Though his eyes were on Tian Guxue, his gaze seemed to go right through her, landing somewhere faraway.

What is it? Lin Qiushi sensed that something was off about Ruan Nanzhu.

Nothing, Ruan Nanzhu answered lightly. Just thought of something from the past.

So Lin Qiushi didnt press. He only took Ruan Nanzhus hand with a squeeze, transferring the warmth of his palm to Ruan Nanzhu.

At their interaction, Sun Yuanzhou once again tossed them a queer look. That look really was far too complicated, and Lin Qiushi far too confusedHe really did want to ask now exactly what Ruan Nanzhu had said to Sun Yuanzhou.

Once the matter was decided, everyone made a deal to not discuss this anywhere else, in case the Hako Onna caught wind of it.

Sun Yuanzhou took Tian Guxue to her room and had someone stand guard.

The rest of the group split up and ordered the guard shifts. Someone would take over every two hours.

With everything settled, everybody dispersed.

Lin Qiushi took a brief look at the chests that Tian Guxue said shed already opened, carefully marking them on top. Of course, to prevent the Hako Onna from noticing, they didnt mark the chests with sticky notes.

The entire way down Ruan Nanzhu was quiet. The way he seemed deep in thought made Lin Qiushi feel oddly uneasy.

Whats on your mind?

Im thinking about my last tenth door, Ruan Nanzhu answered.

Was it scary? Lin Qiushi had noticed that Ruan Nanzhu never seemed to be in a good mood when he mentioned his tenth door.

It wasnt, Ruan Nanzhu said. But Id rather itd been scarier.

Lin Qiushi, what do you mean?

Ruan Nanzhu was about to answerbut then he seemed to suddenly recall something. Glancing over at Lin Qiushi, he said instead, its nothing important. A good friend died in there, so Im just a bit sentimental.

Lin Qiushis brows furrowed. He felt that Ruan Nanzhu was intentionally keeping something from him.

If they could get through today, then tomorrow, Tian Guxue could open three more chests for them with an absolute guarantee of dodging the Hakobito and Hako Onna. This was thoroughly beneficial for them.

Ruan Nanzhu was assigned to guard Tian Guxue from nine to eleven PM, which wasnt too late of a time slot. Lin Qiushi tried to stay with him, but Ruan Nanzhu shooed him off.

Go get some sleep first, you have a shift after me, Ruan Nanzhu said. Go on.

Lin Qiushi said, but Im worried about you.

Ruan Nanzhu just laughed, reaching out and taking the tip of Lin Qiushis ear in a pinch.

What are you worried about, that Id cheat on you? Immediately after saying this, he ducked in close to Lin Qiushis ear and exhaled a superheated breath. Dont worry, I only get hard for you.

Lin Qiushi,

Man, Ruan Nanzhu really could make this old face of his blush. After such a turn, hed completely forgotten what he wanted to say, and was chased off to his room by force. Ruan Nanzhu, on the other hand, entered the room holding Tian Guxue.

Liang Miye was already sprawled heartily on her bed, all washed and cleaned. Seeing Lin Qiushi come in, she said, yo, youre not keeping Mengmeng company?

Lin Qiushi said, he let me come back first.

You guys have such a nice relationship. Liang Miye was currently doing a face mask. Jealous!

Lin Qiushi watched her: were inside a door, and youre doing a face mask?

Why not do a face mask? Liang Miye batted her eyes before really getting into it. Oh dont you know, they all say face masks are the most effective inside the doors. Outside, the mask just goes on your flesh, but inside, it goes right onto your soul. Its true inner beauty. And cost-effective.

Lin Qiushi, He didnt know what to say, all of a sudden.

Liang Miye too saw how Lin Qiushi had gone dumb, and began to guffaw.

Beauty is a womans second life!

Lin Qiushi held up both hands in surrender.

I agree.

After washing up in the bathroom, he returned and lied back in his bed. He didnt start playing on his phone though, instead began to contemplate the matter of Tian Guxue from the day. As he was deep in thought, however, there came the sound of the Hako Onnas cry from downstairs. Sharp and despairing, it sent a flood of goosebumps over all its listeners.

Reflexively, both Lin Qiushi and Liang Miye shot up in bed.

Shes using another power? Liang Miye said.

"Mh. Lin Qiushi recollected every power card they currently had and all the powers thatd been used. The Hako Onnas cry right now was a bit bewildering.

The only power the Hako Onna hadnt used was Moving Things. Aside from that one, all the powers had already been used once and returned to the card pile. And there was a cool-down time before it could be used again, so the Hako Onna was currently using Moving Things?

NoSomething was offTheyd missed something. After coming to this conclusion Lin Qiushi grew a bit agitated. Judging by her actions inside this door, the Hako Onna wasnt any more foolish than they were, so why would she use this power for no apparent reason?

What is it? Liang Miye watched as Lin Qiushi changed from his pajamas once again into his daywear. Youre going out?

Lin Qiushi said, mh. Im going to see Mengmeng.

He just couldnt stop worrying, pushing open the door and rushing out.

Oh, was all Liang Miye could say.

Very quickly, Lin Qiushi made it to Tian Guxues room and gave the door a knock.

Zhu Meng, Zhu Meng.

Hed thought Ruan Nanzhu would be quick to open the door for him, but for a long moment, there was no movement inside.

Zhu Meng?

Lin Qiushi called a couple more times, feeling something was truly wrong. He was about to fetch a hairpin to open the door when Ruan Nanzhus voice came from inside, sounding a bit sunken.

Linlin, Im fine. Go rest, you dont have to come inside.

What is it? Lin Qiushi asked. What happened?

Ruan Nanzhu said, nothing. Im just worried about someone coming in, so Ive locked the door.

Lin Qiushi was silent.

Ruan Nanzhu, really, Im fine. Go sleep, and come relieve me later.

Lin Qiushi looked down at the locked room door, still not saying anything. He got out his hairpin and began picking it.

Ruan Nanzhu seemed to sense Lin Qiushis actions, his tone growing agitated.

Ive blockaded the door. You cant come in here, Yu Linlin, cant you just listen to me for once? He sounded very impatient. I have to do something important, dont be such a nuisance. Yu Linlin, are you listening to me?

Lin Qiushi completely ignored him, continuing to pick at the lock.

Linlin!! Ruan Nanzhu seemed truly angry now. I said stop opening it!

Lin Qiushi stopped. Slowly, he pressed himself to the door, voice gone hoarse like something had gotten caught in his throat. He said:

Zhu Meng, you lied to me.

Ruan Nanzhu fell silent. He knew Lin Qiushi had discovered the truth.

Its not that you wont let me in, its that you cant come out Lin Qiushi couldnt describe at all how he was feeling in this instant. It was like he was standing at the edge of a black abyss, watching Ruan Nanzhu fall and utterly incapable of stopping it. There was never only one mole.

Ruan Nanzhu didnt reply.

The Hako Onna got a new power, Lin Qiushi said, didnt she?

False Answers, Open This, My Doll Mary, Im Behind You, Moving Thingsright now, the Hako Onna had gathered these five powers, but before him, Ruan Nanzhu had been struck with the Hako Onnas sixth power: Locked Door.

Locked Door"the Hako Onna could lock any door she designated. Players inside the room couldnt pass through and could only be trapped inside.

And at the same time, the Hako Onna had already gathered six powers. Once tomorrow came, she could make her move again, and use the bottom-most card "Im Behind You to kill every single person inside a room.

Without question, her target was Ruan Nanzhu.

There was never just the one mole. Tian Guxue was simply the diversion that the Hako Onna tossed them. There was someone else among them whod hidden a power card, and told the Hako Onna which room Ruan Nanzhu was in.

The key to escaping was on Ruan Nanzhus person. Once he was gone, one path to survival for the players would be completely cut off. Additionally, the discovered mole Tian Guxue would also be taken care of. It truly was killing two birds with one stone.

Lin Qiushi said, dont worry, theres got to be a way. Hang on, Ill go get someone!

From inside the room came silence, and then Ruan Nanzhus faint, faint exhale.

Lin Qiushi remembered it was one of Sun Yuanzhous people whod opened up the fire extinguisher, so he went to Sun Yuanzhous room, banging on the door in a state of complete anxiety.

Seconds later, Sun Yuanzhous door opened. He saw Lin Qiushi panting roughly outside, and exclaimed, what happened?

Wheres your fire extinguisher? Lin Qiushi asked. Zhu Mengs shut in the room, and the Hako Onnas going to use Im Behind You tomorrowWheres your fire extinguisher? The keys on Zhu Meng, she cant die.

Sun Yuanzhou startled.

What? What?? Shes shut in a room??? He seemed to immediately recall the explanation for the Hako Onnas power. The Hako Onnas already found 'Locked Door?

Lin Qiushi, we can talk about it later, wheres the extinguisher

The fire extinguisher could stop the Hako Onna from using a power once. It was the only thing that could save Ruan Nanzhu now.

At Lin Qiushis question, Sun Yuanzhou unconsciously pressed his lips together, expression awkward.

It'sIts gone. Were also looking, but we havent been able to find it.

Lin Qiushi, "

Sun Yuanzhous two other teammates had gathered around inside the room as well. One of the women heard what they were saying, and spoke up quietly, sorry about that. The extinguishers really too heavy, so I didnt carry it on me. I hid it under my bed but when I got back today, it was already gone.

Lin Qiushi said, its really gone?

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Lets be clear about this. If Zhu Meng dies, the Hako Onnas going to get the key from her. At that point well have one less method of escape.

He did his best to persuade them from an objective point of view, not wanting to get too personal.

I understand. If we had it, we really would help you. You can come in and look if youd like, search the room all you want. The woman was also helpless. It really is gone. We were just discussing what to do about this.

She didnt seem disingenuous, and when she even moved aside from the doorway for Lin Qiushi to come in, Lin Qiushi knew they likely werent lying. Fists clenching, he rasped, pardon me, and made to leave.

But Sun Yuanzhou stopped him with a call.

Yu Linlin! You said the Hako Onna got Zhu Meng. Doesnt that mean theres another mole among us?

Isnt that obvious? He shot a cold look at Sun Yuanzhou over his shoulder. Without another mole, why would your fire extinguisher go missing?

It might not have been the mole whod stolen it, Sun Yuanzhou said. It might just be a greedy group member

Lin Qiushi didnt respond, just took off.

Since theyd lost the extinguisher, then Lin Qiushi had no reason to keep wasting his time dealing with them. He lifted his wrist to look at his watch. There were still two hours until twelve, so he had to find a way to save Ruan Nanzhu within the two hours.

Some people crumbled in the face of danger, while some became even calmer. Lin Qiushi was of the latter. He quickly went over the current situation and all the clues they had in his mind, rushing to think of a way to save Ruan Nanzhu.

When she didnt see Lin Qiushi return, Liang Miye too left their room. First thing she saw was Lin Qiushi squatting before the door at the end of the hallway with a solemn expression.

What happened? Liang Miye ran over.

The Hako Onna got him with a power, Lin Qiushi said. Hes shut inside with no way out.

Liang Miye was stunned.

Which powerTheres another mole among us?!

Shed never imagined things would develop like this. Finding Tian Guxue was supposed to have been the end, but whod have thought it was only the beginning

There were actually two moles. Tian Guxue had only been a minor player tossed out as a smokescreen.

So what do we do? Liang Miye was panicking.

You go find the fire extinguisher, Lin Qiushi told her.

He gave a simple account of what happened at Sun Yuanzhous, and sent Liang Miye to look room-by-room for the fire extinguisher. They only had two hours, and the mansion was huge. Whoever hid the fire extinguisher, in order to keep them from finding it, would surely keep it somewhere incredibly well-hidden, so searching for the fire extinguisher wasnt an especially wise method.

But they had no other choice. Lin Qiushi could only send Liang Miye to look while he pondered other methods.

Zhu Meng. Lin Qiushi spoke to Ruan Nanzhu from outside the door. You have to think, is there any other way?

Ruan Nanzhu was so much smarter; hed definitely be able to think of a method.

But the person inside was still keeping silent. Only after Lin Qiushis repeated coaxing did Ruan Nanzhu finally say: Linlin, this is a dead end.

Lin Qiushi froze. He pressed against the door, and asked in utter disbelief: What did you say?

This is a dead end.


Ruan Nanzhu, you went to look for the fire extinguisher just now, right? Did you find it?

Lin Qiushi didnt reply. They both knew the answerhad he found it, Lin Qiushi wouldnt be speaking to him like this.

That person is smart. To have done all of this, they must have thorough with every detail, Ruan Nanzhu said. I underestimated the enemy. Come closer, theres something I want to say to you.

Lin Qiushi pressed his face to the door. It took all his effort to control himself and not start shaking.

Ruan Nanzhu spoke quietly to him: I dont have the key on me. Ive hidden it in the crack behind the headboard in our room. Remember to grab it.

Lin Qiushi didnt speak.

Linlin, Im glad to have met you, Ruan Nanzhu said. I hope you can get out of here alive.

No, Lin Qiushi said.

Ruan Nanzhu, what?

I said Im not fucking getting out of here without you. Dammit Zhu Meng, what your heart must be made out of. Lin Qiushi swore as he so rarely did. How can you say such a thing to me? How can you be so heartless?!

Ruan Nanzhu couldnt reply.

Lin Qiushi, Im going to get you out of there, do you hear me? Im getting you out!!

He turned and picked up a decorative statue in the hallway. He began to slam it against the door.

But what had once been a wooden door that couldnt even really be called solid was currently cast-iron. It didnt budge an inch, and he couldnt leave so much as a dent. After smashing at it for a bit, Lin Qiushi knew this wasnt going to work.

Just hang on.

At this point, many people had left their rooms and came out into the hallway, dumbfounded by the sight of Lin Qiushi breaking down the door. Sun Yuanzhou stood afar and explained the situation to them, and once he did, expressions of shock or fright appeared on everybodys faces. Clearly, theyd all realized there was another mole among them.

Lin Qiushi set down the statue, expression terrifyingly cold. From the crowd, he picked out the person he was looking for.

Ren Ruyuan, give me the gasoline.

It wasnt up for discussion. Everybody could tell that if Ren Ruyuan refused, Lin Qiushi was very likely to attack him right then and there.

Okay. But Ren Ruyuan agreed. The keys with Zhu Meng, right?

Yes, Lin Qiushi said. If she cant be saved, well all die here.

His tone was simple and not at all harsh. But everybody who heard him felt an odd chill go down their backs, because while this sounded like exaggeration, it didnt seem like Lin Qiushi was kidding at all.

He brought the can of gasoline to Ruan Nanzhus door, and said, Nanzhu, I got the gasoline.

And how will you give it to me? There was exasperation in Ruan Nanzhus voice.

Lin Qiushi said, the edges of the door. Theres space along the edges. Ill go to the dining room and get some plastic bags, seal the gasoline inside, and push it through the edges. Youll catch it on the inside.


So Lin Qiushi went to the dining room and grabbed a few dozen resealable bags. He poured the gasoline bit by bit into them and then pushed them through the cracks around the door to Ruan Nanzhu. He didnt know if the gasoline would be of use like this, but he could only do his best with what was available.

After that Lin Qiushi sent people to keep looking for the fire extinguisher, but just as Ruan Nanzhu predicted, that person had the fire extinguisher hidden well. Nobody was able to find it.

By the time Lin Qiushi got the gasoline inside the room, there was less than twenty minutes until twelve o'clock. He looked down at his gas-stained hands, and for the first time, got a taste of true helplessness and desolation.

He was utterly useless. He couldnt save Ruan Nanzhu.

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