Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 582 Powerhouse of the island

Chapter 582  Powerhouse of the island 

[Eon's POV: ]

{ "You really… you have the ability to see the events of past and future just like your master…" }

The Keeper, Azmail, which I just got to know was also a being that guarded not only the fragment of the inner core floating up there but also someone that possessed a great deal of knowledge of the past.

He was a creation that the [< Masters >], those who created this island a long time ago, and also someone with the eternal duty to protect the relic that was directly connected to the Inner core, and was a key to make another inner core if anything ever happens to it.

'Which though is unlikely but, it is just a reassurance on their part.'

The inner core was the powerhouse maintaining this island so high up in the sky… or it would be better to say that it was the reason it was still floating in the sky after so long.

According to what I know now, the island of magic's wealth was created due to a natural phenomenon a long time ago and was lifted up too high in the sky.

The divine beings of that time, those who held the greatest power at that time, were at first astonished by the sudden phenomenon, however, someone soon realized the critical emergency this phenomenon had caused.

'The island was too high…'

It was a problem that a piece of land was suspended so high up in the sky, and the even bigger problem was how this particular piece of land contained so many natural resources and mines.

If such a structure were to ever fall off from such an absurd height, the end of this world was guaranteed.

'But thankfully, they foresaw this possibility fairly early thanks to grandma.'

They had a problem before them, and they were curious beings that found this situation fun.

The end of this world wasn't something they could allow so they had to do something anyway, so, at that time, they all came together for the first time and started creating something that could help them with this problem, and at the end of their endeavors, they created the Inner core.

'I knew about the inner core before, but, the fact that it was created like this for this and the purpose of leaving behind this small fragment that could channel the power from the main core was something like reassurance was not something I would expect at least from those beings.'

But anyway, that was that, and the chances that this island's core which was guarded by much stronger forces than here, was not something I had to worry about.

So, focusing on the thing before us right now…

'I still don't know what this vision thing he's talking about is.'

Yes, my master had the ability to see the events of past and future but the way she could see both of those events worked entirely differently.

And at the end of the day, even if we can accept the past events in most cases, believing something that might happen, was not something she ever did. Especially after meeting an anomaly like me.

Master had mentioned many times how the future is a perpetually changing process and how the past which might have a one-dimensional perspective for me, could be an entirely different story for someone else.

The events, yes, maybe they could be the same for everyone, but the way they happened and the results they produced might change how one looked at those events.

So, the 'vision' ability, the ability to foresee the events of the past and future, was not something he should know about.

'But he did know about it, and he was smiling right now as if he had remembered something.'

{ "Perhaps…" }

He was quiet for a moment but he finally looked back at us with a hopeful expression and asked with somewhat hope in his voice.

{ "Can I know if you saw my creators? Maybe, how they made me?" }

It… sure was unique how a machine wanted to know about its creators but, since I at least knew what kind of being he was, I wasn't really surprised anymore.

"I did. I saw them, however, not the process of your creation. They were, excited, I would say. I would say they were happy when they made you."

Divine beasts, gods, lords, and demigods. If such beings had created him together, it was obvious why I was not feeling any kind of 'machine' from him.

He was as much alive as us. And, it was actually made into a truth by the power of their origin oaths.

{ "Then, it is good…" }

There was a smile on that display… I want to modify that display if he allows it and give him an actual face. That pixel screen doesn't look up to date with modern technology and personally, it's a bit weird how that big of a creature makes those cutesy images.

But, it got what he wanted from those little words, sighed, or at least did something like that, and smoke came out from his shoulder area, and then, he stood back up.

{ "Since you have already seen the past, you must already know I cannot give this fragment to even the successors of (White flames of life) themselves.

I am bound by my duty, and it is what I will continue to follow until my end." }

"I know."

Thanks to my master, I also knew it was utter foolishness to engage in a battle against someone like him with my current strengths.

There was no way I would survive even if I used everything I had, even with Celes and Zoe with me.

This being, no. This person, Azmail, was just that much powerful.

And in the space specifically created for him, there was no way even the headmaster could win against him.

'His mission is simple: guarding the inner core fragment until the moment it is needed. So, we cannot have it even if wanted to. Not until the core is actually destroyed and the planet is about to get destroyed.'

There was a very creepy and unrealistic scenario playing out at the back of my head and I do wish with all my heart that it is just a thought. But, just the fact that I had this thought also meant there was a possibility that what I was thinking was a possibility and there actually was a chance that there was a threat to the core so… the information about it would have to be concealed even more thoroughly.

'And Miss Moon will have to forget about this.'

Still, that was a matter for after we get out of here.

Well, we didn't have to worry about it too much for now.

'I can't take the core, I can't defeat the guardian, but I want the power that core can produce. So, what I can do in this situation that would grant me what I wanted and also fulfill protect his duties…'

"We can't take it out of this chamber, however, isn't just transferring the energy from it possible?"

We can't create a wired system for the energy transfer since it might be easy to detect and difficult to pass through those ore vines and that pit, but we could certainly create batteries and charge them with the core fragment's energy, and take them with us.

That was a pretty good plan, which would only succeed if I manage to create the batteries that could actually withstand the output from that core, and at the same time, store a good enough amount of its special energy.

And my question made Azmail smile once again.

{ "I have records stating only someone like the (White flames of life) could suggest something like that. And they also say even they were never able to create vessels that could hold something so extreme.

They weren't able to do it, but they knew someone will come here someday, think of the same thing and suggest it, and maybe, just maybe if the world had advanced in the fields of science, magic, and technology by then, they will be able to do something that even they couldn't.

The only way to harness the power of the Inner core is through the method you just suggested, and, I'm allowed to grant permission to use the core fragment's power in that scenario.

I'm even instructed to share the Codes I have with the person that manages to do it. So if you ever manage to accomplish-" }

"Three years."

{ "Hmmm?" }

"Be prepared, Azmail. To present us with the power of the fragment as well as your knowledge. By the time I graduate from the academy, I give you my word I will have a vessel, maybe more than one, that can accomplish that."

I gave him a confident smile that was born from factual knowledge, faith in that knowledge and resources grandma has left for us, and the confidence I had in myself and the people around me.

It was difficult to harness the energy from something that resembled the Sun so closely, but, they were able to do it in my previous world, this one was more than capable enough to achieve something similar.

{ "Hahaha. That look you have… they used to call it the look of lunatics. Especially when it came to father Azayal. Mother Archester frequently used that phrase for him." }

The voice that his Mana speech produced was laughing, and there was a smile on that display.

'I want to open him up. Or at least go inside him and take a look…'

He was a mechanical miracle, and it really was a being of curiosity for me. Haaa…

"Then looks like this will be it for our meeting, guardian of Spare source."

I couldn't have it, but I never thought it would be that easy in the first place.

This place had already exceeded my expectations so, having a new project on top of everything I was already doing wasn't… probably too difficult, right?

{ "I will await your return." }

"Yeah, see you next week."

There were too many interesting things here that made it a good place to hang out. And though I couldn't have Rein with me, it was still a good thing to play.

{ "Hmmm? Next… week?" }

He probably wasn't expecting it but now that we had met, how can I not hang around such an amazing creature like him?

'Hehe, we will be good friends soon~.'

He was here for thousands of years, alone. So, having someone who knew about the things here, and had a good topic like his creators to talk about… how could I miss such a blessed opportunity?

It would certainly be fun anyway, he holds the knowledge that those people, his great created had originally blessed him with. Something even the gods would list after…

But, none were going to have it aside from us.

'I will make sure of it.'

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