I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 979: Rebellion

Chapter 979: Rebellion

For Pokémon like Togepi, which are small in size, a single Pokeblock is enough to make them feel full.

After finishing the Pokeblock that Yuga gave it, Togepi lay on the ground, satisfied, and let out a little burp. It even patted its round belly, wearing a look of contentment on its face.

"Togepi, can you tell me what happened here?" Yuga asked gently, with a curious look on his face. He couldn't help but wonder why the place the king and Dusknoir referred to as a paradise looked so barren.

Upon hearing Yuga's question, Togepi attempted to get up by flopping onto its back and then rolled around on the ground. It eventually succeeded in getting back on its feet, after which it waved at Yuga, motioning for him to follow.

Though Yuga didn't know where Togepi was leading him, he obediently followed the small Pokémon.

Under Togepi's guidance, Yuga gradually made his way deeper into the Center of Togepi Paradise.

As he ventured further, he noticed more and more withered trees. These trees were even taller and more majestic than the ones he had initially seen, and it was a pity to see them wither away.

Yuga also began to spot other Togepi in the area. They all appeared dirty and disheveled, clearly not living well.

Upon seeing Yuga, these Togepi panicked and hid behind the withered trees. Some bolder ones would sneak a peek at Yuga but kept their distance, not daring to make contact.

As they moved deeper into Togepi Paradise, Yuga began to see the evolved forms of Togepi, Togekiss, and Togetic.

Yuga had been wondering why there was only Togepi in the supposed Togepi Paradise, as the evolution should have happened naturally over time. After all, he knew that Pokémon could also form close bonds not only with trainers but with other Pokémon as well, which could lead to evolution.

Ever since Golbat in his Ecopar evolved into Crobat, Yuga knew that the friendship required for the evolution of Pokemon is not necessarily only with the trainer, but it could also formed between Pokemon and Pokemon.

He also consulted Professor Birch on this point and received confirmation from him.

It meant that Togepi could evolve into Togetic or Togekiss without needing a human trainer.

Now it seems that they are all gathered in the center of Togepi Paradise and it surprised him to see these evolved forms here.

As they reached the center of Togepi Paradise, Yuga finally laid eyes on the most majestic sight of all. In the center, there stood a massive withered tree, and beneath it was a conspicuous deep pit.

Yuga recognized that the pit was likely the source of water for this area, but it had dried up, contributing to the desolation of the Paradise.

At the top of the withered tree, a regal Togekiss perched, with an air of exceptional purity surrounding it. However, the Togekiss appeared remarkably aged, with its once-vibrant feathers now faded due to its age.

The Togekiss's head crest, which should have displayed red, blue, and white feathers, had faded, which was a stark contrast to the typical appearance of Togekiss with colorful markings.

It was clear that Togekiss had aged significantly over time.

Among all the Togepi and Togetic around, the first one that caught Yuga's attention was this Togekiss, and it was the only Togekiss here.

Yuga observed the Togekiss, and the Togekiss also looked back at him. They locked eyes for over ten seconds before the Togekiss gently flapped its wings and landed in front of Yuga.

"Hello," Yuga said dryly, unsure of what else to say.



Type: Fairy/Flying

Ability: Serene Grace

Gender: Female

Potential: Blue

Level: 78

Moves: Metronome, Draining Kiss, Yawn, Wish, Safeguard, Baton Pass, Last Resort, Magical Leaf, Extreme Speed, Sky Attack, Aura Sphere, Air Slash, Roost, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Morning Sun, Hyper Voice, Tailwind.


While this Togekiss had a high level, compared to the meticulously trained Pokémon, it had relatively fewer move slots for an Elite level Pokémon.

For instance, Yuga knew that the moveset of Cynthia's Togekiss was much more extensive and her Togekiss had a slightly lower level than this one.

Yuga could understand that, growing in this isolated environment, this Togekiss had not had the opportunity to learn from other Pokémon.


Human, you have finally arrived!

Yuga had just exchanged greetings when he heard the meaning in Togekiss's voice and was momentarily stunned. He asked, "Do you know me? Or did you know that I was coming?"

Togekiss didn't have the ability to foresee the future, right?

"Togekiss, Togekiss, Togekiss."

Togekiss called a few times and then shook its head. It indicated to Yuga that its ancestors had an agreement with a particular individual who possessed a unique power, and they were supposed to wait for that person and leave with them.

It turned out that Togekiss could sense the power of Celebi's blessing within Yuga's body and knew that he was the person they had been waiting for.

In its words, the person it ancestors had an agreement with was Shadowsong, and Shadowsong had done a great favor to their clan, which was the reasson why they had this agreement with Shadowsong.

Listening to Togekiss's explanation, Yuga suddenly understood.

"However, what happened here? This is not what I expected," Yuga inquired, his brows furrowed.

"Togekiss... Togekiss... Togekiss."

Sigh... Follow me.

Togekiss sighed in response and then took flight, gesturing for Yuga to follow.

So, Yuga once again rode on Cynthia's Togekiss and followed the old Togekiss.

Before long, Yuga arrived at another part of Togepi Paradise. Compared to the desolate scenery he had witnessed elsewhere, this area seemed much more vibrant, though it was all relative.

As the old Togekiss landed in front of a large stone, it explained to Yuga that this was the last flourishing area in all of Togepi Paradise.

It was only because of this final bastion of prosperity that Togepi Paradise managed to hold on.

"What exactly happened here?" Yuga asked, his brow furrowing in concern.

The old Togekiss sighed once more and led Yuga to the top of the large stone. It was then that Yuga noticed a vibrant green gem embedded on the stone.

However, this gem was shattered and dim, as if it would crumble into fragments in the next moment.

"What is this?" Yuga asked, his voice filled with astonishment.

He could sense a power within the gem that was closely related to his own. This explained how the old Togekiss recognized him immediately as the one they had been waiting for.

"Togekiss, Togekiss..."

So the old Togekiss proceeded to explain the origin of this green gem.

As it turned out, this green gem was created by Shadowsong and Celebi together. People blessed by Celebi tended to live longer, and Shadowsong was among the longest-lived, living to be over 150 years old.

Over more than a hundred years, he had developed his unique ability to a tremendous level. So, before he passed away, he and Celebi together created this green gem, and this gem was the source of Togepi Paradise.

This green gem held the combined power of Shadowsong and Celebi, ensuring that Togepi Paradise remained prosperous, providing an abundance of resources for the Togepi.

Thanks to the blessings of this gem, the Togepi clan had lived peacefully in Togepi Paradise for over a thousand years.

However, the tranquility of Togepi Paradise was shattered twenty years ago.

When Togepi Paradise was first established, Shadowsong went to great lengths to find tenSupreme-grade Light Stones to give to the Togepi clan.

Shadowsong felt guilty about making the Togepi clan wait for over a thousand years due to his own selfishness.

Obtaining a singleSupreme-grade Evolution Stone was already a rare feat, and finding ten was incredibly challenging. The effort Shadowsong put into obtaining those ten Evolution Stones was a monumental task.

The agreement between Shadowsong and the Togepi clan was based on his life-saving actions for them, and when Shadowsong gave them the tenSupreme-grade Light Stones, it only increased their gratitude.

These ten Light Stones became a treasure of the Togepi clan, and only the leader could use them.

The reason why the old Togekiss had blue potential was because it had also used aSupreme-grade Light Stone during its evolution. Originally, it had green potential. By in this generation, it had already become the ninth-generation leader of the Togepi clan.

Twenty years ago, an exceptionally talented Togepi emerged within the clan, and after evolving into a Togetic, it became the designated next leader of the clan.

At that time, only one Supreme-grade Light Stone remained, and without a doubt, this Light Stone would be allocated to the Togepi clan's tenth-generation leader, which was this Togetic.

However, no one expected that this Togetic would flee from Togepi Paradise with the last Supreme-grade Light Stone.

This Togetic had always yearned for a life outside and didn't want to spend its entire life in such a confined space. It believed that the Togepi clan had no need to waste their time waiting for someone they didn't even know the whereabouts of.

But most members of the Togepi clan were kind and loyal. They believed that they had lived carefree lives for over a thousand years thanks to Shadowsong's blessings and were bound by their agreement with him.

Furthermore, the older generations of the Togepi clan knew that they were a rare and small community, and it would be easy for them to be coveted by others when they ventured outside. Unlike the naive Togetic, they were well aware that the outside world was vast and filled with dangers they couldn't even imagine.

However, the Togetic believed that their elders were too inflexible and wanted to explore the outside world. The elders didn't oppose the Togetic's decision to leave Togepi Paradise since forcing someone wouldn't lead to a happy outcome.

However, it also meant that the Togetic voluntarily gave up its inheritance as the tenth-generation leader.

But the Togetic insisted on taking the last Supreme-grade Light Stone with it when leaving. The elders couldn't agree to this unreasonable request.

The Supreme-grade Light Stones were a gift from Shadowsong to the Togepi clan, and since the Togetic was no longer willing to fulfill its commitment to Shadowsong, it naturally lost the right to use these precious stones.

All the elders shared this viewpoint.

Facing opposition from the elders, the Togetic initially appeared to give up on the Supreme-grade Light Stone. However, one night, it attempted to steal the stone secretly, intending to leave Togepi Paradise with it. It didn't anticipate running into the ninth-generation leader, the old Togekiss.

It was the old Togekiss who had almost single-handedly taught the Togetic how to evolve. What the Togetic did was profoundly painful for the old Togekiss. However, the Togetic showed no mercy to its mentor.

The Togetic was the most outstanding member of the Togepi clan in terms of potential, and at that time, the old Togekiss was already an Elite level Pokémon and the strongest member of the clan. Nonetheless, it was still defeated by the Togetic.

At the time, the old Togekiss was already very elderly, which was why it had designated the Togetic as its successor. It still held out a glimmer of hope for the Togetic, not willing to hurt it too badly, and on top of that, the Togetic used the Supreme-grade Light Stone to evolve during the crucial moment.

With these factors combined, the Togetic won against the old Togekiss in the battle.

The fight was so intense that other members of the Togepi clan couldn't interfere. And the root existence of Togepi Paradise, with its source, the green gem, was shattered.

Togepi Paradise was not a real world; it was a half-formed space attached to the Pokémon world. It couldn't withstand such turmoil. This battle turned most of Togepi Paradise into ruins.

After its evolution, the Togekiss escaped from Togepi Paradise and never returned. The outside world knew nothing of these events, neither the Mirage Kingdom nor Dusknoir.

With only a fragment of the power left in the green gem, Togepi Paradise clung to life for over twenty years. If Yuga hadn't arrived, the Togepi clan would have faced dire circumstances.

The Togepi clan, although capable of leaving Togepi Paradise, remained faithful to their ancestors' commitment. They continued to uphold their agreement, even when the food in Togepi Paradise became scarce, enduring hunger without ever considering leaving.

After listening to Old Togekiss story, Yuga was deeply moved by their loyalty. These Pokemon were so trustworthy, even if the agreement was only made by their ancestors not them..

Yuga then asked, "Are you all prepared to leave with me?"

The old Togekiss nodded repeatedly, its age weighing heavily on its shoulders. It didn't know how many more years it had left, but its one remaining wish was to secure a better future for its people. Seeing Yuga arrive in time filled it with joy.

Yuga continued, "Great, then please inform everyone. I'll come to pick you up shortly."

Once he left Togepi Paradise, Yuga found Dusknoir and requested that they use a Ghost Ship to transport him and the Togepi clan to Verdanturf Town. Dusknoir readily agreed to his request.

With the help of the Ghost-type Pokémon, the rebellion in the Mirage Kingdom was soon quelled. However, Yuga believed he should notify the Mirage Royal Family about his plans to take the Togepi clan with him.

Yuga sought an audience with the king but was instead received by Princess Cela. It was reported that the king had been incapacitated and bedridden, likely due to the recent turmoil.

Even with the rebellion pacified, Cela was still busy managing the kingdom's affairs. Nevertheless, after consulting the ailing king, she approved Yuga's request to take the Togepi clan with him.

Thus, Yuga boarded the Ghost Ship with a group of Togepi, Togetic, and the elderly Togekiss, returning to Verdanturf Town.

Unbeknownst to Yuga, as he left the Mirage Kingdom, a young trainer rode atop Togekiss, flying into the Mirage kingdom's territory. The trainer gazed at the distant kingdom and asked his Togekiss, "Is this the place you mentioned?"

The Togekiss replied with a resounding "Togekiss!"

Had the old leader Togekiss been there, it would have recognized this Togekiss as the one that had defected from Togepi Paradise twenty years ago.

The once-proud Togekiss had naively believed that it could live a carefree life of freedom when it escaped from Togepi Paradise.

However, its appearance in the human world drew attention and led to humans attempting to capture it.

At first, the Togekiss's strength proved formidable, defeating its initial pursuers and admonishing them severely.

However, the Togekiss's lack of worldly experience and understanding became evident. Despite its power, it was just a Pokémon that had spent most of its life in the peaceful Togepi Paradise.

What the Togekiss couldn't fathom was the concept of human technology. Less than two years after it left Togepi Paradise, it was captured by a Poacher organization through their advanced technology.

The rare Togekiss found itself in high demand among buyers due to its uniqueness, coupled with its remarkable potential. However, its rebellious nature soon led to an altercation that caused its first owner to return it.

When the Poacher organization discovered the incident, they didn't show mercy to the Togekiss. They disciplined it rigorously and subsequently sold it to another owner. But just as before, the Togekiss's resistance to authority and another incident led to its second owner returning it.

This time, the Togekiss wasn't returned but sold to a private research laboratory specializing in artificial breeding of Pokémon. Given its favorable potential, the Togekiss was ideal for research purposes. As a trainer's Pokémon, it had already proven inadequate.

Over the course of three years in the laboratory, the Togekiss endured extensive torment and its rough edges were gradually worn away.

The laboratory, involved in illegal practices, was eventually raided, leading to the Togekiss being sold to its current trainer. In this new environment, it became a "qualified" Pokémon.

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