Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 260: Fool

Chapter 260: Fool

As Nark looked at Greg and Russ in silence, trying to figure out those two hidden motives, until then, Greg extended his hand before him.


Everyone around seeing him doing that raised their guard up and was ready to fight, but Nark's cold voice sounded.

"Don't do anything yet!"

And just as his voice sounded, above Greg's palm, slowly, a key that was made out of pure stone formed, making Nark's expression to turn surprised.

"Is he truly plan to give me the key? No, that can't be. He must be thinking of doing some kind of trick."

Nark thinking that Greg wanted to use some kind of trick glanced at one of his subordinates on his side and said, "Go and take it."


The man who has been called out stared at Nark with surprise, but only for a small while.

The next second nodded and did what he was just told.

Approaching Greg with caution, the man was visibly afraid, but seeing as Greg didn't plan to do anything, he sighed and grabbed the key.


Taking away the key, Nark was ready to see what was Greg's hidden plan, but to his surprise, nothing happened.

The moment his subordinate took away the key from Greg's hold, Greg and Russ just backed away, showing they truly didn't want trouble.

"Are... Are they really scared of me?", thought Nark with a raised eyebrow, and started to chuckle like crazy.

After laughing for a small while, Nark waved his hand, indicating his underling to bring the key back to him.

"What a great day. Haha! I would have never thought I will obtain something that my useless boss couldn't. It seems luck is on my side today!", said with a wide grin Nark as he examined the key in his hand.

Taking a look at the key, that had nothing special feature from the outside, Nark stopped smiling and frowned.

"Is this truly the key brat?", asked Nark, still a bit suspicious.

He knew that Greg created a fake earth key last time, pranking Carter, so that's why he was still a bit hesitant.

But, Greg simply nodded and said, "If you don't believe in me, use your some of your power on it and hand it over some of your subordinates."

Raising an eyebrow at that statement, Nark thought for a while and nodded.

Without hesitation, Nark fused his power into the key and threw it at the man who took the key away from Greg.

"Catch it."


The man turned surprised by the unexpected throw, and even though he didn't want to grab it, he has already extended his hand subconsciously.

However, the moment he grabbed, a shocking sight happened.

When the key got into contact with the man's finger, his whole body underwent through scary changes, and under a single second his whole being petrified.


Nark and everyone else around Greg and Russ, when seeing this started to sweat profusely.

Especially Nark. If it weren't for Greg's warning and he ended up fusing his power into the key accidentally, he would have died without knowing what happened.

"You don't need to fear it killing you. It will only activate when you fuse your power into it. After it has been activated, once it killed someone it will become harmless once again."

Listening to this, Nark was hesitant and glanced at the key.

When Greg saw this he sighed and waved his hand.

Instantly, the key appeared atop his palm and said, "See? No harm."

After he said that, he swung his arm and threw it back at Nark.


Catching the key, Nark feared Greg fused his power into the key and he will die, but nothing like that happened at all.

Just like the very first time, the moment he grabbed the key it looked and acted as any normal key would.

"Now then, I have given you the key so will leave.", said Greg and looked at Russ to teleport away, but before they could have, Nark suddenly started to laugh once again.

"I fear you can't."

When Greg heard this, he raised an eyebrow and asked, "How so?"

Nark instead of answering pointed at several of his men and said, "I have people who created a barrier around us. You won't be able to escape from here alive."

Looking around him, Russ thought for a while and nodded.

"Indeed. There is a barrier hindering me from using my power.", said Russ and glanced at Greg.

"What should we do now then?"

When Greg heard this he just sighed and glanced at Nark and asked, "What else do you need from us?"

Nark, however, just smiled as a reply and waved his hand.

Instantly, the air around all the people started to tremble, showing Greg and Russ that they were about to attack them.

"Unfortunately, I was ordered to kill you while obtaining this.", said Nark as he raised the key in his hand with a smile.

"However, who would have thought I will be so lucky to obtain this so easily. You truly are an idiot."

"The real idiot here is only you.", said Greg with another sigh as glanced at Nark.

"Haha! No matter what you say or try to do, the outcome here will be the same. Yo-."

"Yes, you all will die.", said Greg, not waiting for Nark to finish his sentence.

"What did you say?", said Nark, now with a visible deep frown on his face.

Greg on the other hand didn't answer to that question but simply pointed at Nark's hand.


Not knowing why he pointed at him, Nark frowned and lowered his head. But when he did, his eyes widened with both shock and terror.


Watching as his body started to turn into stone, beginning from the key in his hand, Nark wanted to drop the key, but it was already too late.

His arm had been already petrified to the point where he didn't feel a thing, while the petrification process spread on his body like a virus.

"What... what did you do? Didn't you said it won't activate before fusing your power into it?", asked Nark with fear in his eyes, as he watched his body becoming a stone sculpture slowly.

Greg however just watched this unfold on the side with a calm expression and asked, "Did you truly believe such a lie?"

"What? But...", asked Nark, instantly turning his head toward Greg.

"I'm surprised you have survived until this moment with such naive thinking.", said Russ on the side and waved his hand.

Instantly, the stone key in Nark's hand vanished and appeared atop Greg's palm, while another stone key appeared atop Russ's.

The two keys looked extremely similar to each other, with the only difference that the one atop Greg's hand leaked a gentle presence that Nark didn't notice until now.

"With my space ability, switching two objects are not hard at all. To put it simply, you have fallen for a trick that not even a newborn would fall for.", said Russ and without hesitation clenched his palm into a fist, smashing the earth key into debris in an instant.

Nark hearing this clenched his teeth in anger, but the next second he smiled evilly and said, "Maybe I did fall for your trick, but this doesn't mean you will be able to survive!"

Instantly, as he said that, Nark glanced at his subordinates and before his whole being turned into a stone figure, shouted, "Attack!"

Watching as their leader's body turned into stone and broke into dust, all the members of the Voodoo Family became angered and fired their powers at Greg and Russ.

Watching as hundreds of different powers flew at them with crazy speed, Greg suddenly smiled.

"Let me see just how strong I have become."


Instantly, a terrifying explosion broke out from his body, and his whole body got covered with golden flames that flowed around him just like the wind would in a chaotic storm.

The temperature skyrocketed in an instant, making Russ on the side to start sweating instantly.

Just as he was about to teleport away, because the temperature was so unbearable even for him, the next second snowflakes appeared in the air, dropping the temperature below 0 degrees in an instant.

"Isn't he still on the Ascender rank? How can he be this strong?", thought Russ, but the next second Greg moved.


As the attacks were ready to arrive before him and Greg, Russ watched as Greg waved his hand from side to side in a casual manner.


However, just this casual move alone from him created a huge storm, blasting or destroying all the attacks around him away in a second.


When this happened, all the Voodoo Family members became speechless, unknown what they should do now.

But their shock didn't last long enough, because the next second all of them realized that they needed to protect themselves from Greg's attack.

"Die!", said Greg with terrifying calmness and waved his hand once again.


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