Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 274: detour and "counseling"

"Xiaoxue, you are thinking too much. She is so petty, how could she invite her bodyguards to eat together? You overestimate her." The girl who hated Li Mengmeng before greeted Jiang Xuexi familiarly.

"I think so. If that's the case, then please ask your bodyguards to stay aside and don't interfere with other customers queuing up here." Jiang Xuexi said directly to Li Mengmeng very bluntly.

Li Mengmeng felt that her face was hot, especially the gazes from other people made her feel ashamed, and all this was thanks to Jiang Xuexi in front of her, which made her resentment towards Jiang Xuexi even deeper.

"No one stipulates that bodyguards are not allowed to line up here. Even if you are Brother Yuanxi's sister, this is also Brother Yuanxi's shop. It should be decided by Brother Yuanxi, and you have no right to decide anything." Li Mengmeng looked ugly. Said.

Jiang Xuexi seemed to have heard a joke, and said, "Are you joking? Of course I came here today to help Fourth Brother. Do you think I have the right to decide?"

"Stop talking nonsense, either you invite all the bodyguards to eat together, or ask your bodyguards to stay away, so as not to affect other customers in the snack bar queuing up." Jiang Xuexi said very bluntly.

"You..." Li Mengmeng was so suffocated that she couldn't speak, and her delicate face also distorted.

If she really let the bodyguards leave, then she would be too shameless, but if these people are invited to eat together, what right do they have to sit at the same table with her for dinner.

No matter how she chooses, Li Mengmeng feels aggrieved.

However, Jiang Xuexi did not intend to let her go. After Li Mengmeng chose to let the bodyguard stay here, she immediately took the girl's hand and said with a smile: "Xiao Ling, I will take you to find the fourth brother. Arranging the last things in there."

"Okay." Qi Ling replied with a smile, then glanced at Li Mengmeng, who was so angry that she was about to smoke, turned around and entered the snack bar with Jiang Xuexi.

Jiang Xuexi and Qi Ling couldn't help laughing together until they could no longer see Li Mengmeng's existence.

"You didn't see that woman's expression just now. I laughed to death. I guess she will be suffocated by me now, haha..." Qi Ling laughed heartily.

Qi Ling and Jiang Xuexi are good friends who grew up together and have a very good relationship r'V

"It deserves it. I didn't like her a long time ago. I really think of myself as a young lady. People all over the world should surround her. The princess should not be too sick." Jiang Xuexi said disdainfully.

She and Qi Ling, which one is not the eldest daughter of a big family, and the princess is not as seriously ill as her, she is simply sick and needs to be cured!

The Sodaya galaxy, which is far away from the central star, is currently under heavy artillery fire. Countless warships and mechs are constantly confronting countless bugs, and the artillery fire blasts the dark universe into a bright light.

Just thirty light-years away from the planet Sodaya, two hardcover teams are rushing towards here. Not to be outdone by Jiang Chenxi, Yang Mingxuan stepped up his horsepower and rushed towards the planet Sodaya.

"Major General, there is a Zerg reaction detected thirty-five light-years away." The inspectors in the control room reported to Jiang Chenxihui.

Jiang Chenxi didn't even frown, and asked directly: "How long will it take us to get there?" "It will take about two hours."

"Change the route and go around the Mayan planet." Jiang Chenxi gave the order decisively.

"Yes!" All the staff responded immediately, without the slightest procrastination, and directly carried out the order issued by Jiang Chenxi.

The Fourth Army, which was walking in front of the First Army, also reported after discovering the movement of the First Army: "Major General, the marching route of the First Army suddenly changed. Do we want to contact Major General Jiang?"

Yang Mingxuan frowned as he watched the flickering images on the screen.

"Are they planning to bypass the Mayan planet? Now this road is the shortest straight-line distance to the Sodaya planet. It will take them more time to go around the Mayan planet. Find out the reason for their detour." Yang Mingxuan ordered road.

He didn't think that Jiang Chenxi would make such a mistake, and he didn't think that Jiang Chenxi was speeding up to the planet Sodaya from another road to confuse himself.

It is said that the person who understands you best is your enemy. Yang Mingxuan regards Jiang Chenxi as the greatest enemy in his life, and naturally knows Jiang Chenxi very well. He knows that he will directly meet any challenge that person has, and he will never beat around the bush. It is also a point that makes him angry but he has to admire $

So, what is the purpose of Jiang Chenxi's detour now?

"Major General, shall we also make a detour?" the adjutant asked again.

"Continue to move forward according to the original route?" Yang Mingxuan ordered, no matter what Jiang Chenxi's detour is for, it is impossible to reach the Sodaya planet before them, this time, he is determined.

Jiang Chenxi never cared about what Yang Mingxuan was thinking in his heart, he only cared about the people he cared about.

The First Legion and the Fourth Legion began to separate here, one headed toward the planet Sodaya at full speed, while the other circled to the Mayan planet L-.

The members of the First Legion all regard Jiang Chenxi as the supreme commander, so they will only obey the orders given by him and will not question them.

"Everyone sits down at their respective positions and advances quickly. The mecha team boards their own mechas, and the battle fleet is all ready." Jiang Chenxi arranged in an orderly manner.

Everyone also strictly followed the order, and did what they should do, without any confusion.

After an hour of sailing around the planet Maya, the First Legion was closer to the battlefield.

"Major General, we are about to arrive at the battlefield in an hour, and we have received a signal for help from the front.

said the operator.

"Connected." Jiang Chenxi replied blankly.

A somewhat embarrassed figure soon appeared on the big screen. When he saw Jiang Chenxi, his eyes that were originally a little bit of despair instantly became brighter, as if he had seen hope.

"Major General Jiang, I am Lin Hui, the commander of the L combat army on planet X. We are now under a strong attack from the Zerg, and the number of Zerg has increased suddenly. We can't stand it anymore and ask for support." Lin Hui's screen continued intermittently. , apparently still suffering from Zerg attacks, causing the signal to become unstable.

"Got it, speed up!" Jiang Chenxi immediately issued an order.

The First Legion hadn't been on the front line for a long time, and when they received a request for help this time, everyone was ready to move, with a high-spirited look.

They are all the most elite soldiers of the military department, the strongest defenders of the Federation, and the fighters who harvest the most lives of the Zerg. They are invincible, invincible, and have many achievements. :

When they came to the front line this time, they couldn't help itching, and wanted to fight the Zerg.

However, these passions did not overwhelm their reason, nor did they make them act recklessly regardless of the command of the commander.

All in all, command first!

After speeding up, after about half an hour, the First Army Corps was already close to the edge of the battlefield, and all the soldiers were eagerly waiting for Jiang Chenxi's order.


Just two words, but with infinite energy, the hatch of the battleship opened, and countless mechs and small battleships came out of it to join the battlefield.

The battlefield full of gunfire has become more heated, and the scene has become more chaotic^:

The soldiers of the First Legion were fearless warriors. Facing the Zerg, they dared to take the initiative to attack, and they were able to kill one almost instantly. The Zerg was simply vulnerable under their hands.

The L combat army, which was struggling to cope with the Zerg, felt a lot easier after the soldiers of the First Legion joined. Many people watched in amazement as the soldiers of the First Legion harvested the lives of the Zerg like death.

It deserves to be the First Legion of the Federation, well deserved.

The soldiers of the Federation have all heard of the name of the First Army, and countless soldiers have set their lifelong goal of being able to enter the First Army. It is enough to see how high the First Army is in their hearts.

Although many people yearn for the First Legion, it is very likely that they will never be able to see them once in their lifetime. Being able to participate in the battle with them this time makes the tired members of the L combat army feel as excited as a chicken blood. Get excited/

The morale of the soldiers has risen, their potential will naturally be stimulated, and their mobility and combat effectiveness have also been greatly improved. The Zerg, who were about to win, suddenly felt a great danger, and there was a faint tendency to retreat.

"It seems that the information sent before is correct. There must be highly intelligent commanders behind these Zergs, and they want to retreat." Zhao Ziqi said, staring at the Zergs closely.

Jiang Chenxi also stared at the Zerg, and said in a cold voice, "Let Lin Wu and Xiao Qi go behind the Zerg, cut off their retreat, and leave no one behind!"

"Yes!" Zhao Ziqi replied, and then quickly passed orders to Lin Wu and Xiao Qi.

The Zerg probably didn't expect that they were about to successfully capture this planet, but at the last moment they faced even greater danger.

On the other side, the Fourth Legion, traveling according to the original route, arrived at the planet Sodaya before the scheduled time.

Sun Haili, the supreme leader of Planet Sodaya, and Lin Hai, the supreme commander of the border guards, had both received the news early and were waiting at the place where the warship landed.

When the warship officially landed and the hatch opened, both of them waited excitedly for the people inside to come down.

Yang Mingxuan led his adjutant and the soldiers behind him, and walked down one by one.

"Major General Yang, thank you for your hard work." Lin Hai and Sun Haili hurried forward and said respectfully.

For Jiang Chenxi, the commander of the First Army Corps, and Yang Mingxuan, the commander of the Fourth Army Corps, Sun Haili and Lin Hai have done their homework before, just to prevent them from being unrecognizable when they see them, which would be embarrassing .

"It's okay, it should be." Yang Mingxuan replied with a smile.

After Sun Haili and Lin Hai shook hands with Yang Mingxuan, they looked back with obvious doubts in their eyes.

"Major General Yang, I wonder if Major General Jiang came here with you?" Lin Hai couldn't help asking.

Logically speaking, the First Army Corps and the Fourth Army Corps should have come together and arrived at the same time, but why is there only Major General Yang alone, but Major General Jiang is nowhere to be seen?

The corners of Yang Mingxuan's mouth curled slightly, and he said with a smile: "Major General Jiang probably has something to do, and he suddenly changed lanes halfway, so he should be here soon."

His words seemed to be an explanation for Jiang Chenxi, but hidden dangers were secretly buried, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

As a soldier, the most important thing is obedience and discipline. Now that the Sodaya galaxy is facing such a severe situation, every minute and every second is very precious, and there may be countless lives in this minute and every second. elapsed in 0

And the First Legion, as a supporter, temporarily detoured and left because of a temporary emergency. Not to mention, it was very irresponsible, and it did not take the lives of the Sodaya galaxy and thousands of soldiers seriously. This is a very serious dereliction of duty. T is.

Sure enough, Sun Haili and Lin Hai frowned imperceptibly when they heard the words, but they didn't say anything.

All of this was in Yang Mingxuan's eyes, and he smiled with satisfaction.

Jiang Chenxi, this time, you insist on committing suicide, so you can't blame him. Let's see how you change your impression in other people's hearts this time.

Aren't you the God of War? I want to show those who worship you how cowardly their idols are!

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