Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 612 Oceanoid

Chapter 612  Oceanoid 

[Eon's POV: ]

Quin summoned an egg that had jewels-like scales that were mostly transparent but if looked closely, they contained a very rare tinge of blue right above them.

These scales alone were attracting so much attention from all the students and creatures present in the garden that it was hard to find someone who was not looking at the egg that was as big as her in size.

'Summoning an egg was unheard of to the students but, if seen in the known academy records, there have been a few, very few instances where the students had summoned the eggs of very intelligent creatures, who had been conscious and mindful of everything around them even though they were still inside their eggs.'

It happened with the highly intelligent creature who had yet to come into this world physically, a creature who possessed a very strong soul as well as intelligence so great that they were called otherworldly creatures.

'And this one… was actually an otherworldly creature.'

Extraterrestrial beasts.

Very few, very rare, very little was known about them. But, they existed in this world.

I had seen a few in the illustration of my master's personal records so I had knowledge about a few of them but, she used to say that when it comes to these otherworldly creatures, even the most detailed knowledge known to oneself would become useless.

'She used to say that, similar to some unfortunate ones who cross over to the other world because of some natural phenomenons, in an extremely rare case, some creatures would also cross over to different worlds in different times, and different ages.'

These creatures would find a certain home if they are compatible to live in the environment of these worlds, but if they aren't, they would die soon and their bodies would either create a hell of absolutely ugly deaths or a heavenly paradise that none could possibly resist.

That depends on the kind of energy they inherently have and how it reacts with the environment they fall into. Which mostly never is compatible with theirs actually. So, these otherworldly creatures can be, for common folks, known as the 'heavenly disasters'.

'But, that's something everyone knows about.'

What people do not know about is the creature that will hatch from this particular egg. Not even the headmaster and the ancient trees should have any knowledge about this particular one.

"Looks like we will have to cancel this round or, there are rather many winners if we think about it deeply."

Continuing with the bets for this round would be meaningless since the creature she summoned, actually, the egg of the creature she summoned, wasn't something that had any certain form to begin with.

And it wasn't born yet so, making assumptions about its characteristics was meaningless as well.

'Oceanoids. That's at least what the natives of far southern islands called it when it had first appeared.'

At first, they refused it as a deity, but as time passed, that same being became the cause of the destruction of half of their people.

The reason for it was unknown but, in the folktales passed down by the survivors, it was written that the cause was a jewel so attractive, and grand that the one owning it would be able to command that deity.

'Master had confirmed that the records were talking about the egg and offspring of these Oceanoids. And what we see before us, is the same egg that had once been the cause of the destruction of not only some islands but, a fourth of the southern shores.'

I don't know how much of those stories are true or just what had actually happened but from how much I know, I was concerned, so, when Quin brought the large egg to us using her magic to lift that heavy thing, the first thing I was… place my palm on the surface of the egg.

[{ Hmmmm…? Is there someone… oh! A human! }]

And just as I knew, when I tried looking at the egg with my {Three eyes}, the voice I heard, belonged to some young creature.

"She has a pretty voice…"

It was pretty. So melodious and pretty that for a moment, I was lost in the waves that her simple voice had created.

"You can hear her as well brother Lucifer?! I knew it~!"

Quin shouted that, certainly, but not as loudly as the other girls here do.

She knew just how strange and unique it was that a creature inside its egg was speaking with them the same way Celes and other familiars did with their masters.

It was similar to what Celes did, which was not normal at all. So, as few people knew about this, was better. At least until she knew much about this.

'She is smart, but her words that everyone heard, caught the attention of our entire group and everyone gathered around the egg and put their hands on its surface.

[{ Ahhhhhhhh! So many humans! I wasn't expecting so many humans! }]

The creature inside the egg shouted with a shocked voice, and, we all could just imagine a rough outline of what this creature might look like inside.

Not that we were sure, or anywhere near correct perhaps.

[{ Why are there so many humans, human Aleequinn?! Ah, wait. There are witches, a wizard, a fairy, a strange girl with strange origin, and a boy… wait!!! What are you?! }]

I knew how these special creatures gain a deep understanding and knowledge of the world they are in even before their birth, but, to see it with my own eyes, or ears more accurately, was certainly amazing.

[{ Why are you…! Why do you…?! How can…!! }]

I knew she was talking about me but perhaps, she didn't properly understand what I was herself. That's why she was more confused than she should be.

She was trying to understand me, something even the headmaster had failed. So, this confusion was understandable. And, she would have to reach the level of Sir Quesnel before she 'understands' half of myself, which will not be that long after she comes out of that egg, but, it wasn't happening anytime soon.

And her confusion is also going to remain just like that for quite a while.

'It's kinda cute though.'

[{ "Ummm, hello dear unborn creature. How do you do?" }]

[{ Ahhhhhhhhhhh! How is a human talking to me- no. How is this being talking to me?! What are you, different beings that I cannot fathom?! }]

[{ "Ah, a simple human who has been through some complicated circumstances, I would say. Don't be confused by what I have 'around' myself. Looking at the center might help you relieve your doubts a little." }]

[{ Ahhhhhhhh! Why do you know what I know you know?! What are you?! And what's at the core… oh… I see… ahhh, so that's why… Wait, but I thought… no… ohhh! It's possible! But still… oh, ok, I get it. Okay~! I have confirmed you are also a human, human. However, I will call you a special human from now on. }]

[{ "Hahaha, would be my pleasure." }]

"Oyyyy bastard! How are you talking with it?!"


Rein was angry all of a sudden. She also wanted to talk with Quin's new partner who was… wait, will this creature be Quin's partner or Quin be hers?


Well, we will see what happens afterward.

"Just try focusing on the Mana waves coming from the egg, try interfering with the waves, forces hard enough and you will see a 'link'. Access it by a simple cord similar to the link and there. You will have a personal connection line."

"…no. I didn't understand shit. That's too complicated. Join me in yours."

"No can do ma'am. It doesn't work like that."


I lied actually. I can let others join on my own line but this was good training for the others.

They will be able to understand the Mana flow of the waves and see what the world of Mana feels like after creating and connecting to the 'link' that I was talking about.

But until others do that, only Quin and I can talk with this cutie.

[{ Ok special human. You are to tell me everything you can about my current situation. }]

[{ "But, isn't it better to hear it from your summoner? Apologies if I'm being rude but, can I know the reason why it has to be me instead of her?" }]

[{ I believe you know as well special human. Human Quin is my summoner and a very talented person, however, she still doesn't yet know how to either see the world, or how to interpret the truths. You, on the other hand, possess more clearance than I. It intrigues me how a human could possess such a profound understanding of truths. You know you are a special, special human. So, do not ask what you already know. }]

[{ "Asking about what I already know to someone who 'resonates' with the world will only increase my own knowledge. After all, a stupid question is akin to enlightenment to a knowledgeable, whereas a knowledgable question is akin to nothing, to a fool." }]

[{ Ohhh… special human is good with words, I see. Does that come from your understanding of True language? You certainly possess quite a solid understanding of it as I see it. Perhaps, it's closer to completion too, I would say. }]

Haha, hearing that from her reminded me she's still an unborn creature. Such naive thinking for a being of the otherworld.

[{ "There is much I want to talk with you about, oh great being. However, I have one question I would like to hear the answer to before anything else." }]

[{ Hmmm? Oh? You may ask. I will do what I can to answer you, special human. }]

They brought disaster and the reason was these eggs, then they vanished. There are hardly any records of them after this incident and though the master knew they existed, no one knew where, how, in what condition, and what were they even doing there.

I don't know where she came from and that would be my second question. The first and foremost one…

[{ "Does your mother know of this summoning and the fact that you are here?" }]

I had to ask this. Or else, the Oceanoid that I know, are the most loving parents that would travel worlds if it was for their children. And they are beings comparable to the dragons. If an enraged mother appeared here when there were thousands of students and creatures present, even if we all worked together, it was questionable if we would be able to even calm her down.

[{ "Please. I need to know that." }]

As the student council member, as a student, and as someone who still had many things to gain from this academy and the island, I had to know it, and prevent any great disasters from happening…

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