Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 295: [Reverse wear] The first type of face slap

Mu Yan stared dumbfounded at the familiar yet unfamiliar scene in front of him, unable to recover for a while.

Jiang Chenxi stood in front of Mu Yan, vigilantly watching the surroundings in case any dangerous creatures appeared.

The three little buns surrounded Mu Yan tightly, and Qiuqiu, as a little brother, guarded the two younger brothers tightly, with the same expression on his face as Jiang Chenxi.

"Father, where are we?" Yuanyuan held her second elder brother Tuantuan's little hand with one hand and Mu Yan's clothes corner with the other, raised her little head, and asked innocently and cutely.

Pulled back by Yuanyuan's voice, Mu Yan looked carefully at the surrounding environment, and finally determined their exact location.

Thinking of what Number Five said before, Mu Yan couldn't help but sigh.

Unexpectedly, what he said was just a joke, but it was actually sent back. This world that gave birth to him and raised him has also given him too many disappointments.

"We are back to Father's former home." Mu Yan knelt down and touched Yuanyuan's little head, and said to him with a smile.

Among these three children, only Yuanyuan is a brother like him, and a brother with very strong fertility.

Because when Yuanyuan was just born, the pregnancy mole on her belly button was as bright red as blood dripping on it, if this was in this world, she would be a brother that everyone sought after.

Because of his previous experience, Mu Yan may love his elder brother more than other children, but for such a preference, Tuantuan and Qiuqiu have no complaints at all, on the contrary, they love him as much as Mu Yan. Transformation, the smallest and cutest younger brother who is not a supernatural being. ?+

"Mu Mu, you mean..." Jiang Chenxi is so smart, he quickly understood the meaning of Mu Yan's words, he was surprised for a moment, and soon returned to normal. .

He was also curious about Mu Yan's previous world. After all, a world without women, only brothers and men, was unintentionally a new experience for someone like him who traveled from the interstellar world.

However, as long as he thinks of the treatment and suffering Mu Yan received here before, he can't help but want to pick all the people here.

Fortunately, Jiang Chenxi's rationality is still there. He knows that there are no supernatural beings in this world. In order to avoid attracting too many people's attention, he cannot use supernatural abilities here, let alone let others see his transformation.

He knew that people in this world were very conservative in their thinking. If they saw that he could transform, they might be treated like monsters.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chenxi squatted down and told Qiuqiu and Tuantuan, "You two must not be able to transform at will here, you know? Don't let other people see it, otherwise it will bring a lot of trouble to father and brother of."

Qiuqiu is older and younger, some half-understand, and Tuantuan doesn't understand at all, but it doesn't affect their obedience.

Father is still very majestic in their hearts.

"This is the small hill behind my house, which is where I slid down the hill and crossed." Mu Yan looked at the surrounding scenery that had hardly changed, with nostalgia and confusion in his eyes.

He didn't know how long it had been since he traveled back then, and he didn't know whether his family had found him missing or had come to look for him.

——For a while, Mu Yan was a little too close to his hometown.

However, at this moment, a surprised and uncertain voice came over: "Are you Mu Yan?"

Mu Yan followed his gaze, and saw a young man in a rough coat looking at him in surprise. He looked familiar, but he couldn't remember his name.

As if aware of Mu Yan's doubts, the young man said with a pleasant face, "Mu Yan, I'm Mu Er Niu, I live next door to your house, where have you been for so many years, uncle said you can't bear to live in poverty life, ran away from home

Mu Erniu looked very excited when he saw Mu Yan, looked Mu Yan up and down, and found that the clothes on the other party were completely different from before. It's so much better.

It seems that what Uncle Jun said is correct, Mu Yan really couldn't bear the burden of life and left, and now he should be living well, so he came back to see it again.

Mu Yan thought hard, and finally remembered who Mu Erniu was, smiled at him, and said, "Hello, long time no see."

"Mu Yan, it's great that you can come back, I think uncle will be very happy." Mu Erniu said with a simple smile, and then found that there was a powerful man standing beside Mu Yan and three a child.

Seeing the child and Jiang Chenxi, Mu Erniu's eyes widened suddenly, as if he couldn't believe it, he pointed at them and asked Mu Yan: "Mu...Mu Yan, this the one from your family? Are they all your children?"

It is no secret in the village that Mu Yan's fertility is low, so even if he is of marriageable age, no man will come to propose marriage. Are you offering it?

He used to like Mu Yan quite a lot, and he thought in his heart that he would marry Mu Yan and go home when he grows up, but later his father refused to agree, saying that Mu Yan could not have children, so he gradually stopped thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, in the past few years since Mu Yan disappeared, he has already married and given birth to three lovely children.

Mu Erniu regretted it immediately, Mu Yan is not infertile, he is very fertile at all, even those brothers in the village with bright moles may not be able to give birth to three in a few years children's

"En Er? Mu Yan nodded very proudly. His face no longer had the low self-esteem and cowardice of the past. Instead, he was full of confidence and happiness, just like the sun, giving people a dazzling feeling.

Mu Erniu stared blankly at Mu Yan, who was getting more and more beautiful, and was stunned for a while.

Jiang Chenxi frowned, especially when he noticed that Mu Erniu looked at Mu Yan with his eyes and expression, which made him extremely upset.

Taking a step forward, he blocked Mu Yan tightly, directly blocking Mu Erniu's sight.

Sensing the murderous aura emanating from Jiang Chenxi, Mu Erniu couldn't help but shudder, and didn't dare to stare at Mu Yan so blatantly. "

Now that Mu Yan has married, he is someone else's brother. Generally, men are very possessive, and other men are not allowed to stare at their brother:

Mu Erniu hurriedly wanted to explain, "I...I'm not..."

Under the strong pressure of Jiang Chenxi, Mu Erniu couldn't even speak clearly.

"Er Niu, did you just say that my father told you that I ran away from home?" Mu Yan remembered what Mu Er Niu said at the beginning, and felt a pain in his heart.

He always knew that Father didn't like him, but he didn't expect that after he slipped and slipped down the hill, Father not only didn't look for him, but even claimed that he ran away from home, which made his original self slowly heal. My heart ached again.

"Well, Uncle said that you don't like the life you are living now, and found it very hard, so you left them and your brothers and ran away from home." Mu Erniu said, at the beginning he felt that what Uncle said might not be true , but after that I really didn't see Mu Yan again, so I gradually believed it.

Mu Erniu always knew that Shujun was not very kind to Mu Yan, but he never thought that those words would be false. After all, no matter how bad Jing is, it is still a family and is related by blood. How can parents be like this? Spare no effort to slander his son.

The people in the village are all kind and simple, even if they are a little brutish, at most they just talk and fight, and never thought of murdering people, so everyone never thought that Mu Yan's departure might have other secrets.

Seeing Mu Yan's sad look, Jiang Chenxi stepped forward and gently hugged him into his arms to comfort him, "Don't be afraid, I'm still here."

"Father, don't cry, Yuanyuan will whir for you, and fly away in pain..." Yuanyuan pouted her pink mouth, and blew vigorously at Mu Yan.

He didn't understand Mu Erniu's words, he only saw that his father was sad, and he didn't like the expression on his face, it hurt his heart to see it.

Being comforted by his lover and son, Mu Yan's mood quickly recovered

He now has a lover, a lovely son, and a complete family of his own. He already has too much happiness. He shouldn't be asking for more.

"How are dad and brothers doing?" After Mu Yan collected his mood, he found that his heart seemed to be much lighter than before, as if he had carried a burden for many years and let it go overnight. .

"It's okay. Your eldest brother has already married a wife, and the second brother seems to be discussing it. They should be able to get married soon. If you go back now, I think uncle will be happy." Mu Er Niu said, but when it came to the last sentence, his confidence was obviously lacking.

"Well, I see, I will go back and see them." Mu Yan said with a smile, no matter how they treat him, it is his father and father, and he will go back no matter what happens&

What's more, Ah Chen is not from this world yet, after they come back, there is no other place to go except for Mujia Village for the time being, and it just happens that Ah Chen can see the place where he grew up.

"Would you like to go with Dad to see the place where Dad grew up?" Mu Yan asked the two of the three children.

"I want to see, Yuanyuan wants to see." Yuanyuan was the first to raise her fleshy little hand and said with a smile.

Qiuqiu and Tuantuan are both controlled by their younger brothers, so naturally they don't have any objections when they see that their younger brothers are about to go.

"Is Ah Chen going?" Mu Yan raised his head and asked Jiang Chenxi.

Jiang Chenxi looked at Mu Yan with eyes full of tenderness and doting, he stroked Mu Yan's hair like his own son's little head, and said, "Of course, I'm also curious about where Mu Mu grew up."

As for those people who treated Mumu badly, he wanted to see them even more.

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