Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 141: Earth Creature

Chapter 141: Earth Creature

In the middle of the Forbidden Lands, a huge black orb appeared out of nowhere and a while later when it disappeared, what remained was only a big lake with a small island, with a small house on it.

As the door of the house opened, Greg walked out with Russ and Wayne behind his back and after stopping, all the three of them looked around with curious gazes.

All around the lake, the same phenomenon that happens all the time started to occur, turning the ash black and rotten surroundings into beautiful and flowery scenery.

Colorful trees, bushes, and flowers on the green field started to appear and grow slowly, making the whole surroundings just as breathtaking as always.

Watching this Greg sighed and said quietly, "I will never get tired watching this, no matter how many times I see this happening."

As he said this, Greg turned around and said, "I will go and search for the energy crystal then."

"Sure, do as you please.", said Russ with a smile and said, "But don't forget to find a Serpent Plant the way you come back. It grows on top of trees and its shape is exactly like that of a serpent. Bring one back, because I want to teach you another type of potion."

"Understood.", said Greg, and without any more questions, he turned around and with his First Flow's power, vanished from sight.

Seeing Greg's silent and fast speed, both Russ and Wayne were a bit surprised, but a second later Wayne sighed and asked, "So? How did it go? Could he learn it in the end?"

Turning his gaze to meet Wayne's, Russ smiled and said, "You won't believe me if I say he made one of my poison under one try like they were nothing, right?"

"What? Are you kidding me right?"

Shaking his head Russ turned to look where Greg went away and said, "No, I'm not. Even I couldn't believe it at first. Just imagine it. Sunshade plant, Wild peach liquid, Hundred Leg Worm's toxic, and Dragonweed. Each of these things are not so deadly just by themselves, but if you mix them together, they could make a fatal poison that not even God could cure. But it only works, if one pinpoint the exact amount from each. Even a small miscalculation could result in total failure, but this kid..."

Thinking back as he showed Greg how to do it and he instantly imitated him, Russ couldn't hold it back and started to laugh.

"Haha! Maybe that kid has no experience in real-life and makes unthoughtful decisions, but one thing is for sure. He is a natural-born pharmacist. The way he can imitate my skills only by just seeing it once is kinda scary even for me."

Hearing this, Wayne couldn't believe to his ears and looked toward the distance, while he was deep in thought.

But unfortunately, Russ didn't know that the statement he said that Greg was a natural-born pharmacist was nothing more but a huge illusion.

As Greg was running in the wild, he looked at the device on his wrist.

{Name: Greg Hyde}

Rank: ???

Soul Stone: Black

Guardian Name: Unknown

Guardian's Power: (Unidentified power)

Heritage: Thousand Sight (Usable)

- Physical power: ???/10

- Body Speed: ???/10 

- Stamina: ???/10

- Agility: ???/10

Soul Creatures: 5 (Informations)

Energy Crystals: ??? 

Every start was exactly the same just the moment he saw it back then, but there was a slight difference this time.

Heritage: Thousand Sight (Usable)

The 'Unusable' word next to his Heritage finally turned into 'Usable', making him now wary of why he couldn't use it in the past.

It was exactly when Russ showed him how to make that poison. Not knowing that it was because he concentrated too hard or there was another reason, but the moment Russ started to show the process, information instantly popped up in his mind.

'Heritage, Thousand Sight is currently active.'

In an instant as that piece of information appeared in his head, suddenly the scenery in his eyes started to multiply, and under a second, a thousand of moving pictures, that showed Russ's demonstration appeared from different angles and appeared in his eye.

But what was even more shocking that the moment Russ finished the poison, the sights in his eyes didn't vanish, but instead they started to replay the whole process from the beginning once more.

Even though the sight could become dizzy for anyone, somehow Greg didn't feel anything like that. No, instead he felt extremely comfortable, while his whole mind and body started to adapt to everything he just saw at that moment in the thousand scenes.

And just by watching it over a few times Russ's demonstration, Greg could easily imitate every move, motion, and trick he just saw in his head.

However, the moment he finished, the thousand sights from his eyes instantly vanished, but even that he couldn't summon the process back again, he could clearly remember every step he needed to create such a poison.

"This Heritage is insanely useful. But unfortunately, the requirements are just as harsh too."

What Greg realized that with his Heritage he can learn anything under minutes, but for it to activate there needs to be 3 things.

The most obvious thing is that he needed his eyes. Maybe it sounds quite obvious, but he noticed that every time he closed his eyes, the thousand pictures in his head always vanished, but always reappeared when he opened them again.

The second requirement was also relatively tricky. He needed to concentrate on the thing he wanted to learn very hard because there were two times when he lost focus watching Russ and the pictures in his head started to slowly turn dizzy, but when he realized this and continued to concentrate there was no further problem at all.

However, the harshest requirement for activating his Heritage was the third one. Because it didn't activate when he wanted to learn the Special Respiration Technique from the book, but it did when Russ showed personally, Greg thought maybe it only activates when he sees it in person from someone else, but it seemed it wasn't the case.

After he made the poison he asked Russ to try to show him skill with his bone knife. Russ agreed to it, but he said he has never fought with a knife in the past, but he will try his best.

And just as he thought, the moment Russ started to showcase his beginner knife skills, nothing happened. This indicated that Greg not only needed to see things that he wanted to learn personally but the one who showed him the process needed to be a professional with the given skill too.

"Well given that I can learn anything with this power, I think these requirements are not hard at all.", thought Greg as he was running through the rotten trees with dead silent steps.

While he was deep in thought, suddenly the trees all around him started to lessen in number and what waited for him a small while was a huge rocky field, with an insanely deep crater in its middle.

Seeing this Greg started to slow down his pace and when he arrived next to the edge of the abyss like a pit, he looked down.


The pit was at least a few hundred deep with a width of a thousand meters. At the bottom of it, what Greg could notice was a huge creature made out of grey stone.

It had eight arms, two from each of its sides and four from its back. But the most amazing aspect of it was that even though it was sitting calmly, it's height has already reached a hundred meters, which was absolutely terrifying. 

"An Earth Creature with a presence at the bottom of the Calamity rank. Except for its massive size, it doesn't look frightening at all.", thought Greg quietly.

As time ticked by, Greg looked around and thought, "It seems it is soundlessly sleeping, so should I kill him with a surprise attack?"

As he thought about this, Greg examined the creature's stony look, and a while later he shook his head.

"I don't think I can. Shapless is too weak for it to injure that creature. Only my fairy or with my Second Flow could help me here, but even they need a few hits to kill something as massive as that. I have also that special technique, but if I use it and fail to kill it I'm as good as a lump of dead meat."

Thinking about this, Greg frowned slightly and thought quietly, "What should I do then?"

Seconds after seconds passed by, when suddenly Greg's eyes brightened and thought, "Wait... But I have this."

Taking out the healing potion that Russ made from that unique Spirit Grass, Greg thought, "With this here, I can use the technique without a problem, so even if I miss and I start to collapse, I can drink it instantly to recover my body."

With this in mind, Greg summoned Shapless into his hand and said, "Then let's go with this."

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