Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 169: Blood Sucker

Chapter 169: Blood Sucker

Greg after reading the sentences quietly looked up with confusion.

"What the actual hell happened here?"

Jay walked closer to the corpse to examine it and while later he said, "This creature wasn't killed by normal means. If you look closer, its skin and flesh are ragged. It's like it has gotten eaten from the inside."

Stepping a few meters back, Jay crossed his arms before his chest and frowned.

"I don't know what happened here, but whoever pinned this guy onto the gate, was truly crazy. To use a corpse as a message board... How cruel."

"Shall we turn back? If yes this is the perfect time to do so.", said Emma from behind while looking at the dead bodies with a pale face.

Greg looked at Jay, waiting for his reply.

"If you ask me, they put these warnings and corpses here in purpose."

"Well, that is quite obvious.", said Emma with a roll of her eyes.

However, Jay only shook his head and said, "No, I mean, all of this around us is abnormally strange. Each corpse is put almost perfectly on top of each other, while these warnings were written visibly with patience."

As Greg listened to this, he looked at the things Jay has said and nodded.


"Yes, and also just think about it.", said Jay and pointed at the warning on the ground.

"Do you think anyone who was frightened by something would have the time to write such a long warning while escaping? I don't think so."

Joe on the side nodded and said, "Yes, and also the entrance could be opened only from the outside by destroying that crazy seal, so whoever was here, they wanted strangers to access to this place."

"But what if we overthinking these things and there really is something inside? Should we still continue on?", asked Greg with a slight frown.

Jay looked at the entrance and after thinking for a while he said, "It is true. The risk is too high for all of us to go in. So Greg, Joe, and I will be going, until then you two will wait here outside. If we find the place safe we will come back, however..."

"However?", asked Mila calmly.

"However if we don't come back in a short amount of time which is around one hour, then escape from here without any hesitation. Understood?"

Mila and Emma looked at each other after hearing what Jay said and looked a bit surprised.

But even like this, a while later Mila looked at the proximity around her and with a slight nod she said, "Sure."

"Perfect. Then you two. Let's go.", said Jay and walked to the entrance.

Putting both of his hands on the gate's surface, Jay clenched his teeth and with a strong motion, he started to push it.


With a heavy and rusty sound, the for started to open slowly, making the creature that was pinned on the door to fell down instantly.


Jay looked at the corpse before his feet and after frowning slightly he glanced at Greg and Joe.

"Let's go."

With a nod, both guys started to follow Jay inside, while leaving Mila and Emma behind together.

"This place stinks even more.", said Joe with a frown as he looked around.

The moment the three stepped inside, what they could see was an infinite number of dead bodies on top of each other, creating insanely large sized walls around them.

The height of each of the walls were more than 10 meters, reaching the ceiling relatively easily.

"This place... Doesn't this look like a maze?", asked Greg with a frown as he watched the path before them went several ways.

Each wall had various gaps going toward a different direction and each of those directions opened to numerous other paths. There were simply way too many ways they could possibly go.

"Okay, I didn't expect this.", said Jay and looked around.

"What should we do? We simply don't know where to start and what is even worse, if we get lost we could be stuck in this place for days or more. Also, there is that warning which states there is something here.", said Joe calmly as he looked at Jay.

"I know. Then let me try something.", said Jay and put his hand forward.

Greg and Joe looked at this act a bit confused but the next second both of their expression opened extra wide because of shock.

From Jay's finger, a drop of blood fell onto the floor, and almost instantly it started to duplicate.

One by one, it started to grow in size, and in mere seconds, a human figure made out of blood appeared before the three.

"Wh... What is that? A clone?", asked Greg with surprise as he looked at the bloody figure.

"Well kinda. My power lets me create objects and figures through my blood.", said Jay calmly.

"Woah! That is powerful!", said Greg with awe.

"Well yes, but it has a huge disadvantage too.", said Jay and pointed at the ground.

Greg and Joe glanced where Jay was pointing at, only to see a thin thread connecting Jay's body with the clone.

It was like a small wire, but with the only difference that it was made out of the blood.

"As you can see, I need a way of connection between me and whatever I create. The further my creation as from me, the more of my blood I need to use. This is why I always create only weapons, but because our surroundings are like this I can try to do this."

With that said, Jay waved his hand and made the blood clone to move.

Just like a puppet doll, Jay's clone started to walk forward, and right at the very first corner, it turned to the right.

"I will use this power of mine to see just how big this place really is."

Greg and Joe hearing what Jay said looked at each other, but after thinking about it for a while this was the best solution.

There were way too many risks in this place, so using such a solution was currently the best they could think of.

Minutes after minutes passed by, while the blood thread from Jay's finger became longer and longer. However, even like this, Jay looked perfectly fine. It seemed he was doing just perfectly fine.

After 10 more minutes, Jay started to get a bit pale, but even like this, his expression looked insanely calm.

After another 5 minutes, small drops of blood appeared in the corner of his mouth, but still, he continued to move forward.

However, after a few more minutes, he sighed and said, "I can't believe it. I'm pretty sure my clone has walked more than a dozen of miles, but still, I didn't find anything. This place is insanely huge..."

After taking in a deep breath, Jay looked at his paper white arm and said, "I think I need to stop. After taking a small break I can try this again."

As he said this, Jay wanted to call his clone back, however, just as he did, his eyes widened with shock. The blood from his body started to flow out like crazy through the thread, making Jay's body turn thinner and thinner with each passing second.


Without any hesitation, Jay took out a small knife from his pocket and with a smooth motion he cut down his finger which was connected with his clone.



Watching as Jay's figure fell onto the ground and started to tremble because of the huge amount of blood loss, Greg and Joe ran to his side and looked at him with worry.

Seeing as his life was in danger Greg grabbed Jay from the side and said to Joe, "Help me. We need to take him to Emma."


Without the slightest hesitation, Joe grabbed Jay from the other side too, and with Greg, they run out of the place with Jay in their arms.

Mila and Emma were standing calmly before the gate while talking spiritually when suddenly they heard Greg's loud voice.

"Emma! Heal! Now!"

Hearing Greg's voice, both girls turned to look at him, but the moment Emma saw her father's poor condition she instantly ran forward and asked, "What happened?!"

"We don't know either, so please help him!", said Joe as he put Jay's body to the floor.

"Understood!", said Emma with determination and started to use her healing power with the Power Healing ability.

Instantly, a dim blue light started to cover Jay's whole body, making his trembling slow down a little bit.

Mila ran next to Joe and asked, "What happened?"

Joe looked up at Mila and as he shook his head he said, "We still don't know. He used his power to scout the interior of that place. When he reached his limit and wanted to rest, something happened and he started to lose an insane amount of blood. Something must have attacked him."

Listening to this, Mila looked completely stunned and looked at Emma's father on the ground.

"Just what is this place?"

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