I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 247: The training of Florges and the Grass-type Pokémon

Chapter 247: The training of Florges and the Grass-type Pokémon

In this experiment, Yuga used a smaller amount of extract, which helped save a considerable amount of berry, as well as Water Stone powder.

After successfully testing the extracts, Yuga proceeded to attempt making Pokéblocks. This time, to his relief, he succeeded in creating an Pokéblock.

The newly created Pokéblock remained blue, albeit slightly darker than the original pale blue of the Extender. Its effects, however, were still uncertain.

Yuga took one of the cubes and tasted it. Perhaps due to the slightly sour taste of the Chesto Berry, Sitrus Berry, and Kelpsy Berry, the improved Pokéblock had a remarkably sour flavor. It masked the faint bitterness that was originally present in the Extender.

Although Yuga felt as if his teeth might dissolve from the sourness, he didn't experience any adverse effects. On the contrary, he felt quite satiated.

Yuga believed that the Pokéblocks he produced should be safe to feed to the Magikarp, even if they didn't promote evolution. He decided to let the Magikarp consume them for a while.

One morning, as Yuga checked the Trainer Shop in his system, he was delighted to discover a rare purple item amidst the usual white-bordered items. It turned out to be a Quality Evolution Potion.

Yuga recalled having previously obtained Quality Evolution Potions, but those had been blue items. This was his first time encountering a purple item, indicating it might be used to evolve Green-Quality Pokémon into Blue-Quality.

Yuga exchanged this Quality Evolution Potion and found it to be indistinguishable from the previous ones. However, upon inquiry with the system, it indeed served the purpose Yuga had guessed – evolving Green-Quality Pokémon.

Without hesitation, Yuga decided to use it on his Chimecho, who had the lowest quality among his main battle Pokémon.

With excitement, Yuga went to his Ecopark and located Chimecho in the Flower Sea, where he administered the Quality Potion to her.

Chimecho, having already experienced this once, recognized the Potion and consumed it eagerly.

After she had ingested the Potion, Yuga activated his discerning eye.



Type: Psychic

Gender: Female

Ability: Levitate

Quality: Blue

Level: 30

Moves: Psychic, Gravity, Heal Pulse, Heal Bell, Synchronoise, Safeguard, Shadow Ball, Uproar.


Indeed, Chimecho's quality had shifted from Green to Blue, and she had also awakened four new abilities.

Among Yuga's four main battle Pokémon, Chimecho was the only one he had not pushed to learn new skills. His training focus had been on developing her Gravity ability and mastering Heal Pulse and Heal Bell.

Even her previous sole attacking skill, Psychic, had only been trained as a byproduct of enhancing her mental strength.

This was because Chimecho had always been positioned as a dedicated support Pokémon and had performed exceptionally well in that role. Unexpectedly, with this evolution, she had gained three new offensive abilities.

Yuga suddenly considered the possibility of expanding Chimecho's role to include dealing damage, while her support capabilities remained unchanged.

Feeling the changes in her body, Chimecho was ecstatic and couldn't resist trying out her newly awakened skill, Uproar. Her enthusiastic demonstration forced Yuga to cover his ears.

Allowing Chimecho to familiarize herself with her newly awakened skills, Yuga ventured into the flowerbeds and found Florgres.

Not only Florgres but also all the Grass-type Pokémon in the Ecopark had gathered around her in a circular formation, enclosing Florgres at the center. Tsareena, Bellossom, Cacturne, Grovyle, Servine, and even Roselia, not a single one was missing.

Within the flowerbed, Florgres was employing her Grassy Terrain, enveloping all the Grass-types, while the Pokémon sat on the ground with their eyes closed, seemingly in deep contemplation.

The Grass-type energy within the Grassy Terrain continuously resonated with these Grass-type Pokémon. Yuga could clearly sense that the Grass-types were gradually establishing a unique connection with Florgres through this process.

Over time, green tendrils of energy from the Grassy Terrain began to extend and move, eventually wrapping around all the Grass-type Pokémon. Contrary to discomfort, the Pokémon wore expressions of enjoyment.

Yuga observed all of this silently, without uttering a word.

As time passed, Yuga noticed that not only the Grass-type Pokémon but also the entire Flower Sea was establishing a connection with Florgres.

While Florgres's Grassy Terrain covered only a small area, encompassing the Grass-type Pokémon, it seemed like the heart of the entire Flower Sea, pulsating with powerful energy.

With every heartbeat of the Grassy Terrain, Yuga could see the plants swaying their leaves and blossoms in a synchronized manner, emitting numerous white energy particles that merged into the Grassy Terrain.

The Grassy Terrain periodically released green waves that spread across the surrounding Flower Sea, invigorating the plants even more.

It was as if there was an energy exchange happening between the Flower Sea and Florgres's Grassy Terrain, similar to the relationship between blood and the heart in a human body.

Ever since the opening of the Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark, Florgres and the Grass-type Pokémon had embarked on this unique training method.

Yuga couldn't comprehend the principles behind it, but he was sure that Florgres and the Grass-types were reaping tremendous benefits from it.

Yuga believed that this distinctive training method would bring significant changes to Florgres and the Grass-types, and he simply needed to observe quietly.

Unable to resist his curiosity, Yuga used his discerning eye to observe Florgres's situation.



Type: Fairy

Gender: Female

Ability: Flower Veil

Quality: Blue

Level: 48

Moves: Tackle, Vine Whip, Fairy Wind, Safeguard, Magical Leaf, Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Flower Shield, Petal Dance, Petal Blizzard.


Yes, that was indeed level 48. Yuga distinctly remembered that when he checked her with his discerning eye before going to the Sinnoh Region, her level was 36. Now, it had increased by a whopping 12 levels.

Yuga often used his discerning eye to monitor the level changes of his main Pokémon. However, recently, with the departure of Audino, he had been quite preoccupied and hadn't paid much attention. At least, since returning from the Sinnoh region, he hadn't checked.

When he finally did, he was astonished by the significant growth in Florgres's level. This had surpassed Absol, who had been the highest level Pokémon until now. Yuga couldn't determine if this was due to the new training method or something that occurred during the forest's offering; he simply didn't know.

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