Jagged Germany

Chapter 1653: hunting

   "General Kim, do you still have a plan for us to turn defeat into victory?" Admiral Andrew Cunningham asked.

  General John Tovey stopped talking, and stared closely at General Ernest King. If he can really use the opportunity to turn defeat into victory, he will certainly not let it go. After all, whether to flee back as a loser or to return triumphantly as a winner are undoubtedly two completely different results.

   "I can't guarantee that we will be able to turn defeat into victory. However, we should try!" General Ernest King said.

   "What way?" Andrew Cunningham Admiral asked.

"It is night now, and the German carrier-based aircraft can no longer take off. Moreover, their capital ship formation has been devastated. And we have as many as 16 capital ships. Among them, There are many capital ships that are very fast. We can use this group of capital ships to hunt down the aircraft carrier formation of the German home fleet. If we can successfully kill the eight aircraft carriers of the German home fleet If so, then we don’t think it’s too ugly to lose this time. Even, we can barely continue to deal with the Germans in the Atlantic Ocean.” Admiral Ernest King said.

   "Can it work? We don't know the location of the German aircraft carrier formation. They are at least 400 kilometers away from us." Admiral John Tovey frowned.

"How do you know if you don't try? Perhaps, the Germans thought they had a chance of winning, and wanted to launch a new round of attacks on us after dawn tomorrow. So, they will continue to chase us tonight. In this case, it will give We have a chance." Admiral Husband Kimmel also said.

Admiral Andrew Cunningham nodded: "For us, this is indeed an opportunity. If we can succeed, our loss will not be so embarrassing. In addition, we can continue to persevere in the Atlantic Ocean ...and when more of our aircraft carriers are built, we'll have another chance to challenge the Germans."

   "If everyone has no objections to this plan, then implement it immediately. This is our only chance, and we must not miss it!" Admiral Ernest King said.

   Indeed, this is the only chance for the US and British fleets. If they can't catch it, they will never have another chance. What awaits them will be a fiasco.

  After the senior generals of the US and British fleets reached an agreement, they immediately began to implement this plan.

  The three "Iowa-class" battleships of the U.S. Navy, with a maximum speed of 33 knots, became the ships sent by the U.S. Navy to implement this plan. Among the 10 capital ships of the British Navy, the maximum speed of the two "Nelson-class" battleships is only 25 knots. The maximum speed of the four "Lion-class" battleships is only 30 knots. The speed of the four "Hood-class" battlecruisers is 32 knots. Therefore, only four "Hood-class" battlecruisers are fast enough to participate in this plan. Although the other "Nelson-class" battleships and "Lion-class" battleships have more powerful firepower, their speeds are slower. Even if they find the German Navy's aircraft carrier formation, they cannot catch up. After all, the speed of the aircraft carrier of the German Navy has also reached 30 knots.

"Three 'Iowa-class' battleships and four 'Hood-class' battlecruisers. The strength of seven capital ships is enough. As long as our capital ships can approach the German aircraft carrier formation, they will die It's settled!" Admiral Ernest King said.

  The aircraft carrier is indeed very powerful, and the combination of the aircraft carrier and the carrier-based aircraft has become the absolute main force in naval battles. However, under certain circumstances, the aircraft carrier is not invincible. At night, the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier cannot take off, and the aircraft carrier has lost its combat effectiveness. Moreover, once a battleship or even a cruiser approaches, the aircraft carrier is also very dangerous. Especially the main gun of the capital ship, as long as one shell hits, it is enough to cause the aircraft carrier to be severely damaged. It is very easy for a capital ship to sink an aircraft carrier.

  Although the US and British fleets suffered heavy losses, their capital ship formations were not harmed. Especially those fast capital ships are still intact. This undoubtedly gave the US and British fleets a chance.

   In less than half an hour, the fleet consisting of three "Iowa-class" battleships and four "Hood-class" battlecruisers broke away from the formation and sailed eastward at high speed under the cover of night. They hope to find the aircraft carrier formation of the German Navy's home fleet and sink all those aircraft carriers. In that case, they will be able to regain the disadvantage.

   "May God bless the American Republic!" Admiral Ernest King secretly prayed to God.

  The current situation is indeed very unfavorable to them. Admiral Ernest Jin also had no confidence at all whether the plan could be successful this time. Therefore, he can only pray to God, and pray that a miracle will happen.

  On the aircraft carrier "Poseidon", the flagship of the German Navy's home fleet, Marshal Lütjens is reading the battle report.

   "Very good, very good. The aircraft carrier formation did a very good job in this counterattack!" Marshal Lütjens put down the battle report in his hand, and his face was already full of smiles.

   During this counterattack, the carrier formation of the German Navy's home fleet sank nine large fleet carriers of the U.S. Navy and eight medium-sized carriers of the British Navy. As for the sunk cruisers and destroyers of the US and British navies, there are countless. This undoubtedly made the local fleet already established an advantage in this naval battle.

   "Through this naval battle, we have won!" Lieutenant General Carl Witzel said.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the U.S. Navy and the British Navy still have four light aircraft carriers, and as many as 16 capital ships. If we launch another attack after dawn tomorrow, we will definitely be able to obtain more results." Hans Zhong Will recommend.

   Marshal Lütjens frowned. It would be great if the results of the battle could be further expanded. But is it really that easy?

   "The U.S. and British navies still have 16 capital ships left, which is probably also a threat to us!" Marshal Lütjens said.

   "Your Excellency, Commander, do you mean that the Americans and the British may take the risk and let their main fleet attack us?" Lieutenant General Karl Weitzer was taken aback.

   Lieutenant General Hans' expression also became serious.

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