Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 577 Going down

Chapter 577  Going down

[Eon's POV: ]

She was smiling back, almost with a blush on her pretty face.

{ "It is nothing special. And he lives on the northern continent.

We met accidentally and then… well…" }

She almost hid away her face like a young person, which certainly was adorable.

[{ "Damn she is adorable~." }]

[{ "Yesssssss!" }]

The two of them also thought the same.

It sure was true that there was no set age to fall in love, and for a pretty one like her, it certainly was a special occasion since the queens hardly ever found actual love in their entire lives.

It was special for them as well as for her entire family. So, it was certainly something we couldn't just ignore.

"Alright then. We should talk with this special candidate of yours as soon as possible. When do you think-"

[{ Hello~. What is everyone doing here~? }]

We were looking at the scene before us just when we heard the young voice from behind and looked back as a young flamingo almost half our height smiled at us happily.

She had pretty green hair and her feathers were especially lighter than the other flamingoes. And, she had a joyous smile as she looked at us, which was the cutest aspect about her.

[{ We were just thinking about you Demitree. How are you doing on this not-so-fine morning? }]

The Queen answered her and the young flamingo, Demitree, nodded at her with a pretty smile.

[{ I'm doing fine~. Everyone was scared from what happened some time ago but I was fine~. I knew you would be there to protect us so I wasn't scared at all~!

Everyone is recovering so there's no one to help you, right?

I came to help the great lords~. }]

She was a brave one, we could tell, and, more than bravery, I sensed something unique from her.

"I understand what you meant now. She really is special."

I smiled at her, and when Rein took a look at this little one with her eyes, she was also surprised, but then a smile appeared on her face too as she smiled in agreement.

This little flamingo, brave and special from others, possessed a unique origin skill. Yes… an origin skill.

'It is very rare for intelligent creatures other than humanoids to possess origin skills but I would say the rainbow flamingoes are some of the few creatures that do have a rare chance to be born with unique origin skills thanks to their high affinities with different natural elements.'

So, there's a chance there would be a flamingo other than the Queen with an origin skill every few other centuries.

This little one was the special one born with a unique ability, had great bravery, talent, and from what we have heard from Fio, good that needed to be discussed since she was here.

[{ Hahaha, the lords were also just talking about you too. Looks like leadership skills to lead all the children of their family.

She was good, I definitely approved of her and would also love to teach a thing or two. But, before that, we had something important that needed to be discussed since she was here.

[{ Hahaha, the lords were also just talking about you too. Looks like they need your help with something. }]

And the Queen naturally knew my thoughts too so she directly told her and the little flamingo looked at us with the sparkling eyes of a child ready for any work.

[{ "Right… so Demitree. Do you see that place? Queen said it was everyone's favorite playground but we want to build a little house there.

It will take a few days but when it is ready, I promise to make some special things for everyone to play with over there too." }]

I pointed in that direction and she followed my finger and looked at the empty piece of land we wanted as our home. And, her pretty eyes widened with surprise.

[{ Lord big brother wants to make a nest in that place? But isn't it too big? And besides, that is the place that makes even the crying babies laugh~. }]

She said it innocently, and I can tell what she meant by those words.

That piece of land was the place with the most concentrated natural energies and coincidentally, there was also a spirit cluster in this area which explained the effects of inducing happiness into the creatures of nature standing on it.

That was exactly why I wanted that place. But I can't just take away the playground of those children so I will make a fun playground for them besides our house.

And, we could just watch them from there whenever we wanted which was a clear win-win. So, I had to convince the leader and caretaker of all those young children if I wanted that place first.

[{ "We need a big place to make a big house, right? So, if we use that place, we will be able to create our house and also a good open guarded park for all of you there." }]

I had a pretty good plan prepared for a small outdoor flamingo-friendly garden. And Rein was looking at me excitedly so I had to look this little dream through.

[{ What do you mean by… oven guardian peark? }]

She didn't know what a garden was, well, someone that had lived their entire life confined to a nice place like this without much greenery would surely be oblivious to the existence of a place filled with plants, trees, and little instruments of fun.

But, she was smart enough to be able to imagine it, so, I just gave her a few pretty descriptions and when I was only halfway done, she started jumping with excitement like the little girl she was.

[{ Do you really mean all that lord big brother~? }]

[{ "Of course I do. And you haven't even heard all of it. There will be more things." }]

[{ Really~?! Wowwwwww! Yesssss~! Please make your house here~! I will handle everyone when they stop crying~! }]

And, without saying anything anymore, she just ran back outside, probably to check up on all the young flamingoes and tell them about what we had just told her.

"She's adorable~!"

"She really is. Though I would have liked her excited reaction more if I knew the context of everything that's happening right now."

Miss Moon suddenly spoke up and we all looked at her at once with the same bitter smiles on our faces.

"Looks like you have finally accepted things. Took you long enough, I would say." Rein said those words with not any negative intent but surely with a little disappointment.

She was expecting more from her since I went to such great lengths to liberate her from her past self. But, she had been mostly surprised and speechless all the time we had been here so, it sure was a little disappointing from her point of view since she would be seeing a great lot of things like this and things even more absurd than this in the future.

She can't just freeze out like this in those times and just follow them around like some speechless shocked puppet.

She would have to take charge of the situation and coordinate with them and the others perfectly to resolve every matter at their fingertips.

And, she was going to be their first line of defense so she had to be even more careful, aggressive, and patient than anyone else depending on the situation.

And, she was as smart as her, probably smarter when it came to certain things, so, Rein had great expectations from her, and, Miss Moon could see that in her eyes perfectly.

"I will try my best to behave a little more appropriately next time, but it was my first time seeing something of this scale and I'm not sorry for my actions.

Anyone else would have already fainted multiple times, probably even lose their cool before those hundreds of creatures and the real form of the Queen.

I was doing pretty good managing all the things I saw today so, I believe I wouldn't act like today in situations similar to today's. At least until they are only as absurd as what we have seen until now."

Her answer was pretty acceptable to me so I just nodded and Zoe did the same. Queen Fio didn't have anything to do in this situation so she just stood there while

Rein glared at her with a questioning gaze and looked her up and down, but, there was no sign of any hesitation on her face so she just nodded at her.

"We were talking about how the place we chose was the favorite playground for the flamingo children and how we would build a playground for them if they let us build a home there.

The little kid was happy to hear those pretty descriptions from my darling so she just ran away to tell everyone."

And, she just answered her previous query casually, which certainly was enough for someone like her to understand most things.

So… that was that for the little land confirmation and we can start the construction process whenever we wanted.

'I'm going to use our special artificial golems anyway, who will do everything on their own since I have programmed them already so we actually won't have anything to worry about.'

We were almost done with everything today. So, only the last little thing remained.

"Let's go down."

There was a unique place hidden beneath these lands and not only did it contain the Mana stone vine that we would be developing, but it also housed something very precious.

And, we were going to go down to get that precious thing.

"But, how will we do that?"

Even Rein was confused about this fact but, Zoe and I knew, this was precisely the moment we would need the Queen's authority for…

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