Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 288: Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan

"I'm fine, I'm not injured." Jiang Chenxi smiled and took off his shirt, revealing a smooth and firm chest without a single scar on it.

In fact, when Jiang Chenxi first came in, he was very embarrassed, his clothes were scratched and tattered, and his body was covered with scars, if Mu Yan saw it, he would definitely worry him.

Fortunately, although those scars look scary, they are all skin traumas. They have already recovered after the treatment of the treatment device, and the clothes were changed after the wounds were treated. I was worried that Mu Yan would come in at any time. He looked embarrassed and worried.

The therapeutic instrument was placed in the system before, in case of injury when going out, it can be treated in time, but Jiang Chenxi just happened to use it.

"It's really great. I had a dream last night. I dreamed that you were in a very dangerous place, surrounded by huge bugs. You were surrounded, and you couldn't break through. You were about to be swallowed by the bugs. I was so scared that I woke up immediately, and then I came in." Mu Yan said after a moment of fear.

He was really frightened by this dream, even though No. 5 told him that Jiang Chenxi was on the farm, but before he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't let go.

Jiang Chenxi smiled and pulled him back into his arms, patted him on the back, comforted him and said, "It's okay, am I fine? The Zerg has been completely wiped out, so don't worry about them harassing us in the future gone."

"Really? Then you don't have to go to the front to fight in the future?" Mu Yan raised his head^ in surprise and asked.

"Yeah; Jiang Chenxi nodded with a smile, but he didn't tell Mu Yan that although he doesn't have to go to the front to fight the Zerg, but there will still be many other people who will invade him, such as the star robbers who can't be eliminated all the time."

But compared to the Zerg, these star thieves are not to be feared, so he should not speak out to make Mumu worry. ,

Mu Yan's heart finally fell, and he quietly nestled in Jiang Chenxi's arms, and the two just hugged each other like this, talking ordinary words and chatting.

"Achen, when can you come back? Both babies are born, and their names haven't been named yet." Mu Yan suddenly thought of the two babies he hadn't seen yet, and said.

After giving birth yesterday, he was pushed back to the room. After waking up today, he immediately came to find Jiang Chenxi, and he didn't see what the two babies looked like.

"Come on, whatever name you choose, I think it sounds good." Jiang Chenxi said with a smile.

The name Qiuqiu was originally named by Mu Yan, and Jiang Chenxi also liked it very much.

Mu Yan was in a bit of trouble, because he was not very good at naming names, so he wrinkled his face and thought hard.

"Their elder brother's nickname is Qiuqiu, so what should they be called?" Mu Yan said to himself, when Qiuqiu was born, it was a small, round ball, very cute, and he immediately fell in love with it. He thought of a furry ball, so he named it Qiuqiu, but he hasn't seen these two babies yet, so he doesn't know what they look like.

Mu Yan is full of expectations for the two babies, and they must be as cute as Qiuqiu back then.

"How about calling Tuantuan and Yuanyuan?" Mu Yan looked at Jiang Chenxi expectantly.

Qiuqiu, Tuantuan, and Yuanyuan all have similar meanings, and they are three brothers, so they must be very appropriate. Moreover, Tuantuan and Yuanyuan were born when he and Ah Chen were separated, and they also represent him and Ah Chen. Good wishes for reunion.

Mu Yan felt that the two he had chosen were very good, and they sounded good too.

"Well, it sounds very good, Mumu is really amazing." Jiang Chenxi praised very forcefully, "It's getting late, you go out first, mom should come over later."

Although Jiang Chenxi was very reluctant and wanted to be with Mu Yan more, but when he thought about his situation, he could only bear the pain and let him go out first.

"Achen, you have to come back quickly, Tuanyuan and I will be waiting for you to come back." Mu Yan looked at Jiang Chenxi deeply, and said seriously.

"Okay." Jiang Chenxi nodded solemnly, pressed a kiss on Mu Yan's forehead, kissed his lips again, and let him go out.

Although Mu Yan is also very reluctant, he also knows that he must go out now, and he also wants to see Tuantuan and Yuanyuan.

Not long after Mu Yan came out of the farm, he heard someone coming in from the front yard, patted his beating heart with his little hands, thankful that Ah Chen let him out, otherwise he would be found missing, and he might have to go to the hospital again. Let mom worry about them.

"Yanyan, are you up yet?" Zheng Xueyan's voice came from outside.

"It's already up, Mom." Mu Yan said after arranging some messy clothes.

Zheng Xueyan walked in, holding a bowl in her hand, which was steaming.

"This is the soup stewed in the kitchen, drink some to nourish your body." Zheng Xueyan smiled and picked up the bowl and handed it to Mu Yan.

"Thank you mom." Mu Yan didn't refuse either, he happened to be hungry, and now a bowl of soup was just what he wanted.

After obediently drinking the whole bowl of soup, Mu Yan looked up at Zheng Xueyan and said, "Mom, I want to see Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan."

"Tuantuan and Yuanyuan?" Zheng Xueyan was puzzled

Mu Yan smiled sweetly, and said happily: "This is the nickname given to the two babies by Ah Chen and I. I will trouble Mom and Dad to pick up the big name."

"What a good name, very cute." Zheng Xueyan also laughed.

Because of the development of modern medical treatment, Mu Yan has basically recovered after a night of sleep, and can get out of bed and walk around.

So, Zheng Xueyan took Mu Yan and walked towards the nursery of the two babies.

Because the two babies are still less than a month old, they were placed in an incubator to continue their cultivation.

The incubator simulates the environment of the mother's womb, which is filled with amniotic fluid, and the babies float in it, as if they are still in the mother's body.

This is the first time for Mu Yan to actually see the incubator. Seeing the two babies tightly hugging each other in the incubator, he feels his heart is about to melt.

"Originally the doctor planned to separate Tuantuan and Yuanyuan and put them in the incubator, but when they were born, the two little ones were hugged too tightly and couldn't be separated, so they had to be kept together." Zheng Xueyan looked at the two grandchildren in the incubator and said lovingly.

In the middle of the large incubator are two small figures hugging each other tightly, one is in the state of a baby, and the other is a little tiger with a layer of small black fur on its body.

Although one person is in the shape of a human and the other is in the shape of a beast, they look so harmonious and loving when hugged together.

"Yanyan, of the two of them, who is Tuantuan and who is Yuanyuan?" Zheng Xueyan asked again.

Mu Yan came back to his senses, looked at the two cute babies, then pointed to the beast-shaped baby and said, "This is Tuantuan, and that is Yuanyuan."

The two little babies seemed to feel that their father was coming to see them, and they turned their faces to the side of the incubator facing Mu Yan.

The little eyes haven't been opened yet, but they can feel Father's presence by feeling, and even if they turn around, their little hands are still holding together.

Mu Yan stared blankly at this scene, especially when looking at the humanoid baby.

"P Gui, Yan Yan, look quickly, look quickly, is there a little red flower on Yuanyuan's belly?" Zheng Xueyan stared at Yuanyuan's little belly carefully.

Mu Yan was also stunned, apparently he didn't expect that Yuanyuan's stomach would have a pregnancy mole just like her own.

Originally, he thought that there would be no brothers in this world, and there might not be any in the future, but he didn't expect that he would give birth to a brother.

Mu Yan likes his brother very much, and he used to look forward to giving birth to a brother, he will definitely be a non-stomach and 隹胡#胃胡jL白草.

I thought that this wish would not come true after I came to this world, but I didn't expect that this time I gave birth to a brother.

Mu Yan was so pleasantly surprised, and the pregnancy mole on Yuanyuan's belly was very bright, as if poured with blood. If this was in their era, he would be a very popular brother, and every family wanted to marry him. kind of.

Mu Yan didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, he couldn't wait to tell Ah Chen the good news.

However, when he thought that Ah Chen was no longer on the farm, and probably already on his way back, he became even more excited.

"En." Mu Yan nodded his head vigorously, the expression on his face was uncontrollable excitement.

Zheng Xueyan looked at Mu Yan quietly, and found that he liked this child who was not a supernatural person very much, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In this world, she has seen too many angry parents who gave birth to ordinary children, especially big families like them.

People with supernatural powers are the fundamental and solid force for the survival of every big family. Naturally, everyone hopes to have children of people with supernatural abilities. Even parents may improve their status by giving birth to children of supernatural people.

Over time, everyone will pay more attention to those children who are supernatural beings, gradually ignoring ordinary children. Even the parents of children may gradually develop feelings for ordinary children because of the eyes of others. resentment or even resentment.

Although this situation will not happen to the Jiang family, they treat the children of supernatural beings and ordinary children equally, but they cannot control other people's thoughts and opinions.

If it's just the words and thoughts of irrelevant people, they don't take it to heart, but as the parents of their children, if they also despise their children, it will do too much harm to the children.

Therefore, after Zheng Xueyan learned that Mu Yan was pregnant with twins, and one of them was an ordinary child, she was a little worried.

Therefore, in normal times, Zheng Xueyan will tell Mu Yan some examples of ordinary children who are outstanding, hoping that he will not mind that his children are ordinary people.

I have to say that Zheng Xueyan was really worrying too much.

Others in the federation might be dissatisfied with the fact that he gave birth to a child of an ordinary person, but Mu Yan would definitely not, because the world he grew up in before was full of ordinary people and there were no supernatural beings, so ordinary children are very important to him. It is normal to say.

Of course, even the children of supernatural beings who can transform, Mu Yan treats them equally. After all, they are all conceived by him, they are all the flesh that fell from his body, and they are all his children. How could he not love himself? What about the children.

"Yanyan, Yuanyuan looks so cute. Although I can't leave the incubator now, I can see that she will be even cuter in the future." Zheng Xueyan said with a sigh. Looking at Yuanyuan, she felt very fond of it and couldn't wait. I really want to hug this grandson.

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