I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 190: The Origin of YoYo Day Care

Chapter 190: The Origin of YoYo Day Care

The hearts of the Pokémon were incredibly pure, and Yuga's praise made them very happy.

After witnessing Snivy's evolution, Yuga went to check on the 20 eggs he had brought from the Day Care Center. He noticed no signs of hatching and left the Ecopark.

When Yuga arrived at the store, he saw Windy holding a box and talking to Suzuki Koen.

"Oh, did the sun rise in the west today? Windy, how could you come down from upstairs?" Yuga teased Windy with a smile.

Thanks to a period of rigorous training, Windy had returned to the physical condition of an ordinary person. As a result, Yuga had reduced his exercise routine. Besides a morning jog, he didn't impose any other physical activity on him.

Upon hearing Yuga's voice, both of them turned their heads.

"Boss, you're here. I need to talk to you about something," Windy said.

"Something you want to discuss with me?" Yuga was somewhat puzzled. Could it be related to a business matter?

"It's about this," Windy said, raising the box he was holding.

"What is this?" Yuga took a closer look at the box in Windy's hand.

The box was entirely black, seemingly made of wood. It had some simple floral carvings on it.

"Is there something special about this box?" Yuga curiously asked.

"I haven't opened it, so I don't know what's inside. But I found it in my room. Didn't this used to be your parents' room? I thought this might be their belonging," Windy explained, handing the box over to Yuga.

"Found it in my parents' room?" Yuga asked in confusion. "But how come I've never seen this box before?"

"I discovered it when I was tidying up the bed. There was a hidden compartment in the bed frame, and this box was inside it," Windy explained.

"A hidden compartment?" Yuga was puzzled. His parents' room had hidden compartments? What could be so important that it needed to be hidden in such a manner?

"Alright, I've taken the box. You can go back to what you were doing," Yuga waved his hand dismissively at Windy.

"Sure," Windy nodded and turned to head back upstairs.

Yuga sat down by the table, holding the box in his hands. He opened it to find a pile of documents and a palm-sized blue badge.

Yuga first picked up the blue badge, examined it, and gave it a tap. He couldn't determine the material used, but it felt substantial.

The front of the badge displayed a common Poké Ball design used by the Pokémon League. However, its style seemed outdated, unlike the modern designs—more intricate and detailed. On the back were the words "YoYo Day Care."

The badge appeared simple overall, but its purpose remained a mystery.

Setting the badge aside, Yuga reached for the pile of paper materials.

Picking up the top sheet, Yuga realized that it was a deed for the ownership of the land beneath YoYo Day Care, including the backyard where Yuga had built the Ecopark. Following that were property deeds for YoYo Day Care and other relevant documents.

Since taking over YoYo Day Care, Yuga hadn't thought about looking for these property documents. When he inherited ownership of the Day Care from his parents, it was done through inheritance, and all that was required was proof of the relationship between Yuga and his parents.

However, these documents were no longer of use. When Yuga gained ownership of YoYo Day Care, he had received new property deeds and land ownership certificates.

Putting aside these materials, Yuga picked up the bottommost documents in the box. These documents seemed to have existed for a long time; the paper had started to yellow slightly. However, they were well-preserved, showing no signs of damage.

Reading through these documents from start to finish, Yuga finally understood their purpose.

These were records detailing the origin of YoYo Day Care.

Yuga had always known that YoYo Day Care had a long history, but he didn't expect it to be even longer than he had imagined.

Speaking of the origin of YoYo Day Care, it required delving into the history of Yuga's maternal ancestors. The Day Care had been passed down from his mother's ancestors.

Surprisingly, Yuga's maternal ancestors had played a significant role in the establishment of the Pokémon League. The documents didn't mention the individual's name, but it stated that he was an indispensable figure in the League's establishment. Without him, the League as it existed today might not have come into being.

However, after the establishment of the League, Yuga's maternal ancestors chose not to involve themselves in League politics and returned to life among ordinary citizens.

Even though he was a figure of great merit, his family was renowned during that time. However, they weren't interested in seizing power or wealth. Consequently, they led peaceful lives.

Even after his passing, the League continued to treat his descendants kindly, ensuring that their lineage remained strong.

Later on, as the demand for high-quality Pokémon by trainers began to strain the League's resources, they established a group of Day Care centers to supply trainers with Pokémon. However, due to initial imperfections, the League sometimes struggled to manage all the centers. It was during this time that private Day Cares started to appear.

Yuga's maternal ancestors embraced this period of evolution and established their own Day Care , which eventually became YoYo Day Care.

At that time, the League treated YoYo Day Care quite favorably. To demonstrate their appreciation for the descendants of a key League figure, the League Chairman at the time personally awarded YoYo Day Care a badge.

This badge was the very same blue badge Yuga had seen in the box—a badge said to be crafted from the molt of a champion-level Lapras.

According to the documents, the League Chairman at that time promised that as long as the League existed, as long as this badge remained in the possession of Yuga's maternal line, it would function as an amnesty badge. As long as the descendants of Yuga's maternal line didn't commit any egregious crimes, they could be pardoned.

It was said that the Pokémon League had awarded only three of these badges back in the day. Each badge was given to the descendants of individuals who had made immense contributions to the League. However, the documents didn't record which families had received the other two badges.

This was why Yuga's maternal line had carefully preserved this badge all these years.

However, since Yuga's ancestors' passing, their lineage hadn't produced any accomplished individuals. With each generation, they seemed to decline further. Over time, YoYo Day Care fell into decline as well. By the time of Yuga's mother, only she remained from their lineage.

This important badge gradually faded into the dust of history.

Yuga suspected that these things had been passed down through generations orally within his maternal line. However, his mother hadn't had the chance to tell her son about them before her untimely passing. If it weren't for Windy's accidental discovery today, Yuga might have remained ignorant for an indefinite amount of time.

"I never thought my ancestors were such prominent figures. It's a pity. The previous generation didn't plant the tree properly, and the later generations didn't enjoy its shade."

Yuga shook his head, carefully stowed away these items, and placed them into his system's backpack.

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