I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 918: Filler

Chapter 918: Filler

After Wallace and Robert left, Yuga immediately called his master, Mr. Kuni'o, and relayed Wallace's words exactly, without adding any embellishments or attempting to benefit himself from the situation. He hoped that his master would use his own judgment to decide on this matter.

Yuga was willing to act as the intermediary because, aside from being tempted by the conditions proposed by Devon Corporation, he genuinely believed that Steven was a good person and that making him the Champion was a good choice.

Mr. Kuni'o, after hearing Yuga's recounting, didn't make an immediate decision. Instead, he told Yuga that he would provide an answer in three days.

Yuga understood that his master intended to use these three days to investigate Steven and determine whether he was worth supporting. With Mr. Kuni'o's connections and capabilities, three days were sufficient to thoroughly understand Steven's history of more than twenty years.

When the three days passed, Yuga received a call from his master on schedule. He was informed that Mr. Kuni'o would support Steven and instructed Yuga to convey this to the Devon Corporation, assuring them to prepare for the upcoming Elite Four Conference in six months.

Upon receiving his master's response, Yuga felt both relieved and somewhat guilty. He was relieved because his master's decision aligned with his hopes, but he also felt guilty because his master, despite his age, was still concerned about Yuga's affairs. There was no doubt that his master had his own reasons for agreeing to this.

During these three days, Wallace and Robert hadn't left Verdanturf Town. They had been staying at the Pokémon Paradise Hotel, eagerly awaiting Yuga's news.

With Yuga's satisfactory response, Wallace let out a sigh of relief and immediately started discussing the arrangements for hosting the Wallace Cup next spring with Yuga. Since they had received the answer they wanted, it was time to fulfill the promises made to Yuga.

The Elite Four Conference was scheduled to take place in six months, but the Wallace Cup in spring was just around the corner. They couldn't afford to waste any time preparing.

When Mayor Ishida of Verdanturf Town learned that the next Wallace Cup would be held in his town, he felt like a blessing had fallen from the sky. He understood better than anyone how hosting a large-scale competition in Verdanturf Town could bring about significant changes.

Upon discovering that Yuga had played a crucial role in securing this opportunity, Mayor Ishida couldn't express his gratitude enough. It was as if he wanted to hug Yuga and call him "Dad" out of sheer appreciation.

Thinking about it, all the changes in Verdanturf Town can be attributed to Yuga's efforts alone.

Wallace and Yuga discussed the general framework of the Wallace Cup, but the specific organizational details would require further discussions with the Pokémon Contest's official representatives and the sponsor, Devon Corporation.

After Wallace and Robert left Verdanturf Town, representatives from the Pokémon Contest and Devon Corporation took over the subsequent work. Time was of the essence, and they had to expedite the preparations.

The main point of contact with the Pokémon Contest officials and Devon Corporation was still Mayor Ishida. Yuga admitted that he didn't fully grasp these matters, so he entrusted all the work to Mayor Ishida.

Mayor Ishida was more than happy to take on these responsibilities. He recognized that Yuga had already made significant contributions to Verdanturf Town, and he was willing to handle any workload, even if it meant weathering a storm.

And so, throughout the winter, Verdanturf Town's original Pokémon Contest venue was transformed amid the sound of construction.

During the New Year, Yuga didn't stay at home as he usually did. Instead, he went to Mauville City a week in advance and stayed at the Manor there with his master to celebrate the New Year. He didn't return to Verdanturf Town until the second day of the New Year.

Before Yuga's departure to Mauville City, his master repeatedly insisted that he didn't need Yuga to accompany him and that he and Ryuichi would be just fine on their own.

However, when Yuga did go, he noticed that his master's mood improved significantly. He even learned from Ryuichi that his master's appetite had increased since Yuga's arrival.

Nevertheless, his master was a strict person, and even during the New Year celebrations, he didn't forget to remind Yuga about his training. He provided Yuga with valuable guidance that greatly benefited his growth as a trainer.

During the New Year, Luna and Rand, who were studying away from home, also returned to Verdanturf Town. However, Yuga was surprised to learn some unexpected news – Rand had become a trainee forest ranger.

The Forest Ranger League had visited their school to recruit new members, and Rand had successfully passed the forest ranger assessment, earning the position of a trainee forest ranger.

The Forest Ranger League was one of the many subsidiary Leagues under the Pokémon League, specializing in preserving the ecology of various regions. Their headquarters, compared to other areas, was more remote but preserved the pristine natural beauty to a great extent.

After the New Year festivities, Rand was about to leave his current school and transfer to the Forest Ranger League's headquarters for training. This meant that he would have even fewer opportunities to return home.

Training and tasks for forest rangers were considerably more demanding than those for ordinary trainers. Yuga couldn't quite fathom Rand's thought process and why he chose the path of a forest ranger.

However, Rand was turning nine soon, and he would be a ten-year-old kid in just one more year. He should have a clear idea of the path he wanted to pursue.

Speaking of which, when the Forest Ranger League came to recruit, Luna had also participated in the assessment along with Rand. Unfortunately, she hadn't passed.

Luna had studied alongside Rand in Lilycove City for several years, and they had developed a deep friendship. Hearing that she would be separated from Rand, she naturally felt very reluctant.

However, she still hadn't figured out what path she wanted to take for her future.

Initially, because of her fondness for Robert, Luna had thought about becoming a Coordinator Trainer like him. But when the time came, she hesitated.

Their school had regulations that by the age of ten, students had to choose their future career paths. This allowed the school to tailor appropriate study plans for them.

Whether it was traditional Trainer, Coordinator, or Breeder, students had to pick one or two paths to specialize in.

Luna and Rand were roughly the same age, and seeing Rand leave the school made Luna realize that she had to make decisions about her future all on her own. Before she knew it, she started to feel anxious.

When Yuga returned from Mauville City, he noticed that Luna had been depressed. He took the opportunity to ask her what was bothering her, and she revealed her probelm, hoping that Yuga could offer some guidance. However, Yuga declined.

Regardless of the path she chose for her future, Luna needed to make that decision herself, just like Rand had done by leaving his current school to become a trainee forest ranger.

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