Jagged Germany

Chapter 1638: Tragic

   "Fire!" The commander of the German carrier-based fighter gave the order.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The 316 German carrier-based fighters immediately launched an attack. The 20mm cannons on the wings started firing. Cannonballs roared and flew into the ranks of the US and British naval carrier-based aircraft.

  At this moment, countless carrier-based aircraft of the US and British navies were hit, burning and falling into the sea. Some carrier-based aircraft were even torn to pieces by shells and disintegrated in the air.

   "Get ready to fight! Fighters hold down the German fighters and cover the breakthrough of the dive bombers and torpedo attack planes. The German anti-aircraft fighters have appeared, and their fleet should not be far away!" The carrier-based aircraft commander of the US and British Navy ordered.

   "Yes, sir!" Countless carrier-based aircraft pilots of the US and British navies replied.

  Although, the surprise attack of the German Navy's carrier-based fighter jets caused heavy losses to the carrier-based aircraft fleet of the US and British navies. Dozens of various aircraft were shot down in this attack. However, the carrier-based aircraft pilots of the US and British navies were not intimidated, and still mustered up their courage to face the Germans.

  Especially those F4U fighter jets bravely charged towards the German army, trying to hold back the carrier-based fighter jets of the German Navy. Although these F4U fighters are not as good as the German carrier-based FW-190 fighters in terms of performance, they are even more disadvantaged in number. But they are still very brave. The fighter pilots of the U.S. and British navies knew that if they could not hold back these carrier-based fighter jets of the German navy, they could easily shoot down the dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft of the U.S. and British navies. At that time, I am afraid that they will all be slaughtered.

   "Da da da! Boom boom boom!"

  A fierce air battle ensued, and nearly a thousand carrier-based aircraft from both sides engaged in a life-and-death fight over this sea area. The dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft of the US and British navies accelerated desperately, trying to break through and get rid of the pursuit of the German navy's carrier-based aircraft. Those F4U fighters fought bravely against the carrier-based fighters of the German Navy.

Fighters are shot down almost every moment. The F4U fighter jets of the US and British navies can barely fight against the German carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets. However, there is not only a gap in fighter performance between the two sides, but also a gap in pilot quality. , This made the **** fighter jets of the US and British navies completely suppressed in the air battle, and fighter jets were shot down continuously.

  As for those SBD2 dive bombers and TBD torpedo attack aircraft, they are not even the opponents of the German carrier-based fighter jets. These bombers are inherently inflexible, and after carrying heavy aerial bombs and heavy aerial torpedoes, they appear even more clumsy. Facing the carrier-based fighter jets of the German army, they could only be shot down.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   An SBD2 dive bomber was hit by a German carrier-based FW-190 fighter. The 20mm machine gun shells easily blasted holes the size of basketballs in the body. Even though the body structure of the SBD2 dive bomber is relatively strong, it was still hit and ignited a fire. The plane, dragging billowing smoke, crashed into the sea.

   "Damn it, why did the Germans deploy so many carrier-based fighter jets? Did they take off all the carrier-based fighter jets in the entire fleet?" A squadron leader of a US-British naval carrier-based aircraft had a bitter look on his face.

   Facing the interception of more than 300 German carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets, the carrier-based aircraft fleets of the US and British navies simply cannot resist it! They could only watch helplessly as a large number of their carrier-based aircraft were shot down.

   "Fighter units, do your best to stop the German carrier-based fighter jets! Dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft speed up to break through!" The carrier-based aircraft commanders of the US and British navies can only issue such orders.

  However, the carrier-based aircraft pilots of the US and British navies tried their best. But still in the situation of being slaughtered.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  An F4U fighter was hit by several 20mm cannon shells. Although the empty weight of the F4U fighter has reached more than 4 tons, it can be regarded as a heavy fighter in this era. The American fighter design philosophy is that they don't care about the aerodynamic shape. They believe that as long as the engine horsepower is strong enough, even a brick can still fly into the sky. This also makes the body structure of the U.S. fighter jets relatively strong. But even so, after being hit by the cannon shells of German fighter jets, they will still be torn to pieces.

  The F4U fighter jet was blown to pieces during the explosion, and the pilot was killed before he even had time to parachute. The wreckage of the plane fell to the surface of the sea trailing thick smoke, splashing high water columns.

   "Damn Germans, go to hell!" An F4U seized the opportunity and bit a carrier-based FW-190 fighter, and the pilot decisively pressed the launch button.

"Da da da!"

  Six 12.7mm aviation machine guns fired crazily, and dense aerial bombs formed a firepower net, completely covering the German carrier-based FW-190 fighter jet inside.

  In just a few seconds, the carrier-based FW-190 fighter was smashed into a sieve. After the engine was shot, a fire broke out. The pilot immediately parachuted to escape, but unfortunately he was not able to escape, but was hit by a stray bullet. The white umbrella flower slowly fell towards the sea surface with his body.

"Attention all squadrons, all squadrons! Half of the fighter jets have eliminated the American and British fighter jets, and the other fighter jets have fully attacked their dive bombers and torpedo attack planes. Our fleet is not far from here, we must hurry up Shoot down more enemy carrier-based aircraft!" The commander of the German army ordered.

  In comparison, the dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft of the US and British navies pose a greater threat to the German fleet. The heavy aviation armor-piercing bombs and heavy aviation torpedoes they carry can pose a fatal danger to German ships. Whether it is a capital ship or an aircraft carrier, once it is hit, it will suffer heavy damage or even be sunk.

   "Yes, sir!" The German pilots replied one after another.

  The battle became more fierce. The German pilots fought bravely with their fighters, trying to eliminate all the carrier-based aircraft of the Americans and the British. However, the American pilots and British pilots also performed very bravely and tenaciously. They tried hard to break through the interception of the German carrier-based aircraft, so as to attack the German fleet.

  Although fighter planes are shot down every moment, American pilots and British pilots are still working hard.

  As time goes by, the battlefield is getting closer and closer to the German fleet.

   Half an hour later, a US SBD2 dive bomber spotted the capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet driving on the sea.

   "Sir, I found the German fleet. Seven battleships, this is their main fleet!" the pilot shouted excitedly.

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