I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 147: The Mystery of the Sunken Ship

Chapter 147: The Mystery of the Sunken Ship

After dividing the treasures, Yuga realized that the task issued by the system had not been completed yet. This meant that the mission was still unfinished.

The system's task description was to find the sunken ship and uncover its past. Merely inspecting it once clearly did not meet the system's requirements.

"Have you found any information related to the origin of this ship?" Yuga wanted to know if Robert had any clues.

Robert shook his head, "No, but judging by the decay of this ship, it seems to be from a long time ago." Apart from the treasure boxes on the other side of the ship, Robert hadn't found anything else.

"Since there's nothing in the cargo hold, let's check the upper deck!" Yuga suggested.

Robert nodded in agreement and, along with Chimecho, followed Yuga out of the cargo hold.

As for the treasure, Robert's Chimecho and Yuga's Vivillon continued to carry them, While Yuga's Chimecho continued carried the still sleeping Linoone using Psychic power.

Outside, the light was much brighter, and they didn't need flashlights anymore.

Yuga and Robert meticulously searched the ship's deck, eventually discovering the control room, living quarters, and captain's cabin.

Furthermore, in the captain's cabin, Yuga and his companions found the captain's diary.

The captain's diary wasn't written on modern paper but on a type of material that Yuga wasn't familiar with. The material had turned yellow, and due to extended exposure to moisture, it had become somewhat moldy, making it look less appealing.

Holding his nose, Yuga flipped through the pages, realizing that many parts were blurry. Only some portions were still legible.

Although Yuga recognized the characters on the pages, when combined, they made no sense to him.

"What is this? Why can't I understand it at all?" Yuga swung the diary disdainfully. After all, it had an unpleasant smell.

Hearing this, Robert took the diary from Yuga's hand and flipped through it. He explained, "The writing style here is an ancient form of communication that's significantly different from our current speech and writing, which is why you can't understand it."

So, this is like Classical Chinese in the Pokémon world? Yuga pondered.

"Can you understand it?" Yuga didn't expect that communication styles from ancient and modern times in the Pokémon world would be different. It was the same with his previous world.

Robert nodded.

Delighted, Yuga exclaimed, "Great! Then quickly tell me what it says up there!"

Subsequently, Robert translated as he flipped through the pages.

However, many parts were incomplete. In the end, the two of them used their imagination to piece together the ship's history.

Based on the style of writing, this diary was probably created five to six hundred years ago.

The captain who wrote this diary was named Lawrence and was a member of the royal family of a small country.

Back then, he was ordered by the king to lead the largest fleet in the kingdom on an exploratory voyage to visit other continents.

Due to the lack of convenient transportation in ancient times, the various continents were isolated from each other. This was the only way to understand each other.

As for why the king issued this command, Yuga and his companions were unaware. Regardless of whether he sought to expand his territory or accumulate wealth, these reasons didn't matter to them.

This fleet drifted at sea for a whole decade. During this time, they successfully discovered the continents the king had instructed them to, and not just one. The last continent they arrived at was the continent of Hoenn.

In these continents, he exchanged the specialties from his country for a substantial amount of wealth. However, this couldn't fill the longing he felt in his heart for his homeland; he was constantly yearning to return.

After spending a considerable time on the continent of Hoenn, he finally made up his mind to return to his own country.

But shortly after he and his fleet left the continent of Hoenn, they encountered a massive maritime disaster. Not only did the fleet get scattered, but the ship Lawrence was on, which was serving as the lead ship, was also facing the threat of sinking.

As for the fate of the other ships in the fleet, Yuga and his companions were unaware. However, this ship, which had separated from the rest, had undoubtedly sunk during that maritime disaster. Furthermore, all the members on the ship had lost their lives.

The part of the diary that recorded the maritime disaster was already blurry, so Yuga and his companions didn't know what kind of catastrophe had caused the fleet to scatter.

Yuga speculated that this fleet had likely set out from the Kalos region. The Clawitzer and Clauncher they encountered were probably the descendants of the sailors' Pokémon on the ship.

Yuga's speculation had a basis. Although the diary didn't mention the location of Lawrence's country or provide any information about Clawitzer and Clauncher, it did record the presence of a Greninja, which was Lawrence's Pokémon.

Thus, Yuga surmised that the Greninja he had captured was probably a descendant of Lawrence's Greninja, intermingling with the native Water-type Pokémon of Hoenn. The strongest possibility might be its descendants with the Clawitzer, considering their egg groups overlapped. After all, Greninja played a crucial role in guarding the eggs of this community of Pokémon.

Yuga concluded that this Lawrence was the Pokémon world's version of Zheng He, who embarked on maritime expeditions. However, although both Lawrence and Zheng He died during their respective journeys, Zheng He's fleet managed to return home, while Lawrence's fleet probably met an unfortunate fate.

But what saddened Yuga the most was the fact that, according to the diary, this ship should have held many valuable treasures. However, all of them had seemingly scattered into the sea along with the ship's sinking, leaving behind only this small portion.

It was heart-wrenching...

Having pieced together the complete story, Yuga finally received the system's notification of completing the mission.

[ Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission: Sunken Ship Relics. ]

[ Completion Rate: Slight ]

[ Rewards: Choose one Sub-Ecopark opening qualification. ]

Another opening qualification for an Sub-Ecopark was successfully obtained. Yuga let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's quickly leave this place!" Now that Yuga's mission was complete, he immediately wanted to depart. After all, the environment here was far from friendly for humans.

Robert nodded. "I'll keep this diary!" Saying that, he tucked the diary into his backpack.

"What do you need that thing for? It's useless and filthy!" Having understood the history of the sunken ship, the diary was of no use to Yuga.

Robert smiled. "For collecting. After all, it's an ancient artifact."

"I didn't expect you to be an enthusiast for ancient artifacts!"

Yuga found his idea quite speechless, but this item was useless to him. He could do whatever he pleased with it.

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