Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 223: no harm without comparison

So, five days ago, Tao Qingran and others arrived at the central star in the Jiang family's exclusive spaceship, and were arranged in this luxurious hotel.

The five teenagers who just came to the central star are like Grandma Liu who has entered the Grand View Garden. They are extremely curious about everything they see.

In addition to handling the prepared ingredients every day, you can move freely.

But they dare not go out of this luxurious hotel, because everything outside is unfamiliar to them, if they get lost, they will be in trouble.

However, even if they can only stay in the room every day and look out through the big windows, it is very satisfying for them.

Don't blame them for being so timid and ignorant. If the federation is compared to a country, the central star is the capital, while the blue star is the mountain within the mountain.

A child who has never been out of the mountains and suddenly came to the capital, how can his performance and knowledge compare with a person who has lived in the city since he was a child.

"Little Master, this place is really very different from Blue Star. We have seen a lot of amazing things in the past few days. It really deserves to be the Central Star." Zhang Mingfei excitedly shared with Mu Yan what he had seen and heard in the past few days. .

Meeting Muyan was like a miracle to them, changing their whole life.

Now, not only did they have the ability to support their families, they even left that backward and closed planet and came to the central star, the core of the federation.

Here, this is a place they might not be able to reach in their lifetime, but they have come here now, and they are still living in the Emgrand Hotel where many local residents of Central Star cannot stay.

It's all unreal like a dream.

"Thank you for coming to our wedding. After the wedding is over, let A Yuan show you around here." Mu Yan said with a smile, his eyes bent into a crescent shape.

"Yeah, we're not the only ones here, Brother He and the others are also here." Li Hao said excitedly.

"Uncle Yang and Aunt Lin are here too?" Mu Yan asked in surprise, he hadn't seen them for a while, although he would communicate with each other every few days, it was still different from a real meeting.

However, Li Hao shook his head and said, "Uncle Yang and Aunt Lin wanted to come over, but in the end they couldn't come because of some delays."

Mu Yan was a little disappointed when he heard the words. After all, those two people were like his relatives in this life. He was indeed a little disappointed when he learned that his relatives could not be there, but he was not sorry.

Because, they have held a wedding before, and everyone has attended, so there is no regret.

Jiang Chenxi lowered his head and said something in Mu Yan's ear, making him laugh.

Mu Yan may not know why Yang Wenyao didn't come, but Jiang Chenxi still knows something, but he doesn't intend to let Mu Yan know about these things, so as not to affect his mood and make him worry.

And some people, some accounts, should also be settled slowly.

"It's almost time, we should go out." Jiang Chenxi reminded Mu Yan.

Tao Qingran looked at the optical brain, and immediately said: "We should go back to the back kitchen."

"Well, when you're done with your work, just take a stroll here and don't rush back." Mu Yan urged.

The two walk separately.

Jiang Chenxi and Mu Yan, as the newcomers this time, still need to appear on the stage, because there is still a link that needs to be completed by them.

When the two returned to the venue, most of the people had already eaten to their heart's content. The plates and bowls on the table almost didn't need to be cleaned.

If this kind of scene was placed in the earth age tens of thousands of years ago, it would probably cause quite a stir. This is the first time that there is no leftovers in a restaurant, and it is definitely a typical example of not wasting food.

All the guests felt at home, with smiles on their faces, and their blessings to the couple were even more sincere.

Even the representative sent by the Yang family wanted to put on a disgusted look on his face, but his eyes revealed idle laziness and contentment, obviously conquered by the delicious food.

But it is precisely because of this that I feel even more angry in my heart.

Compared with Jiang Chenxi and Mu Yan's wedding today, yesterday's Yang Mingxuan and Mu Yanran's wedding was simply a farce, and it was a federal farce

Originally, I wanted to hold the wedding ahead of the Jiang family, to put pressure on the Jiang family, and it would be best to mess up the other party's wedding, but now it seems that the other party is not only not affected in the slightest, but their Yang family is in contrast. Completely became a laughing stock.

How can this make them not angry?

It's about to explode, okay?

Especially Yang Wenguang, Yang Mingxuan, and Mu Yanran, who were watching in front of the live broadcast screen, had increasingly ugly faces.

"I'm looking at people, I'm looking at you, are you embarrassed?" Yang Wenguang glared at Yang Mingxuan with hatred, and became more and more dissatisfied with Mu Yanran.

Especially seeing those contented people who ate on the spot, Yang Wenguang was even more depressed, "Why didn't we think of using delicious food yesterday? Before we knew it, we should have asked the Food Hall if they could provide us with delicious food, otherwise yesterday The atmosphere won't be like that

At this moment, Yang Wenguang must have selectively forgotten that the chef of the food hall is the Muyan of the Jiang family, and he is getting married the next day, so how can there be time in the United States to help them prepare these dishes for their wedding banquet.

Leaving aside the relationship between the Yang family and the Jiang family, it is completely impossible for them to get married, okay?

I really don't know whether to say that Yang Wenguang is too self-righteous, or IQ is anxious. '

Yang Mingxuan originally wanted to refute, but when he saw Yang Wenguang angry, he immediately swallowed what he was going to say^

Mu Yanran's eyes wanted to be directly posted on the live broadcast screen. She had been sitting here watching the live broadcast since the beginning, so it was considered to be from the beginning to the end.

When she got married yesterday, Yang Mingxuan also drove a luxury car to Mu's house to marry her, and there was also a motorcade following behind, but it was definitely not as luxurious, extravagant, and full of tricks as Jiang Chenxi's motorcade.

This way of appearing on the stage caught everyone's attention, making people feel envious of Mu Yan in all kinds of ways, except envy or envy, because this is simply the wedding of girls' dreams.

And these are not the most romantic. At the wedding scene, Jiang Chenxi knelt down on one knee in front of the people of the entire Federation. The simple but solemn promise, the affectionate and pampering behavior, caused countless girls and boys to lose a pure heart. Pure teenage heart.

Coupled with the delicious food in the back, this wedding almost made the deepest impression in everyone's heart. Even though this wedding has nothing to do with most people, it is still deeply imprinted in their hearts.

The boys think that they must learn from their idols and marry the girl they love in the future.

The girls are looking forward to having such a dreamlike romantic wedding.

Mu Yanran almost broke her teeth.

It is said that there is no harm without comparison. After seeing the treatment Mu Yan enjoyed, she hated yesterday's wedding to the extreme. Even bringing her into a wealthy family finally did not make her feel better.

If she hadn't asked for the dissolution of the engagement, would all of this have been different? Wouldn't everything Mu Yan suffered should have been hers?

The more she thought about it, the more Mu Yanran regretted, the worse her mood became, and the more bored she was, she wished she could find a vent and vent it out, otherwise she felt that she would be suffocated to death sooner or later.

However, now that she is in the Yang family, she dare not reveal it, otherwise what awaits her may be a more tragic end.

However, none of this could affect Mu Yan and Jiang Chenxi who were far away at the wedding scene.

The two stood on the stage, Zheng Xueyan was holding the ball, and Jiang Zhiyang walked up pushing a big nine-story cake.

This cake is bigger and taller than the one on Qiuqiu’s birthday

When everyone saw the cake coming out, their eyes lit up immediately, especially those who participated in Qiuqiu's birthday last time and ate the cake, they were a little eager to move.

I always feel that my stomach is still a little empty, and I can still eat the cake.

"Yanyan, save some cake for me later, I didn't eat the last time." No. 5 said sadly, relying on the fact that no one else could see it, it was flying around on top of the cake, and there was nothing in its small eyes. salivating eyes

"Ah!" Qiuqiu waved his hands in the direction of No. 5, but in the eyes of others, it looked more like waving at a cake, which made everyone burst into laughter.

Everyone was amused by Qiuqiu's cute behavior. Looking at his cute appearance, young couples can't wait to go home and have such a baby, while older couples hope that their daughter-in-law will give birth to such a baby. grandson.

"Well, I'll make one for you when I get back." Mu Yan communicated with No. 5 in his mind.

No. 5 got a satisfactory answer, and was finally satisfied, and stopped making trouble outside, but quietly fell on Qiuqiu's little hand, watching the next process.

Qiuqiu finally got this "toy" that can fly around. She was very happy. She hugged No. 5 tightly with her little hands, and she had a sweet smile on her cute little face.

"Fatty..." Qiuqiu hugged No. 5 and called vaguely, not knowing whether he was calling "Feifei" or "Fatty".

However, to Number Five's ears, he was no different from Fatty.

"My name is No. 5, not Fatty." No. 5 tried to straighten out his small chest, and corrected him righteously.

"Fat..." Seeing it talking to him, Qiuqiu yelled happily, holding No. 5 with his little hand, and was about to stuff it into his mouth, probably because he thought its white and white hair was delicious.

No. 5 was so frightened and panicked that he forgot to react until the hair on his body was wet with the other party's saliva.

Fortunately, Qiuqiu has just erupted two small deciduous teeth, and they are not sharp enough. No. 5 didn't feel any pain, but he was still shocked.

"Fat fat, fat fat..." Seeing that No. 5 had disappeared, Qiuqiu yelled immediately.

"What's wrong with Qiuqiu? Do you want to eat cake?" Zheng Xueyan hugged Qiuqiu, thinking that he wanted to eat cake, and teased him with a smile.

Mu Yan took Qiuqiu from Zheng Xueyan, and he saw the scene just now, knowing that Qiuqiu was looking for No. 5, so he comforted him in a low voice: "Qiu Qiu, good boy, let No. 5 come out when you go back." Play with the ball.

"I don't want it, the little master is too scary, he wants to eat me." No. 5 yelled in panic in the space, unwilling to come out without saying anything.

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