Kaleidoscope of Death

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

There wasnt much in the backpack. Lin Qiushi forced his trembling hands to steady, and very quickly found what he was looking fora pale silver gun. It looked no different from a normal gun, and there were three bullets in it.

This was an item that Lin Qiushi had gotten off someone else in the human oil lamp door. Though he had yet to use it, he and Ruan Nanzhu both guessed that this was a rare item of destruction allowed inside the doors, and was very valuable.

The Hako Onnas cry had came from the kitchen, meaning she was not on the second floor. The thing in the chest before them, therefore, was likely a Hakobito. And Hakobito could be killed.

Lin Qiushi could only take the gamble, but even if he lost this bet, he still had one last trick up his sleeve. At this point Liang Miye could no longer keep her hold on Ruan Nanzhu. Shed used up all her strength, managing to slow Ruan Nanzhu just a little, and could only turn to Lin Qiushi with anxious eyes.

Lin Qiushi took a deep breath, stood up, and turned toward the chest. He pulled the trigger in his hand.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three loud gunshots were followed by a terrible cry. The bullets from Lin Qiushis handgun pierced the wooden chest, blowing three holes, large and black, into the lid. The Hakobito hidden inside screamed, and red blood began seeping out through the holes, drizzling into a puddle on the ground.

Ruan Nanzhus steps seemed to slightly stall on account on this commotion, but then he continued heading for the chest.

Lin Qiushis stomach sank. Gritting his teeth, he dived forward.

Liang Miye saw what Lin Qiushi was doing and only blinked at first without comprehension. But as soon as she realized, she faltered in shock: LinlinYou

Before she could even finish speaking, she saw Lin Qiushi take hold of the wooden lid. Before Ruan Nanzhu could get close, hed opened the chest.

It had to be saidthough hed been mentally prepared, Lin Qiushis heart still stopped the moment the lid came off. He saw what was insidean utterly contorted human with all its limbs broken. It was stuffed in a strange position inside the cramped little box, and both its eyes had turned a terrifying grey, like they were just two black cavities, staring wide and unwilling to dieOn its forehead, there was a large, bloody holeevidently put there earlier by Lin Qiushis gun.

Lin Qiushi stood frozen for a couple of seconds before realizing that he was okay. Then he exhaled long and deep, relaxing his tensed-up body. He turned around to look at Ruan Nanzhu, whose steps had also paused.

Ruan Nanzhu stayed standing where he was. A shift came upon his expression as he gradually pulled himself out of that irregular state of mind. Some moments later, his lips parted, and he spoke in a raspy voice:

IWhat did I do just now?

When she heard his voice, Liang Miye knew the effect of the Hako Onnas power was over. Like Lin Qiushi she let out a long breath and also collapsed onto the ground.

Zhu Meng, you were almost done for!

A bit addled, Ruan Nanzhu fumbled, I

Then, after another round of silence, he finally completely rid himself of the Hako Onnas influence.

She got me?!

Yes. Lin Qiushi looked up at him. Good thing I brought the prop in

Hed never concretely realized before the importance of props, and knew well now these things really could save lives. Had it not been for the gun, then either he or Ruan Nanzhu would have croaked.

Reaching up, Ruan Nanzhu pinched the bridge of his nose. He stared at the chest that Lin Qiushi had opened and seemed to grind his teeth a bit.

Even if she had me, you cant just open the chest like this

What if using the gun on the chest hadnt worked? Then wouldnt Lin Qiushi have been screwed?!

Lin Qiushi put on an irreproachable expression, saying, but I was sure the Hakobito was dead. Why couldnt I open it?

Dont think you can treat me like Cheng Qianli.

Ruan Nanzhu was no idiot, and wasnt so easily fooled. How could he not know what Lin Qiushi had done?

Lin Qiushi also couldnt be sure of the prop guns efficacy, so hed made a bet with his own life. If it hadnt worked, hed have traded his own life for Ruan Nanzhus.

If you insult Cheng Qianli, Im telling his brother on you. Lin Qiushi got up off the ground and glanced at the chest behind him. Can we clean this mess up or something? We cant just leave it in our room, right?

If this door is like before, then after we leave for a while this thing will be gone. Liang Miye had plenty of experience there.

Great, then lets discuss things somewhere else.

Lin Qiushi got up.

Ruan Nanzhu still wasnt looking too happy, so Lin Qiushi rushed over with hugs and kisses, saying he really was so terrified just now, and had it not been for the gun then things wouldve been really, really bad.

But Ruan Nanzhus expression stayed dark, and he wasnt speaking. No matter how Lin Qiushi coaxed him, he kept silent, evidently displeased with how Lin Qiushi opened the chest without consulting him just now.

There was nothing Lin Qiushi could do in the end. He could only hope that Ruan Nanzhu would stop being angry after a bit of time.

They moved into another room and began discussing this matter.

Do you two still remember the rules for Hako Onna? Ruan Nanzhu said, brows furrowed. The one about sharing information?

I do, Liang Miye said. You mean to say

Ruan Nanzhu, I suspect the rule inside now are not so different from the one back then.

How so? Liang Miye asked.

When playing the tabletop, everybody sat at the same table. This made it so that when one player picked a card from the box, they could choose whether or not to share the information. There was a major advantage to sharing informationall players knew the situation of the items. However, when information was shared, the person playing Hako Onna also gained the same information, and knew which items the players had.

So you mean the Hako Onna also knows everything weve disclosed? Liang Miyes eyes went wide. Thats right, every time weve shared information its been in the dining room. The kitchens right next door!

She must know, or she wouldnt have picked me, Ruan Nanzhu said. At least for now, Im the only one whos been acting like I know all the rules in detail.

If she could successfully get rid of Ruan Nanzhu, then all of the Hako Onnas next moves would come much easier, because nobody among the players would know what the powers written on the cards even meant.

But isnt that too much like cheating? Lin Qiushis brows were furrowed. The doors would never deliberately set up a dead end, and didnt not knowing the rules to a tabletop basically mean there was no solution?

Yes, thats why I think were missing a key piece of information, Ruan Nanzhu said. Even if Im not here, there must be another way of knowing the rules to the game. But we havent been able to find the rulebook yet, or perhaps

Or perhaps its already been found, but the person whos found it hasnt announced it! Liang Miye exclaimed. Could that be the case?

Ruan Nanzhu nodded.

But why would that person hide the rules? Lin Qiushi asked. Or rather, how could they be certain that theyd make it out this door

Thats purely a question of probability, Ruan Nanzhu said. That person doesnt have to guarantee theyll make it out, they just have to make sure theyre the last to die.

Once only a single person was left inside a door, then the doors rule would kick in. That person could open any chest they wanted at that point because theyd have entered a state of invincibility.

After listening to Ruan Nanzhus analysis, neither Lin Qiushi nor Liang Miye spoke.

Of course, this is all just my guess. Ruan Nanzhu flipped his palms up. Maybe were all wrong, and the doors difficulty levels just greatly increased.

Damn, Liang Miye sighed. Im too scared to even imagine what it would be like going into the tenth door without the hint

Much less the eleventh.

As the three were speaking, there came a call from the hallway. Somebody was calling for Zhu Meng and Yu Linlin and asking if they were alright; it seemed that someone from downstairs had come at the sound of gunshots.

Ill go take a look, Liang Miye said, standing up.

Go ahead, tell them were fine, Ruan Nanzhu said. I want to talk to him alone.

He pointed at Lin Qiushi.

Liang Miye could sense something off in the atmosphere between the two, and knew Ruan Nanzhu must still be angry at Lin Qiushi for risking his own safety earlier. Smiling, she said, alright, but dont talk for too long.

She got up, left the room, and even closed the door for them behind her.

Lin Qiushi didnt know what Ruan Nanzhu was about to say, so before Ruan Nanzhu could speak, he quickly made a pause gesture with his hands.

Nanzhu, before you say anything, let me ask you one question.

Ruan Nanzhu, hm?

Lin Qiushi, if the same thing happened to me, would you open the chest for me before I get to it?

Ruan Nanzhu sank into silence. They were both quite clear on the answer to this question.

If there was only one piece of chocolate, hed break off half for Lin Qiushi and hide the other half. Tomorrow, hed still give that other half to Lin Qiushi.

So dont be angry, Lin Qiushi said, soothing Ruan Nanzhus emotions. We both know exactly what the other would do. Alright, Nanzhu?

I just want you to live, Ruan Nanzhu said. At least, dont die because of me.

Watching Ruan Nanzhus eyes, Lin Qiushi spoke quietly: Something like thats happened before?

Ruan Nanzhus lips pressed together. Just when Lin Qiushi thought he wouldnt respond, he nodded.


Lin Qiushi didnt know what to say. Could only reach out and pull him into a hug.

He had a three year old daughter, Ruan Nanzhu said. I was still weak back then.

Lin Qiushi had never heard Ruan Nanzhu mention these things, and knew they must have been buried inside Ruan Nanzhus heart for a very long time.

Words were flimsy in moments like this. Lin Qiushi didnt speak, only held onto Ruan Nanzhu as tightly as he could, trying to give him strength.

Dong, dong, dong. From outside there came knocks at the door. Liang Miye called: Are you guys done or what? Can I come in now?

Its only been three minutes, how can we be done? Ruan Nanzhu returned. Who do you think I am, your boss?

Liang Miye, Buddy, didnt you know a bit too much?

Though that was what they said, the two still opened the door. Liang Miye and Sun Yuanzhou were standing outside with peculiar expressions.

Sun Yuanzhous in particularhe was scanning Ruan Nanzhu up and down, as if trying to spot some hint of queerness on Ruan Nanzhus body.

Ruan Nanzhu completely ignored his gaze and toppled straight into Lin Qiushis arms.

Did you want something?

Someones found another item, Sun Yuanzhou said. We wanted to ask you how its used.

Ruan Nanzhu asked, what item?

Sun Yuanzhou, a fire extinguisher.

At those three words, Ruan Nanzhu, Lin Qiushi, and Liang Miyes eyes all lit up.

What, its a useful item? Sun Yuanzhou too could tell the three were happy.

Of course, Ruan Nanzhu explained. That item can stop one of Hako Onnas actions.

What do you mean? Sun Yuanzhou asked. Be more specific.

Ill give you an example. I was hit by a power just now, Ruan Nanzhu said. Hako Onna used Open This on me.

Sun Yuanzhous expression spasmed. What did you just say?? How are you still here thendid you find another item??

No, we resolved it with an item we brought in ourselves, Ruan Nanzhu said. You heard the gun just now, yes?

Mh. Sun Yuanzhou finally calmed down at this. Continue.

Once youve used the fire extinguisher, the Hako Onnas power will be interrupted, Ruan Nanzhu said. Meaning that for one round, her power is rendered useless.

Sun Yuanzhou gave this some thought.

Then how many times can the Hako Onna use her powers?

That were not sure of, Ruan Nanzhu said. In the game, she can only use each power once before she has to return it to the card pile. She has to pick it again to keep using it. His finger tapped at his chin. But we dont know about inside the door.

Oh, Sun Yuanzhou nodded.

Thats right, Ruan Nanzhu said. My friend actually did open up a new item, but dont tell anybody else.

What? Sun Yuanzhou hadnt expected Ruan Nanzhu to say that.

Its a little cloth toy called the Doll Mary, Ruan Nanzhu said. Its an item to help Hako Onna pass onBut if Hako Onna finds out, itll be more troublesome.

Then why are you telling me? Sun Yuanzhou looked around, brows furrowing. Youre not worried shes hiding in one of the chests in here?

Shes in the kitchen, Ruan Nanzhu said. If you find Hako Onnas bones, you have to tell me. Once Ive helped her pass on, we can all go out.

Okay, Sun Yuanzhou nodded.

The two traded a few more pieces of intel before parting ways.

After Sun Yuanzhou left, Lin Qiushi turned to Ruan Nanzhu in astonishment.

When did you find the Doll Mary?

The Doll Mary was Hako Onnas favorite stuffed doll, and was one of the most critical items in the game. With the Doll Mary, once Hako Onnas bones were found, they could help her pass on, unlock the mansion, and get out of here.

I havent found it, Ruan Nanzhu shrugged.

Lin Qiushi blinked, then understood Ruan Nanzhus meaning.

Youre suspecting

Sh. Ruan Nanzhu made a sign to keep quiet.

Lin Qiushi didnt say anything else.

Watching the twos interaction, Liang Miye was utterly confused. She too knew the use of the Doll Mary, but she couldnt figure out why Ruan Nanzhu wanted to lie to the others and say hed already found it.

But it seemed like Ruan Nanzhu wasnt planning on explaining either, so Liang Miye didnt bother asking anymore. It wasnt like Ruan Nanzhu would intentionally sabotage the others.

The day passed just like that. Nobody opened any chests in the afternoon, so there were no other noteworthy incidents.

But by dinner time, Lin Qiushi could sense the atmosphere in the whole house was bad. Those who hadnt eaten for two days were practically green with envy as they stared at those eating at the table.

Xiao Ji had become a bit annoyed from all the staring, and spoke candidly: What use is there if you just stare? Why dont you go open a chest of your own and come eat something?

Two days were doable, but three days was a bit difficult. Honestly the door really was quite impressive, for being able to come up with such a method to force them into action.

Lin Qiushi guessed they could last at most one more day. By day four, people would definitely crumble under the pressure and open a chest.

Wei Xiude, you goddamn bastard! At the sight of Wei Xiude happily chowing down, the starved and panicking newbies were filled with resentment. Youre the one who brought us in here, and this is how youre going to treat us? Didnt you say you were experienced?!

Against accusations like this, Wei Xiude was utterly unmoved. He only replied, perfectly collected, murder is not allowed inside the doors. If you kill a teammate, then youll definitely die once your teammate becomes a ghost.

This was clearly him telling these people that if they wanted to kill him, theyd better get a good gauge of their own abilities first.

The group looked like they wanted nothing more than to tear him to pieces, but could do nothing about it.

After dinner, everybody dispersed.

Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu too returned to their room, getting into bed to rest.

There were a total of twenty living people in the mansion right now, eleven of whom had opened chests. The remaining nine were still holding out. The three dead people had all become Hakobito, but during the day, Lin Qiushi had gotten rid of one, so there were two Hakobito left.

Of the people whod opened the chests today, there were no losses, but Lin Qiushi had a feeling that something was bound to happen tomorrow. Starvation, after all, could drive people crazy. The Hako Onna surely wouldnt let this opportunity pass her by.

Currently, two of Hako Onnas powers had been released. There were also two items: one was the gasoline, and one was the fire extinguisher. Their bounty from the day was one digit for the strongbox passcode.

After compiling what they knew, Lin Qiushi planned to go to sleep. Ruan Nanzhu slipped into his bed again, arms wrapping around his waist and quietly playing the lech: Linlins waist is so thin.

Lin Qiushi said,

Ruan Nanzhu, its very good to hold.

Lin Qiushi bent down and gave him a kiss.

Go to sleep.

Ruan Nanzhu smiled, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

Theyd thought these people could hold out until the next day, at least, but when midnight came, a terrible scream sounded downstairs.

For a second after Lin Qiushi was woken by the cry, he was frozen. Only when Ruan Nanzhu woke too did he say, they opened a chest?

Most likely. Ruan Nanzhu rubbed at his eyes. And I thought theyd last 'til morning.

There was food in the kitchen refrigerator, but likewise, those who had not opened chests could not eat it. These people likely hadnt been able to last until the morning, and pressed forth by starvation, opened up a chest. It just seemed that they werent so lucky.

The cries were coming from the kitchen. When Lin Qiushi got there, he saw a young woman weeping on top of a chest, calling: Xiao Qian, Xiao Qian

Lin Qiushi recalled that she was one of the newbies that Wei Xiude brought in, along with another guy called Xiao Qian. Theyd seemed close, and were most likely a couple on the outside.

Xiao Qian, Xiao Qian! The girl was banging on the wooden chest with all her strength, crying so hard her whole body seemed to be spasming. Next to her, there was a card and a half-eaten piece of bread.

Undoubtedly, it was as theyd predicted. The couple couldnt take the hunger anymore and came to the kitchen, selecting two chests to open. After opening them, one was dragged inside by either the Hako Onna or one of the Hakobito.

Ruan Nanzhu came to her side, bent down, and picked up the card. He saw what was written on it: My Doll Mary. Lin Qiushi saw the words on the card too, and sucked in a sharp breath.

Thats the power they opened up?

It was bound to happen.

Ruan Nanzhu seemed calm at least, putting the card away with a slip of his hand.

The girl was still crying, and soon enough, the kitchen was full of people. Sun Yuanzhou was there too, coming over to ask, did he find the Hako Onna or one of the Hakobito?

The girl wasnt answering, just kept banging on the chest.

Sun Yuanzhou yanked her to her feet.

Can you wake the hell up? If you really want to join him, just go open up that chest!

Numbly, the girl turned to look behind her. Her sobbing finally halted.

Was it a Hakobito, or the Hako Onna inside? Sun Yuanzhou continued to ask.

I dont know, the girl answered.

How can you not know? Sun Yuanzhou frowned.

I was eating, the girl said. I looked away for one second, and he was dragged inside.

As soon as she finished speaking, the sound of her lovers scream came from inside the chest.

Help me, it hurts! Xiao Mei, it hurts so bad, please help me

This was entirely a humans voice. The moment Xiao Mei heard it, her face went pale. She turned and lunged for the box, but Sun Yuanzhou caught her in a tight grip.

Wei Xiude, youre the one who brought her in. Are you not gonna fucking do anything? Sun Yuanzhou yelled.

But Wei Xiude just smiled.

Were all adults here. Why do you always want to make someone responsible?

Sun Yuanzhou, you motherf

Rolling up his sleeve, he was all ready to fight. But someone next to him stopped him.

Forget it, dont bother with an asshole like this, Sun Yuanzhous friend said with a nasty look. Hell get his sooner or later.

Sun Yuanzhou spat at Wei Xiudes feet.

That Xiao Mei just sat silently on the ground, woodenly staring at the chest before her. Ruan Nanzhu watched her for while, before slowly approaching and saying something into her ear.

It was only then that Xiao Meis numb expression was gradually siphoned away. Grief morphed into fury, and she turned a dark, spine-chilling look on the departing Wei Xiude.

What did you say to her? Lin Qiushi asked.

Nothing much, Ruan Nanzhu said. People need some kind of purpose to live, whether its happiness or anger.

Lin Qiushi sank into silence. For a moment, he didnt know what to say at all.

Authors Note:
I wonder if any veterans here can guess what Ruan Nanzhus planning to do _(:3)_ Heheheh
Translators Note:
  • The title of this chapter actually translates as Miss Mary, and they call the item Miss Mary throughout the chapter. In the Hako Onna tabletop rulebook though, the card is called Doll Mary, so I went with that instead. Also, I havent been able to find the particular power card that Xiao Mei opened up, so My Doll Mary is a translation ( / My Miss Mary or Miss Mary is Mine), and might not be the official name.
Names in this chapter:
  • Xio Qin / Xiao(3) Qian(1) /
  • Xio Mi / Xiao(3) Mei(2) /
  • her name also means Rose ()

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