Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 181: Killing The Echo Spirit

Chapter 181: Killing The Echo Spirit

"Just watch and see!", said Greg with a calm smile and waved his hand.


Joe hearing this was instantly confused, but before he could have done anything else, suddenly a shocking scene happened.


From the side, the Echo Spirit which was about to attack the two suddenly stopped moving, while its body was shaking like crazy.

"What is happening?", asked Joe, but he didn't need to wait long for his answer.

Instantly as he finished his sentence, suddenly the creature raised its head toward the sky and looked like it was about to scream, but instead of any sound, what came out of its mouth was a sharp-looking spike.


Watching the golden-colored spike which had black carvings and golden flames around it, Joe was immediately shocked, however, it was only the beginning.

From all around the creature's body, several similar-looking spikes came out with golden flames around them, piercing right through the creature's skin.

From the chest, the head, the mouth, the back, and the stomach. The creature had numerous gaps on its body, from which several golden spikes broke out one by one.

"If you can't destroy something from the outside, then demolish it from the inside.", said Greg and clenched his palm into a fist.


Like a huge balloon, the creature's body puffed-up and in the end, it exploded into nothing more but broken bones and torn flesh.


Joe watched as where the creature stood a second ago, now there what he could see was only a golden ball from which several spikes came out. It looked quite similar to a huge mace-like weapon, but with the only difference that it was 100 times bigger and it was covered in golden flames.

As Joe was shocked by the changes, Greg waved his hand, making the golden Shapeless to change form and size and fly back to him.


After the golden and black Shapeless melted together again to form the original Shapeless, Greg unsummoned his Soul Creature and looked around.

"This place... What a mess."

Naturally, he was clear by the fact that it was his and Joe's power doing, but they couldn't do anything about this at all.

Who would have thought such a scary creature would have an even scarier ability? To control other's ability and send it back with several times stronger? What ridiculous power was that? It was even stronger than his mask nullifying ability.

Just looking at the flat and barren surface, with the half demolished mountain in the distance and ash black sky above them, Greg felt like he was in the middle of an apocalypse.

While the two were thinking about what they should do, suddenly a voice appeared above them.

"Look at this. I felt a small commission and here I thought I will have a fun time, yet what I found? Only these two brats again."

Greg raised his head up to the sky, only to see Miss Fortune with Zane on her side. However, this time there was another person next to the two, which made Greg and Hoe even more surprised.


"Hi kids. How are you doing? It seems you had a bit of fun, didn't you?", asked Cloud with a wide smile as he approached the two with Eliana and Zane on his side.

Greg hearing this took the demon mask off from his face and wanted to say something when another voice came from his side.

"What the? What happened here?"

Turning their head in the direction from where the voice came, Greg and the others watched as Jay came up to the surface with Mila and Emma following him closely behind.

As the three watched the shocking scenery around them, suddenly Jay noticed Greg and Joe on the side, with three unknown figures before them.

"Enemies?", said Jay with a frown and was about to use his power, when suddenly Emma grabbed his hand.

"No, they aren't. They are experts dad. It's Mistress of Fortune, Cloud, and the Legendary Expert. Show some respect!"

"Experts?", asked Jay with a confused look and after inspecting the three of them he raised his eyebrow and said quietly, "They? Never heard about them. They seem quite weak for me."


Instantly as Jay said that and the three experts next to Greg heard this, it felt like the hot air in the surroundings dropped several degrees.


Emma was insanely shocked by her dad's impolite behavior, but before she could have said anything else, suddenly a cold flash came appeared out of nowhere.



With a huge explosion, inches away from Jay's eyes, a sword got stopped by his finger, which was covered with solidified blood.

Jay who looked calm all the time this time looked scarily ice cold and said calmly, "What do you think you are doing?"

Greg, Joe, Mila, and Emma watched with surprised expressions as before Jay, Zane was standing with an unmoveable posture, while in his hand, he was holding a sword, which was just about to pierce Jay's head a few seconds ago.

Eliana and Cloud on the other hand however looked at Jay with shocked expressions. They knew just how strong Zane really was and this is why they knew exactly just how strong one needed to be to deflect even just one of his attacks.

However, right at the moment, there was an unknown person who not only defended against Zane's attack with only just a finger but looked totally unfazed by all the happenings and even looked ready to fight against him.

"Just who is he?", asked Eliana calmly and instantly her eyes turned golden.

Feeling a gaze on his skin, Jay turned toward Eliana's direction, and the moment he saw her golden eyes he said calmly, "If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing."


Eliana looked confused by Jay's warning, but just before she could have asked why suddenly next to Jay's body a blood-colored spear appeared for a second and vanished in the other.

However, just under that single second, Eliana instantly covered her left eye, while small drops of blood started to flow out between her fingers slowly.


Cloud seeing that Eliana has been injured waved his hand, covering her wounded eye with his power instantly. After seeing that her injured eye were slowly healing, he nodded and looked at Jay with an ice-cold expression.

"What did you do?"

Jay hearing Cloud's ice-cold tone shrugged slightly and said, "Nothing. I told her not to do what she wanted, but she didn't listen. As a result, one of my 'Soul Creature' fired an attack at her on its own. It was not my fault."

As Jay said this he glanced at Zane and asked calmly, "As for you... Will we fight or will you calm down?"

Greg and all the others around Jay were instantly flabbergasted. Did this guy go insane? Didn't he know who he was talking to and who did he just injured? They were both powerful experts in the Federation! One was the person who reached the summit of God rank with a white Soul Stone, while the other was on the summit of the Ascender rank with a heaven-defying power! Just what was he thinking?

Greg and Joe seeing this looked at each other, but seeing as both of them were speechless, they didn't know how to react at all.

After a small while later, Zane lowered his hand holding the sword, and after looking at Jay for a small while he asked calmly, "What is your name?"

Feeling that the hostile gaze vanished, Jay relaxed a bit and after straightening his back he said, "My name is Jay Moore, a nobody. And you are...?"

"Zane Skyfall... A similarly no one..."

Hearing this Jay nodded and turned his gaze toward Eliana and Cloud.

"You can just call me Eliana. As for this gentleman, I think just call him Cloud. He doesn't like if others call him on his original name.", said Eliana calmly as she looked at Jay with one eye.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. As for your eye earlier...", started to say Jay slowly, but before he could have finished his sentence, suddenly Greg walked up to her, handing over a small potion.

"What is this?", asked Eliana with a frown, looking at the strange bottle in Greg's hand.

"Just drink it. It will heal your eyes.", said Greg as he put the bottle into Eliana's hand.

Seeing the potion in her hand, Eliana wanted to say that her eye was injured by no ordinary means, but seeing Greg's calm gaze she sighed and said, "Fine..."

With that, she inspected the liquid in the bottle and after a while, she opened the lid and poured it into her mouth.

One swallow after another, under a small while the whole potion got drank by Eliana.

Lowering her hand, Eliana handed the bottle in her hand to Greg and said, "Thank you, but it won't help my eyes to heal. It needs more than ordinary healing po-, huh?"

Just as she wanted to say that no ordinary healing potion was able to heal her eyes and only the best ones from the Alchemist Family could help her, suddenly she felt a pleasant sensation in her eyes.

"Huh? This... How?"

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