I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 239: A Request

Chapter 239: A Request

After daybreak, Grandpa Julian successfully took Flint and Volkner to the Sunyshore City's harbor, then sailed back to the Coastal Town with Yuga and his friends.

Following lunch at Grandpa Julian's home, Yuga and his two friends bid farewell to him and embarked on the journey back to Veilstone City.

During the journey, Reggie asked Yuga, "Have you decided when you'll return to Hoenn?"

Yuga thought for a moment and replied, "Let's leave for Hoenn as soon as we get back to Veilstone City."

Reggie was surprised and said, "So soon? I haven't had a chance to show you around Sinnoh yet!"

Yuga sighed, saying, "There are still many responsibilities to take care of at the shop. Being away for too long isn't ideal, considering I'm the owner."

Yuga had plans to return to his hometown and start a new Sub-Ecopark. He also needed to arrange accommodations for Vespiqueen and the Combees and deliver Audino to Gardenia, asking her to pass it on to Joyna. Additionally, he had to settle the children of the Unfezant he had kept in his system bag. The tasks were piling up.

"Alright," Reggie replied, though he sounded a bit reluctant.

Yuga smiled and patted Reggie on the shoulder, saying, "Didn't you mention that you'd like to travel to Hoenn in the future? When that time comes, visit Verdanturf Town, and I'll be sure to host you properly."

Happily, Reggie agreed, "That's a promise then!"


The two of them exchanged smiles.

The day after Yuga and Reggie returned to Veilstone City, Yuga said his goodbyes to Reggie and his grandfather, starting his journey back to Hoenn.

As he traveled by car toward Jubilife City, passing through the imposing and rugged Mount Coronet once again, Yuga couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

This visit to Sinnoh had been an eventful journey. He had encountered the Legendary Pokémon Deoxys, teamed up with others to battle against the Legendary Pokémon Latias, and witnessed the rise and fall of the Combee family. It had truly been a thrilling experience that made his heart race.

Upon arriving in Jubilife City, Yuga didn't stay for long and promptly boarded a flight back to Verdanturf Town.

The speed of flights in the Pokémon world was impressive, and in less than twenty-four hours, he traveled from one continent to another.

Once he landed, Yuga took a deep breath of the familiar air and admired the familiar scenery. He stretched out lazily.

"Caw, caw, caw! Finally back, dear. Let's hurry to our lovely nest," Chatot chirped, flapping its wings and landing on Yuga's shoulder with a mischievous grin.

Yuga brushed his shoulder, shooing Chatot away, and said, "That's your love nest with your mate, not mine."

With that said, Yuga walked in the direction of the YoYo Day Care.

As if thinking of his miserable life as a father in the future, Chatot's face collapsed, and he flew over chasing Yuga.

After being away for some time, Yuga noticed that nothing much had changed in the town. As he walked through the streets, uncles, aunties, grandparents, and other residents warmly greeted him.

"Little Yuga, it seems like we haven't seen you in days."

"Hehe, I went on a trip, and I just got back."

"Little Yuga, it's been a few days. Here, have some fruits to take with you."

"Thank you, Aunt Bess."


The townsfolk didn't have much recollection of the previously reclusive Yuga, but they were still very friendly to the diligent and kind-hearted young man they saw now.

"Auntie, you're becoming more beautiful each day."

"Oh my, this bird can really talk."

"Uncle, it's been a few days, and you're growing more manly."

"Hehe, really? I feel the same way."

Along the way, anyone talking to Yuga was inevitably interrupted by Chatot's incessant chatter. However, they all found themselves laughing heartily at the bird's loquacious antics.

When Yuga walked into the store, several customers were busy purchasing Pokéblocks, and Suzuki Koen, who was engrossed in counting, looked up to see Yuga's arrival.

"Boss, you're back," Suzuki Koen greeted, setting aside his work.

Chatot had disappeared as soon as Yuga entered the store, but Yuga paid it no mind. He approached the counter and asked Suzuki Koen, "How has business been while I was away?"

Suzuki Koen smiled and replied, "Business has been excellent. We've been getting more customers, and sales of Pokéblocks have been steadily increasing with positive feedback."

Suzuki Koen gave Yuga a brief overview of the shop's performance during his absence. Suzuki Koen was indeed talented in sales and had ample experience. Under her management, the shop had thrived.

After conversing with Suzuki Koen for a while, Yuga beamed and said, "You've done an excellent job during this time. You can continue with your tasks."

With that, Yuga turned and headed upstairs. After continuous travel, he was starting to feel uncomfortable and needed a hot bath.

After finishing his shower, Yuga came downstairs and was about to go to the Ecopark when he noticed Luna, holding her Swablu, standing in the store, lost in thought.

The sound of Yuga coming down the stairs caught her attention. Luna looked up, her eyes lighting up, and hurried over to Yuga. "Big Brother Yuga, you're back!"

"Why are you here? Is something the matter?" Yuga rubbed his still-damp hair, inquiring.

Luna pouted upon hearing Yuga's words and said, "Can't I come for no reason?"

Yuga gave her a sidelong glance and said, "Based on your usual habits, you wouldn't come see me without a reason. Also, I've just returned, and you're in such a hurry to run over! You certainly have a keen sense of timing."

"I heard Aunt Bess spotted you on the street, and that's why I came!" Luna replied while gently stroking her Swablu's soft wings.

"Alright, if you have something to say, just say it. I'm quite busy," Yuga waved his hand dismissively.

"I... I want to participate in the school's autumn wilderness training," Luna stammered.

"School-organized training? Just go ahead and join. Why did you come running to tell me?" Yuga asked, puzzled.

"But... but my mom and dad both disagree!" Luna pouted, looking aggrieved.

"Training is a good thing, isn't it? Why don't your parents approve?" Yuga inquired. Then, something struck him, and he asked, "You're talking about wilderness training? Which wilderness?"

"It's... it's... Petalburg Woods..."

"What?!! Petalburg Woods?!" Yuga couldn't help but exclaim loudly before quickly lowering his voice. "Not the Petalburg Woods I know, right?"

Luna nodded silently, confirming that it was indeed the same Petalburg Woods Yuga was thinking of.

"So, your parents don't agree, and you want me to plead on your behalf?" Yuga asked, feeling helpless.

Luna remained silent and nodded.

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