Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 492 A Word For Them

[OP: ]

In a dark place illuminated with only the low glow of some mysterious eyes in it, a fierce fight was going on.


A reptilian hiss was filling the area occasionally and it had many emotions behind those heavily wounded sounds.

Sometimes it was a wail of agony while sometimes it was a scream of anger. Sometimes it was the plea for salvation, while other times, they were curses towards the person that had just slaughtered the countless children this snake had carefully nurtured with blood, sweat, and tears.

However, the person that was standing atop a pile of corpses of creatures that resembles snakes but possessed the body of a demon had a serene look as he looked at the bleeding, wound-covered, defeated creature.

He didn't have any great pity or sympathy towards the giant creature with a feminine body and a Naga's head.

A sinister black miasma was oozing from the creature's body and it was a clear sign that it was already too late for the creature.

The demonic essence had already turned them into demonic beasts and there was no saving them anymore.

"In some different place, at some different time, it might have been different. But…"

The man who had eyes glowing in a rainbow color lifted his hand and a ball of colorful light materialized on it.

"I am sorry. It wasn't your mistake."


A beam of light was shot from the ball and pierced right through the colossal creature, obliterating all of its upper body and only leaving the tail part, which sprayed thick black blood that painted everything in the dark cave in a thicker, darker shade.

"But thanks though."

The man, the greatest archmage in the world, the headmaster, lifted his hand again and snapped his fingers.


A burst of light so bright it can blind any living creature for their lifetime and turn any undead creature in particles of pure light overflowed the cave, and even continued moving through all the caves, holes, junctions, and exists of the labyrinth

All these places including the core room the headmaster was in were filled with innumerable corpses and as soon as this burst of light touched these things, the corpses just vanished with this light, as if vanishing from existence itself.

The dark cave was also being illuminated with new lights that started appearing in the places that the previous burst of light had passed from and the area, the cave, this labyrinth that he was in started gaining new shades of colors that it had never seen.

From darkness to warm colors that were pleasing to normal eyes, this transformation was a sight to behold, and anyone seeing this spectacle might have fallen into a daze of eternal admiration.

However, the handsome headmaster was the only alive being left in this entire structure, and of course, the treasures, the piles of silver and gold, the unique riches that these creatures had gathered and stored in the room he was in, which was filled with a pile of treasure as big as the demonized beast he had just finished.

"After those three days of boring work, this much is good enough."


He snapped his finger again and this time, a white triangular ring materialized just above the top of this pile of treasure, and then a thin blue sheet appeared in this white ring.

Then the ring started coming down and as it descended towards the ground, it grew bigger with the pile of treasure it devoured, and by the time it had eaten everything there, the headmaster had also finished collecting the energy cores and skill stones saturated with the demonic energy of the snake-like demonic creatures he had just killed.

"Alright then. This is finally done." The ring that had devoured the things vanished and he also looked around the cave for the last time.


He sighed with a calm but bitter look after that and a magic circle appeared under his feet.

This whole trip was short but difficult for him.

The creatures he just killed were all (Indigo) to the top grade of (Purple) ranked and they could have caused a calamity if they came out to the outside world but, it was fine now.

He got to the place on time, dealt with the bastard Rakshasas that caused the mutation of creatures in this entire labyrinth, dealt with the source of mutation, and at the end, finished off the creatures that had to go through that excruciatingly painful and unwanted experience.

That was a lot of work and though he obtained some riches, they weren't all his for taking.

Anyway, things ended here, so he can go back to the academy and see the new batch of students that he will be looking after and teaching for the course of the next few years.

He was excited and from the unique results of the entrance exam, he was even more excited to see the new batch of students, his new student council members, the rising stars, and the special ones that appeared out of who knows where.

"And the house leaders too of course… how I can't wait to see all those young ones."

There was an excited smile on his face as he vanished in a ray of light and, as he reappeared in the room full of his students, on the stage filled with his teachers, vice headmaster, and two special individuals who used to be students like everyone of them until just last year, he took a deep breath and first glanced all around the auditorium.

He was just quietly looking around at every one of them, looking into their eyes individually, seeing them as a whole from that stage, and as he looked at them, all of them also noticed his eyes, and either straightened their backs in surprise, smiled and waved at him like Zoe, or just sat there as they were and gazed back into his eyes like Rein and Eon.

There were also some clueless ones like Quin who only looked at him with surprise as if seeing a magnificent man like him for the first time.

But the room which was bustling with voices from the students, their bad talk about certain people, the excitement over the group of people that were standing on the stage, and all that had stopped when the headmaster suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

And he was just watching everyone equally right now. He was watching his students, everyone who sat there, and yes there were many who were not there, he would have seen them just like he looked at them right now too.

There was no profound meaning behind his gaze, he was just looking at them, looking at all the amazing young children that will hopefully achieve things that they desire or are best for them.

His gaze was still unique from each of their perspectives though. Even for Eon and Rein, and others, this gaze was something… special. And it continued for three solid seconds.

"Hello everyone," he said after he was done with his observation and his voice was as unique as always as it rang in everyone's ears as if he was saying it while standing just beside them.

It easily caught everyone's attention and they focused their eyes on him, looking at his indescribably gorgeous physical appearance while gasping in their minds.

They didn't understand why but just looking at him was giving them a feeling of just how charismatic a character he was. And none of them actually disliked this flattery-flattery feeling.

"Everyone must have welcomed you all with the greatest care and I know you all also mostly don't like the big useless talks.

This is an inauguration ceremony but I don't think there is much left to welcome you all.

This is the academy you will all be staying in for a few years and I don't know how much you will be able to gain from this institution that has so many things to offer that even I, someone who had been here for hundreds of years, am still gaining something new occasionally from different parts, places, mysteries, and secrets.

There are many basic things you should know about this place but I think many already know most of those things and I also know many don't even have the slightest idea what this place actually is but, I still believe with time, you all will learn many things, and probably some of you will learn more things than others, and probably some of you will also discover some secrets of this place that even I don't know.

The possibilities of what you do here, how much you explore, how much you want to know, and your desire to gain new things, information, treasures, facilities, and all that, are practically endless if you want.

You can go to any of the places that aren't strictly forbidden to you all and spend your free time however you like.

The basic information is just the basics and you can definitely get by just fine with that much but this academy, this great institution, has far more to offer than just the good lectures, learning opportunities, opportunities to get stronger, or any simple thing like that.

Yes, you might be here for your own unique reasons but now that you all are here, you have been connected to not just me but all these special people you see with me on this grand stage."

He stopped after that and this time looked at only a few certain individuals who had unique reactions to his special gaze.

He wasn't saying anything to them however, the ones being looked at instinctively knew that this hot headmaster of theirs had some sort of expectations from these special few individuals.

"A word for all of you young ones."

Everyone stalled their hearts and focused on the special words of their headmaster. 

And this common behavior of theirs put a smile on the face of not only him but all of the people standing on the stage, including the not much older-looking mature boy and the beautiful girl with a calm demeanor and emerald eyes.

"Have fun," he said. "Have fun, make friends, play in the many facilities in the academy, do the things you like, and find new things you might come to love.

Find something to love, and it could be a person, an activity, a place, or something else but try putting in a little effort for it or probably just in the thought of it.

It is up to you but it would be one of my best pieces of advice to you all for not just your academic life but also your life outside this place.

And after you find something you love, start exploring.

Explore the academy, explore your own hearts, minds, and body, explore the things unseen to the mere eyes, and explore the wide world that has even greater things than this floating island and this school.

And after you have explored enough, settle down in the place that made you feel most like your home.

And I'm not talking about your 'house' here where you live. A home is different from a dwelling. It is actually so different that the two things are worlds apart from each other.

Do just that much, and you will find something that you might not have or have ever thought to possess.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Remember that you all are special. Every single one of you.

Everyone has a unique talent they are born with, and if someone isn't, they create their own telnet with continuous, excruciating practice, repeated trials, and an unwavering passion.

You have it, and you will all find it during your time in this academy.

Every single person at this stage will help you find that, and will always be there for you for any kind of help you want.

The ancient tree outside must have told you all he likes hearing, talking with new people, and telling stories, right? Well, I like making friends and talking with them too.

So, I'm here, everyone is here, the ancient tree outdoors has been here longer than any of us too, and we will hear whatever you have to say, whenever you want.

But I do expect that all of you, not just the unique people here but all of you will be able to find and nurture your unique gifts because those who know of their gifts and still ignore them… are ultimately betraying their own selves.

I wouldn't like that, but those who do actually do that will be the ones getting the most wanted and unwanted help on these premises."

He smiled again after that, and this time, it was a warm smile.

Everyone understood what they had to do after that and those who didn't, or weren't present, would also surely come to know this 'wish' of their headmaster.

It was a simple wish from the academy's perspective though. It corresponded with the iron solid aspect of this unique institution that was famous for turning any and all of their students into someone this world could profit from in a simple or probably a very complex way, after all.

His words were simple for them to understand, and they were all excited after hearing all of that spectacular stuff.

"Alright then. That much should be enough for now, right? 

I will leave you all with your great, special, certainly a troublemaker, and now also a great gentleman student council president who, with your calm, problem-solver, excellent, and some of the best I can proudly say I have taught myself, your vice president, will be with you throughout this year and guide you through the basic steps and traditions of our home like school."

He walked back after saying that, nodded at the two younger-looking ones on the stage, gave them a pleased smile, and after giving a similar smile to the headmaster, the two of them walked towards the podium and looked at all the students present with a similar warm smile as the headmaster and took a deep breath…

"Haaa… hello again everyone."

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