Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 490 A New Friend

[Eon's POV: ]

There are six truths of this world and nature that I believe I have come to know. 

The very first one was the truth about the [[( Origin true energy )]] and the perpetual transmutation of all energies.

The second one, we could say, was the truth of [[( Death )]]. Something that is certain and has just as profound meaning as the third truth that I learned, the truth of [[( Life )]].

Those three were the things I naturally learned while reading, learning, and practicing things with my master. And then there was my fourth truth, and the first one that master taught me, the truth of [[( Soul )]] and its connection with our mind, consciousness, and body, the phenomenon of the [ZONE], and also the purpose of astral projection.

When I learned more about the Soul and practiced it and was able to clear the first 'blockage' of my physical body, I saw the astral realm for the first time, and shortly after that, she taught me about the realms, worlds, space, outer space, reality, and with that, I learned the truth of 'basic' [[( Reality )]], something that witches innately become aware of and manifest it as their Witchcraft.

It is a formidable power and even I can't actually use it like them. However, I can, with a near life-draining amount of my total energy, manifest that truth in a form that I understand the best.

It was like a new world had opened before me when I learned that, but just after that, a new question popped into my mind.

'Are reality and space different things? Are they different truths with different meanings and different applications? What is space and does time have something to do with it? Did it already exist in this world or did it come after some certain point or someone created it? Time is relative but does time even exist or is it something that we made up ourselves? Are space and time even related like we believe they are?'

I questioned, read countless materials to find the answer that I was looking for, asked my master, questioned more, and at the end of my quest, I found the answer to one of the questions. 

I got a satisfying answer to 'what space actually is?' and with that, I was able to grasp the truth of [[( Space )]]. 

I probably spent a year learning that, and I still think it was more than tens of years, but I got the answer, which only pointed me toward new questions.

>What is this world and what is the nature that we live in?

>How was this world created?

>How did everything start and what genesis actually is?

>How many truths are there?

>Who made these 'truths' or if someone didn't make them, were they always there before the 'beginning' or even before that?

>How does the world work and is there actually some higher power that we call 'nature' operating this world?

>What are anomalies or irregulars? 

>What is the purpose of origin skills?

>And what is the reason for the existence of every single thing that actually exists?

I wanted the answers to at least these nine questions if I could in this life that I had decided to live in peace with my family and close ones.

It wasn't that important however, a being needs a purpose to live aside from their main goal. It is also something that makes living and spending your free time fun. 

'And the language of the tribe she just spoke used to be the last surviving primordial human tribe that vanished some ten millennia ago without a trace. So this girl, not as the house captain but as an entire entity, had just become very crucial to getting my acceptable answer to the [Genesis].'

But from the look on her face, I knew I can't be aggressive and ask her multiple personal questions out of nowhere. So… a general approach.

"You know the language I speak?" She asked with genuine surprise and Rein firmly shook her head in denial.

"I don't but he surely knows it though. He probably knows all the languages out there."

Her answer surprised her but more than that, it confused her because Rein had just spoken in the language that she said she didn't know.

"T-then how can you speak so well?" The girl, the newly famous house captain of [Aqua mirror], Aleequinn, asked while clenching the magical book in her hand and glanced between me and her with suspicious eyes.

"I have-"

"There is no need to be on guard like that." I grabbed Rein's hand and told her to let me take the lead for a while through our touch speech and she also looked at me with a questioning gaze.

But I had no ill intentions here so I just shook my head and she understood it so she stopped and we looked at the girl before us.

"She has an innate skill that lets her understand things that she sees and then she just uses her Mana-infused voice to replicate the language that the other said. 

It's quite a special ability but Miss Aleequinn, if you can, please keep it a secret. 

You understand it right? Having a special gift that the world might get envious of and might want to take for themselves?"

I gave her a warm smile, Rein shook her head, and the girl before us flinched for a moment and the grimoire in her hand became particles of light and vanished inside her.

My words probably triggered something inside her and she nodded lightly while looking down, avoiding our gazes.

"Miss Aleequinn?" I called her name and only then she came out of her sea of thoughts and looked back at us.

"Would you like to be our friend?" I asked and at the question, Rein's eyes became wide open as she looked at me.

'The hack bastard?! You don't ask anyone to be your friend! You said you won't do anything to her!' She was shouted through her eyes and those glaring eyes were intimidating as always.

'Rein? How many times do I have to say it? I am Lucifer remember? We are in the academy and we will need good friends. And this girl… she is worth it darling. 

And more than that, I think you will like her.'

I gave her a unique warm smile and she looked at me with a tilted head. She didn't understand what I meant so she looked back at the girl and used her eyes, and then understood what I was trying to say.


'See. You will have fun with her. Make her your playmate for our time in the academy. She will have many things to learn about the world anyway.'

"Yes! Let's become friends~!" Rein shouted, ran forward, and grabbed her hands.

She was surprised and the sudden hand grabbing stunned her. And then Rein shook the hands harshly, confusing the poor girl even more.

"Uriel… slow down please."

"Oh! Sorry."

She let her go and shouldered her. Then she made a chair with her water magic and sat her down.

"Let's be friends." She said again and now looked at the calmed girl with stars in her eyes and the other one looked at her with shock and confusion.

"B-but we don't even know each other…"

"Oh! Don't worry about that! I'm Uriel, he is my darling Lucifer. He is my fiance so you can't have him, and I'm his fiancee so don't worry I'm safe.

I'm a water mage, he is an archer. I'm captain of [Dark society], and he is vice-captain of [Wisdom phoenix].

We don't have a grand background but we can proudly say we are <D> ranked adventurers and have seen plenty of this empire and other parts of the continent.

He is the smarter one between us but he doesn't show it most of the time, but I assure you that bastard probably knows all the answers there would ever be in our curriculum books.

I'm more on the wilder side so he has a bit of difficulty handling me but he is the only one who managed to do it so yeah, he's the best.

We have known each other for three years and we both have lived up to this point to tell you this so you can rest assured and be friends with us."

'That damn girl said all that in one breath… that's my Rein.'

I smiled helplessly at her words that were too perfect to criticize and walked forward, tapped her head with my palm, and looked at the one sitting on the water chair.

"I apologize for this. She's just, you know, enthusiastic. She really wants to be your friend and so do I."

Rein took a step back, and we looked at Aleequinn.

She had calmed down and was now looking at us with a new look that was thoroughly evaluating this whole scenario.

Her eyes were trying to see through us, or more like see our status windows. Her fingers were caressing the chair she was sitting on, trying to figure out Rein's personal spell's structure and its strength. Her breathing had calmed down a lot now, and the Mana around her was getting denser as if she was preparing for anything bad.

But her heartbeat was calm so I can tell she wasn't as much on guard as before.

She was thinking of giving us a shot and accepting our friendship.

She was convincing herself but before that, she had some questions she needed answers of.

"Why do you want to be my friend?" She asked while looking at Rein and not me, and Rein smiled cheerfully at her question.

"Why wouldn't we want to be friends with the person that attacked us with a true spell? 

Hehe. Besides, you are strong and mysterious, have some pretty unique skills, and are also a house captain.

You must be all alone in this academy and by yourself and we are pretty much the same so we thought it would be fun to have more friends and you are the first person we are meeting like this who actually seems like a good person.

All the other people just stared at us and talked bad things behind our backs.

Those MFs are bastards, probably you faced a few of them too.

Hopefully, they haven't attacked you like the two of us last night.

Bastards were weak anyway so that's that but yeah. There are plenty of reasons to befriend you.

We can slowly get to know each other, talk, roam the island, and help each other.

We know the academy pretty well from the things we have heard and read but exploring it with someone I can trust will be far better than going around by myself, right?"

That was a good persuasion attempt and I would be convinced if someone said that to me. 

And Rein was able to get through her heart a little bit, thankfully.

"Alright then…"

The Mana around her calmed down and she stood up from her chair.

"You can call me Quin and I will be in your care, Miss Uriel and Mister Lucifer.

I don't know practically anything about the island and embarrassingly enough, I have also never learned any other language than the one my late grandfather taught me since I was a kid.

I know water magic that he taught me and he used to say I have great talent but I do not know about that.

I had only lived with him on some faraway island for as long as I can remember. Haaa…

I am practically alone on this island too so thank you very much for asking first.

I would love to be your friend.

He would have liked it this way too…"

She had a bitter smile on her face, but she washed it away soon and smiled at the two of us.

"Do you want to cry Quinny?" Rein hugged her gently and sighed deeply at the same time.

"We both know how it feels to lose someone so you can cry if you want. 

I'm here, we are here for you. And don't worry. Now that you are here, we are here, it will be fine."

Rein knew what to say in these special situations and in those times, she is better than me.

She expressed our hearts better than I could have and it managed to touch her heart better than I was ever expecting.

"I'm fine Miss-"

"No Miss or Mister between friends. Call us Uriel and Lucifer."

Quin smiled warmly and shook her head with a positive vibe.

"Thank you for your mesmerizing words, Uriel. However, I'm alright now. 

I had cried enough when things ended but he had requested me to never cry after that over something that wasn't worthy of my tears.

So, I'm alright. And… I think we are getting late for the inauguration ceremony."

Yeah. That was true.

The sun was already up and we were doing this friendship greetings in this secluded place around the giant tree.

We should be there by now but we were here, and it was bad. 

And as always, Rein didn't give a fuck about that.

"They can wait if they want us to be there or just go ahead and start their little pass time.

It is alright anyway. We have exactly 15 minutes before they start and we can reach the auditorium in ten minutes if we run.

We still have five minutes so relax."

And then she just continued hugging her after that.

Quin didn't understand her lax behavior and instead of finding it weird, she found it better and more attractive so she, too, just continued hugging her.

"Oh, dear."

How could I just watch quietly when two pretty girls were happily hugging like that? 

Well technically I should do just that but not when one of the girls hugging the other one was my fiancee.

I could do something better than that. So I did that something better and hugged Rein from behind.

She knew I would do that and she liked it anyway so she didn't mind it, and strangely, Quin also didn't mind me hugging the two like them.

It was a warm feeling and we stayed like that for exactly four minutes and then…

"Alright! The last one will pay for lunch!"

And after saying that, she ran away towards the gates.

"Haaa… what do I do with that girl?"

She was weird. But that weirdness was always attractive.


But she did well this time leaving the two of us behind.

I wanted to have a little private talk with this girl anyway so this was a good chance to ask her the things I wanted to ask for a long while now so, I looked at her innocent looking smiling face and called her name in a gentle voice…


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