Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 290: Turning around

On the way back, the Sirius team separated from Feng Zeshan's personal guards. After all, the countries of the two sides are different, and the directions are also different. If one side follows the other to their borders, it is likely to be regarded as a provocation Behavior.

In particular, Feng Zeshan's identity is still the crown prince of the Huaxia Empire, his status is noble, and he can better represent the opinions of the country, so he cannot enter and leave the realm of the Federation at will.

Although Feng Zeshan's personal guards and the Sirius team have only been together for a few days, they have lived and died together, and the other party's temperament is also in line with my own taste, so they are very reluctant to leave the Sirius team .

Unfortunately, because of Jiang Chenxi's incident, the Sirius team fell into a low mood at the moment, and they didn't care about Feng Zeshan's personal guards at all, so they bid farewell without nostalgia.

Feng Zeshan's personal guard: Why do we have the feeling of being abandoned by scumbags without hesitation?

Illusion, it must be an illusion!

Under the command of the generals, the four legions of the Federation are fighting against the Zerg with all their strength on the front line.

However, there are too many Zergs, and they have been rushing towards this side in a steady stream, causing the soldiers to be under increasing pressure, and the defense line even faintly shows signs of collapse.

All the soldiers are desperately guarding the country's defense line, preventing these Zergs from stepping in. Even if only a few Zergs break through, it will be a fatal injury to the common people of the Federation.

The soldiers clenched their teeth, even if their bodies had reached their limits, even if they were bruised, they would stick to their posts unwaveringly, even if they died in battle, they would use their bodies to stop these Zergs.

If you want to step into the territory of the Federation, you must step on them.

The four legions were divided into four fronts, each defending one side, forming the strongest human defense wall in the Federation.

The Zerg seemed to be stimulated by something, or received some signal, and started to attack even more frantically.

Each Zerg is very huge in size, and the pincers raised high are extremely sharp. Even if they face the mecha, they may draw a clear mark on the mecha.

"It can't be done, these Zergs are going crazy, and this side will not be able to stand it anymore." The Third Army began to ask for help from the headquarters, asking for more reinforcements, otherwise it is very likely to collapse directly.

The marshal of the third army frowned, watching the battle on the front line on the big screen, clenched his fists and his veins bulged.

"Send X, Y, and Z three combat troops to support immediately, hurry up!" The marshal shouted directly.

The defense on the front line cannot be collapsed anyway, otherwise the federation may face a catastrophe

Mr. Yang stared at the big screen carefully, his eyes were flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

As the first batch of reinforcements to come to support, Yang Mingxuan must also go to the battlefield with the soldiers of the Fourth Army.

However, facing such a dense crowd of Zerg, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart, his hands and feet began to tremble, and even the mecha was manipulated crookedly, comparable to a beginner.

Although Yang Mingxuan also has the title of major general, it is different from Jiang Chenxi's who really obtained it through military merit. As the only son of the Yang family, he has been carefully cared for and loved by the Yang family since he was a child. How could he be allowed to A dangerous place like the battlefield.

The reason why he was sent here this time was that on the one hand, Yang Mingxuan himself saw that Jiang Chenxi was about to go to the battlefield, so he took the initiative to ask for a delay. Will retreat, and this is a good opportunity to build military merit.

Yang Mingxuan's title of major general has been secretly discussed and dissatisfied by others, so Mr. Yang urgently needs Yang Mingxuan to make contributions so that the title of major general is well-deserved, so he took a fancy to this opportunity.

It's just that he never thought that the opportunity to make military achievements that should have been without danger has turned into the most dangerous war.

Now Mr. Yang is most worried about this grandson, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, he does not dare to call Yang Mingxuan back blatantly.

A huge bug just came in front of Yang Mingxuan. Yang Mingxuan was already frightened by the dense crowd of bugs, but now he couldn't move. Not to mention manipulating the mech to fight, he couldn't even escape.

Seeing that their general was under siege, the members of the Fourth Legion naturally tried their best to go there to rescue him. However, when he just arrived in front of Yang Mingxuan and wanted to fight the bug, he was pushed from behind violently. After a while, he went straight towards the bug without even responding, and was split in half by the bug and the mecha.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Mingxuan quickly left this small area a. t

That poor soldier probably never thought until his death that the reason why he was so sad was because of the major general he wanted to save with all his heart.

It's not the first time Yang Mingxuan has done this kind of thing.

When he was in Central Star, he focused his energy on running the company. Although he had a military rank in the military and occasionally went to training, he was still far behind a real soldier. Not only It is physical quality, as well as psychological quality and the quality of a soldier.

This kind of hidden thing may not be visible at ordinary times, but once it encounters danger and goes to the battlefield, it will be exposed in minutes.

What's more, it's not the first time that Yang Mingxuan has asked others to protect him from danger like this

The other members of the Fourth Legion soon realized what Yang Mingxuan had done, and they were immediately extremely angry.

After all, compared to Yang Mingxuan, the major general who is always on top, other people are their comrades-in-arms, they are comrades-in-arms who train together, go to the front line together, and help each other.

Now watching his comrades die in front of his own eyes, it is not because of those Zergs who died for the country, but because of their leaders who are greedy for life and afraid of death. This kind of death is really too aggrieved.

Countless soldiers were very dissatisfied and angry with Yang Mingxuan, but they had nothing to do now. After all, they were still on the battlefield, and their main enemy was still the Zerg, so they couldn't take Yang Mingxuan into consideration.

However, because of this, the soldiers of the Fourth Legion did not take the initiative to save Yang Mingxuan. After all, they would rather die on the battlefield than be pushed out by their compatriots to take the place of the dead.

In the beginning, Yang Mingxuan could rely on the person who came to save him to die for him, and continued to fish in troubled waters on the battlefield.

If he was not worried about being ridiculed, he would have left the battlefield long ago and went to a safe place. However, no one came to rescue him now, and he could not continue to fish in troubled waters. After being hacked by insects several times, he finally Unable to bear it, and unable to care about the strange eyes of others, he left the battlefield directly in despair.

Compared with being ridiculed by others, it is obvious that saving one's life is the most important thing.

He is the young master of the Yang family. He is the young master Yang who everyone worships. How can he die here? He still has a beautiful life, and the glory and wealth are waiting for him to enjoy. Who wants to die on the battlefield.

Everyone watched Yang Mingxuan run away, some couldn't believe it, it was unbelievable, some were very calm, they had expected it.

Seeing Yang Mingxuan like this, the members of the Fourth Legion breathed a sigh of relief while being contemptuous. After all, they don't have to worry about being stabbed in the back by their own people.

It is too tiring to guard against the Zerg in front while guarding against your own people behind you.

It was good for them that Yang Mingxuan left, but from now on, they would never treat Yang Mingxuan as their leader and give them due respect.

Even many members of the Fourth Army became dissatisfied with Marshal Yang because of this.

They joined the Fourth Army because they admired Marshal Yang and wanted to make contributions under his leadership and defend their home and country.

However, with Yang Mingxuan growing up like this, they don't think that Marshal Yang has no responsibility. How can a person who can't even educate his own children lead their Fourth Army? Legion overwhelmed.

Many people in the Fourth Legion have been shaken in their hearts. How can they be reconciled in a legion that obviously has no future? If they can survive this time, they will definitely think about their future.

Mr. Yang still doesn't know at this moment that many of his subordinates are disappointed in him, and now he only cares about Yang Mingxuan's safety.

After learning that Yang Mingxuan had left the battlefield, not only did Mr. Yang not reprimand everyone, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He is not that old man Jiang Zhengzhi, who is stupid enough to send his own grandson to die for the sake of national justice. There are so many people in the Federation, one more Yang Mingxuan is not too many, and one less him is not too many

But there is only this single seedling left in his Yang family, and absolutely nothing can happen.

A tall and straight heroic figure suddenly appeared in Yang Xiaoxiong's mind, because he hadn't thought of it for a long time, the face of that person seemed to be a little blurred, which made him a little dazed.

Immediately, he completely shook off the figure in his mind, and his expression became gloomy.

The situation on the front line is becoming more and more urgent. The four legions and countless combat troops are working **** the front line, but the Zerg's offensive has not diminished at all, and there is even a growing trend, which makes everyone feel desperate.

"Don't retreat! Think about our family members. They are right behind us, in this homeland of the Federation. If we retreat, they will be the ones who will suffer!" A high-pitched voice suddenly reached everyone. In a mecha battleship, every soldier who fought **** battle suddenly felt a burst of despair, and they forcibly suppressed their emotions in their hearts, and there was a crazy fighting spirit in their eyes.

They can't back down, they are soldiers of the Federation, they are fighters defending the country!

They can only die on the battlefield, and they must not be deserters who flee without fighting!

Under the encouragement, the soldiers became more and more courageous. Even in the face of an impossible opponent, they did not flinch in the slightest, which was in stark contrast to Yang Mingxuan's escape behavior before.

Yang Mingxuan escaped to the rear smoothly. Looking at the raging battle ahead, the corner of his mouth curled into a sarcasm.

A group of people who only know how to send people to death with no brains, he waited to see if they could really persevere, he couldn't believe that no one made the same choice as him.

At this moment, when all the soldiers decided to sacrifice their lives for the country, for some reason, the Zerg's attack suddenly became chaotic, their originally strong attitude suddenly became panic, and even their attack power dropped many.

"Brothers, go! Wipe out all the Zerg!"

I don't know who suddenly yelled this, calling back the soldiers' thoughts, and everyone realized what a good opportunity this was, and hurriedly took the opportunity to harvest more Zerg lives.

Although they didn't know what happened to these bugs, they knew that this was an excellent opportunity for them to turn the tide of the battle.

The soldiers became more and more courageous as they fought, but the Zerg could only retreat steadily. Compared with before, they seemed to have been outsold.

In the combat command room at this moment, Marshal Jiang Zhengzhi received a message from Zhao Ziqi.

After reading the information, Marshal Jiang, who has always been prudent, suddenly slapped the table excitedly, with an uncontrollable smile and excitement on his face, and even his voice trembled.

"The mother worm has been wiped out, and the home planet of the Zerg has been blown up. As long as we eliminate these Zerg, we can completely end the thousands of years of war between humans and the Zerg."

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