Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 239: young lady is pregnant

Yang Mingxuan didn't take the matter of the drop in the sales of nutritional supplements to heart, or in other words, he didn't take the matter of Jiangjiagao Food City to heart.

In his view, nutrients have been the foundation of people's survival for thousands of years, and they are not so easy to be knocked down and replaced.

Now it is because the food has just appeared, so it is understandable for everyone to be curious about it, but as time goes by, everyone will definitely find the disadvantages of those food.

Those things can't provide the nutrition needed by the human body at all, and the price is so high that ordinary people can't afford it at all. Shouldn't they just buy cheap nutritional supplements in the end?

For human beings, it is enough to satisfy their hunger, and they can pursue any appetite.

From Yang Mingxuan's point of view, Jiang Yuanxi and the others found a new way simply because they couldn't occupy a market for nutritional supplements. However, these are all useless efforts, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Hmph, I'd like to see, when the Food City closes down, you guys will look sad." The corners of Yang Mingxuan's mouth curled up, revealing a malicious smile.

After the opening of the food city, for half a month, the number of tourists not only did not decrease, but more and more, and many of them came here in private spaceships.

Especially the first batch of customers who came back from the tour, vigorously promoted the food city on the Internet, with photos and large texts, there was no need for Jiang Yuanxi and the others to find a public marketing account, just what these fans wrote was comparable to marketing The number was immediately forwarded and commented by countless people.

During that time, the Internet was full of information about Food City, as well as pictures of Food City.

The beautiful environment, magnificent buildings, and novel experience areas all attract people's attention and sight. Many people who have not made up their minds before seeing these immediately ask for leave or resign. They rushed to Blue Star one after another to take a look at this magical planet.

During this time, Mu Yan and Jiang Chenxi were just watching as bystanders. Everything was done independently by Tao Qingran and the villagers. After all, this is their hometown.

Mu Yan and Jiang Chenxi will go back after all, and they will be the only ones left here, so they still have to rely on themselves in the future.

But now it seems that Mu Yan can finally feel relieved, because Tao Qingran and others can already take care of themselves, and it is almost time for them to go back, and their father has urged them several times.

But before leaving, Mu Yan and the others went to Yang's family again, after all Jing is here, the closest relatives are probably Yang Wenyao's family.

Several people were chatting together, recounting the past, telling some interesting stories from the past, and there would be laughter from time to time.

After a while, Yang Wenyao took Jiang Yuanxi and Jiang Chenxi to the study, while Jiang Xuexi and Mu Yan stayed outside to talk with Lin Jiayu.

In the study.

"Uncle Yang, you really don't plan to go back?" Jiang Chenxi spoke first.

Yang Wenyao's face lost the gentle smile before, and became a little lonely and dejected.

"This is my home." Yang Wenyao said.

"Uncle Yang, can you really give up everything about Central Star?" Jiang Yuanxi sat opposite Yang Wenyao, and he could clearly see the expression on his face.

Obviously, Yang Wenyao was not without struggles.

"Otherwise, what else can I do?" Yang Wenyao said in pain, holding his head in his hands.

Sometimes he also hates himself for being weak and incompetent. He can't even protect his lover and family, and in the end he can only take them to hide on such a remote planet.

He can't give children good living conditions, can't give them a good learning environment, and these should be what they should have.

He never wanted to go back, but if the price of going back was that, it would be too great, and that was not the result he wanted.

"Now the Yang family has been severely rotted. If it continues like this, sooner or later it will withdraw from the ranks of the top families. Once there is a problem with the Yang family, other families that are ashamed of the tiger will quickly carve it up." Jiang Chenxi Rare After talking so much, it was obvious that he liked Yang Wenyao more than he hated the Yang family, otherwise he wouldn't have reminded him.

But how to choose, still depends on the other party.

Yang Wenyao didn't speak for a while, as if he was lost in memory.

Jiang Chenxi and Jiang Yuanxi didn't say anything more, and they didn't know much about what happened back then, but the reason for Yang Wenyao's departure was generally clear.

"Uncle Yang, the Food City is your capital and pillar. If you figure it out, you can contact me at any time." Jiang Chenxi left this sentence, and left the study with Jiang Yuanxi, leaving space for the still trapped in memories. Yang Wenyao.

After this conversation, the Jiang family left Blue Star and set sail back to Central Star.

Mu Yan has built spaceships many times, and was very interested in the starry sky outside at the beginning, but this time he lost interest, and even felt a little listless.

"Mu Mu, are you feeling unwell?" Jiang Chenxi asked anxiously as it was rare to see Mu Yan look so listless.

"It's not uncomfortable, just a little sleepy. */' Mu Yan snuggled into Jiang Chenxi's warm embrace, being hugged by someone he likes, which made him drowsy comfortably.

"Sleep when you're sleepy." Jiang Chenxi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he was fine, and then adjusted his posture so that the person in his arms could sleep more comfortably and securely.

Mu Yan didn't hold back either, and quickly fell asleep, even snoring cheerfully.

Jiang Chenxi remained in the same posture and did not move until Mu Yan woke up two hours later.

"Hmm... what time is it?" Mu Yan rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked mutteringly.

"It's already five o'clock in the afternoon, are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" Jiang Chenxi asked softly, seeing the other party's dumb and cute appearance, he fell in love with him to the bottom of his heart.

Mu Yan rubbed his belly, he seemed to be really hungry, so he nodded.

"Then I'll go and make you some food. If you're still sleepy, lie down here for a while, and I'll be here soon." Jiang Chenxi told Mu Yan carefully, and he was still a little worried to let the people below Pay attention.

In the past few days, Mu Yan's situation is almost always like this, he always looks like he can't wake up, so he still can't be completely relieved, and he plans to find a doctor to check it out after the central star.

"Yeah." Mu Yan nodded and replied, if it was before, he would have gone to the kitchen with Jiang Chenxi

But in the past few days, my body is indeed a little sleepy, and I often feel too lazy to move, so I just want to lie down in a comfortable place, and the whole person is much more lazy.

Jiang Chenxi did as he said, and soon came over with a food plate, with a bowl of porridge and a plate of very refreshing side dishes on it.

"I have indigestion after eating too much at night, let's have some porridge and some side dishes." Jiang Chenxi put the food plate on the table, and then went to hug Mu Yan.

Mu Yan wrapped his hands around Jiang Chenxi's neck, '? Stayed in the other's arms very peacefully, and he was no longer as embarrassed as before.

Jiang Chenxi was sitting on a chair, and Mu Yan was sitting on his lap, and then, like feeding a baby, he blew the porridge to cool, and delivered it to the other party's mouth.

Usually, after taking a sip of porridge, they would be fed some refreshing side dishes, and the two of them would eat one by one, and the scene was unusually harmonious and loving.

"I'm full." Mu Yan hugged Jiang Chenxi's neck, put his little head on the other's chest, and said coquettishly.

Jiang Chenxi ate all the porridge and side dishes left by Mu Yan, and then carried Mu Yan to the training room, and asked him to come down for a walk to digest, otherwise he would feel uncomfortable when sleeping at night.

Mu Yan stood obediently, and then Jiang Chenxi held hands and walked slowly around the training room.

After walking around for two laps, Mu Yan suddenly covered his mouth, couldn't help retching, and his face became paler.

Jiang Chenxi was panicked immediately, he hurriedly picked up Mu Yan and ran to the bedroom.

"Go and call the doctor."

When passing by a soldier, Jiang Chenxi immediately roared, and then a gust of wind blew past quickly.

Seeing Jiang Chenxi's anxious look, the soldier immediately ran to the accompanying doctor's room as fast as he could, then picked up the bewildered doctor and ran to Jiang Chenxi and Mu Yan's room.

"Hey, what's going on?"

People passing by were all puzzled when they saw this, but they all ran after him.

Thus, such a strange scene appeared on this private spaceship.

A person in front is carrying another person, followed by a string of small tails, and the team of small tails seems to have a growing trend.

The room of Zheng Xueyan and the others was near Jiang Chenxi and the others, so such a big movement naturally disturbed their hearts.

"What happened?" Zheng Xueyan saw a large group of people surrounding Jiang Chenxi and Mu Yan's room, and she was startled.

Second aunt, don't worry, I'll go and have a look. "Jiang Yuanxi comforted him.

"Why are you all surrounded here?" Jiang Yuanxi asked the group of people.

"We don't know either. The major general asked Xiao Liu to call a doctor. I don't know if something happened to the young lady." Someone guessed, but everyone felt that this guess was very reliable.

After all, the only thing that can make the always calm major general become so restless is the matter related to the major general's wife^^

"Okay, don't hang around here anymore, and go back to your posts." Jiang Yuanxi said to everyone.

Everyone dissipated immediately. He stepped forward, knocked on the door, opened it and walked in. He saw a doctor with a bewildered expression who seemed unable to react.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you come quickly and see what's wrong with Mu Mu?" Jiang Chenxi yelled at the doctor. The doctor was so frightened that he came back to his senses completely, and immediately stepped forward to check Mu Yan. .

"Third brother, what's wrong with third sister-in-law?" Jiang Yuanxi was worried when he saw Mu Yan lying on the bed with a pale face.


"Mu Mu vomited out all the food he ate just now, and he feels very uncomfortable." Jiang Chenxi frowned, his eyes kept falling on Mu Yan who was on the bed, and he couldn't hide his distressed expression.

"Third brother, don't worry. After the doctor's examination, ask what's going on. The third sister-in-law will be fine." Jiang Yuanxi said comfortingly.

At this time, Zheng Xueyan and Jiang Xue heard the movement and came over without waiting for anyone, and then saw Mu Yan who was doing the inspection, and asked what was going on.

The doctor was sitting by the bed, frowning for a while, frowning for a while, and shaking his head secretly for a while, which made everyone flustered.

"Doctor, what happened to Yanyan?" Zheng Xueyan couldn't help asking, she was almost driven crazy by the doctor's expression.

Shaking his head, frowning, what does that mean? Mu Yan is usually in good health, how could he look so serious all of a sudden.

And now they are still on the spacecraft, many things are not complete, otherwise they can find a more powerful and authoritative doctor to come over for examination and treatment.

"Sister-in-law San is fine, sister-in-law San is in such good health, how can something happen, why are you talking?" Jiang Xuexi was also in a hurry, wishing she could grab the doctor by the collar and force him to speak

"Let me check it carefully again." The doctor is also suffering and can't tell, it's really the first time he has seen such a situation, so under the pressure of everyone, he checked it carefully again.

The result is still the same as all previous times.

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