Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 549 First Gathering Of House Captains

[OP: ]

"Welcome, captains and vice captains~. It's a great pleasure of mine to host you all for the first time like this!"

Their classes had ended for the day, including the third class where relatively little things happened in total.

But still, there were some very, very surprising moments for each of the classes or at least each of the classes with the special people we know about.

But that was all over now. Their classes were done, and the house captains, with some little push from their classmates, had also gathered from the office of their president to this fine, common house meeting chamber with a big round table in the middle, some good lightings, decorated with flags of all eight houses on the walls, and an area with a stage, some pieces of equipment, and some unique artifacts around it.

Ultimately, it was a nice place considering it was only accessible for the house captains, vice captains, the student council staff, and a few teachers. And it was the first meeting of the house captains… and of course, the president and their ferocious vice president.

"Please don't hesitate and ask for anything you like from Miss Morgan. She's a very capable and important part of this, and all individual student house gathering halls."

He was sitting on a chair that looked bigger and fancier than the others, clearly indicating his higher position among them. But the chair beside him, the one bejeweled with the presence of their vice president, was even more luxurious, confusing them of the higher authority between the two of them.

"Then can I please have some water? It was a really fun class so I almost forgot to have any." Carla requested the pretty-looking female artificial person, the special caretaker of houses, and some of the earliest members of this fine institution.

And she bowed a little with that same smile on her face, walked to the other side, prepared some jugs of water and glasses, and arranged them on the big table in a matter of seconds.

She was efficient and a being of great importance, and they could tell her prowess just from her way of preparing water.

This was obviously surprising for people seeing it for the first time, but those who already knew about it just admired the technology of the past.

"Thanks, Miss Morgan." Carla thanked her, and she seemed to be flustered to receive a compliment like that.

It was a unique reaction and everyone was just about to get into a discussion about it, but vice president Cradle didn't like wasting time like her president beside her.

"Alright, listen here you newbies," she attracted their attention with her authoritative voice, and all eyes were unwantedly fixed on her.

"You fresh chicks were picked from those thousands of people by the great ancient tree so there is undoubtedly something special about you all. 

I don't know what is special about you or what outstanding talent you have and I don't care either. It is up to you to figure it out anyway.

But you all are undoubtedly leading figures of your houses, and there are a few things you all have to know, follow, and never even think of attempting. At least during my watch this year."

She looked at all the twenty people present in this room with sharp eyes and they all looked back at her, with many unique emotions popping inside their hearts.

Their sitting arrangements were unique as the two presidents sat on the eastern side of everyone, just on the opposite side of the door they entered from. On the exact opposite side of them sat the four captains of the current best house, captain Alpha and his vice captains Claudius, a normal-looking dwarf named Crox, and an elf boy named Francis.

And their chairs were almost the same, just that the captain's chair had the symbol of their house imprinted behind them.

So, that was [True dragon] and on the two sides of them were [Fascinated mages] and [Fusion stardust].

And, different from a little awkward atmosphere between Alpha and his fellow vice-captains, Lizzy and Alf had a friendly atmosphere while Titania, Luna, and Hide had a professional atmosphere as if they were sworn comrades in this place, where the currently tiniest one of them held the most important position.

[Eternal tigers] sat just beside Alf and Lizzy so the captain of that house, the beast kingdom's crown prince Eugene, was getting acquainted through Chry with others.

And the same was true on the other side as [Aqua mirror] was beside Titania and others so as she was a new friend of Carla, they were introducing each other's dear friends.

Beside them sat [Turtle defenders] and Prince Alpheus was pretty familiar with Carla so he was also getting to know this special person Quin while introducing them to his vice-captain Bjorn, the tallest and toughest looking male orc in the room.

Lastly, [Wisdom Phoenix] and [Dark society] sat beside the president and vice president for obvious reasons, so… that was the arrangement. And even though a few already knew the reason for this meeting and mostly all the things that were going to be addressed during this time, many had no idea about anything, so it was an important little event for them.

-Tap. Tap.

"Then let's start with the basics," vice president Cradle said, and tapped twice on the table. And as soon as she did that, a few colorful magical screens appeared above the table before them.

The classes till now had been fun for them all, but now, the other part of their academy life, the part that though wouldn't reflect in their academic results that greatly, but would surely stay immortal in the grand archives of the academy, would start from here. 

And as the students that represented their houses, the groups that suited them the most according to the oldest being on this island, they had many things they had to keep in mind.

"First of all, you all are the captains, and though the roles are divided between a captain and a vice-captain, something that would sound above and below the other, truthfully, both of them have the same level of role in a house.

You all are already captains so I don't think I need to explain to you what the houses are but remember this, the authority both kinds of captains possess have its own place of execution, and even though the captains can file a expulsion request against their own house members, the final decision would be in our and headmaster's hands.

And, just like them, if a house has any kind of complaint against the captains, then the vice captains would have the right to bring it to the headmaster directly.

The captains of a house are the leading voices, the one that guides the others, while the vice captains are the voice of the house members themselves, so you must know what is happening among your own members.

The position you hold is relatively permanent for your academic years but, that doesn't mean you can never get punished for your mistakes.

Your behavior would reflect your very house and the hundreds of students that you need to take care of, and!"


She suddenly shouted and slammed her hand on the table, surprising the others as they were already paying close attention to her.

"Though the one that holds the highest authority after headmasters in this school is this bastard, I hold the highest position among all the students.

So, if ever, and I mean ever during this entire fucking year that I'm here, I get any serious complaints about any of you… then be prepared to live a hellish life for the rest of your time in this academy, and probably even worse when you get out of here."

She looked everyone in the eye with her bright glowing green eyes and some of them gulped down a mouthful of saliva unintentionally.

But a few of them present were totally unaffected by her serious show of powerful authority, and that painted a smirk on her pretty face.

"Aside from this basic stuff, as the house captains, you just need to remember three basic things from my side," she said and continued with a serious expression.

"The first would obviously be that you all are ultimately only students of this academy, so there's no need to have any hate or any hostility towards the other house members or captains.

Second, would obviously be knowing that all you need to do as the house captain is to lead your houses in all the required extracurricular activities, have fun, and make the others have fun doing the things that are obviously fun.

The games, clubs, inter and intra-academy competitions, research projects that can be used in any field of the world, and fun things that can bring you and your house members closer are the core meaning of having these houses and captains, so always keep that in mind and participate in things that you enjoy or are good at, or at the very least, make people from your house participate in important events that can bring glory to you, your houses, and ultimately this academy.

Study is important, I know very well how it feels to be the top student in the class and receive the medals as the valedictorian. But the extra activities are just as important. 

They are the easiest way to get your name and photos on the grand award shelves that you see outside of your homerooms, so, if you wish to be immortalized by being there, then do something enough to earn it.

And as for the third and last part… don't waste your gifts. 

It's an undeniable fact that you have it, maybe you haven't found what it is, but you are the chosen captains, so you definitely have it.

Well, it's a fact that everyone has a gift, but you, little new captains, have a gift that stands out from any other of your batch. So hone it if you already know what it is, find it if you don't know, and forever be shameless to ask for help from us or anyone you are comfortable with, but use it, grow it, and show it to the world.

This is the best place in probably the entire world to do that. So do something. And help your fellow students to do the same if you ever can."

Her voice, which has been powerful and full of authority all this time, was gentle, softer, and totally different from before at the end, but at the same time, it was far more powerful than what it was before.

Her words directly touched their hearts and went straight to their minds, making a home in that place as if she had painted it directly into their minds.

It was strange, but not in a bad way.

They now understood that their vice president was a lot more than just a strict person the world might call a bitch. And these little suggestions from her were something all the twenty in this room would remember closely as they move forward with their actual duties and responsibilities as important figures among the thousands of students.

"Alright. That's it from me, and remember this forever little chicks, I hate dealing with unwanted annoying things. So never ever make me clean up your messes."

She gave everyone a warm smile as she said that. And… that was THE scariest thing they had seen in their time in this academy.

They knew something very wrong might happen if they did that, so half of them nodded at her with a little stiff expression, while the other half nodded simply, showing their confidence in themselves or their confidence in their ability to handle the outcome if they ever crossed her line.

But ultimately, they all got what she wanted them to know. So, she nodded at them, and the person beside them, their legen—dary president who had made her clean after practically every single one of his messes, shook his head at her with a little smile.

She was a strong, cruel, and difficult person for anyone to handle, but he knew the best just what kind of person she really was.

"Alright madam vice president. I will gladly take it from here."

She was his friend. Probably the one and only true, and closest friend in this world, but there was someone that was the peak of his current interest present in this room. And even though there was still a while left for their personal chat, just observing him like this was exciting for him. 


And of course, his little family member was just as curious and excited to see such amazing people at the same time like this.

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