I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 169: The Changes Brought by Greninja

Chapter 169: The Changes Brought by Greninja

Seeing this situation, the rarely seen Swellow quickly approached the training area, gesturing and giving directions to the training Taillow and Zubat.

However, Honchkrow, the top flyer in the Ecopark, paid no attention to it. It continued supervising the four juniors according to its own methods, occasionally swatting the approaching Swellow away.

Sometimes, Yuga felt that his Swellow didn't quite act like a "king." Look at how it acted so shamelessly when chasing after mates, it was a real eyesore.

( Note : Swellow Chinese name is Dàwángyàn Which mean "Great King Swallow" )

Yuga's initial impression of the Swellow was based on the main character Ash's Swellow in the original anime – resolute, mature, and composed. His own Swellow was like night and day compared to that. At other times, it was fine, but when around Honchkrow, it was almost unbearable to watch.

Yuga believed that if his Swellow continued being idle like this, the day it was surpassed in strength by Honchkrow would be a truly pitiable day for it.

However, what Yuga didn't know was that during this time, not just his Swellow, but even the Linoone, Great Flygon, and including Audino, had become like this as well.

And the origin of all this was the Greninja that had recently come to the Ecopark.

The Greninja that Yuga recently captured was a very combative Pokémon. After losing to Linoone last time (though Linoone lost even more), it felt quite dissatisfied with its strength. So, after arriving at the Ecopark, it challenged the Pokémon in the Ecopark.

After some final selections, it chose the stronger Linoone, Great Flygon, Swellow, and Audino as its daily training opponents.

Originally, its list also included Gliscor leader and Flygon leader, but both of them were busy training their own kind every day and didn't have the time.

Audino was manageable, too. It was quite busy every day – besides doing household chores, it had to take care of the Pokémon and create Pokéblocks. So, Greninja didn't bother it much. However, the others weren't so lucky.

Every day, their leisurely lives were getting farther away due to Greninja's strong intervention. It would come to spar with them in various ways and wouldn't take no for an answer. If you rejected, it would pester you until you accepted.

The most obvious result of this was that Great Flygon spent less time lying on the roof, Linoone spent less time in front of the shop, and the Swellow spent less time chasing mates.

This was also why the Swellow hastily took in four younger brothers and became increasingly clingy to Honchkrow.

During this period, the appetite of these Pokémon had also increased significantly, though Yuga hadn't noticed these changes.

What Yuga didn't know was that Greninja had already "interfered" with the newly arrived group of Tsareena.

These newly arrived Tsareena were not weak at all, so Greninja wanted to use their disadvantage against its type to sharpen itself.

However, what Greninja couldn't stand was that these ten Tsareena were simply not up to standard.

In the Ecopark, whether they were strong or weak, young or old, when facing Greninja's challenge, the Pokémon were all fearless. Even if they knew they'd lose, they'd accept its challenge.

But these ten Tsareena were completely different. They would flee at the sight of Greninja. Not only did they refuse to battle it, they wouldn't even confront it with ten of them together.

Although they appeared to have decent strength, Greninja felt truly wronged! Especially since they were its neighbors. The more it thought about it, the more it felt something was off.

Thus, the straightforward Greninja adopted a stubborn approach. It persisted even when met with resistance, gradually getting them used to it. Their timid nature slowly faded away.

So, while Greninja's method might seem misguided, it was in fact effective.

Unbeknownst to Yuga, the queen-like dignity of the Tsareena had been restored, all thanks to Greninja. It had also entered the daily routine of battling and loving ten "queens."

However, these were all stories for later. For now, the Tsareena remained "inexperienced," and Greninja, while a regular straightforward guy, didn't take any action.

But it had to be said that Greninja had injected a new vitality into those old-timers in the Ecopark.

After concluding the routine physical training, Yuga left the Ecopark.

With the arrival of a new batch of genetically flawed Pokémon eggs, Yuga needed to reconfigure the small genetic repair potions. However, some specific fruits and herbs were lacking at home, so he had to go out and purchase them.

After dinner, Windy returned to his room, while Yuga took the Audino to the Ecopark to make the small genetic repair potions and Pokéblocks.

Besides the Heavies Ground-type Pokéblocks, Yuga also acquired the formulas for Grass-type and Poison-type Pokéblocks. He named them "Vitality" and "Enigma" respectively, bringing good fortune to the Grass and Poison-type Pokémon in the Ecopark as well.

However, the Ecopark only housed two Poison-type Pokémon, Roselia and the two Zubat. Their demand wasn't substantial. Yuga primarily aimed to stock them in the store. With the success of the Heavies Pokéblocks, he believed that "Vitality" and "Enigma" would surely sell well too.

However, relying solely on Yuga and the Audino might become overwhelming. Hiring dedicated breeders should be on the agenda.

As expected, the very next day after "Vitality" and "Enigma" were introduced, they ignited a heated discussion on the website.

"YoYo Day Care has finally released new Pokéblocks. After checking out the Heavies Pokéblocks my friend bought earlier, they're definitely better than other Pokéblocks of the same type. Looking forward to 'Vitality' and 'Enigma'!"

"Is this finally the boon for Grass-type trainers like me? Glad I didn't give up!"

"I have Ground-type, Grass-type, and Poison-type Pokémon. Am I on the path to the pinnacle of life?"

"What are you waiting for? Get them quickly!"

"Is there a group purchase? I wonder if there are any discounts for group buying."

"YoYo Day Care's products are always top-notch, and this time should be no exception."

"Are the items from this shop really as good as you all say? You're not paid promoters, are you?"

"What kind of talk is that? Do I look like a promoter to you? Look carefully. Does my account seem like a promoter's? Do I seem like a high-level promoter?"


In short, with the solid foundation laid by the Heavies Pokéblocks, there was high anticipation for "Vitality" and "Enigma" as soon as they hit the shelves.

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