Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 244: Who is this woman?

Before, he wanted a naturally conceived child. Jiang Chenxi married a man, so he was doomed to be unable to conceive a child naturally, so he could only go to the hospital to train him. As long as Mu Yanran became pregnant, he would be able to surpass her in this aspect

However, one month passed, and two months passed, but Mu Yanran showed no sign of pregnancy at all. Yang Mingxuan couldn't wait any longer, so he took Mu Yanran to the hospital for artificial cultivation.

However, even so, he still didn't succeed in nurturing and was impatient, but in the end he heard the news that Jiang Chenxi and Mu Yan had succeeded in nurturing their children. How could he accept it, how could he deal with it calmly!

Thus, the furious Yang Mingxuan vented all his anger on Mu Yanran again.

And Mu Yanran attributed the source of all this to Mu Yan, and hated him even more.

"Dong dong dong" the sound of knocking on the door sounded.

After Yang Mingxuan slapped Mu Yanran again, he felt his mood eased a lot, and he opened the door with a gloomy face. The butler was standing outside the door obediently.

"Young master, the Jiang family sent a banquet invitation letter." The housekeeper respectfully handed over the invitation letter.

Yang Mingxuan managed to let go of his anger, but was suddenly so angry that his blood was surging with the words of Jiang's family.

He really wanted to tear up the invitation letter, but the Yang family and the Jiang family had not officially turned their faces, and the superficial activities that should be attended still had to be done.

"I got it." Yang Mingxuan grabbed the invitation letter, his eyes were ruthless, wishing he could shoot a hole in the invitation letter.

Now is the time when the Jiang family is proud. Isn't it obvious what the purpose of holding a banquet at this time is?

When Mu Yanran heard the word Jiang's family, her eyes that had nothing but hatred finally brightened a little, showing a hint of expectation.

Since marrying Yang Mingxuan, she has hardly had a good day, and she rarely even goes out. ?

If this continues, she will be driven crazy sooner or later. -

Now that the Jiang family is going to hold a banquet, they have invited Yang Mingxuan. As his wife, she will definitely be able to attend together. At that time, she can not only catch her breath, but also take the opportunity to ask Jiang Chenxi to rescue her from the devil's den of the Yang family. She doesn't want stay here for two

If she stays any longer, she will definitely die!

Mu Yanran carefully hid her hopes, absolutely not letting that demon Yang Mingxuan see, otherwise she would really have no hope at all. '

There were not a few families who received invitations on this day, and everyone was speculating about the purpose of the Jiang family's banquet.

~Before, big families held banquets for important events such as birthdays. In fact, they were banquets for the strengthening of network exchanges.

However, this type of banquet is rarely held by the Jiang family.

Combined with the news that has been circulating these days, the big families instantly felt that they had reached the purpose of holding a banquet at the Jiang family, and they began to prepare gifts one after another. At that time, they must congratulate the young couple Jiang Chenxi and Mu Yan for their joy. son.

In fact, the purpose of the Jiang family holding this banquet is simpler than everyone imagined.

With the low profile of the Jiang family, naturally they would not hold a banquet just because of pregnancy, let alone such a special situation as Mu Yan,

It was really because Mu Yan was still in the dangerous period of the first three months of pregnancy, and the Jiang family was worried about him going out, but they stayed at home all the time, and they were afraid that he would be bored, so they decided to hold a lively banquet. Especially this time most of the invitees are young people.

There will always be a lot of the same topics among young people, which can also let Mu Yan relax and communicate with others more.

The banquet will be held on the next night. At that time, in order to let the juniors relax more, the elders of the Jiang family will basically not attend.

Because the purpose of the banquet was very simple, Mu Yan didn't need to wear any formal clothes on this day, and Jiang Xuexi directly wore the dress she usually wears.

However, because she is beautiful, even if she only wears a simple skirt, it is still difficult to hide her natural beauty, and she is the focus of attention wherever she goes.

"Sister-in-law three, after a while, you can chat with whoever you like. If you don't like it, just ignore them."

Because there are only so many people in the upper class, everyone is not unfamiliar with each other, and when sending invitations, they will definitely be invited, so it is inevitable that they may run into some people they don't like.

Her third sister-in-law is relatively soft-tempered and kind-hearted. She may not reject others, and will be easily bewitched and bullied by those people. Fortunately, the third brother is also back tonight, and he will definitely be with the third sister the whole time. Sister-in-law's side.

"Yeah." Mu Yan smiled and nodded.

He really wants to make friends. In the previous world, he didn't even have a single friend. After traveling here, he met Tao Qingran and others, and made his first friends. But now because of the geographical gap, They rarely see each other anymore.

Now he has no friends besides his family, and sometimes he still feels quite lonely.

However, he does not insist on such things. In fact, he is quite satisfied. With Ah Chen by his side, and Xiaoxue and A Yuan accompanying him from time to time, his life has become better than before. Will continue to ask for it.

Greedy people will always be punished by God.

A lot of people have already come to the banquet hall downstairs, because they are all about the same age, and everyone has a lot to chat with each other, chatting with each other in twos and threes.

In the past, they always went to the banquet with their elders. This time, it was the first time that they came alone, and they all felt very fresh.

"I really envy Muyan. The Jiang family treats him well. Although he is a boy, the Jiang family will not dislike him at all because of this. Even if they have successfully conceived a child, they will hold such a banquet to celebrate him. , Life is really wonderful." A girl couldn't help but said enviously, but there was no trace of jealousy in her tone.

"Who said no? It is said that he was born on a remote planet. He had never even heard of that planet before, but he was so lucky to meet the third young master and marry into the Jiang family that everyone longs for. Alas... Sure enough, people are more popular than people." Another girl also said with emotion.

"Speaking of which, I don't know what's going on with Mu Yanran now. Back then, her affairs caused a stir in the entire Federation, but now that she's married, it's rare to see her come out and dance around. It's rare."

"Cut, how can she still have the strength to come out and jump around now?" A girl immediately showed a dismissive expression when she heard this, and continued: "I heard that her life in the Yang family is not good, what is Yang Mingxuan like?" People, how can everyone not know what good will happen if you marry him, and if you have such a good third young master, you must marry a scumbag, it's really blind."

As for Mu Yanran giving up her engagement with Jiang Chenxi and marrying Yang Mingxuan, it was discussed by many people in the Commonwealth back then. Now, looking at the lives of Jiang Chenxi and Mu Yan, and comparing Yang Mingxuan and Mu Yanran, it’s just one world after another. , now, many people who don't like Mu Yanran feel happy

"When will the third young master and the third young lady come out, and I have carefully prepared gifts for them

"I'm ready too."

Several girls chatted about other topics again.

At this moment, Yang Mingxuan, who had been one of the topics, came in. The scene was quiet for a moment, and then he remembered the voice of communication, but if you look carefully, you can see many people are quietly looking at Yang Mingxuan. He pointed.

"Hey, look, isn't that over there Yang Mingxuan, the eldest son of the Yang family? Who is the woman next to him? Isn't it Mu Yanran?" A girl asked her friend around her suspiciously. People around hear it.

Her friend hurriedly grabbed her and motioned her to keep her voice down, "Be quiet, don't be heard."

The girl pouted in dissatisfaction, but she didn't say anything.

However, if she didn't say anything, it doesn't mean that other people are not discussing it anymore. Everyone watched Yang Mingxuan and that strange woman embrace each other intimately, with a warm attitude, and they knew there was a problem at a glance. They immediately watched the lively discussion stand up.

At this moment, the door of the banquet hall was opened again, and silence once again descended on the entire banquet scene. Now, everyone's eyes were focused on the door.

Mu Yanran's bewitching red dress made her figure more enchanting and graceful, and her exquisite makeup made her look like a charming little fairy who strayed into the world.

Sensing that everyone's eyes were on her, she immediately puffed up her plump chest and raised her proud head, like a proud peacock, trying to unfold her feather screen^

That's the feeling, she's the center of attention.

Mu Yanran enjoyed this long-lost feeling, and didn't notice the strangeness in the eyes of those looking at her and the weird atmosphere at the moment.

Everyone looked at Mu Yanran, and at Yang Mingxuan who was hugging other women, and suddenly realized that something was about to happen, Jingran was still a little excited.

Mu Yanran approached the venue proudly, although she didn't have her husband by her side, she still walked in bravely

In fact, after Yang Mingxuan received the invitation letter from the Jiang family that day, she had been looking forward to it, hoping that Yang Mingxuan would tell her and then take her to attend.

However, after waiting for a day, the other party didn't even see a shadow, so she had no choice but to ask the housekeeper, only then did she know that the Jiang family's banquet was actually today, and Yang Mingxuan hadn't seen anyone all day.

Mu Yanran was at a loss at that time, but no matter what, she didn't want to give up this opportunity.

Therefore, at the fastest speed, she dressed herself up and came to the banquet alone. She thought, no matter what, she would come to the banquet to meet Jiang Chenxi. If she could not meet Yang Mingxuan, then her chances would be even greater.

She came here full of hope. As soon as she entered the door, she received a lot of attention, which made her feel like she was still on the big stage. The feeling of being watched, admired, and liked by everyone made her blood run It's almost boiling.

However, this situation did not last long, because...

"Yang Mingxuan, who is this woman?" Mu Yanran's eyes widened, and she quickly noticed Yang Mingxuan and the intimate woman next to him, and she was instantly furious.

Although Yang Mingxuan treated her badly, the other party was still her husband. She watched other women seduce her husband, how could she not be angry, not angry!

At this moment, all the original pride and excitement disappeared, and the only thing left was the woman in front of him who wanted to tear him apart.

Because the comment section can’t reply to comments yet, I’m here to answer the question behind the drama: Mu Yan’s pregnancy was in Taohua Village before, except for Yang Wenyao’s family and Jiang Chenxi, everyone else didn’t know about it, and after coming back However, Jiang Chenxi didn't tell everyone about it, so Jiang's family thought that Qiuqiu was bred by Jiang Chenxi and Mu Yan in the hospital, so they were so surprised when they found out that Mu Yan could be pregnant this time.

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