I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 967: Night Attacker

Chapter 967: Night Attacker

Three days before the competition for the Pokémon starter breeding project at Professor Birch's Research Institute, Yuga set off from Verdanturf Town to Littleroot Town.

Littleroot Town wasn't far from Verdanturf Town, and Yuga rode his Dragonite, taking a shortcut through Petalburg Woods and bypassing Rustboro City. He reached Littleroot Town by the late evening.

Initially, Yuga had planned to go directly to Professor Birch's research institute, but considering the darkening sky, he decided to spend the night at the Pokémon Center and visit the institute the next morning.

During the night, as Yuga was sleeping soundly, he was abruptly awakened by Florges, who was standing outside his room. He then heard a commotion from outside.

"What's happening?"

Still groggy, Yuga rubbed his eyes and walked to the window, opening it.

Looking out, he saw the outskirts of the town illuminated by a blazing fire, and the sounds of explosions echoed through the night.

"Oh no! It's coming from the direction of Professor Birch's research institute!"

Yuga's mind instantly cleared, and he hurriedly woke up Dragonite. He decided to fly towards the source of the flames.

The Pokémon Center in Littleroot Town wasn't far from Professor Birch's institute, and with Dragonite's speed, it only took a few minutes for Yuga to reach the scene.

To his relief, it wasn't Professor Birch's institute that was on fire, but the adjacent research facility.

Upon seeing the facility's logo, Yuga realized it was a research lab belonging to Devon Corporation. This lab seemed to be a recent addition to Littleroot Town, as it hadn't been there during his previous visits.

By the time Yuga arrived, the entire research facility was engulfed in flames, and even though it was late at night, the fiery glow illuminated the surroundings.

In addition to the fire, a chaotic battle was taking place outside the institute.

Recently, Professor Birch and Devon Corporation had been collavorative research on a complex research project involving the revival of Fossil Pokémon.

Due to the complexity of the project, a new research facility had been built by Devon Corporation adjacent to Professor Birch's lab, facilitating their joint efforts.

Radis, the head of this new facility, was set to become the official director once the collaborative research was fully underway. It was meant to be a positive development. However, little did anyone expect the lab that barely completed, would fall under attack.

In the dead of night, as everyone inside the facility was fast asleep, alarms inside the institute suddenly blared, jolting the occupants awake. Soon, the institute was consumed by a raging fire.

Radis almost instantly realized the reason behind the attack. The institute housed Devon Corporation's latest invention, a device capable of reviving Fossil Pokémon.

Radis quickly put on his clothes and rushed to the instituteoratory where the Fossil Pokémon revival device was located. However, when he arrived, the institute was empty.

The Fossil Pokémon revival device was not a small piece of equipment, making it challenging to steal. Radis immediately gathered the other members of the research facility who had rushed over to help.

As expected, there was a large truck parked outside the facility, and a group of individuals dressed strangely were loading the disassembled components of the Fossil revival device onto the truck.

Radis, being a researcher, didn't possess significant combat abilities. However, when he was sent by Devon Corporation, they had assigned two bodyguards to him. Upon seeing the group of intruders, the bodyguards and their Pokémon immediately confronted them.

Although the bodyguards were skilled, the intruders proved to be more powerful, quickly gaining the upper hand.

The commotion was significant, and it inevitably drew the attention of Professor Birch's nearby research lab. Since both labs were on collaborative research, Professor Birch swiftly arrived with his team to provide support.

However, unlike Professor Oak, Professor Birch was not a renowned Pokémon Trainer. He was just a regular professor dedicated to his research.

Thankfully, while Professor Birch might not have been a formidable Trainer, he had a few strong Pokémon in his institute. With their assistance, they managed to stall the thieves from stealing any more components.

However, stalling them was one thing; subduing them was another challenge. The thieves outnumbered the researchers and Trainers. Once their Pokémon became fatigued, there was little they could do but watch the intruders escape.

Just when it seemed hopeless, a loud crash interrupted the standoff.


Professor Birch's Blaziken was sent flying by an Aqua Tail from the opposing Empoleon. The residual energy from the attack surged toward Professor Birch and Radis.

In that critical moment, a golden bolt of lightning descended from the sky, dispersing the aquatic energy. Following the lightning, a large Dragonite landed in front of Professor Birch and Radis.

"Professor Birch, are you alright?"

Yuga dismounted from his Dragonite and shouted to Professor Birch.

Due to the dim lighting, Professor Birch initially couldn't discern who had arrived. It was only when he heard Yuga's voice that he recognized the savior.

"Yuga, it's you! I'm saved!"

Yuga's presence greatly relieved Professor Birch.

Yuga nodded and said, "I'll handle these people first. We can discuss the rest later."

After his words, he directed his Dragonite to launch an attack on the enemy's Empoleon.

Seeing Yuga leaving, Radis asked Professor Birch in a low voice, "Who is that?"

Professor Birch smiled and replied, "He's the Gym Leader of Verdanturf Town. With him here, there's nothing to worry about."

"Ah, I see!" Radis realized. As a member of Devon Corporation, they had close cooperation with Verdanturf Town, and the Gym Leader there was quite renowned. Even if they hadn't met him, they had heard his name.

The Empoleon that had defeated Professor Birch's Blaziken was the leader of the attackers and the strongest among them.

Upon seeing Yuga and his Dragonite approaching, he commanded his Empoleon, "Empoleon, use Ice Beam!"

As the rapidly approaching blue beam neared, Dragonite clenched its fist, charged with Thunder Punch and easily dispelled the Ice Beam with a single punch.

After spending so much time in the Distortion World, Dragonite, which had initially been at the Junior Elite level, had already advanced to the Intermediate stage, not far from the Advanced stage. Dealing with an average Empoleon was like a walk in the park.

Upon witnessing his Empoleon's attack effortlessly dispelled, the Trainer, who had considered himself powerful, was dumbfounded.

Ice-type moves were meant to be a severe threat to Dragon and Flying types, such as Dragonite, so seeing it easily countered left him in shock.

"Retreat! Retreat! Get out of here fast!"

The attackers hastily began to withdraw.

The Empoleon's Trainer screamed in panic. He was quick to realize that his group had no chance against the formidable opponent in front of them and promptly ordered a retreat.

However, before his words could fully escape his mouth, Dragonite appeared right in front of him and the Empoleon.

Staring at Dragonite with its fists charged with electrifying power, the Empoleon and its Trainer's faces turned pale.

Boom! Boom!

With one punch to the left and another to the right, both the Empoleon and its Trainer lost consciousness instantly.

Witnessing their leader fall, the remaining attackers panicked, rushing towards the large truck, hoping to start it and make a quick getaway.


Seeing the situation, Yuga shouted to Dragonite.

Dragonite nodded, then flew into the air and used Thunder Wave move, causing electric sparks to scatter. Those hit by the sparks, both humans and Pokémon, fell to the ground, unconscious, or twitching.

After dealing with the enemies, Yuga released Lapras and spoke to Lapras and Dragonite, "You two are in charge set off the fire at the research facility."



Lapras and Dragonite nodded and flew into the sky above the research facility.

Simultaneously, they used the Rain Dance move, quickly forming thick clouds over the facility. The clouds even sparkled with electric currents.

Under Lapras's control, the cloud cover didn't expand excessively, only covering the research facility, ensuring no impact on the area outside.


After a clap of thunder, heavy rain poured down.

With the assistance of Lapras and Dragonite, the fire at the research facility was swiftly brought under control.

With everything resolved, Yuga walked over to Professor Birch and Radis.

Professor Birch smiled as Yuga walked over. "We owe you a great deal. Without you, we wouldn't know what to do. By the way, when did you arrive in Littleroot Town, and why didn't you inform me?"

Yuga shook his head modestly. "It was purely coincidental. I arrived in the evening and was planning to visit you tomorrow. I didn't expect this incident to happen at night."

Professor Birch sighed, "Who could have imagined that these people would do something like this in the middle of the night?"

Yuga glanced at the attackers lying on the ground and said, "Judging by their attire, it seems like they are members of the Team Aqua."

The Team Aqua was now a subsidiary organization of Team Rocket. Yuga wondered whether this attack was organized by the Team Aqua themselves or if Team Rocket was pulling the strings from behind.

Yuga felt fortunate that the attack was thwarted.

However, what Yuga didn't know was that, on this night, several research facilities belonging to the Devon Corporation in other cities were also attacked by unknown individuals. These facilities were not as fortunate as the Littleroot Town research center and didn't receive Yuga's support. Many research data and achievements, including the Fossil Pokémon revival device, were stolen.

With Team Aqua's current capabilities, they couldn't have organized such large-scale attacks on their own. Clearly, they had received support from Team Rocket.

Radis, who was present, exclaimed angrily, "So it's them. These people have become increasingly active lately!"

Lately, Team Aqua, which used to operate discreetly, had grown more active and cunning. The Pokémon League had organized multiple failed missions to capture their branches.

In addition to Team Aqua, Team Magma, once considered an ordinary civilian organization, had also become more active recently. Their tactics were becoming increasingly similar to those of Team Aqua. The Pokémon League had classified them as an illegal organization.

Upon hearing Radis speak, Professor Birch said, "By the way, let me introduce you. This is Radis, the director of this research lab."

The relationship between Devon Corporation and Yuga was no secret within the Pokémon League. Mr. kuni'o had actively supported Steven during his quest to become a Champion, and anyone with keen insight knew there was more to this. And Professor Birch was also well aware of it.

While Mr. Kuni'o had refrained from interfering in league affairs for many years, he had appeared last year to publicly support Steven's campaign as a Champion. It was evident that this had something to do with his only disciple.

Considering the recent changes in Verdanturf Town, everyone understood the underlying implications.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you," Yuga said with a friendly tone as he extended his hand to Radis after the introduction by Professor Birch.

Radis shook Yuga's hand gratefully, saying, "I've heard a lot about you, and tonight we owe you a great deal."

Professor Birch then suggested, "By the way, do you stay at the Pokémon Center? How about staying at my research facility tomorrow? It will save you the trouble of going back and forth."

Yuga graciously accepted the offer, "That would be great. Thank you for your hospitality, Professor."

However, Radis hesitated and said, "I'd also love to host the Gym Leader, but..."

He glanced at the still-smoking research lab behind him, expressing his helplessness.

Yuga shook his head and said, "No need to trouble yourselves. Dealing with the aftermath is more important."

As dawn broke, Radis immediately informed the Littleroot Town police station, and Officer Jenny promptly arrived to take these attackers into custody.

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