Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 278: Determined to have children

"Take out the red beans, put them in a soymilk machine, add some water, and make a slurry, then mix the red bean milk and glutinous rice flour into a dough, and then press it with a mold Make it into the shape you like, just steam it in a pan, or use an oven, but the red bean cake steamed in a pan will be softer, while the red bean cake baked in the oven will be drier and harder, you can according to your own Choose different tools according to your preferences." Mu Yan explained to fans while quickly embossing with a mold.

He made some red bean cakes in a pot and an oven respectively, so that fans can see the difference between the two more intuitively.

"It's such a beautiful color, and it looks delicious. When will Yanda start pre-sale online, I will definitely grab it this time^"

"I prefer the one that was steamed in a pot. It looks soft and glutinous. Of course, the one from the oven must be delicious too. Just eat it."

"The face upstairs is really big, I want it too, they all look good."

Mu Yan looked at the bullet screen above, and said with a smile: "Actually, there are quite a few cakes made with the same method as this one. If you replace red beans with mung beans, then you can make mung bean cakes, pea cakes, black bean cakes, etc. It’s almost the same way, after the fruit and vegetable supermarket opens, you can buy it back and try to make it yourself.”

Now, the barrage became even more lively, with people clamoring about when the fruit and vegetable supermarket would officially open, and which planets had these supermarkets.

While Mu Yan answered patiently, he set aside part of the steamed red bean cake for his family to eat, and packed the rest carefully for delivery later.

And the open sales quota in the online shop was almost all sold out the second it just opened. The speed was astonishing, as if they were specially trained.

However, it has to be said that it is also true to a certain extent. These fans have almost practiced in private in order to stand out from the crowd and grab the few pitiful spots.

I have to say that they really worked hard for a little food.

Those who got it naturally showed off in the live broadcast room, while those who didn't get it secretly cursed those who got it, and silently made up their minds to continue practicing to try to get it next time.

In the blink of an eye, four months passed, and Mu Yan's stomach grew rapidly like a blown balloon, and his movements had become very slow and inconvenient.

During this period, Jiang Chenxi made four video calls, sent 12 text messages, and entered the farm twice.

It has been more than a month since Mu Yan and Jiang Chenxi met on the farm last time, and for more than a month, there was no news of Jiang Chenxi coming, which made Mu Yan very worried, but there was nothing Method.

Mu Yan's pregnancy has reached more than seven months, and the child has basically developed and formed. The doctor discussed with Zheng Xueyan that they wanted to perform an operation on Mu Yan, take the child out and cultivate it outside the body, because they found that Mu Yan's body It is almost impossible to bear the gestation of two children.

Gradually, the nutrition can't keep up, and the space in the body is almost unable to bear the growth of the two children. If this continues, it will be very dangerous.

Both the doctor and Zheng Xueyan agreed with such a decision, so they planned to ask Mu Yan for his opinion. After all, he is the father of the two children and has the most say.

"Yanyan, what do you think?" Zheng Xueyan explained this matter to Mu Yan in detail.

When Mu Yan heard the words, he remained silent, as if he was thinking about something.

Mu Yan is really thinking, his concept is different from the people here, in their place, the children are conceived by the elder brother himself, provided bit by bit of nutrition by the elder brother's body, and gradually grow up, It can be said that it is a piece of flesh that fell from the brother's body. He knows that the medical level in this world is very advanced, and children can be cultivated outside the body, but in that case, he always feels that something is missing.

And most importantly, Ah Chen promised him that he would come back before the children were born and would accompany him to give birth, and he always believed that Ah Chen would not break his promise.

"Mom, I want to conceive them by myself. I will try my best to eat more nutrients every day to provide them with nutrition. I will also exercise properly to keep my body healthy." Mu Yan touched his bulging, very tight belly, and could clearly understand Feeling the child inside, the feeling of blood fusion made him holy.

The children are already showing signs of fetal movement, and they will say hello to their father almost every day, and Mu Yan is also very much looking forward to the arrival of that time^?

Other people's babies may move, and the mother's body may be hit and hurt, but Mu Yan is different.

It's like the two children know that this is their daddy, the daddy who worked so hard to conceive them, so they feel sorry for daddy. Every time they move their hands and feet, they are gentle, which can make people feel their existence , but the kind that doesn't hurt.

After all, Mu Yan is still reluctant to part with the child now.

"Yanyan, after all, your body is not comparable to that of a woman's. Even a woman's pregnancy with twins is very hard, let alone you, your current situation is almost unable to bear the demands of the two of them. If you don't take it out as soon as possible , it may be dangerous in the future when giving birth." Zheng Xueyan said worriedly, trying to persuade Mu Yan.

She is also a person who has been pregnant before, and knows the pain and danger of childbirth, not to mention that Mu Yan is pregnant with two now, and it will be more dangerous than ordinary pregnant women by then.

Whether it's for the child or for Mu Yan, taking the child out and cultivating it outside the body is the best solution now

"Mom, Chen promised that I would come back before the children were born. He would welcome the birth of the two children with me. I want to wait for him to come back." Mu Yan lowered his head, his expression was unclear, and his tone was low.

What Zheng Xueyan wanted to say was immediately swallowed back, she looked at Mu Yan and then at the doctor, obviously her heart softened ^

"It's okay if you don't take it out now, but I will come here for an examination every day. Once you feel pain, you must tell me immediately. At that time, you must also take out the two children immediately, otherwise, you and the children will be dead. It may not be possible." The doctor said with a serious face and a stern tone.

In the face of patients, especially disobedient patients, we must take some severe measures, otherwise the patients may not know the serious consequences.

However, the doctor's face was tense for a few seconds, and after seeing Mu Yan's cute expression, he softened instantly.

"Yanyan, this matter is very important, you must take it to heart, and you must notify me immediately if you feel uncomfortable."

Mu Yan also knew that he was self-willed this time. In fact, he didn't have any confidence in conceiving twins. After all, no one in their place had twins yet.

However, he really wanted to welcome the birth of their child with Chen.

"I will, doctor." Mu Yan nodded earnestly. He must treat the child with 120% seriousness and energy. Even if he is willful, he will never make fun of the child.

The doctor and Zheng Xueyan were still a little worried, and they discussed the plan to supplement Mu Yan's nutrition and exercise recently. Moreover, Zheng Xueyan seldom went out now, and basically took care of Mu Yan at home every day, and the doctor was always on call.

Here, the Jiang family is facing a "war" ready to be fought at any time, while on the other side, it is a real war.

Lin Hai's worries finally came true. All the expedition troops sent in the past were wiped out, and the group leader desperately passed the news back before dying.

It was precisely because of this crucial news that Lin Hai completely determined the purpose of the Zerg, and immediately contacted the top military leader of the Central Star.

After the military department got the news, it notified the government, and then sent the remaining second and third legions to the front line, and the rest of the army did their best to protect the safety of the central star, and quickly passed the news to other planets , Let the Planetary Guards get ready.

The government came to appease the people. The people don't know the news yet, but once they know it, there will be chaos, and the government takes effect at this time.

With a clear division of labor, the Federation quickly entered a state of martial law for all.

Ordinary people don't know it yet, so they go to work, go shopping and live happily every day. However, the high-level people and those big families have heard some news, and everyone is in danger. If it weren't for government personnel to suppress it, It might be confusing now.

As the backbone of the military, the Jiang family naturally got the news immediately, but they all made a tacit and unanimous decision to conceal Muyan.

After all, Mu Yan is now in the most critical period of pregnancy. If the fetal gas is moved because of this news, it will be very dangerous for him. Even though the current medical level is very advanced, it does not mean that people will not die.

"Don't worry, those Zergs won't come here, and our Federation soldiers won't allow them to step into our territory." Zheng Xueyan said firmly.

Her husband, son and daughter are all on the front line. It would be a lie to say that she is not worried, but she also has full confidence in them.

She believed in them and would protect herself and everyone's federal homeland.

As a family member of a soldier, she has a fortitude that ordinary people don't have.

She must take good care of the Jiang family. Only by taking good care of the family can her husband and son fight on the front line without any scruples.

"Yes, those hateful Zerg will be wiped out eventually." Jiang Xuexi echoed, without the usual smile on her face

Fate of the nation, everyone is responsible!

"President, should we continue with our plan?" Jiang Yuanxi's assistant asked worriedly.

The staff below may not know what's going on on the front line, but as Jiang Yuanxi's personal assistant, he still knows a little about it.

"Continue, why not continue, we still do what we have to do, we have to trust our federal soldiers, they will protect us." Jiang Yuanxi said to his assistant, he was also full of confidence in the federal soldiers. "'

Although he didn't take the road of joining the army, he had worked in the barracks before. He still knew the situation and strength of the army. What's more, many of his brothers and sisters were in the army. He trusts them.

"Okay, I see." Seeing that Jiang Yuanxi was so calm, the assistant calmed down.

Blue Star Food City.

"The last time Xueyan sent a text message to say that Yanyan was pregnant. Counting the time now, it must have been more than seven months." Lin Kuiyu suddenly asked Yang Wenyao.

"Well, it's almost there." Yang Wenyao replied.

Lin Jiayu had a troubled expression on her face, as if struggling to make a decision.

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter?" Yang Wenyao stepped forward and asked with concern.

Lin Jiayu looked up at him, with a handsome face, rigid lines, eyes full of tenderness and indulgence, she was deeply addicted to it.

She moved her lips, but couldn't say anything, and the struggle in her heart became more intense.

More than 20 years ago, this person changed from a high-ranking young master of the Yang family to an ordinary person for himself, and lived the most ordinary life with him, but never had any complaints.

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